Give Me Some Lovin

By thetuneminator TUNE

Published on Feb 28, 2003


I woke up early the next morning just like Ben had said. I ran out the door and started down the drive way. Half way to the street I remembered that I had left Bens gym clothes in the washer. I ran back and found my mom folding Bens clothes in front of the dryer.

" Aren't these sweat pants a little big for you?" My mom said. She was holding up Ben's sweats and looking at them.

" I'm late mom. Thanks for washing my clothes." I said as I grabbed the clothes out of her hands and ran back out the front door. I hustled down our drive way and put the clothes into my back pack. I put my pack down by our mail box and sat on it. I looked down the street both ways and couldn't see anything. The fog in our area was always very soupy. I tried to listen for car noises but I hear nothing. I started to think about Ben and wondered what he drove. Then I heard it a rumbling noise coming from my right. I looked down the street and saw some faint lights coming closer. The car was going so fast I assumed it was not Ben, but just as the car flew by me it's red brake lights shown brightly and the old brown ford truck stopped. I figured it was Ben and I picked up my bag and raced over to the truck. I came up to the passengers side of the truck and looked in.

Ben was sitting in the drivers seat and I was disappointed to see that same Blond headed girl sitting right next to him. I opened up the door and jumped in. Ben put the petal to the metal and the old truck started back down the street.

" Hew BJ I almost missed you. Good thing you were on time."

I tried to listen to what he was saying but all I could see was this girl rubbing his crotch.

Ben noticed me looking wide eyed at his girlfriend with her hands all over his pants.

" Oh sorry BJ this is my girlfriend Sara." Ben pointed with his thumb to his right.

Sara took her right hand off Ben's crotch and put it out toward me. I quickly took it in mine and shook her hand. Her hand was warm and very smooth.

" Hi BJ" she said.

" Did you wash my cloths BJ?" Ben said. He didn't look at me.

" Yes" I said. I was still in shock because as soon as Sara had let go of my hand she had gone back to rubbing Ben's dick through his jeans. Ben didn't seem to think there was anything wrong with Sara rubbing his cock in front of me so I was not about to say anything about it ether. I just kept looking ahead.

The fog was very thick and I was worried that Ben might have been driving to fast but I decided I should just keep my mouth shut. I knew I was getting really hard. I could feel my dick leaking. I had not bothered to jack off in the morning and I was worried Sara or Ben would see the wet spot forming on my pant leg. The drive to campus took forever and as we pulled into the packing lot I knew everyone could see the spot.

Ben turned off the engine and looked over at me. Sara kept her hand on Bens pant's.

" I'll see you in a few in the band room. Sara and I have to finish some work together." Ben pointed to the door and I let myself out. I stood with the door open looking at Sara as she pulled Ben's pants down around his ankles. From my vantage point I couldn't see much but I knew what was coming. I guess I stood a moment to long. Ben turned to look at me.

" You better do something about your pants BJ." Ben said with a smile. He was looking down at the wet spot on my pant leg. I knew he could see my hard on. I closed the door quickly. I got a glimpse of Sara pulling down Ben's underwear.. I wanted to keep watching but knew I should head to the band room. As I was about to turn Ben looked up at me and gave me a wink.

I turned and walked with my back pack in front of me to the band room. The band room was unlocked and I got out my trumpet and music and started to practice. I found it unbelievably difficult to focus on my music and soon gave up trying to play anything. At least my pants had dried.

The band room was empty except for my band teacher placing new music on our music stands. He handed me a few new songs and a note. The note was about our first band trip. He had been talking about it yesterday but I wasn't really paying much attention to him. I read the note and learned our first band competition was going to be at Pismo Beach. At the Pismo Beach band review. I had never been to Pismo but I was excited to be going. We would be leaving by bus early Monday morning next week. It was a three day competition. The first day would be marching the second concert band music and the third day would be vocal jazz, show choir, and jazz band. The whole music department would be going. We would be staying in a hotel for two nights. We were taking two buses and would be staying in rooms with four other kids. I was overjoyed. I was so excited, we would be out of school for three days and going to the coast. I read the letter over once more and then heard the door to the band room open. I looked up and saw Ben walk in. He looked a little red in the face. He smiled at me and went to get his trumpet. He sat down next to me and let out a sigh.

" Sara gives great head...I like her to blow me every morning...It helps me get ready for a long school day. I hope it didn't upset you." Ben said as he took out his music.

" No not at all...It was kinda cool." I said trying not to sound to over excited about the experience.

Ben looked at me and showed that same weird grin. He pulled out his jazz band music and we started to play one of the songs. The song as really cool it was an arrangement of the song " Give me some Lovin" by Steve Winwood and Spencer Davis. The song was awesome. The trumpet part was great. The music was a little hard but even Ben managed to play it with out much trouble. Ben told me that it was one of the song the jazz band would play at Pismo beach. We played through the song again and it really started to sound good. I noticed our band teacher watching. When we finished he walked over to us.

" That sound really good guys" Our band teacher said. " I'm glad your working on it Ben, it's going to be hard with only two trumpets this year, but if you play it like that it will be great." Our band teacher went back to putting out music.

" BJ I want you to join the jazz band." Ben said in a commanding voice.

" I'm not sure If I should" I said.

" This isn't a request...I want you to play second trumpet in the jazz band. We would sound so much better if you were playing. I want you in the band and you better join." Ben said. He was looking straight at me and looked very serious.

" Ben I haven't even played with the group yet. I've never played in a jazz band before I don't know anything about jazz music." I said. I really didn't want to join.

Ben kept looking into my eyes. Then he started to slowly lower his eyes down to his pants.

"It would be a big help BJ...I'm sure there are lots of ways you can help me out... in jazz band I mean." Ben said. Ben was looking right at his crotch. He then rubbed his hand along the zipper of his jeans. He then looked back up at me.

I gulped down a breath and looked into his eyes again. With out another word Ben yelled over to our band teacher that I would be joining the jazz band.

" That's great BJ. I'll get you the music. We will be having practice this evening at five." He said.

I still couldn't find any words to say. The silence was finally broken by the five minuet bell. Soon kids would start coming. I tried to busy myself with getting out the music that our band director had written up on the board for us to practice. I spent a very weird forty minuets sitting next to Ben and thinking about what he had done.

I found myself checking him out again for the hundredth time. No matter what he wore Ben always looked hot. I started to get hard again. Ben looked over at me at one point during class and I'm sure he had seen me checking him out. He just smiled. When the bell rung I got up and put my trumpet away. Ben was acting like nothing had happened so I decided to as well. I wondered what would happen in Drama.

Drama started with out much happening. Ben sat next to me and didn't say anything. I was still wondering what all me joining jazz band would entail but I was excited just to be near Ben. That much I knew. Drama ended and lunch dragged by. The only high point was when Sara and Ben met outside the band room. Sara gave Ben a big kiss and they started to head out toward the parking lot. I figured Sara was going to blow him again in his truck. I was slowly figuring out that Sara was a bit of a slut, but who could blame her. Ben was one of the hottest guys in school. I would have loved to get the chance to suck his jizz out.

I had found out that Sara was on the cheer leading team and was one of the most popular girls in school. It seemed natural for her to be with Ben.

Finally PE came around and I walked into the locker room and headed for my locker. Ben was sitting on the bench in front of his locker and stood up when he saw me come in.

" Hey BJ I need my gym clothes." He said.

I had forgotten about them in my bag. I quickly pulled them out and handed the pile of clothes over to Ben.

" Thanks" was all he said.

I opened my locker with out any trouble and started to change into my PE clothes. I didn't notice that Ben was still just sitting there next to me on the bench. Finally I looked over at him he was looking all around.

" What" I said.

Ben looked up at me.

" Where's my jock strap?" he said.

I had totally forgotten about it. I had jacked off with it the night before and never put it in the wash with the rest of the clothes. It was probably sitting in the corner of my room with dried cum all over it. Of course I couldn't tell Ben that.

" It must still be at my house" I said.

" I bet" he said.

" Sorry, I'll bring it tomorrow" I said.

" You better dick weed. I guess today I'll have to free ball it."

Ben stood and turned to face me. Without taking his eyes off me he unbuttoned his pants and pulled off his shirt. He then pulled down his boxers and pointed to his sweats. I wasn't sure what he wanted but then he snapped his fingers and I figured it out I grabbed for the sweats and handed them to him. Ben stood naked in front of me for a second then took his sweats out of my hands and slowly pulled them on. He then put on his shirt and shoe's and with out another word walked out of the locker room for roll call.

I changed as fast as I could. I walked out thinking about his balls bouncing around freely under his sweat pants. When I saw Ben in line he was scratching himself and looking at me. I dropped my eyes and got into line next to him.

Coach came out and said we only had to run today. He left and all of us started our run around the field. Ben finish quickly and I didn't see him in the locker room afterward. I walked out to the front of the school and sat down to wait for my dad to pick me up. After a minuet or two I saw and heard Ben's truck turn the corner. He pulled to a stop in front of me and motioned for me to come over. I walked over to the truck and Ben rolled down the window.

" Your coming to jazz band tonight right? he said.

" Yes" I said.

" Good" Ben said. " I'll give you a ride."

" Cool" I said.

" Be out on the street at four thirty." He said.

With that Ben drove off. My dad picked me up a little later and drove me home. I told him about joining Jazz Band and he was happy. I had an early dinner and my mom gave me some gas money to give to Ben for the rides. I walked out to the road and waited again for Ben to pick me up.

Next: Chapter 5

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