Girly Boy Loves His Man

By Clint Dear

Published on Jan 31, 2007



Girly 'Boy' Loves His Man by Clintdear

I was sitting in Starbucks one Thursday wondering if I should return Gary's call. Gary is my on again, off again lover. We are both thirty years old, unattached. We've toyed with the idea of becoming a couple, but I'm always afraid I wouldn't be able to be the person he wanted. Honestly, I think the problem is that I don't want to admit what kind of person I really want to be. I think Gary knows my true nature. If I can ever come to grips with the obvious, I'd make Gary a great wife!

"Screw it!" I'm thinking. "I'm making the call." I say to myself as I set down my copy of Cosmopolitan and head out the door.

"Hi, Gary. Did you call me?"

"Hi lover! Long time no hear. I've been thinking about you! Are you missing your Daddy?"

"Yes honey. I've been thinking about you, too. I really miss our good times. It's been too long, Daddy. I miss you." I reply as I effortlessly fall back into character.

"I miss you too, honey. Whatcha doing Friday?"

"What ever you want, boyfriend!"

"How about getting a room at the Hyatt, downtown, and I'll meet you there! Don't forget - Daddy's home!"

"Yes, Daddy. I'll be looking forward to it!"

"One more thing though. When Daddy is home, Daddy wants Mommy - OK? I want to see my "girl". Now, tell me what we are going to do when I arrive. I want to hear it. I want to know you haven't forgotten what l like. I want to know you are still unconditionally mine. You are my girl and I expect you to act like it. I have been waiting way too long and I'm going to fuck your brains out. Got it?"

"Yes, Daddy. I'm your girl...I can't imagine wanting anyone else! When I'm with you I become all compliant and feminine, waiting for your touch as if being tickled by a thousand feathers. Let me describe what I see..."

Well... when you arrive, I may be wearing a camisole and a short skirt to go with my seatless panties. I wait patiently by the door to give you a welcome peck on the lips as my heart races with pride waiting for you to return to me after so long. As we embrace, your hands gently rub and caress my cute little receptive ass, as your tongue glides effortlessly into my mouth as I breathe in your manliness. I begin to shiver with anticipation knowing that I will soon be eagerly submitting to your sexual power

I try to conceal my excitement as you guide me to sit close to you as you stand to disrobe and shed the clothing from your wonderful body. You tease me with your sweet talk telling me I'm still your "one and only special girl" as your clothing melts away. As you look into my eyes, you see me begging for your touch. Gently, you run your fingers through my hair and lovingly trace your magnificent cock along the features of my face, teasing me, letting me feel your velvety softness glide over me as I open my mouth to capture you.

"Stick out your tongue, honey...that's it, just let it rest there -- don't close your mouth - just lick the underside. That's my little girl, - tell me how much you love it. suck on just the tip...yea honey, just like massage the bottom part with your tongue -- umm... Now tell me how much you like to suck Daddies cock...That's it, just the tip, honey. Just like that...That's all Daddy wants you to have right now, understand?"

"Yes, Daddy. Please let me have more!" I breathlessly whisper, as my heart pounds in overdrive as my lust for you overtakes me...

Your eagerness to reach my waiting pussy climbs with my attention to your desires as you feed me more and more of your cock... inch by wonderful inch... coaxing me to do it as perfectly as you have come to expect. You gently guide me to the bed all the while touching me, honoring my sexuality. Ever so skillfully, you prepare me for your love...kissing, caressing... sweet whispers... as you gently roll me over onto my stomach. You massage and tenderly caress my feminine globes, working fragrant lotion into my skin, brushing my tiny bud with your fingertips. You slowly glide up to rub my shoulders and run your hands along my arms as if to hold me in place as you begin to teasingly dance your cock into me in tiny gentle taps as you rise up and intertwine your fingers with mine, all the time softly kissing my ears and neck as you gently probe the entrance to my pussy.

You roll me onto my back and straddle me, tickling me by dragging your cock all over me as if to remind my body that something special is going to happen. You gradually feed me your wonderful cock while playing with my sensitive, erect nipples, all the while reminding me how much you need me as you plunge deep and shallow into my mouth, but sadly denying me your climax as I tighten my lips and drag my tongue over your shaft to work for my prize.

You begin to move down and make a trail of kisses down my body, pausing to suckle at my sensitive nipples on breasts that I can only imagine. As you work your way down to my engorged clittie, you slowly lick along the underside and run your tongue around the helmet. You take me in your mouth and gently work your mouth up and down, while dragging your tongue along the shaft sending me into ecstasy as you roll my nipples in your fingers. My toes are twitching and my hands are balled into tiny fists as I gasp for precious breath, unable to exhale. I try to delay myself, but too soon I reach the point of no return and my seed rushes into your mouth in rapid pulses as I cry out in beautiful agony. Holding my seed in your mouth you roll me over onto my stomach and pull me to your lips and deliver the warm juices to my pussy.

You rotate me onto my back and slowly work my legs over your shoulders, kissing the soft sensuous skin inside my thighs. Gently probing you find my tiny opening and begin to seek and retreat from my pussy -- a little in, a little out -- gently opening my flower so as to not hurt me... trying not to hurry too much...but quickly wanting all my pussy snuggled around your cock. A little in, a little out - You stop to tease me and let me adjust as you lean over me and kiss me tenderly and enter just a little bit more with gentle strokes. I'm panting with lust as you take me so slowly with such gentle inches.

You whisper in my ear that you are going to fuck me like you've never fucked me before as I feel you slide deeply and fully inside me as I gasp for breath in your kisses. Slowly you begin to work yourself in more deeply as I squeeze my pussy muscles tightly. Short strokes... long penetrating strokes...Oh God! Oh yes! I can feel you getting harder as I squeeze my pussy muscles tightly on every outstroke. I hear your breath quickening in my ear as your body tightens and stiffens in your powerful quest to give. I'm squeezing my pussy tightly with every stroke...I feel you getting harder, your breathing ragged, you embrace me even more tightly, as you push and hold, push and hold - lost to the world around you. Finally I feel you swell and stiffen with the strength of steel as you begin to shudder. Suddenly, I feel the pulsing jets of your manliness arc into my body as you keep thrusting to empty every last bit of you inside me as you squeeze me even more tightly into your lustful embrace. Gently as you gradually release me you kiss me tenderly and lie down beside me and push yourself back into me. You move my head to your chest, as I languish in the glow of our lovemaking with you still safely inside me, the rhythm of your breathing making me feel content as you wrap your protective arms around me. Gradually, as you slide out, soft and spent, your duty done you whisper to me that I am to keep your seed inside me as a tribute to who loves you.

As Daddy leaves, I begin to dress sadly to reenter my plain vanilla life with the seeds of conception safely deep within me wondering when our next encounter will be.

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