
By Mike Green

Published on May 1, 2010


GINO by - Mike - Down Under

Hi guys, this is my first attempt at writing erotica for men. If you are not into consenting adult M2M sex or swearing and course language is not your scene then please, go els where. This story is partly based on fact and partly on fiction. I have taken a long time to set the scene for what follows, not only in this part but in subsequent adventures as well. So do persevere with it.

I had hunkered after cock for as long as I can remember. In my early teens I formed a friendship with another kid Geoff), 2 farms away (I'm from farming stock). We learnt to suck and jack each other off; after some time we also taught ourselves to fuck one another. So at a tender age, I was sexually active and as I grew older and into my mid to late teens I discovered other male family members loved sex as much as me. So we did it all for years with no harm to anyone. The pal I learnt with moved away after he left school at the legal age, while I continued till graduation.

In all this time I was perving on any male within eye shot and lusted after them; more so if they had hairy chests. This was always evident during the warmer spring and summer months when they stripped off to the waist. The incoming Italian men didn't help either. The local farming community had an influx of immigrants after the Second World War; most were Mediterranean - that is Italians. These were new to me and I found their dark looks and muscled and hairy bodies erotic, and the sweaty smell they gave off after manual work was a real turn on to say the least. Fuck! How I fantasized over them at night under the sheets or up Geoff's ass, or while sucking his cock

But, I did the right thing by society and found me a chick to settle down with and fill her cunt and arse with cock and cum whenever I got horny. Taught her about sex, sired a few kids and luckily for me she loved a good fuck and would take it anywhere,anytime. She never did learn to suck cock like my family members or the young mate, though, nor could she jack me off as well even though she would jack me any time I wanted it. Pulled me off in the car one day while were out driving in the country; stuck her hand down the front of my track suit pants and grabbed my cock (have always gone commando when possible) and worked the foreskin till my cock stiffened and precum oozed out the slit; the horny bitch then commenced to slide her hand up and down the full length of my thick 6.5" till I shot my load over myself and inside my pants. She craved my mouth, tongue and fingers and cock in any hole I would put them. Often I would go to work with my beard smelling of dry cunt juice after I had sucked her hairy cunt dry early in the morning. I liked nothing better than to go around with cock and balls swinging free and covered in cunt juice. The wife was a fuckin screamer as well which didn't help as the kid's got older...

But still, I yearned for cock and balls and it got to the point that later on in life when I was far up the wife and started to fill her with cum I imagined it was a pal's ass I was fucking and filling with cock and hot jism. It even got to the point where I preferred to fuck her ass (luckily she loved it up there) or, go down between her legs and use my lips, tongue and fingers on her for a good hour or so while all the time I imagined a mate was fingering my hairy man cunt squeezing my balls and milking my cock. I even moaned as I sucked the wife's cunt, cos I could feel HIS cock up my ass filling me with man love. Shit I was hungry for man 2 man contact and had no idea how to go about it. The last thing I wanted was for society to think I was a faggot, or catch some fuckin god-awful disease from a bloke. Yet, I needed cock badly. I needed the comfort that only another man can give; his strong arms, his muscular thighs and above all his throbbing, pulsating cock and pendulous balls full of cum. So! for many fuckin years I sublimated my yearning for cock and went about in total lock down doing as I should according to societal rules, but jacking off often and frequently living out my fantasies, as I spunked and cum over myself or lapped up the jism caught in my hand as I emptied my balls..

So! In the not distant past (about 7 years ago) I had to leave the country life as the work dried up. I took a job in the big smoke. The kids had grown up and flown the coop so it was just the wife and I when I went home one weekend in four. It had to be that way as I was driving 4 hrs one way, leaving the city early AM Saturday morning, driving home, and leaving early afternoon the next day to get back to the city. Anyway! The first 12 months were not that bad. I got to fuck all weekend when home and the rest of the time I milked my cock at every chance I could get which was morning and night during the week (sometimes at work in the bathroom behind the locked cubicle door) and all fuckin weekend through boredom. I was, you might say: as horny as hell, but I had always been like that. Obviously, being away from home, and my willing snatch for so long, made me hornier as all I did was think about sex.

However, living away from home did have distinct advantages :-))

My interest in men re-surfaced and of course, where I lived, in the inner suburbs, there were nothing but Greek, Italian, Turkish and Middle Eastern blokes. I was totally surrounded by all this flesh, hair and the sexuality that came off these guys. It was one big turn on. The dark olive skins made darker by the sun; the hair so thick and trying to escape over the tops of tee shirts or from shirts open half way down to the belly, AND often the tight denim that hid nothing. I was in heaven but what to do about it. I wasn't the type that could walk up to a guy and say "wanna fuck??" Though, as I got to know a lot of the locals - the men in particular, I came to realize that a lot of them loved cock as much as me and were open about it. But me and my inhibiting upbringing and those fuckin societal ideas got in the way so I put up with the persistent groping, the open invitations to get myself fucked or: "I'm horny wanna suck my cock" or often I was asked if I would give someone a hand job. From time to time, I was also asked if I wanted a mutual JO session. I was becoming a shit can of a fuckin mess. I wanted to fuck em all or at least suck their cocks but I also knew they gossiped just like women. They were so open about sex it made me envious. And, the more I mixed with them the more I was tempted until Gino strolled into my life and totally upset my equilibrium.

I had heard on the grape vine at work that a new lot of recruits had started. Around mid-afternoon one day I made my way to the bathroom to have a piss and a JO if no one else was around. As I approached the door, coming towards me was the most magnificent creature I had ever seen. He was my height, 6ft, but about 60lbs heavier than my 225 lbs. As I took in the beauty strolling towards me I saw that, while not handsome in the traditional way as he was more rugged in looks; his dark olive skin was offset by a large hooked nose, big twinkling brown eyes and black hair slicked back off the forehead, more than made up for lack of male beauty. Then he smiled at me and my heart stopped; my legs weakened and then my heart took off pumping like crazy as his smile lit up his face and showed off his even white teeth. Then he spoke and said a simple: "hi".

I managed to mumble "Hi" back and gave him a smile but felt like a virginal schoolgirl. I was hooked and in love with this guy without even knowing his name. He oozed masculinity and sex, so, taking in his large protruding belly and the five o clock shadow on his face I just knew that here was a bear of the grand order. My eyes swept down to his crotch, Yep!! There was a bulge in the reasonably tight pants he wore. I looked up and caught his sparkling browns twinkling at me and I was fuckin sure he knew I had checked him out. He was one of the new recruits.

Over the next few weeks we kept meeting as we went about our business; that is, at the photo copier or fax machine or coming in or out the rest room. We had by then introduced one another and I found out his name was Gino, 36yo, (I was 56 yo) 1st generation Australian Italian who liked to dance and go clubbing, something I never thought of doing in my wildest dreams. We got along like a house on fire and I was so fuckin horny all the time as he was making me stir-crazy with his sex appeal. Whenever I saw him in the breakout area, or at the photo copier, I took a short break to just be near him and have a chat.

I also started to meet him downstairs on the pavement when he went there for a smoke (smoking was banned in the building). We become good friends with each other and by then he was confiding in me and I learnt that he had a female partner who had 2 kids from her failed marriage; he had a female up north of the state who sent him the train fare every once in a while so he could go to her for a dirty weekend. He told me as well that he was also dating women from work and had more than once been caught in the stairwell kissing them from time to time. We had also started to go out for drinks, a meal and clubbing afterwards. He was attentive and made a real fuss over me and by now, he would hug me whenever he saw me and would kiss me on the cheek while doing it. Once I was away on vacation for 6 weeks and the first time he saw me on my return, he put down his brief case, swept me into his arms and commenced to kiss me all over the face, or rather repeatedly on each cheek. He held me tightly in his arms and I could feel his bulge against mine. What was I to do, or, think, I mean, one of his favorite saying was, "I love you Bello"

By now we had settled into a regular Friday night routine of drinks, meal and clubbing until the sun came up the next day. This meant he would catch the first train back to his place and I could catch the first tram home. After awhile he started coming around to my place other nights during the week; we dined down the street, then on return from eating we opened a few bottles of red while I showed him how to use the computer better; more so how to use the search engines etc. and helped him look for porn from mild to wild. During the course of all our conversations we got discussing sex in general and how both of us loved it and were passionate in bed. He told me he had avery thick 8" uncut cock whose foreskin was nearly as long but that, when he stiffened it moved back to let his cock head poke out. He had long thick pubes that he kept trimmed cos they kept getting caught in his foreskin. I had to agree with him as I did the same and told him so. I also told him I had a thick 6.5" uncut cock that was never down. He never "fucked" his women, rather, he "porked" them. I still don't know why he used that word. But I can say that only once did I ever hear him swear. He did ask once why I didn't pick up a chick and "pork" her. He was informed that I was not going to break my marriage vows.

Early on when he started to come around home he asked if he could take his shirt off as he felt at home and always took it off when he got through the front door. I'm not stupid altogether, I was wondering for a long time just how hairy he really was. I knew he had a fair bit from what I could see that poked over the top of his shirts. But WOWEE ! The first time was sensational; I couldn't take my eyes off him. He had big muscles and the hair covered him all over - front and back. All bear with a big belly covered in fur. It was about that time we got down to real sex talk and what we liked and what we would like to try, and how both of us could fuck for hours once we started. We both admitted that it would be great to try M2M sex as neither of us had tried it. Another confession; I had started to suck a few guys off and had been fucked a few times but only quickies and one night stands. All of them left me cold. But I wasn't about to tell Gino just in case he was leading me on. I say this because, as much as I loved him, and yes! I was in love with the big cunt and didn't know how to tell him except in his way that is to say "I love you " Simple and plain but did it mean anything, and more importantly, did it make any difference to Gino whether I loved him or not?

Over drinks one Friday night and during dinner afterwards, he told more about the females he porked. Turns out that, besides the 2 regulars, his partner and the one up north, he was having it off with 4 others at work and often he would also go to a brothel, or pick up a female for sex only. Fuck!! I thought I was sex mad but this guy made me look like a kindergarten kid. But I could now understand better, why, sometimes I would get an email from him canceling our next engagement;

"Sorry Bello" he would say, then follow up with "I'll make it up to you next time"

In his own way he did to; more attentive, more gentle and the warm strong arms around me that I knew were his way of showing his fondness for me. He had an infectious laugh and a quick wit combined with the most beautiful sad brown eyes that always beg forgiveness. One was never upset with him for long as he used these like weapons plus his open sexuality and the chemistry he threw out endeared him to most people.

It was that same night I was mad at him for turning me down for a female, but as I said above, my anger didn't last to long. It dissolved as always when he made me the centre of attention for the night. He never let me out of his sight; he bought me drink after drink and finished up dragging me, a fuckin 56 yo, bald headed guy, onto the dance floor to dance with him - and I mean dance with him. While not actually embracing, hey! People didn't dance like that anymore. All we did was jump around so it was easy to follow. LOL .

Once the bracket of music stopped I said I was off to the bar for a drink and would bring him one back sometime. I was at the bar having a quiet scotch and dry when I was approached by a good looking guy in his late twenties. He was pleasant enough and asked me for a light and if I was having fun. I told him I didn't smoke so no light but he stayed and chatted for a bit and then, feeling a bit guilty about being so long away from Gino, I made my excuses and went looking for the hunk. As usual, I found him trying to chat up twenty something females who were actually repulsed by the big brawny fat bellied old man trying to pick them up. I say this in all seriousness because, though he was Apollo in my eyes, to many others he came across as a dirty old man, until they got to know him; and there was little chance, or time, in those clubs for Gino to work his magic on them. The music started again, and one older female came up to him and asked him to dance. I'm still not sure why I did it, or said it, at that moment but I had decided he was mine for the night. I put my arms around Gino, moved in close groin to hip and reminded him that "you promised this next dance with me sweetheart" He kind of looked at me as if he was going to kill me and I though OH SHIT!! I've gone too far.

Something else you need to know about him. He was a trained killer (had spent years in the Australian equivalent of the American elite marines), had had his own detective agency for 7 years and still had a license to carry and use a .38 gun (whatever that is) and was involved part time with security at a government level. Another reason for twenty something's to be turned off by him was that he really did look as if he had just walked off the set of the "Sopranos"

So now you know why I thought he might kill me. I did see something cross his eyes and shuddered. But he saw the funny side, put his arms around me, kissed me on the cheek and in front of the female said "ah ha Bello, that's not all I promised you" and kissed my cheek again and lead me to the dance floor. I'm sure I saw the female mouth "fuckin poofs" Some hours later after more dancing, more drinks and more cheek kissing the band wound down, the crowd left, and we went upstairs to an all night bar for one for the road.

While Gino was at the bar getting the drinks who should come towards me but the young guy I had chatted to earlier downstairs. We greeted each other like long lost lovers; arms went about each other and we stood there cheek to cheek hugging and swaying from side to side. Well hey!! After a few years among those men in my community and 6 months or so with Gino, I thought nothing of hugging and kissing cheeks. Besides, I had really had a bit too much to drink - well that's my excuse.

Before I knew it a strong hand grabbed my shoulder and pulled me off. I caught the look of utter jealousy in Gino's eyes as he wondered who the guy was. I introduced them to each other, explaining to Gino how we met and said, "Now let's all hug again" so the three of us stood there for a minute in a triple hug. Again, I still don't know why I said that - to much drink loosening my tongue perhaps ?.

We broke the hug, the guy moved on, and the hunk and I went to the bar where the drinks were waiting. As usual the talk turned to sex and Gino pointed out that this was a good place to find myself a man for sex. I kind of looked at him silly, put my hand on his shoulder and said, "Bello, if I'm gonna go that way it'll be with a real man, not a fuckin boy". He looked startled, grinned at me, then hugged me some more. By now I think you getting the idea he was the hugging type. Well, I'm not complaining cos often he hugged me so close to his big chest I felt his big crotch against mine. It was heaven. I knew it was big because at work when I went to his desk for a chat and looked into his lap, all you saw was a big mound between his thighs. After a few more drinks we headed downstairs to the pavement for a couple of black coffees. They were readily available in coffee shops even at 4 AM on a Saturday morning. Over coffee we chatted about the night's events and the ones that got away. Well from Gino at least. At 5 AM and a few coffees later we decided to catch a cab back to my place and crash. Gino would sleep on the spare mattress as he had sometimes done in the past.

We left the entertainment complex and turned right heading for Swanston Street to the taxi rank. We walked along the river embankment, weaved in and out of the statues that lined the walk, stopped for a bit to take in the warm summer night air. All the time Gino had his arm around me telling me that "I love you bello". Along the walk, light poles were placed equal distance but only threw light a few feet. In the middle between any 2 poles there was semi darkness and I walked to the embankment wall and stood there in semi darkness looking at the lights reflected on the water from the buildings on the other side of the river. It had been a magical night for me and somehow I found myself thinking of Gino and if he really did love me as he said. I was happy and sedated by the night and the reflected lights. The warm breeze didn't help.

With Gino at my side and his arm around me we stood and drank in the night, with neither of us speaking. He removed his arm and lit another cigarette. He took a few puffs of it and then, much to my surprise, and his, I reached for the cigarette and took a drag. Gino almost recoiled in horror at what I had done, exclaiming, "Bello, what? You don't smoke" I just looked at him, smiled, and handed it back to him. After 22 years of not smoking I had just started again. He took a drag, looked at me and handed it back to me. This went on until it was finished.

"Beautiful morning Bello isn't it" Gino exclaimed and put his arm around my shoulder, then continued, "A good time to be making love".

I turned my head, looked at him and responded with, "Well then, we better get you back home then hey?"

"Not yet Bello, there's no hurry, let's stay a while here. It's so peaceful and romantic."

Now I was really confused. What the fuck's got into the hunk I wondered.

I was soon to find out and my life would never be the same again.

continue reading... Gino - Part II

All responses will be gratefully acknowledged. - Mike @

Next: Chapter 2

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