Giving Up

By Chuck

Published on Aug 3, 2000


This is chapter 3 of Giving Up. I just want to remind to you people that this contains gay relationship and also the story doesn't follow the rules of grammar. I wanted it to sound almost exactly like a teenager's point of view.

Enjoy -----------------

Hello World...Deal with It

"PANT,PANT Have we...GASP...reached 10 miles yet?"

" the time we reach that big green tree...we'll exactly reach 10 miles," he said without panting, with his back straight like he was wearing some kind of a retainer on his back, and he was SMILING! Who could smile that much in this god awful heat wave and sweat soaked shirts that feels like someone just poured hot water on your back in the hottest day of the year?! Even I can't even raise my tongue inside! I was so god damn tired that I could literally see a mirage a few miles away even though we're running around a very greeny park! I gasped almost totally losing my voice, "...Good!"

He was wearing a black hat that hid his small pony tail. He should cut his pony tail 'cuz I think that style is so like five minutes ago. I TRIED to keep up with that ox beside me who I so want to kill just because he woke me up the middle of dawn. Well it's my fault really because I made this stupid oath that if I kiss him a few more times the other night before I left his house I'd go jogging with him today. He knows that I'm a wimp! I mean, I can't even stand lifting dum bells that weighs only 10 pounds for pete's sake! Hell, I won't even dare lift a single pound of dumbell again if life matters. With all my energy, I managed to sprint a few more seconds and reached the tree that he pointed out. As soon as I touched it, I collapsed on the ground panting like hell with my lungs feeling like it was about to pop any minute. Sweat totally poured down my face dripping down to my shirt. God, and I reek of sweat smell and a bit of B.O. and GOD please bring down water here! I'm totally thirsty! Dave crouch and kneeled down panting a bit. "Hey, get up!"

"No...why don't YOU GET UP! Jesus Christ! We've reached the tree you were pointing at!" I shouted back pointing at that hideous willow tree. He laughed hysterically then said, "This isn't the tree I was pointing at! I was talking about the one right there!"

He pointed out at another tree which was a bit yellow green and like totally far away. I mean another 200 feet away. I shouted, "Screw you alright! Go to that fucking tree if you want to! There's no hella way I'm going there even if my life depends on it!!!"

He snickered and laid down beside me. He kissed me on my sweaty cheeks and I could feel his extreme heat! I shouted, "Dave! Not now! I'm totally hot!! You're like...a major burning furnace here! Go away!"

"Geez! Sorry!" he said sarcastically. I shook my head backing away from him and feeling the frigid soil where my back laid unto. He turned his back at me. "Fine be that way! I thought you'd do anything for me Blue! I thought you'd catch the falling stars for me! I thought that you like being with me! Or LOVE being with me. If you don't feel that way, then I suggest we break up!"

I could here him sniffing which totally means to me that there was waterworks going on. I sighed and totally felt bad shouting at him. I mean, I'm tired and this god awful heat is killing me. Can't he see that?! Just look at my forehead! I turned around and moved closer to him wrapping my arm around him. I could feel the major pain in the ass heat on his back while my chest touched it. I whispered kissing him on his ear, "Dave...Dave...I'm really really sorry. I didn't to say all those things and shout it at you. I'm just so tired that's all...I'm not used to do this stuff."

He didn't say anything and slightly moved away from me. I etched closer holding him around my arm making sure he won't get away from me. God, I really FEEL BAD!! I'm making Dave cry! I started whimpering, "Dave! Stop crying! I'm really really sorry! I didn't mean to shout at you! I didn't mean what I sa..."

Suddenly, I totally heard him snicker and I could feel his cheeks move and showing a part of his teeth. I rose up my head and looked at his face. He wasn't crying! That's not a face of a guy who's crying like mad...there wasn't a single tear drop on his face! I screamed, "You're such a fuckin' asshole! You fuck!"

I backed way and sat on this big rock that was adjacent to the nearby tree that I THOUGHT he pointed at. He kept on snickering hugging me from behind trying to jiggle me. I pretended that I was really pissed but I couldn't really resist myself from smiling. So I smiled or rather grinned and gave him a knuckle sandwich which didn't really hurt him since he was as strong as an ox. I ended on top of him smiling and totally not thinking about what just happened. He smiled back and he stared at me seriously. His hand brushed the strands of hair that was wet from sweat tucking it on my ear. Then his long slender fingers ran down on my sweaty back. He whispered, "You know...we're in public."

"Point being?" I asked not caring if anyone sees us at all. I moved my head down even lower to kiss his adorable lips that awaited my lips. This is what I really cherish the most in our relationship. Kissing. You can NEVER get enough. Just like that cartoon animal on TV says about that cereal he advertises. Was he a bear or a raccoon? Who cares. Anyway, kissing is like...certainly like WOW. It feels like your insides are about to blow and you can actuallly feel your heart doing that lub-dub thing. But even harder! You can also feel...I don't know...that aura a person gives out. I know it sounds really stupid but I can feel Dave right now. Words can't express it 'cuz I certainly have no clue what to say about that feeling since I can't think of a god damn word good enough to describe it except that it's a good feeling. It's like knowing how a person feels about you.

His hand patted the back of my head trying to pull my head down so he could get in deeper in me. Did I tell you guys? We're deep tongue kissing! He has a really long tongue. Not long like a chameleon's but like long that he can actually touch almost every part of my mouth. Except for the throat. I don't see how deep throat works. I would certainly gag...not because it's sick but since I have a strong gag reflex. Suddenly, we heard this rumble on the ground and I could hear very clearly, "GET A ROOM YOU FAGS!"

Dave quickly got up pushing me away from me which really hurts since he pushed my so hard that my chest stang where he had touched me. I saw him running after the guy that called us a faggot, but he was too fast for Dave since he was on a bicycle. I could hear Dave shouting, "FAG?!!! WHO'RE YOU CALLIN A FAG YOU PIECE OF SHIT?!!!! COWARD!!!! COME ON AND SAY IT RIGHT IN FRONT OF MY FACE YOU ASSHOLE!! YA HEAR ME?!!"

For the first time in my life, I was SCARED as HELL! It was like...I finally noticed how everyone in the world is disgusted by what me and David are having. relationship. I just realized that to have this relationship...I have to hide and lie to EVERYONE other than Nancy about this thing between me and David. And if everyone knew about this relationship, oh my god, everyone would make fun of me, or beat me up 'till every bone in my body's broken! I stood there almost crying but too shock to produce a tear. I couldn't breath. This is what I wanted the most but in the same time, I'm being pulled back again.

I slumped back down from the ground hugging my knees and rocking myself trying to make myself calm saying to myself that everything would be alright and no one will ever know about anything between us. It didn't work alright. I could hear Dave coming back panting like crazy and almost red as a plump tomato. "Damn, why can't that fuck leave us alone...hey you alright?"

He quickly crouched in front of me and held my head with both of his hands wiping the tears away from my face with his thumb. He said, "What's wrong baby? Did I hurt you?"

I gasped and looked straight into his eyes trying to let him see what I was feeling just by looking at me. I whispered, "Did you hear that? He called us a faggot Dave. I can't believe he said that word to us..."

His eyes started to go glassy and he leaned forward touching my forehead with his. Then he let go of me but kept his hands on my hands. He whispered, "I know...and even though I really hate's true. We are gay."

"I know," I said trying not to cry anymore. Am I sissy or what? Well partly yes. But look! I never knew people could act so bitchy with homosexuality! I mean...I thought it'd be like....they see it...they leave it alone. Like that. I guess I'm really blind from seeing the real society. I'm still stuck with the knowledge of a happy gay-accepted society. This totally sucks now. I love Dave with all my heart and soul so much that I really don't care if the whole world knows that we're both going out. It'll take a little bit of getting used to but I really don't care if they do! Although, I know that David would react in a bad way if some bad guy finds out about this. Like that homophobe guy who just drove by. I finally stopped crying and Dave joked that I'm too oversensitive. I just laughed it off and both of us left the park on going back home.

Dave was walking at the edge of the sidewalk slowly putting one foot on front of the other balancing himself with his arms waving around. He looked totally gay doing that but yet, you couldn't help being turned on by the view. Since he was only wearing a tank top that he drenched with the last ounce of water that was left in my water bottle, it clinged to him, like me, and so the drop dead gorgeous description of his toned muscles from arms down to his stomach was practically exposed to the public waiting for any victim that would fall for this guy. I was already at my house and had to wait for him in my front yard since he was still concentrating on that kind of walked. He told me, it's good for his mental concentration and it's good for perfect balancing himself. Okay, is his new target the gymnastics? I giggled at myself thinking of him with a gymnastic suit. I shut myself up before he could see me laughing.

We went straight to my bedroom. There was really no one in the house but we preferred my bedroom since it has a maxim security; the door. I had just initially installed this lock last month which can be opened either by this sticker-pic size card or a normal key. It took me a whole month salary and half of Dave's monthly allowance, he gets more just to brag how much he gave me, and a bit of his salary from his job at this telemarketing research. And it's DEFINITELY worth it! My mom and dad can never get in whenever I lock it and only some of my close friends, the usual trio; James, Nancy and David, have the keys.

I was just having this kissing session with my lovely boyfriend David when suddenly the phone rang. I really hate it when that happens. Dave picked up automatically and said emotionless, "Hello...uhuh...well...umm...hell why ten minutes?...okay...I'll see ya."

He sat beside me while I asked, "Who was it?"

"Nancy. Said she wanted to come here 'cuz she's really bored," he said crawling from across the bed to get closer to me. I frowned and I got pissed since she's gonna ruin our privacy. He gazed at me wickedly and he smiled feverishly, "Well...we still have ten minutes..."

Before I knew it, he lunged forward on top of me. I was sandwiched between the mattress and him. He kissed me tenderly and hungrily. I couldn't stop laughing at him for being hungry for more kisses from me. We went back to our kissing session and we were so into it that we didn't even notice Nancy coming in. He was tongue grinding me and I moaned hugging him even tighter trying to pull him closer to me. Suddenly, I heard the keys opening my door and I gasped trying to push him away from me, "Nancy....'s her..mmpphhh..."

"I know...I can't stop kissing you...please don't stop..." he moaned kissing me over and over again until Nancy opened the door wide open.

" James he..."

She stood there with her mouth open from shock while Dave continued kissing me. I looked at her with this look that'd she really understand this isn't what I wanted to do while I pushed Dave away trying to make him stop. He finally did and he sat panting for air. She said almost screaming and getting excited in the same time, " god....that was soo cool! That was like amazing! Like totally! You both should be nominated for the best kiss! I offense but it totally turned me on!"

Dave nor I said anything and we both simply smiled, blushing while holding each others' hands. He looked at me grinning and kissed me one more time. A simple kiss this time. Clarrissa did this really big 'AWWWW' thing that totally embarrassed me and even reminded me of that thing that happened this morning. I got a bit turned off pushing him away. He looked at me weird and I whispered, "Nancy's here."


"It's not right," I said not looking at the serious look he was giving me. I KNEW definitely, no doubt that he was hurt or pissed about that. But I'm sure he'd understand. Nancy pointed at herself. "You think it's not right if I'M here?"

"No...that's not what I meant," I said quietly. Dave quickly answered back at her, "It got something to do with this morning that's why."

"Huh???" she asked totally confused. Dave explained to her for me. She got so pissed that her mood totally changed. "Omigod, are you soo sure? That guy, I swear...I would kill him sooo bad if I ever see him! Like, where does he live?"

"Dunno and who cares. It's just that...well people can be a bitchy about homos like us. What if some people in school already knows? I mean by the way we act, some people should've found out by now! Or maybe there's some rumors going on that no ones telling me!" I fidgeted asking if it is true. Nancy shook her head, "No one will ever know Blue. I mean who'll find out?"

"You did..." Dave blurted out. "That's 'cuz you told me! I didn't find out about you guys by myself."

"Yeah guess you're right, but still...don't we show a bit?" I asked. Nancy asked, "Show what?"

"You know...our undying love for each other!" I said giggling a bit trying to break that seriousness I never did ever liked. Nancy laughed, "Well, it depends...I mean well..."

"Well WHAT?!" Dave quickly blurted out getting all nervous. Nancy gave an evil gaze at Dave that made him back away a bit. Girls are so dominant. She sighed and asked, "Do you guys really want to know the truth? I mean like...totally know the truth."

Dave grabbed me and held me around his arms shaking while rubbing my hair. Not really rubbing more like giving me a noogie with his palms which really hurts by the way. He was breathing hard and had this worried look on his face but you could tell that he would laugh in any minute. He gasped, "Tell me there something wrong baby?!"

Nancy just bursted out giggling which I eventually did too. Dave too giggled but not as much as Nancy was. I got up hushing up Dave and asked Nancy to tell the truth. She shook her head fast and cried, "Let me finish what I've got to say alright? And then ask me ALL the questions in the end."

Both me and Dave nodded as I leaned at Dave's topless body with his arms wrapped around me. I was totally serious this time and so was Dave who kissed the back of my head before resting his head on my right shoulder and whispering 'I love you' before Nancy started which made me smile and lip I love you too back at him.

"Are you people done with your cuddles and I love you's?"

"WAIT!" Dave exlaimed. He moved to my left side and caressed my cheeks with his fingers. He took a deep breath and asked, "Blue...?"

"Yes David?"

"I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you...gasp," he stopped gasping for breath. I couldn't help laughing my butt off. But I was really admiring what he just said 16 times! I gave hime a big SMOOCH on his pink lovable two lips that surely said I love you back.

"That is major sweet Dave! Now can I talk now?!" Nancy asked almost getting pissed now. I nodded and went back leaning on Dave while he wrapped his hugged me.

"Ok where was I? Umm...okay yeah. It's like this...whenever you two are around, I mean like together, you act like....REALLY REALLY normal! You don't act like you're boyfriends and all. And like you can't even tell or bother to know that the band aid that was on Blue's neck was covering that hickey made by the only one and all Dave!" she said. I couldn't help smiling and touching the spot where there WAS a hickey. She tried to continue but then Dave butted in...again.

"BUT?! I know there's a but coming!" Dave said keeping his head resting on my shoulder. Nancy brushed her layered back saying, "Yep! BUT! From analyzing you both when seperated for a temporary condition, whatever reason it might be like different classes, Dave going to work, whatever, I have seen you both act like just bunch of hypnotized peeps from being in love ALL the time until you see each other again. Get what I'm saying?"

"Well...I think so. You were using too much big words here and there!" he said scratching his head. Okay, he's NOT that good on big words...but he's really smart! I'm trying to think of example of why he's smart...but I just can't. Oh well, he's not dumb for one thing anyway so no biggie! He'll just end up looking like a hobo with a job as a firemen in the next few years....WOW! Kinky!

"Yeah I do...but I don't believe you! I act the same!" I objected running my middle finger on Dave's arms. Nancy got up taking a hairband on my drawer that she really owned. She walked around tying her hair up telling me that it's really true and sometimes her girl friends even asks her if I'm in love with someone because they could tell literally by just looking at me. And she even joked, I think she was just joking since there's no way in hell it could be true, that they were hoping it'd be one of 'em. Dave quickly reacted, "Them?! Hoping that my luver Blue will be in love with them?! they need some knuckle sandwich to realize that my luver's in love with only ME?"

"Hey...but you can't help getting turned on by that hot chic Angela...that blonde babe! She looks almost exactly like Mandy Moore if only Angela had a really good voice instead of that high squeeky one she uses everyday that you literally can't stand. Too bad, all bets are that she has a hots for that cute guy Jake since beginning of school," I said trying to make Dave jealous...which did make him jealous! It's so not true really. I'm one hundred and ten percent gay! I'd no way touch or deal with a girl that way but I'm not THAT gay that I'd start limping my wrist and wearing those pink or rainbow shirt that says in the front "2QT2BSTR8" and in the back it says, "Nobody knows I'm Gay" or wear make up and put wigs on and pretend like a girl. I'm just...not that gay. Dave knew I was kidding but he played around, "Oh fine be that way! Guess I'll just go out with a girl too. I mean...your not the only one who's bi!"

"Hey hey HEY! Where's this bi word coming from?! I'm just kidding around you know! Don't tell me your bi!" I said a bit worried. I mean bis are cool really but the only problem is's hard to float their boat! My friend says that they want girls but they have no dicks so they run after guys but they have no boobs so they end up marrying transexuals. I don't know...I kinda feel like that's too insulting. Really, I'm cool about bis...I'm just scared that well...Dave might want something that I can't give. Oh like...childrens? They don't come out of the ass you know!

"Well...I don't know! I mean maybe I am. I mean I wouldn't mind fucking Britney or Christina or Mariah...or sigh...Mandy Moore! Or maybe I'm not bi after all and completely gay and would only do Blue for the rest of my life," he said. I kissed him anyway telling him that it's okay as sexual matter goes as long as he's in love with me. That's all that matters. I mean his sexuality matters too but all in all, I guess love's the only thing that matters in relationships. Okay, did I just sound so intimate or what?! I said outloud after, "Still, you'd better not!"

He kissed me back and Nancy sort of yawned and told us to break it up since she's getting jealous that she can't find another boyfriend in the damn school good enough for her. We did stop but we held hands and stayed in the same place; me leaning on his naked body and him wrapping his arms around me. Dave suddenly blurted out, "Hey you know...there's something missing that I can't really put a finger in it."P>

"My ass? Heh! Yeah...James. For some weird reasons, he's one of those people that waits for other people to ask him out since he's too shy. Let's invite him here! He'll be really pissed if like he finds out he wasn't invited to come to my house today," I insisted grabbing the receiver. But then Clarrissa suddenly blurted out rising up to her feet, "Do we have to invite him here? I mean, you can't act so close to each other if he's here and all. I mean he doesn't know about you guys yet."

"Oh yeah, guess you're right...but we can take it! I mean we can save it up for later and it's better that way since it's more vigor!" I said grinning like crazy. Clarrissa looked at me weird and asked so loud that Dave kinda got embarrassed, "You guys had sex?!"

"Umm....well is it bad if we said no? He meant another kissing session!" Dave answered looking at me with devilish smile. Clarrissa smiled, "Sigh...oh ok. Do we really have to invited Jamesy?"

Jamesy? I nodded and asked her if she had any reasons why James can't go here and she shook her head. Soon after, I could hear James knocking on the front door. He's really polite even though he's gotta be the most irritating but funny person you'll ever know. He KNOWS that the front door is always open whenever I'm home but he always knocks. I sighed and I got off my bed and went down the stairs answering the door. James, all dressed up black...oh he's wearing grey shirt! That's new! I smiled, "Hey nice shirt man! Grey! Me favourite!"

"Oh shut up...laundry day. By the way...HI!" he said smiling woozily like the stars just fell down the sky and smacked him right on top. I looked at him weird and told him to come in. He tailed me and when he reached the stairs he asked me if his hair looks good. That really surprised me, this was the first time he ever cared about he looked. I nodded and asked, "What's the special occasion."

"Me proposing to you!" he said snickering. I jabbed him on the shoulder and went straight into my bedroom. I laid down beside Dave so nothing would be noticed...sigh I know! I was sitting beside him like totally a feet away and my whole body and his body were like magnets inching every single minute then we'd back away a couple of inches then it repeats again. I wasn't really paying attention with anyone in the room except Dave who was pretty much looking me like he wants to grab me and lick me and kiss me. I was staring into his blue eyes that seems to hypnotize me and every single second, my head moved closer to him as he did the same.

"Are you guys in love yet?" James suddenly blurted out. I looked away and smiled foolishly while scratching the end part of my nose while Dave looked away smiling and blushing like hell scratching the back of his head instead. God...Dave looks so sexy by just doing that! I tried to explain, "I...he...uhh..well...he...this never happened!"

"We were having a staring contest...yeah! To see who'll last long," Dave explained. James snickered, "Sure you do! You looked like you both were about to get close and kiss kiss kiss 'till the sun goes down don't they Nancy?"

Nancy, who was like just beside REALLY BESIDE HIM like you would actually think that there's something really going on with both of them, brushed a long lock of fine blonde hair tucking it at back of her ear while she nodded agreeing with him. I really didn't see the reason why I got to hide this shit from him. I mean he KNOWS I'm gay and he thinks it'd be a great idea if me and Dave are perfect couples. Why can't I tell dammit!! Dave laughed, "Kiss kiss kiss 'till the sun goes down? That's the gayest phrase you've ever said James!"

"Hey! Don't say that! It's my favourite track on Vengaboys!" he said enthusiastically. I giggled and so did Dave but eventually I stopped 'cuz I so something really weird. Nancy was sitting there with her arms around her knees and she wasn't laughing or anything, well she WAS but it's like she forced it out of her will. Well I was really minding it 'till she said so slowly while Dave was laughing, "You guys...I have to go...I need to my my house."

She left without waiting for waiting for us to say our usual thirty minute goodbyes. Then like ten minutes later talking like non stop...well practically me and Dave only since James was like sitting there looking around my room like he was just new in town and went to my house for the first time thinking that any minute now someone will grab him and bash him open. Well he was kind of acting like it. He got up all of a sudden and explained, "You guys...I gotta go. I still have umm...some major homework to do. I'll see you guys later."

"Umm...ok. See yaz man, thanks for comin'!" I said. Dave was giving me this sexy grin that you'll literally know what means. Heheheh....another smoochfest here on my bedroom! Daymn! We said our goodbyes quickly and I was kind of like really odd about this. He doesn't really leave this fast. I mean...him...coming here for only fifteen minutes is sure weird. He ALWAYS stays for dinner like always since he loves my mom's cooking than his mom's. Well I wouldn't go against that since it's true. His mom doesn't know how to cook and once when she did while I was at his house, I just didn't know how it's possible how but she started a fire from just cooking sphaghetti. And they're using electric stoves! Totally weird! That's what I call Mission Impossible.

So anyway, the whole afternoon, my lips were on his all the time except when I had to go to the washroom which was many times since I drank a lot of water from jogging. Oh my god, you don't know how much my dick was hard that time. I was kind of really rubbing my groin at him while I was kissing him since it really felt good to my little brain down there but somehow, I didn't have the guts to go one step further. Well A LOT OF steps! I mean I knew somehow that he's ready, I mean jesus christ, he's already naked except for the pants and whatever undergarments he has on. And boy, did he ever look sexy without his tops on? His nice semi tanned body allowing me to touch it and caress it and rub it and lick and kiss it, which I really never did since I was too scared, oh god, I could literally eat him! I hugged him tighter while pushing myself and pulling himself closer so we could somehow be closer to each other even though our bodies are already in contact. I never really did strip down to my shorts but I know he could feel my nipples erecting since he couldn't stop rubbing it. His was too but I didn't dare touch it. The only time we stopped was when my parents asked us to to go down to eat. Sigh...we already...ate!

After dinner we went back to my bedroom but we didn't really make another make out scene again. We just hugged each other while watching some movie that was the most weirdest movie I have ever seen. Even Horizon. I watched it before when it was on Pay TV but still I still don't get the story. And what's weird is Dave gets it. And I got the story when Dave explains to me what happened after.

Ten o' clock is I guess the time I really hate. Dave always have to go early since he has work the next day after and plus school so he wanted to sleep early. School's really ok but I really don't recommend that job thing that he goes to every Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. I mean he's only like what...turning 16 in a few months plus we won't get to see each other at afternoon. And plus he has football practise at Tuesday and Thursdays. I do see him sometimes after football practise but most of the time, he always falls asleep while I babble on and on.

I sighed while I walked down the isolated dark street alone with Dave holding hands. Then we stopped at the park where we usually say our goodbyes since it's the best place to kiss without anyone seeing us. He turned around and asked me, "Why the sad face luv?"

"'s just that...I'm gonna miss you really bad," I sighed putting my hands in my jean pockets since it was a bit cold. Surprisingly, Dave wasn't even though he was only wearing his tank tops, his tear away pants and his hat. He smiled and caressed my left cheek with his right hand. Dave whispered, "I'm going to see you tomorrow anyway."

"It's not that, well at school we can't really be like REALLY together and plus I won't see you since you have work and after tomorrow you'll have football practice and you'd be too tired to do anything and the day after that day..."

"Okay! I get your point. I'm really sorry for having such a busy day and only having time on weekends. Baby, you know I would do anything to make you happy but you know I'm trying to save money for college. I know! Don't laugh. It's too early I know and I'm too dum to get in..."

"God your not dum Dave. You're not! Hell, I've been watching that movie we just watched ever since I had the oppurtunity and never got it 'til you told me the whole story few hours ago. Look I'm really glad that you're saving up for the future, really I am happy for you," I said smiling taking one step closer at him. College or University really frightens me. If Dave and me last that long...I don't know how I can take it if he goes to a college two cities away. Dave explained, "Thanks. How did we end up in this subject anyway? We were talking about me having no time for you...Look, I'm really really sorry, I could take tomorrow's shift off and bump it somewhere next week...just for you."

"Nah, I know that you're gonna bump it on either Saturday on Sunday so no way in hell I'm gonna let you do that. You just go and make money alright? As long as you waste some for me!" I said jokingly. He laughed a bit then stopped and gazed at me with this half smile that kind of made me giggle inside.

"I love you," he said with a serious adorable voice.

"I love you too."

He smiled and without hugging or getting so close to each other, he moved his head forward leaving a simple kiss on my lips. He drew back and removed his hand from my face and messed my hair a little. "You take care okay and I'll see you tomorrow."

"Alright, good night my knight in shinning armor," I whispered taking my right hands raising it up in the air. He smiled and we smiled again lipping I love you's before we both walk to our seperate ways.

There you go peeps. I hope you like this chapter. This is really a transitional chapter leading to endles of oodles of problemos. Anyways, thanks for making me smile on the comments on giving up 2. btw. Thanks Brandon for the Title!

Next: Chapter 4

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