
Published on May 6, 2001


Gino By Justin Brandis

Hello again!! I am very sorry for not writing in sooooo long, but there has been little or no time to write in the last few years, and my desire to write had left me, however I recently got my inspiration back, and will be writing more often now. I will write more after the conclusion of this story, as I don't want to give anything away, but for those that have been waiting for the conclusion of this story, I appreciate your patience and hope that it's been worth the wait.

Summer's End

By the middle of the summer, Gino and I had gotten into a very serious relationship with one another. We had finally decided to confide in some of our close friends what was going on between us, and to our surprise, none of them objected to it, nor did they tell anyone else. We had managed to tell our parents as well. They refused to believe it at first, but after a few weeks, got over it. Soon, everything was back to normal and we were ready for school to begin. However, summer would not end without a bang.

The weekend before school began, Gino and I had decided to go to the movies to catch one last movie, and spend one last night together before school started up again. We arrived at the movie theater only to find it packed. We decided against watching a movie there and went out to eat. After a very filling dinner, we went bowling. As usual, I defeated him quite easily, but he always took it well, and this time was no exception. "Next time, I want those side rails up, then your ass is mine!" he stated emphatically.

"It already is." I said slyly, slipping him an evil grin.

"Your damn straight it is."

"I'm anything but straight." I said besting him again.

He just laughed at this point and said, "Let's get out of here before I throw you down the ally.

"You still wouldn't get a strike." I said. With that I ran towards the door and he gave chase. He chased me out to the car and by that time we were both out of breath.

"I hate bowling anyway, I prefer scoring goals." Gino said proudly.

"I just enjoy scoring."

"That you do, and do well." Gino said and ran his fingers through my hair messing it up. We got in the car and I drove him home.

When we arrived at his house, we stayed out in the car and talked for a little while. Even though our parents were aware of the situation, we never pushed it on them, and always kept our sexual activities out of their sight.

They respected us more for it. After some small talk, we kissed goodnight. Our kiss was a passionate one, with our tongues massaging one another and it felt very good and very right. We decided that discretion was the better part of valor, and stopped before doing anything more. As he went to get out of the car, he turned to me and said, "I hope that the school year goes well, and we don't have any problems."

"I'm sure it will be fine. We just need to be careful that's all."

"Yeah, your probably right. Night Speedy."

"Night honey...see you Monday." He shut the door and raced inside.

I drove home and got in the shower. I was really horny after being with him, and with nothing else to do, began having thoughts of our past passionate encounters. Next thing I knew, I found that I had gotten a hard on, and began to play with my dick. I leaned against the wall of the shower and stroked my fully hard cock ferociously until finally, I shot my load, which seemed to be one endless stream of cum. I lay in bed finally happy with my life and the way it was going. Soccer season was upon us, and with us both on Varsity this year, the best times were yet to come. I fell asleep with a smile on my face, and drifted off into dreamland.

Winning Season

The beginning of the school year was a rough one, but not without its high spots. Things were going well for our Varsity Soccer team. Gino and I been doing quite well for our team, and were 12-1 in our season up until the end of October. We had dominated every team except one and were about to go up against the "best" team in the district. Our coach was in a very bad mood all that week, and made sure we were all aware of what we were about to go up against. The opposing team was 14-0 and had won each of their games by at least 2 goals. Strategy was discussed at every practice and we had to come up with some new plays. We were confident going into the game, when disaster struck. The day of the game, our goalie got severely injured right before school let out, in a freak accident in wood shop class. This absolutely stunned all of our team. When our team gathered in the locker room, we found out very little about the injury. The coach didn't want to give out too many details, so as to not get us distracted, only saying that we needed to win one for him. We vowed to do so.

The game was brutal. The opposing team knew when we went out that our goalie was out of the game and we had to use a cold goalie as a replacement.

We encouraged our new goalie, and told him to relax and not to get too nervous.

Well, we went out intent to destroy, and after the first half, found ourselves down 4-1. At half time, our coach tore into us like there was no tomorrow. Gino and I discussed a new strategy and decided to go ahead with it. The second half saw two quick goals by us, followed by a goal by the other team. It was now 5-3. With only 3 minutes left in the game, we incorporated one of our discussed plays, and I kicked the ball halfway down field to a waiting goalie who blocked the shot, and it rebounded back out and Gino kicked it and it bounced off the goalie's head back into play and he booted in his own rebound into the net. It was now a one-goal game with only 45 seconds left to play. Quickly at the start of the next play the opposing team carried the ball down field and made a shot on our goalie, but he just barely got his hands up and blocked the shot. At the same time one of the other players on their team basically speared our goalie and took him down. The ball rolled into our net and they had scored with only twenty seconds left. But, to our surprise even though we were already about to go start a fight a referee waved the goal off, and declared a penalty shot against the other team!

Gino walked up to me and said, "Justin, you're do man, this one's yours." Now, I hadn't scored in three games, and was quite depressed about it. I really didn't want the job with that much pressure on me. After some coaxing from Gino, I agreed. The ball was placed and I ran and kicked the ball as hard as I could aiming for a small pocket in the upper left corner. The goalie blocked the shot with his hands but it hit the goal post and ricocheted backwards into the net. Tie game.

I wish I could say that we won in overtime, but alas it was not to be. However we didn't lose either. It ended a tie game. We had placed second in our division, and were quite happy with our 14-1-1 record for the season.


Our season had come to an end, and a party was in order. It was now the middle of November, and Thanksgiving was only a week away. Our entire team had decided on a party at Gino's house the weekend before. As always, Gino was up to the task. The day of the party I got a phone call.


"Yeah, what's up babe?" I said casually.

"What time you comin over?"

"I don't know, what time you want me there?"

"Well, I was hoping you were going to spend the night if you are okay with that. I'm thinking that we can really celebrate our winning season if you know what I mean!"

"Is that a good idea in your house with the whole team there? Not to mention, we decided not to do anything in either of our houses anymore."

"You worry too much Justin, just get over here as soon as you can, and bring some extra clothes with you." Gino said with some swagger.

"Alright, sounds good, see you then."

"Love you.", he said.

"Love you more", I said and hung up.

I gathered up some extra clothes, grabbed a shower, and loaded on some cologne. I knew what I was about to get into and was both excited and nervous at the same time. There was always some good in getting together with the team, especially without the coach around. Gino's parent's were going to be around, but usually were pretty cool about situations like these. The soccer team had some really good-looking guys on it, and the myth about soccer player's being gay seemed to hold true for at least half of the team, or at least so we hoped.

The party got loud and then chaotic. No alcohol was present, but that didn't seem to stop these guys from getting really loud and obnoxious. Gino tried to get himself involved with everyone on the team and eventually, started to get tired. It was getting late and Gino was getting tired, and so was I. About half of the team was still there and none of them showed any signs of wanting to leave anytime in the near future. Finally, it took Gino's parents to get rid of most of the rest, leaving only Damon, Brad, Gino, and myself.

Brad and Damon were two of the most amazing looking players on the team, and Gino and I were quite certain they were a couple. They acted almost exactly like we did in public, and we were about to find out we were right.

They asked if they could spend the night, and Gino smiled and said that it wasn't a problem, and they could crash in the spare bedroom if they wanted. We all ended up in Gino's bedroom hanging out when Damon spoke up.

"I'm taking a big risk here, but I'm going to ask anyways. Are you two...well, I mean, are you and Justin.."

"Are you two gay?" Brad finished for him.

Gino spoke up immediately, "Why is it a problem if we are?"

"No, man, it's not, we were just curious." Brad said.

"Yeah, we don't care, just wonderin." Damon finally managed to chime in.

"No.", I said sternly. Gino flashed me a strange look. I waited for a response.

"Oh, well, we didn't mean anything by it. Please don't take it the wrong way." Damon said worried.

Brad hung his head low so we couldn't see his eyes. Gino sensed the tension and decided to break it.

"Look, everyone just calm down. If you two must know, Justin and I are together, but we don't want the world to know. If you two are looking for trouble..."

"No, I already said we weren't, we were curious cause we are together as well." Brad finished.

I was quite relieved to hear Brad say that. It eased the tension. We then got into a conversation about everyone in school that we thought may or may not be gay. After what seemed like forever, they decided they wanted to hit the sack. "We're gonna head to bed, if that's okay. We'll see you in the morning unless you two want to stay UP for a while."

Gino didn't even need any time to think, "No, we're gonna get to bed as well. Thanks for the offer though."

"Okay, no problems, enjoy yourselves, we know we will."

They headed off to the guest bedroom, and Gino and I were left alone.

"Thank goodness they headed off to bed", I said.

"Yeah, I'm horny as hell after all of this sex talk!" Gino stated.

A Memorable Event

He went over and turned on his radio and I quickly slipped off my shirt and jumped on his bed. He took off his shirt and leaped onto the bed next to me. He leaned over and kissed me on the lips and put his left arm around me and pulled me closer to him and swung on top of me. We started to kiss more forcefully now, tongues probing each other and our bodies intertwined with one another. I wrapped my arms around him and held him tight as he started to grind against my crotch even though we were both still wearing pants. I could feel his rod against me and it was thrusting with mine and he began to suck on my neck and I his. He pinned my arms down over my head and kissed me again with even more force. He then began to work his way down to my nipples, licking around them as they got hard. He let me up for a second so he could remove my pants as well as his. Now, we were only in our boxers and he went down past my crotch to my legs and kissed and massaged them followed by licking his way up my thighs toward my balls. He grabbed my balls through my boxers, and my dick jumped. He pulled them out through the hole in the front of my boxers and sucked on them gently at first, then just left them there and climbed back on top of me and we kissed again. His dick and mine grinded and I wrapped my arms around him again and put my hands down his boxers and grabbed his ass. He was now thrusting his hips up and it felt really good. I slipped down under him and kissed his chest and then went down and slipped off his boxers and his dick slapped me in the face. Quickly, I grabbed it and guided it into my mouth. Gino thrust down and into my mouth, and let out a loud gasp. "Ooooh Justin, that's it, don't stop!" His legs were powerful, and he positioned himself so that he could remain upright somewhat and I massaged his ass as he started to rapidly thrust his member deeper and deeper into my mouth. After only a few minutes, he forced me to stop only so he could slip down and remove my boxers. A large amount of precum had gathered at the tip and even had soaked through my boxers.

He immediately engulfed my dick and started bobbing up and down rapidly on it, and I was in total heaven. He reached up with his one hand and grabbed my legs and ran his hands up and down them and then swung his legs around and allowed me access to his dick again as well. We then did a 69 for what seemed like an eternity. His load soon filled my mouth with cum and it caused a wave to come over me and I exploded in his mouth and had a near minute and a half orgasm. After a while, nothing came out, but I still felt the rush of adrenaline for several seconds and we collapsed in exhaustion. He climbed back up and I laid my head on his shoulder.

"That was wonderful!" I said, barely able to move.

"I know that you are good, but tonight you were amazing!" Gino said with some pride.

"Well, what do you expect, there are two stallions getting it on in the next room. There has to be some competition."

"There's no competition, that's why I turned them down. You're the one I'm with, and I refuse to mess that up."

I almost melted. "That was the sweetest thing I've ever heard."

"I love you, you know."

"I love you too." I returned.

"No, I mean it. I really love you. I don't want to see anyone else, or even think about anyone else. Just you." Gino said with tears in his eyes.

I hesitated for a second and finally said, "I meant what I said too. I love you. I would never do anything to risk what we have. What we have is real."

"I just needed to tell you that I love you, that's all." Gino said softly.

"Okay, anytime you compliment me, I'm gonna listen."

He then laid his head down on my chest and lay there for a few minutes, then picked up his head and kissed me gently on the lips.

"Goodnight sweetie." He said seriously, "I love you."

"I love you more" I said grinning, "Night baby." With that we fell asleep in each others' arms.

The next morning when we got up, Damon and Brad had already left. Gino walked me out to my car and we kissed goodbye, and said we'd see one another on Monday. "Love you." I said as I pulled out.

"Love you more!" he managed to get in, and smiled.

Final Chapter

We only had three days of school before Thanksgiving Break. They went quickly and we had made arrangements for him to come over for Thanksgiving. He needed to be picked up and I had agreed to do so at around 4:30. When I got there he said goodbye to his parents and told them he'd be back the next day. We got in my car and he leaned over and kissed me and said, "Hey Speedy, how's my guy?"

"Better, now that you're here." I returned.

We headed towards my house. We got to the intersection before my house, and as I pulled out, a large truck came out of nowhere and smashed into the passengers side of my car pushing it into a spin and rammed into another car which caused it to get pinned between the truck and the other car. We then were thrown head on into a telephone pole where we stopped. We had been wearing our seatbelts and the airbags had been activated. I was dazed, and knew I was hurt right away, and could feel blood trickling down my face on both sides. I was also having trouble seeing. I could tell that the car was on fire, and that we needed to get out of it immediately. I looked over at Gino who was not moving. I undid his seat belt and tried to get him up and moving, but was having no luck. He was slumped over and looked really bad. I managed to get him and I out of the car through my window with the help of someone who had just gotten there, though I couldn't think straight.

I was more concerned about Gino and his health. Someone told me to sit down and that I was bleeding really badly from the head and that my arm was broken. I didn't care. I looked down at Gino and heard another person say he wasn't breathing. I fell to the ground and grabbed his hand and held it tightly and begged for him to be alright, and soon passed out still clutching his hand....

Gino died right there at the scene of the accident. He was only 19 years old. I somehow managed to escape with only a concussion and a broken arm and slight hearing loss. The driver of the truck was drunk, and ran the light not even aware that we were there. He escaped with no injuries. The driver of the other car died as well, and along with her, the lives of two unborn children.

I somehow made it through the following few days. The funeral was very emotional. His parents didn't blame me and were very understanding and were there for me. My whole world had been ripped out from under me, and I was angry. This man's blood alcohol level who killed four (and yes, I consider it four) people was .35! How this was possible, I didn't understand, but I was not going to let him get away with it.

I am still involved in the case and have met with the husband of the pregnant woman who was killed and we all have gotten to be very close since the incident occurred.

This had caused my lack of desire to write the end of the story, but someone I would meet in the future, would change my opinion on all of this, and I will be writing about this wonderful person now, and continuing this story, but in a different way. The new story is going to be called "Impossible Greek Quest" and picks up where this one leaves off. I'll be covering more of what has happened since the accident and why I'm even writing now. Yes, there'll be plenty of sex, but for those that like my stories, should truly like the new one, I consider it to be my best work yet. For those of you wondering why the timeline and ages don't make sense, I'll explain it in more detail later, but don't want to say too much now.

If you want, send me feedback on this story. The end of the story is 100% real, and not fictionalized except for the names as I have already stated. "Gino" knew I was writing the story up to the last point where I left off, and was very supportive of it. He always read what I wrote and helped edit it.

Gino, I love you very much and will miss you always. You'll always be there in my dreams and I'll see you quicker than you can call me "Speedy"...God Speed.

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