Give Me Some Lovin

By thetuneminator TUNE

Published on Feb 21, 2003


It all started on my first day of high school during PE. I had seven periods my freshman year because I wish to have to elective class which were Drama and Band. My first class on that first morning of school was Band and I could not have felt more out of place.

I guess I should take a moment and tell you about myself, my name is Ben James and I'm gay. I have never told anyone about my interest in guys for fear of what might happen. I'm Five foot four a little on the skinny side with sandy blond hair, I wouldn't say I was very athletic but I try to stay in shape I live in northern California and spent my youth in a very small town. Now that high school had started I left my small town and road the bus into the next town over. My new High school was so much bigger it was very intimidating, in fact everything about my new school was intimidating.

I found myself sitting in the second to the last row in the band room in the Trumpet section playing second trumpet. I could have played first but I soon found out that freshmen weren't allowed to play first. As roll was given I found myself looking around at all the kids, the band that year had around seventy kids and I was looking around during roll when my eyes fell on one of the hottest kids I had ever seen. He was sitting two seats down from me playing First Trumpet. He didn't look much older then me but I could tell from how relaxed he was that he was definitely not a Freshmen. He was leaning forward and was speaking to a tenor sax player sitting a row in front of us. He was sitting on the edge of his seat and leaning way over so far over that I was able to see the tip of his underwear and was able to determine that they were Tommy Hilfigure Boxers. I was jolted out of my stare by the band teacher calling out my name. I was so embarrassed that I couldn't find my voice and The silence that followed as I tried to squeak out a response went on for what seemed like hours. After finally finding my voice and calling out "HERE" I new my face was turning red I turned to look at the hottie two seats down from me and found him staring at me. He leaned down again and talked to the Tenor Sax player again and they both looked at me and started to laugh. I was so flustered that I could barley hear the instructions the Teacher was giving. After what seemed like forever the bell rang and I left as quickly as I could to find my next class.

Through out the next two classes I couldn't stop thinking about the boy in band. As I walked into my fourth period Drama class I bummed into the kid in front of me as we rushed into the class room I mumbled a lame sorry to the kid and was surprised to look up and seen none other then the kid from band. He just looked at me and gave me this weird little grin.

I was thrown into over drive, how could I be so lucky, this amazing hottie was in two classes with me and with the way we were organized in the seating order he was seated next to me. The drama teacher started off with the roll call and I was determined to not screw up my response again. As the teacher called out our names and kids responded I became more and more nervous and before I knew it my name was called and before My last name was finished I yelled out "Here" and was greeted with laughter when the hottie called out "Here" at the same moment. We both looked at each other and he gave me that same grin. When the confusion was finally worked out and the teacher started to talk about the class I let my eyes drift over Ben's body He had his arm resting on the chair arm and I could see the outline of his bicep againced the fabric of his shirt I could even see the outline of his pecs through the thin material. I even imagined I could see his nipples.

I was so amazed that I could be so lucky for most of the class I couldn't take my eyes off of Ben. When class ended I went to lunch and spent the time dreaming about seeing more of Ben. I imagined what he would look like naked and how cool it would be to see that grin on his face as I blew him. I spent most of lunch with a hard on.

I had never really seen a dick before except at sixth grade camp and not many of the boys in the showers had even started puberty. My dick as far as I knew was pretty average but since I couldn't compare it to any other dick I was not sure where I rated. All I knew was that it was always uncomfortable when I had a woody in my pants.

The rest of the day dragged on for ever when my final class finally arrived I was feeling pretty good about my first day. In the locker room I changed into my PE clothes and walked out to the football feel for roll. The PE coach was making us line up in alphabetical order my name had already been passed to he told me to find the J's and get in line I walked down the row of J's and was not really looking when a foot went out in front of me and I fell to my knees a familiar voice told me that that was my place. I looked up and saw the same hottie...We both looked at each other he was still grinning. I could hear the other kids in line laugh but I was to embarrassed to look at them the Hottie pointed to his right and I realized that he was showing me my place in line.

I scrambled up and stood next to him and said a silent prayer of thanks for letting me be so lucky. I didn't even care that he had tripped me. I had already forgotten about it. I was over joyed not only because we had three classes together but because I knew at the end of PE I would get to see him in the shower.

The coach told us PE would be short today and that all we had to do was run the track two times. The coach blew his whistle and we all charged out onto the track to start our run. I tried to keep up with Ben but he was to fast for me. I could see the outline of his ass in his sweat pants and had to think of something else because I knew I would get hard so I concentrated on my breathing and finish my second lap in the middle of the crowd. As I raced to get back into the locker room the coach met us at the door and gave of locker numbers I knew mine would be right by Bens because once again it was done in alphabetical order. I smiled at the coach and said thanks.

I found my locker and was disappointed not to find my hottie. I knew Ben must have already reached the showers. I quickly stripped and headed into the showers. There were about twenty kids showering. It was not mandatory for all the kids to shower but how could I pass up this chance to look at all the guys. I tried not to stare as I washed myself but I had to find Ben in the group of boys. I was disappointed again to see that he wasn't among them ether. I finished quickly and wrapped my towel around myself and walked back to my locker to change into my street clothes and there sitting in his Tommy boxers was Ben looking so hot I started to get hard. I picked up the speed of my walk and fumbled with my locker combination. The locker didn't seem to want to open. I knew Ben was watching me and I heard him let out a little laugh.

"Let me try" he said, I turned around and saw him stand I gave him my paper with my locker combo and sat down on the bench to wait. A moment later Ben had it open he turned back to me and I was face to face with his crotch. I said thanks with out looking up.

"No problem kid" he said he turned back to his own locker and put on his pants.

"Aren't you going to change?" he said. I looked up and realized I was still looking at the spot where his bulge had been. I quickly pulled out my clothes and piled them between us on the bench. I was trying to hide the view of my rock hard dick under my towel. It was so blatantly obvious I was amazed he didn't comment on it. Ben was buttoning his pants up and turned to take his shirt out of his locker. I chanced one last look at his awesome upper body and was sure he saw me staring when he looked back at me. He said nothing and pulled on his shirt and left.

Out in front of the school I waited for my dad to come pick me up. I was still hard as a rock. I couldn't wait for tomorrow.

End of Part 1

Next: Chapter 2

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