
By Mike Green

Published on Sep 20, 2010


PREVIOUSLY - Gino continued the slow, agonising turn (for me anyway) until he was full frontal. He stopped, shifted his weight onto one foot so one hip was thrown upwards slightly as if in a models pose and smiled his warm inviting smile at me; the smile I knew so well. I held out my arms and he re-gained his normal posture and stepped towards me. This set his still, very stiff cock, bouncing around and his balls followed in time. I sat literally transfixed at the size of the cock and balls coming towards me in full swing and bounce. YES!! It WAS big, by most standards, but his balls would have to be as big as chicken's eggs from what I could see of them as they were covered in thick black fur; fur that also surrounded his cock. Gino stopped within arm's reach of me as my hands went out to explore his beauty.

As my hands reached out for Gino's beauty, I noticed three things; one, given the size and weight of his cock, it was standing upright and was nearly touching his mat of belly hair; secondly, such was the length of his foreskin, his cock head was still buried way down deep within, possibly waiting for me to find it. Then my fingertips touched his cock. Thirdly, as my fingers touched the soft velvety skin of Gino's cock, I realised that he was leaking gallons of precum and it was oozing out of his foreskin to gather at the tip and await some ones pleasure.

I felt as if I had been electrocuted, such was the feeling. My finger tips touched the head and slowly pulled Gino's cock right down as far as it would go. I must add here that it was totally flexible in that department as well, because I had managed to pull his cock down to his thighs – as stiff as it was. I let it slip from beneath my finger tips and watched, enthralled, as it sprung back up and then watched it bounce up and down by its own volition. Needless to say, given the sudden movement, Gino's balls wanted a piece of the action and commenced to bounce around as the cock bounced up and down and pre-cum flew around.

I caught Gino's cock with the fingers of my left hand and commenced a slow movement down the cock shaft. As I did this my right hand snuck out and gripped Gino's balls. Tightening my grip on the cock I managed to move the skin down some ways to see the angry purple cock head contained therein. I stroked Gino's balls, squeezed them, and continued on down the cock shaft until my fingers were nestled in a thick curly bush of pubic hair.

Still squeezing Gino's balls with my right hand, I ran the fingers of my left hand through the bush and pulled gently on them and let them go. Such were the length of his pubes around his cock they bounced back into tight curls, only to be teased by me some more as I ran my fingers lovingly through them. By now all my concentration was focused on pubes, cock and balls. I sat there, in front of my man and ran the fingers of both through his pubes, up his belly and further up to his massive hairy chest and back down again. My fingers started to explore Gino's hairy balls by squeezing, massaging and cupping them in both my hands. Having finished playing with them, my fingers caught the hair on his balls and tugging them away from the owner. As I played with his hairy balls and pubic hair, the backs of my hands were touching, or knocking, Gino's very hard, pulsating cock. A cock by then, that was oozing thick and beautiful precum out and down his cock head, and shaft, to land on my hands and fingers.

Before I knew it I was squeezing Gino's cock with both hands and running them up and down the stiff shaft working the skin back and forth extracting all the precum I could. Before long Gino's cock and balls and my hands were wet with precum and as I used both hands to rub the precum into his cock and then around the base of the cock I would sometimes grab and massaged the balls then back onto the cock shaft and onward to the big piss slit and a world of skin.

It fascinated me to the point, that, time and life stood still for me while I lost myself in another world. It was then I came out of my self-induced reverie of exploration to hear, "Bello, Bello, what you doing, you turning me on just by playing with me?" came Gino's very mournful cry of despair.

I looked up at him, with, I should think, my eyes glazed over as I somehow focused on the here and now. All I could do was give him an imbecile grin then without even thinking about it, I simply worked his foreskin back over the cock head and down the cock shaft as I leant forward and engulfed Gino's cockhead and started to suck it. He Jumped then grabbed my head as the tip of my tongue started to slow fuck his piss slit.

As I worked Gino's cock head and piss slit with lips and tongue, my hands went down to his balls and they began to play with, and pull on them. I was that far gone to realize that I had by then grabbed Gino's big balls with both hands and was trying to pull them out of his ball sac. I felt Gino's hands tighten around my head and then his fingers moved down to my face and began to caress it then they moved down to my beard and gently pulled on it. I felt Gino begin to hump my face and not surprisingly, I heard low animal growls coming from him. I gave one last hard yank on his balls then sunk my teeth into his cock head. Gino could only scream out "OOOOOOOOH! BELLO, BELLO, BENE, BENE, BENE."

On hearing Gino's contented cries; remember, he enjoyed me sinking my teeth into his cock earlier so I had no reason to think he wouldn't appreciate some more of the same, but, rather than bite and squeeze again, I pulled off his cock and dropped his balls and looked up at him. He was looking down at me with sad brown eyes and I could see he was unsure why I had stopped. I nodded at him and told him to get on the bed and get comfortable with his arse on the edge of the bed so his balls were dangling down and to open his knees wide enough for me to fit between. He still looked puzzled and unsure of the turn of events but I think he could see the smile in my eyes (or was it lust) and complied with my request.

Once the big lug was settled I fitted myself in between his knees by sitting on the floor with my legs under the bed. I looked up at Gino and saw his big grin as he knew what I was going to do. However, all I did was put my face into his groin and inhaled. I smelt his man scent, his, sweat, his dried cum, his dried precum and my dried spit (if it smelt). I rubbed my face over his cock and into his balls sniffing as I went. What rapture I was in as I got whiff, after whiff, of the most incredible man smell. A smell, that was raw sex incarnate, and the best aphrodisiac known to mankind.

Again, I broke off what I was doing and looked up at my beautiful man animal. I looked into his eyes as I grabbed his cock and began to run my fingers up and down the shaft. "SO!! stronzo. What makes you think you have a big cock? Was it the fact that your brothers thought it was, or, that Your Greek bitch of a Helen called it, or, what?? From where I'm sitting, and from what I'm playing with, I reckon it wouldn't be more than about 9inches."

"Bello" came Gino's quick response. "It's just over 10 inches. But be nice to me bello, you know how I suffered." He added with quiet intensity that was meant to deflect any bullshitting from me about his cock.

"Ok sweet love. No more but for shit's sake don't let it worry you, or the fact that I've had bigger in my hand and mouth.' I said laughing at him and his shocked look.

"Bigger? Bigger than mine" Impossible" Gino said somewhat incredulously. But as he spoke, I noticed the glint of fun in his eyes and knew he was OK with it all.

Si stronzo and a Greek to boot"

"A Greek? A Greek with a bigger dick than mine! Impossible, they not man enough to grow a big dick"

"True my love. He was Greek and he said it was just over 13.5 inches. I must admit as well stonzo, that I wasn't able to touch my fingers around it like I can with your cock. But his balls were far smaller than these" I added for good measure as I hefted his into my hand. Then added "I was so fuckin scared he wanted to fuck me with it but he turned out to be a bottom

"So! Big dick and little balls and didn't want to pork a real man with it; what kind of man was he. HUMPH! AUGH" was all a disgusted Gino could say as I squeezed his balls hard.

"Stronzo, my sweet love, I'm glad he was a bottom else he may have split me in two and I wouldn't be here now." I said breaking into laughter as I continued. "He sucked me off and I fingered him while he was doing that and his arse hole nearly sucked my hand into his man cunt such was the strength of his muscles around his hole.

You gotta be kidding me bello. He woulda been good for porking I think. Did you pork him in the end? Gino asked getting excited at all the sexy talk.

"I did sweet man and he had me in him repeatedly till I could spunk no more" I replied

AAAAAAH bello, you one good porker. How many times did you pork him?

"FUCK!! Gino it was some time ago before you stated to get sexy with me, but from memory, it was about 3 or 4 times over about 4 hours. I must admit stronzo, he knew how to work those muscles to milk my cock" As there was no further response from the lug about my sexcapades with the Greek, I went back to the matters in hand; namely a big pair of very hairy balls and a sweet, stiff, throbbing and very precum wet cock. I should have known better. Just as I was getting into the rhythm of a great hand job on Gino his soft voice broke my concentration. "Bello" I heard him say, then he stopped what he was about to say.

I stopped my medical examination on Gino's very public privates and looked up at him. He had one arm over his eyes as if shielding them from the light. From experience I could tell he was wrestling with an emotional problem so I thought I should take matters in hand; real matters this time not the fleshy ones. I crawled out from under the bed, stood up and stretched the kinks out of my body then lowered myself down onto Gino's chest so that I was tit to tit with him as my cock and balls settled down to get to know Ginos, cock and balls. I nudged Gino's arm away from his face and kissed him gently on his full lips.

"Sweet heart, what's the problem this time?" I asked and lowered my lips to Gino's neck to await his response.

I didn't have long to wait. I felt Gino's arms go around me and draw me close to him and I heard him say"Bello mio, I've never been porked. But I want to try it and I can think of no one better than you to take my virginity."

"You! A virgin?" I said as I raised my head then continued "Sweet mother of god Gino, you no more a virgin than I am; even if you have had no cock up your arse."

At that outburst from me Gino just burst into uproarious laughter and rolled me over onto my back and pinned me underneath him as he laid his full weight on me and pushed down still laughing. Gino stopped long enough to say "I really haven't had a cock up there bello but have had plenty of toys to pleasure me, so now, I am looking for a man to give me the real thing. Do you know of any men that are capable of giving me a good porking?" he asked me with laughter in his eyes and voice.

"Hmmmmmmm" I mused then asked for good measure, "What about that good looking Lebanese taxi driver who bought us home?"

I could only chuckle at Gino's discomfort as he reacted to that by throwing me off.

"BELLO" he roared at me. "What you saying, I should bend over for him. He no more man than Greek-little-balls"

Before I could do anything he was on top of me again and he smashed his lips on mine and ground his groin into mine as his kissing eased back and he was giving me one of his soft passionate kisses that made my toes curl up every time.

He did though, surprise with "Bello amico mio, I want you to take my virginity with that small Australian pecker that's trying to pork my thigh at the moment."

Chuckling at the concept of my very, very thick 6.5" being small (OK OK, compared to my mans cock, it was small but you get my drift) I raised myself up on my elbows and looked Gino straight in the eye and said "Gino, I would love nothing more than to fuck you. Besides, my love, it was beyond my wildest dreams that I would ever be able to fuck you; that's why I was content to let you take the lead. Besides, I get sick of having to do all the work sometimes and to have you take over is a wonderful change; ,but sweet, sexy, lovable, hunky man of mine, you have no idea just how much I have wanted to mount you since we first met.

"Bello,you serious. If so, then why didn't you say so earlier; you know I can't say no to you.

"Si bello amico mio, but I know how some men feel about their arse being touched, let alone putting a cock in it."

"Being touched? Mikey (now that doesn't happen often, being called mikey) holy mother Mikey, I've had carrots, cucumbers dildos and vibrators up me." With that Gino took my face in his hands and looking me straight in the eyes and continued "Mikey, you beautiful man, I love you so much it hurts and you should know by now that sex is an important thing to me. Why, do you remember us discussing what we would love to do the other week? Do you remember that one day I would love to pork a black mare and you said you would love to play with a stallion's dick. We also discussed Helen's 6 year old son and 8 year old daughter."

By know Gino was getting wound up and for once I was on the end of a lecture and things stated to fall into place when I recalled him having told me his 21 year old female in Albury was fucked by him when she was 15 and he continued to fuck her when he could get to her. He even said they indulged in water sports and he loved to drink her "pee" (his word not mine) and he still had her wear her schoolgirls uniform when they got together. I must admit that both of us enjoyed discussing all those things, and more, so I really shouldn't have been surprised. Should I? Anyway Gino continued

"So! my handsome Aussie stud. I want you to pork me"

"OK" I said with finality and promptly kissed him on the end of his hooked nose. "But." I stopped then continued "do you want me to use a condom. I know I don't have any nasties and I'm fuckin confident you haven't picked up anything in your travels."

Gino considered this for few seconds then asked "Do you want to wear one. As for me bello, I would love my first time to be natural. It comes down to two people in love doing what love dictates them to do. Please Mikey, make love to me like you have never made love to someone before. But I will understand and accept if you want to put on a condom. In fact bello, if you do want to wear one I'm gonna put it on you."

Dear readers, I'm going to have to break off here and send what I have written as I have got myself hot and horny recalling that first fuck..Sorry about that but once I relieve the tension I will get back to it. LOL I might add that at the end ther has been a brief discussion of sexual practices, if any reader wants me to incorporate any of them I am more than happy to start a new story, or, at the very least, work those discussions into the current storyy. In fact, I have commenced a new one called "memories" this deals with my growing up and being taught from a very early by my dad and a few of his friends how to enjoy all the things men can enjoy sexually.

Feedback is always welcome and I can be contacted at :

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