
By Mike Green

Published on May 30, 2010


GINO - Part III by Mike Down Under (

Hi guys, this is my first attempt at writing erotica for men. If you are not into consenting adult M2M sex or swearing and if course language is not your scene then please, go elsewhere. This story is partly based on fact and partly on fiction. I have taken a long time to set the scene for what follows, not only in this part but in subsequent adventures as well. So do persevere with it.

Previously - Settling down in the back seat of the taxi, I gave the driver my address. Then the big lug reached out for my hand and pulled me into his arms while attempting to kiss me full on my lips. Somewhat startled by this public show of affection I could only push him away and mutter, "Gino!! The taxi driver; he might see."

"SO!" came his quick response, then added for good measure, "I'll give him a kiss too if he wants."

I'm sure the taxi veered across the road as it took us home and into a world full uninhibited sex with the stud of my dreams

However, it wasn't about to end there. Once in the big lugs arms and struggling to free myself from his good natured behavior and his trying to kiss me, I somehow, found my face in his crotch. All he did was laugh uproariously at my assumed discomfort. But I was to have the last laugh.

As I collected myself I got a strong wiff of his cum. I stopped struggling long enough to come to the conclusion that no matter what I did in regards to sex Gino wouldn't break my neck, so without further ado, I reached out with my hand and got a good feel of the basket between his thighs; as I thought, there was instant silence and the lug stopped playing around like a playful puppy. I rubbed and massaged and squeezed fuck knows what, but whatever it was it was coming to life. I found the zipper on his pants and without saying anything Gino moved his big ass forward onto the edge of the seat and opened his legs wide. Once the zipper was accounted for, my hand slipped in and found a throbbing cock beneath his jocks. I was in heaven.

I worked his pants fly open wide to reveal in the passing lights some of his cock outlined and straining for release, in of all things, silk jocks; but it was the man scent I hungered for. I opened his fly as wide as possible given the restraint of belt and button at his waist. Somehow, I managed to get most (I think) of his silk-covered cock shaft out into the opening of his fly. With all my maneuvering around between his legs Gino was trying to hold me still. I brushed his hand away and buried my face full onto his cock. He kind of jumped a bit then settled down and decided I should have my own way. I sniffed his scent as I buried my face in his cock which by now was as hard and stiff as a wooden floor board. I savored the moment and the aroma, ran my face up and down the underside of his shaft (I should say at this point that the lug had his cock running up his belly, hence him being able to give me my first dry humping described earlier).

For several minutes I just did nothing but rub my face over as much cock as I could, taking in the heady smell of Gino's spunk, his man smell, sweat and whatever else that smelt of him. While I took in his smells and in particular the smell of his spunk, I also began to get turned on by his jocks that were still wet in places. I felt Gino's big paw touch my head as he just ran his fingers through my hair. I loved the way he touched me, always gentle and loving and that made me feel great. But now, all I wanted was to take in his aromas. SO! I started to lick his cock and then commenced to suck on the shaft through the jocks. Because of its size I wasn't able to get my mouth around the head as I think it was stuck somewhere up under his belt. I was to find out later that his cock head was indeed up under the belt so it would have been useless me trying to suck him off in the taxi anyway unless I was able to undo his belt and button at the top of the fly, and with little time to spare before arriving home I had to make the most of a good situation that could only get better.. I could though, as I said, suck on the shaft and at the same time I sucked cum off his jocks. Gino was squirming around in the seat and was starting to move his hips up and down in a slow rhythmic fuck of my face. All I could do was keep on sucking and licking his pulsating cock as I squeezed his balls through his trousers, ran my hand up the inside of his thighs and generally enjoyed myself like a pig in a trough. Sometime through all this, the inside light of the taxi came on, but I was oblivious to much of my surroundings anyway.

"Bello! Bello." I heard the sound of Gino's voice through my sex haze. I momentarily lifted my head up at the interruption and saw his big grin. He went on, "We are home Bello." Such was his strength he lifted me up from his crotch and sat me up; as he did so the grin widened on his rugged face and I saw the twinkle in his eye that told me he was happy. "Been enjoying yourself??" He asked for good measure.

My response was to plant a hard kiss on his mouth, than ask. "What do you think?" dropped a hand to his groin and squeezed. Gino hugged me, returned the kiss and told me we should pay the driver and let him go. I turned to the driver and asked how much. He grinned at me and just said. "No charge habib. The show was excellent"

"Habib?" I queried and then asked, "You Lebanese?"

He just laughed by way of acknowledgment and said that if I saw him down the street anytime I was welcome to have a coffee and an agheri (water pipe) with him. I patted his shoulder and told him I would like that, as I had many Lebanese friends in the community and loved them all. He just broke into a wide grin. Hmmmmmmmm! I thought to myself and was beginning to think ahead when I was bought to again by Gino squeezing tight my arm to get me back to the land of the living.

I checked again with, Joe, for that was his name as I found out during our brief conversation, about the taxi fee, but he shrugged it off and said it was on him and that he would take a rain check on it. Then he gave me the sexiest smile and wink I've ever had. But I had no time to respond as Gino was already out of the taxi and was dragging me with him almost by the scruff of my neck, which I might add, was unusual for him. I looked at him to see if all was Ok but all wasn't OK. I saw thunder written all over the big lugs face.

Oh Shit!! I thought to myself, he's jealous, just as he was with that guy in the nightclub. Without a backward glance at the taxi or the sexy driver, I put my arms around Gino's neck, looked him straight in the eyes, rubbed my groin against his and then planted a gentle kiss on his lips, nuzzled his neck then whispered, "Come upstairs sweetheart so I can finish what I started." With that I swept my hand down to the front of his pants and sure enough, he was stiff and still hadn't done up his fly, then added. "I want you big boy." then gave him a wicked grin for good measure.

His response was that dirty chuckle of his as he asked with a twinkle in his eye "What? You want a boy now? No more wanting a man; are you afraid you can't handle them?" With that he put his strong arms around me and hugged me before sucking on my bottom lip. His hands slid down the small of my back and grabbed both my ass cheeks and pulled me into him as if to say that I belonged to him. Then to my surprise the big lug bent down and before I could do anything he picked me up in his arms and proceeded to carry me upstairs.

I could only laugh out loud and hang on for dear life as he broke into a fucking trot up the stairs with me bouncing around in his arms. Half way up the stair-well to my place on the top floor the stairs turned left after a small landing. Gino unceremoniously dumped me on my feet at that point and with his barrel chest pressed against my rather, well, meagre, chest, he firmly placed his paws either side of my head, palms pressed into the wall so that he forced me into the corner and effectively stopping any escape; not that I was about to escape anyway. Rubbing his groin against mine he placed his big hairy hands (or should that read paws) on either side of my face, looked me in the eye and told me he loved me so much it hurt. Surprisingly, this threw me as he was always telling me that to the point where I took it for granted. But this time it was said with such intensity and force, and with far more warmth in his voice than ever before. In fact, looking back to that now, his voice had a slight tremble in it. I gave him a kiss and moved into his chest and snuggled into it for a minute feeling strangely tender towards Gino. It wasn't long though till I felt Gino's cock starting to twitch violently against my crotch.

I had completely forgotten he was still half out and half in, even if covered in silk. I slipped my hand down between us and felt his cock throbbing and pulsating. What's more, his jocks were far wetter than earlier. Was this caused by leaking precum or my copious spit when I attacked (attacked??) him in the taxi I thought to myself. I took his hand and led him up the next flight of steps to the main landing, my apartment, and to a wild sex filled weekend of lust and love.

Before we entered, I turned around, as I usually did, to take in the sun climbing up over the CBD skyscrapers and knew it was going to be a great day. Gino's hand came up to my shoulder and he whispered into my ear. "Bello, no more waiting please, my balls are aching and swelling up." I looked up, startled again as the tone in his voice was full of anguish and I think at that point I realized that he did indeed, have a humongous sex drive and needed constant relief hence his women, and dare I say it now his man. All I could do for the poor man was open the door and take him inside and give him the relief he needed.

Having been here many times Gino new the layout and quickly crossed to the bedroom and in the process, turned his head to me and with a nod and a wink that intimated I should follow; he proceeded to take his shirt off as he went through the bedroom door. All I could do was follow, not meekly, but in tow as he had taken control of the situation. Then again, I think he was always in control of ALL situations LOL. By the time I entered the bedroom, Gino's shirt had been folded neatly over the chair; he was sitting on the edge of the bed taking off his shoes and socks. Without further ado, he stood and loosened his belt and the button of his pants and started to slide them off.

I crossed the remaining three steps in one stride, caught his hands just as his pants were around his lower hips and held them tight. I gave my head a negative shake and squatted down. I wasn't going to miss this opportunity for any one, not even the big lug. As I slowly lowered his pants his jocks encased cock came into view. It was held upright by his tight fitting light blue jocks and his cock extended up and over his belly button but swung away from it, and his belly from the weight, or was it length, so that the edge of his jocks were at least an inch, or more, from his belly and yes!! It was bigger than he had said but I had yet to actually see the fucking thing. Below it and encased in the same blue silk were outlined the biggest set of balls I had ever seen on a man, but until I removed his jocks I could only imagine what they looked like same for his cock that seemed to come alive for it was twitching and moving around in the jocks. His balls, though not perfectly matching or symmetrical due to the usual one of them being a bit smaller, they were still very impressive. Sliding his pants down past his knees I moved into Gino's bulging crotch and pushed my face into it once more inhaling his man smell. I felt his fingers lightly touch my head then hold me tight against his leaking, throbbing cock while I continued to slide his pants down to his ankles.

With face still buried in his groin, I felt Gino lift one foot for me to take his pants leg away. This was done with the other leg - Gino wore nothing but his light blue satin jocks. Well G-string as I found out once I ran my hands around to his ass cheeks. All I could do was giggle into his crotch at the sensation I felt under my fingertips as they came into contact with his very, very bare, hairy arse. I heard a plaintive begging "Bello, oh baby, please" and realized I had drifted off into a daze at my discovery of him wearing a G. But why should that have surprised me - knowing him as I did, even if he was a sex-driven guy, he did appreciate good clothing, fashionable in his choice, even if somewhat muted in colour for my tastes.

I moved my head away from his crotch, looked up at him standing there looking down and saw utter pain written all over his face. Without any more giggling or time wasting, I took a big deep breath and got back to the matter in hand. Well!! Not exactly in hand, more in mouth I think. I honed in on Gino's big balls and commenced to lick and suck and covering them and the G in spit. I moved my mouth up to his cock and commenced to lick and suck it all the way to the top of its head that was at last starting to peek out over the top of his G. I felt the big lug starting to sit down as he spread-eagled himself on the bed; all this time my eyes followed that within his G. Fuck he was big and I could see his G moving almost violently from his cock's pulsation and throbbing. I started to shift position in readiness for my assault on the big lug and before I knew it I was picked up forcibly by my shoulders, or, rather, dragged by my shoulders up Gino's torso and over his live-wire crotch. I finished up on top of him in a tangle of arms and legs. He wrapped his tree-trunk thick thighs around my waist as I started to struggle in an attempt to get up. "And where do you think you're going my Bello bambino??"

"Well! For starters I wanted to get back to what I was doing cos I thought you had a need, but guess I was wrong." I said flippantly and then smiling I reached out and caught a hand full of his thick and very matted chest hair in my fingers and gave them a tug. Not to hard but enough to make him jump a bit. This was all I needed. I slipped out of his leg hold and scooted back down between his legs before he could stop me and for some unknown reason, sunk my teeth, hard, into his cock from the side.

There was silence, Gino didn't move and I thought OOOOOOOOOOOH Shit!! I've gone to far, now he's really gonna break my neck and I started to remember all the things he had told me that he had done or been involved in while working in national security. I might add here that he only ever generalized about this as there was no way he was going to tell me names, places etc. That was something I really respected him for.

I went limp and waited; and waited, and waited for what seemed like minutes until I heard a "Do that again Bello. It felt good and this time try squeezing my balls at the same time. Another long silence ensured as I took in what I had heard, or at least, what I thought I had heard until. "Bello, please, pretty please; just do it for your big stronzo"

I had heard correctly after all, and he was calling himself stronzo just as I called him from time to time. It literally meant shit" in Italian, but Gino knew I used it the same way an Aussie used any swear word when speaking to someone they like. That is, used as a word of endearment rather than derogative. So who was I to argue when it came to the big lug (another term of endearment I used on him by the way).

Without further ado, questioning, or idle chit chat, or flippant remarks, I reached out with one hand grabbed Gino's balls and squeezed. I heard a grunt; he bucked, placed one of his hands on the back of my head and forced my face into his groin. But I got there first. Or rather, I had my mouth open before it reached his mammoth cock. I managed to open wide enough as I had done before and sunk my teeth in. I would point out that I was at right angles to his cock shaft so my teeth bit into the sides of his cock rather than into the tender underside. Hey!! Just cos I love sex doesn't mean I'm gonna bite OFF the cock that feeds me. After all, I had yet to actually see it and that was driving me crazy.

I bit Gino's cock a few more times up and down the shaft and squeezed his balls -sometimes biting them as well as I got a bit over-excited but he didn't complain. I then proceeded to lather his cock and balls with my tongue, interspersing this with hard bites and squeezes. I was a whole pig sty full of pigs in the swill by now and was thoroughly enjoying myself. I'm a fast learner if nothing else. Alternating my biting and squeezing with sucking and licking it wasn't so long before I felt the remembered humping that Gino seemed so fond of. The more I sucked/licked/squeezed and bit, the faster and more violent became his humping under my face/mouth and hands; yes hands. I had started to use two hands on his cock and balls besides mouth, tongue and teeth - and I was in piggy heaven; until.

Until I felt my face literally pushed into Gino's wet, pulsating groin and forced to keep it there by the big lugs two paws crushing my face into his groin. I felt the lug underneath me begin to erupt from his chest to his thighs and all places in between. Gino was literally bouncing and bucking up and down, flat on his back while holding onto the back of my head to keep my mouth and face on his cock and at least one hand squeezing his fuckin balls HARD. Needless to say I had trouble breathing, and hoped like all hell he would let me at least take one more gulp before he drowned me in the cum that was shooting out of his piss slit while he continued to buck and hump my face at the same time. My face and mouth were awash with spunk, spit and no doubt, precum and I was really finding it hard to breath. This was because, as he bucked upwards off the fucking bed, my face was held tight against his groin, so I had no option but to play follow the leader with my face as we went back down with both his hands forcing my face into his cock. A face that was literally glued to Gino's cock and balls while he fucked it. By now I could smell his spunk as well as taste it. It had a very heady aroma I might add - and could hear very loud guttural groans, moans and sighs of contentment coming from Gino. Fucking hell! He was cumming in buckets all over himself and my face but still with the cock head inside his jocks - sorry, G-string.

His bucking and bouncing around lessened and he just lay there trembling from head to toe from the reaction of his cumming. I felt him go limp and then his hands, still on my head, started to run their fingers through my hair. I took the opportunity to take in a few deep gulps of air while managing to raise my head sufficiently to see his belly covered in cum as was the front of his G; I watched, fascinated as his spunk spread as it was soaked up by the satin covering; spreading like a cancer over his G as it mixed with my spit and Gino's precum;. Meanwhile his cock still let lose the left-over cum from those fucking big balls below. My face felt somewhat sticky.

Continued in Gino part 4

Feedback to Mike at is always welcome

Next: Chapter 4

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