Published on Jan 20, 2008



Dodge knew what he was doing. There was no doubt it was time. He had been jacking off to fantasies he dared not tell anyone not even his best friend Chris when they jacked off together.

The closest event to the things that were in his head was when he and Chris pissed on each other during a sleepover. They were both stoned and messing around reaching for each others erections during wrestling match.

After drinking more beer then their ages could handle they dashed into the bathroom ignoring the fact they were both naked and had to enter through the hallway. Chris' parents were hopefully sleeping and didn't hear them.

They wondered out loud how it would feel to be pissed on and stepped into the bathtub to aim their fleshy hoses at each other. The streams flowed and they moved their cocks to piss all over each others chests, crotches, legs and faces.

Eyes closed in bed, Dodge relived the sensation wondering what other things that felt could two guys could do to each other.

Perhaps Chris too relived it as they jacked each other off before submitting to the beer and the hour.

Dodge's friend was in the Army. He got letters regularly though he didn't know from where. The military uses a box number system so one doesn't know where in the world the soldier is. He presumed it was the sandbox as the guys called it.

As for Dodge he had spent the past year delivering groceries and taking classes at the local college. He wasn't really sure what his major should be, where his life was going or what he should be doing.

But at least the job kept him busy and the classes kept his parents quiet. Dodge knew that sooner or later he'd have to move out and be on his own. His parents kept saying they wanted to sell the house and travel for awhile. He got the hint. Time was running out. He had to decide.

"Oh would you change a light bulb for me?" the old man said one day. He had delivered groceries to Major Cranston weekly. And sometimes he did little chores for him as well. The man, a retired officer, always tipped him. And the day he climbed the ladder, Dodge felt the man's hands on his bare legs.

"Just want to steady you the ladder is so old" Cranston said. His hands moved up to the back of Dodge's thighs. Dodge didn't mind.

"You ok?" Cranston asked his eyes seeing the bulget in the front of Dodge's shorts .

"Oh yea, it gets hard all the time" Dodge said blushing.

"Well maybe I can help you out"

Dodge didn't move as the older man knelt and opened his fly. His erection popped out easily since he didnt' wear underwear. And the old man quickly took it in his mouth. His hands clutched Dodges butt pulling him in closer.

Dodge never felt this sensation. The warmth and wetness made him swoon and it wasn't long until he was cumming into the man's mouth.

"Oh no, after that, I don't need a tip" Dodge said trying to refuse the five dollar bill.

"Don't be silly, I think you earned it" the man smiled still licking his lips "for the light bulb at least" he winked.

That was in the first few months of his job. After then he became more aware of the women and men who flirted with him. He started wearing clothes that showed off his body more. That was easy as he usually wore shorts and tank tops anyway. It was warm where he lived and most people wore few garments.

Weeks passed as Dodge smiled and got flirted with. He got compliments on his butt, chest, legs. He helped the older people by putting away their groceries.

"Mind if I take off my shirt, it's so hot" he'd say. And he'd be half naked before they agreed. His shorts sagged half way down his butt and revealed his lower abdomen. His smooth torso tanned and developed thanks to his wrestling team weightlifting flirted with them.

The tips were bigger and once in awhile a hand would slide across his bare back or chest and they'd compliment him.

"You better do something about that" the woman said "my son used to jack around the house all the time".

"Really? I guess I need to, it hurts" he said looking as bashful as he could.

He lay on the ktichen table and she handed him some vegetable oil. He jacked slowly enjoying the pleasure and the audience. It was the first time anyone had watched him except for Chris and his entire body tingled as Dodge approached the point of no return.

He lay there catching his breath as the woman washed his cum riddled body. He wondered if her son ever really did this or was she just horny for an old lady.

The tip was a twenty dollar bill. He kissed her on the cheek and left.

Collier, his boss, made comments now and then about him being a young virile boy. Dodge wondered if he knew what was going on with the customers.

"Cranston called, wants you to come over during lunch to help him with something. Take his order with you" Collier smiled "that old man has a thing for you, watch out".

Dodge laughed hoping his boss didn't know.

"Strip down so you won't get sweaty" Cranston said as he accepted the grocery bag. "Want you to help me move some furniture"

Dodge was startled at the man's words. They were more of an order then an invitation. It aroused him at the same time.

"Good. Help me move the couch" the man said seeing Dodge totally naked.

"Aren't you going to uh strip?" Dodge asked offering a smile.

"You're right, hope you don't mind seeing a wrinkled old man" Cranston stripped.

And they moved a few sticks of furniture.

"You got a nice butt boy. Ever been spanked?"

"Not since I was a kid Sir" he added the "sir" since he knew the retired Major liked that.

"Ok stand at attention" Major Cranston said looking suddenly stern.

Dodge stood as he thought a soldire should. Cranston walked around him telling him to adjust his hips, chest, hands to the correct position. Dodge wondered if some officer had done the same thing to Chris.

"You're sloppy soldier, there's only one way to correct that" Cranston said as he sat on the couch they had just moved.

"Over my lap"

Dodge moved and lay across the old man's lap. He didn't know why he did it. It just seemed like the right thing to do, to obey the man.

The laps hurt. He cried out.

"Shut it boy be a man and take your punishment" Cranston again said it as a tough officer.

Dodge stiffled his cries after that and tried to control his body's reaction to each time the Major slapped his butt. He couldn't help the tears that started to come out of his eyes. His brain recalled the times his Dad punished him with his hand and belt making him strip down before each time.

He felt Cranston's hand under him feeling his erection. Dodge didn't realize his cock was rock hard despite the pain that his buttocks felt.

"Good I thought so" Cranston said "want me to keep going son?"

"yes SIR" Dodge's tearful voice replied automatically and the pain got worse and his cock got harder.

He couldn't control it, his body convulsed and fire flowed out his cock. For the first time the sensation outweighed the pain his bright red buttocks reported. The Major kept slapping him the entire time until Dodge fell to the floor.

"Good boy get back to attention" Major ordered and Dodge scrambled to his feet standing in the position the man had put him earlier.

Dodge's cock was still dripping and his eyes were still filled with tears.

"Well, we both found out something about you today didn't we?" Cranston was once again the kind old man as he pet Dodge's body and cupped his cock and balls.

"Yes Sir" Dodge said.

It had been months since then when Cranston introduced Dodge to a neighbor. A younger man who he called the Sarge. It was another former military man who had moved in.

"We have lots in common" The Major said "and I think you should receive some training from him"

Dodge shook the man's hand. He was about Dodge's fathers age, had a flattop, big hands and eyes that seemed to dive inside you.

"Report to him tonight at 2000" The Major said. He didn't ask, he ordered.

So Dodge finished his work shift and went home. He looked around his bedroom. It was a boys room, not a man's. The posters were of films and comic book heros. "Kid stuff" he muttered.

Dodge stripped down and looked at himself in the mirror. Something had changed this past year and he liked most of it and wondered about it at the same time.

He lay on his bed, his always hard cock waving in the air. His hand rested where it usually did but Dodge stopped thinking "kid stuff" again.

He put on his shorts letting them slide to their usual position resting on his hip bones. He pulled on his black hoody and zipped it up.

The walk to the apartment building took about twenty minutes. Dodge wondered about Chris, wondered if his parents would indeed sell the house, wondered what his life would be like. These were thoughts he always had but that night it was different. Somehow he knew it all was about to change.

He stood inside the doorway as Sarge closed the door and slipped the chain into place.

"You ready?" he asked in a quiet but gruff voice.

"yes Sir" Dodge replied uncertain but knowing he had to be.

"I'm not an officer so you can call me Master instead, understand?"

Something knotted in Dodge's stomach. He had read stories on the internet about Master slave role playing. As if hearing Dodges thoughts the man said,

"this is not role playing, this is real. I need a slave to be my totally obedient boy, a man who knows what he needs and knows his Master will take good care of him, teach him, punish him and train him. If you just want to be fucked and go home, ok, but I want more and from what the Major says you do too. Do you want more?"

Dodge didn't think about it. He didn't consider what all might occur that night or thereafter. There was something in the man's voice that told him his life needed exactly what was about to happen.

"yes Sir"

The Sarge unzipped the hoody. His hands moved over Dodge's smooth belly and chest. His fingers pulled on his nipples and rolled them around.

Dodge's cock hardened. There was pain but it sent shockwaves throughout his body that begged for more. As if hearing Dodge's body, the man's fingers squeezed harder and harder turning the aroused nipples like knobs finetuning.

"Undo your pants" the man's voice said.

Dodge who had been standing at attention without being ordered to, moved his hands to his button and undid it, letting his shorts fall down his legs. He kicked them off. He used one foot to pry off the other foot's shoe and did the reverse.

"good boy" the man said as he pulled the hoody off Dodge's arms.

"from now on you will remain naked in my presence, understand?"

"yes SIR" Dodge said answering not only the man's question but the unasked ones as well.

He got what he hoped for as the man's fingers returned to the reddened nipples twisting, sqeezing and pulling them.

"You have alot to learn and from now on, I am your only Master. You will move in, work, go to school and if any of your customers want to play with you, you'll do it but report to me and describe what went on. You'll be punished each time. But you will give me whatever money they give you, understand?"

Dodge could feel is cock begin to leak. He was home.

The note from Chris was forwarded from Dodge's old address. He sat on the floor to read it because he wasn't allowed to sit anywhere else. Sarge was sitting on the couch trading stories with the Major.

Chris was back in the states and was coming home to visit. He handed the letter to his Master when ordered and Sarge reached for the phone.

Chris was still on the east coast. Dodge invited Chris over to his new address.

"I've uh got somethings to tell you, my life has kind of uh changed a bit" He stammered.

"See you then" was all Chris said. He didn't seem intrigued about whatever changes Dodge hinted at.

Dodge wondered what Chris would think seeing him there, naked and collared, the slave of Sarge. He wondered if Chris would understand that by giving in, he had started the rest of his life the way he needed it to be.

Sarge order him to so he stood and lay across the Major's lap for his punishment. The swats came hard and many as he let his brain drift into the past and future at the same time.

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