Gladiator Charm School

Published on Nov 11, 2011


Gladiator Charm School 5 By Bald Hairy Man

This is a story for adult men. It depicts gay sex. If this offends or bothers you DO NOT READ IT. It is a fantasy and is not a sex manual, or a discussion of safe sex. If you have comments send them to

Since Romans were always excited about novelties and oddities, my new dwarfs were potentially profit makers. I had two problems. First, I needed to find a way to integrate them with my existing show. My earlier show had been a great success and I didn't want to replace it. I would save the most successful aspects of the earlier event and add new items. I wanted customers to come back for additional performances. I wanted to expand, not replace the earlier spectacle.

As yet, I didn't know the full range of the dwarfs' sexual capabilities. In the show, I could match my gladiators with a suitable dwarf. After the main event, the spectators joined the frolic with my men. This I couldn't control. While I owned then and could do anything I wanted with them, but I didn't want to have them ripped apart by a spectator's cock. That wasn't a problem for my gladiators who were accustomed to harsh and brutal treatment. I had no idea of the dwarfs' expectations. I notice my red haired Hercules treated Hercules Minor as a pet. I wasn't sure how he would take watching him being ripped open for a patrician's pleasure.

I tend to be a worrier, and I talked with Didimus and Corsi about my worries. Didimus told me to leave things to him. He would work things out. I was going to spend the day rehearsing, but I had a visitor who occupied the entire day. The visitor was most unwelcome, a distant relative of my dead wife.

The man seemed to think I should pay him off. I do not believe my wife had ever mentioned him other than in passing, and she certainly never had him in her will. I treated my wife well. I was her companion and friend. I was sexually satisfactory and when she became sick I nursed her faithfully. When she died I provided suitably elaborate games in her honor, indeed, several of my neighbors thought I was overly generous.

Overly generous and extravagant games would have pleased her to no end. She deserved them. My guest became quite aggressive and loud. I was uncomfortable. Didimus noticed that. He dressed up my most fierce gladiators in their most impressive armor and marched them into the atrium.

"Master!" Didimus said. "Your men have returned from killing that vile leach Catus. He will never bother you again."

I looked aggravated. "I didn't want him killed, only scared," I said.

"The men need some entertainment," Didimus said. "Dominus, you don't need to worry about the body. There is not much left, and what remains cannot be identified. Is there anything else you want?"

I gave my unwelcome guest a long look. He got nervous. "No, not now, perhaps later. Give the men some wine. They may need some refreshment. Give them food too. I may need them later."

That little performance had a beneficial effect on my guest. I mentioned how deeply attached to my dead wife I had been. My guest said that sort of closeness was rare in modern couples. He then remembered an appointment in Rome the next day. He had to leave if he was to get there in time.

"I have some men who could escort you," I said. "It is dangerous to travel at night."

He thanked me profusely, but said he would spend the night in a small inn along the way. I asked him, which inn? He rather abruptly said good bye and left. Didimus must have been listening at the door. As the man walked away, he got the gladiators to make a great din as if they were getting ready to follow. The man broke into a run and vanished into the fields. After a good dinner, I went to bed early. It was a satisfactory day. I was pleased.

Didimus, Corsi and the Donkey came to see me the next morning. "We have tried and tested all the men, Master," Didimus said. "They may be half sized, but they have full sized asses and full sized sexual appitites. No one, except for the young one had any problem."

"He isn't a dwarf, is he?" I asked

"I don't think so," Corsi said. "He's not one of them, but they seem to have some sort of relationship. They were in the household of a General. He was defeated and I have a feeling the young one is related to the General."

"Perhaps his son?" I suggested.

"They must owe him something," Didimus said. "They do try to protect him. He does not speak Latin or Greek. God knows what language he speaks."

"I saw him looking at the Persian Panther with interest," the Donkey added. "He was willing to suck and be sucked, but his ass was firmly clenched. I watched him yesterday. I'm not sure he hears well. He watches what the other men are doing, and reacts only after they do."

"Well his spunk is a treat!" Didimus added. We all laughed.

Later that morning we discovered the dwarfs had some acrobatic skills, and we also tried wrestling matches. Usually two or three wrestled against a single full-sized man. I asked if they could add some sexual contact to their matches. They were more than willing. We tried a match with our German Chieftain. That was good. Pilos, the oldest dwarf, suggested they be oiled. This would make the match more amusing. We tried that and it was a success.

Didimus and the Corsican Cheetah had tested the men for their suitability for my sexual exhibitions. Pilos and Midas had done some exploring on their own. Pilos was their leader and he wanted to make friends with the Gladiators. I think he was looking for a protector. Pilos was willing to please and he soon found those special places that sexually please a man. Eventually, the dwarfs developed an encyclopedic knowledge of each gladiator's hot spots. The gladiators were not sensitive men; they were crude brutes. Even the most brutish man might have a place where the foreskin joins the cock head that is exquisitely sensitive and gives pleasure when licked by a dwarf tongue. Pilos and Midas had a knack for finding these spots.

In many places, dwarfs were killed at birth, and I assumed many were killed as a matter of course in Rome. Pilos knew his life depended on being useful and on his ability to give pleasure. No tricks, no games, no acrobatic stunts equal the pleasure of sex. Pilos knew this and used it for his men.

I was worried the Chieftain would take these wrestling matches badly, but he liked the dwarfs. While the little men wrestled and fought, they also were attentive to the chieftain's genitals. They knew his sexual likes and desires.

My new young slave was a problem. He might very well be useless. Killing a slave was illegal without an actual crime. Of course, one could work him to death, or starve him, but that was poor policy. I know men who think that being harsh and cruel inspires obedience. It may well do that, but to be in a house surrounded by slaves that puts you at risk. The cook merely needs to slip a bad mushroom onto a soup, or knock over a lamp and it is over.

Deep hatred and a desire for revenge can inspire men to violence even if it means their own death. If one lives permanently in the shadow of death, certain death might seem to be a release, especially if you were able to kill your tormentor. I sent the Persian Panther to the slave to get a report.

I have never understood the ways if the East. My Jew, the Persian Panther, found out much. The man was indeed the son of the general who survived by hiding with the circus performers. The General had ordered his servants killed so none would survive him. He spared the Dwarfs for his son's sake.

He was partially deaf, but pretended to be entirely deaf. The Panther thought I should pair him with the British Bruin. He thought the deaf leading the blind with have some appeal. The Bruin's bad eye was getting worse and there was no way we could hide it any more. Roman's love any novelty. We discussed this with the Cheetah and Donkey and they thought the idea might work.

The wrestling matches developed in to funny and amusing sexual romps. The gladiators played the strong, powerful manly men. The dwarfs played the clever, sex crazed roles. In the end, all got as much as they gave, and all were sexually satisfied. Pilos told me I could not allow the dwarfs to win. My Roman audience would identify with the manly men. They had to win. While they eventually lost, the small men would be sexual satisfied in the way that only a manly man's cock could satisfy. This left everyone happy.

The day for Apollodorus' party arrived. The cook prepared a great feast. My gladiators practiced their routines. I had little to do but worry. Alas, for me worrying is a full time job. Didimus was efficient as always. My slaves were cheerful. Given the range of slave duties that could include being a galley slave or mine worker, to being sexual plaything for patrician Romans, my slaves were happy. They were all realistic. A few loads of patrician sperm were not a problem compared to the weight of iron ore. Many might actually fill a few patrician asses with slave spunk. That was no problem at all.

Apollodorus came early, just after dawn. He had invited his most important clients. He was wealthy and powerful. It was commonplace to provide slave girls for one's guests. A few might even provided a boy or two for fun. Apollodorus had friends who had more specialized desires. Gladiators were the great sexual fantasy. This was a chance to indulge these desires in a rural estate far from Rome's prying eyes. The party was to start in the middle of the afternoon, but some men came early.

I offered them refreshment and my baths. I had several nude bath attendants to keep them happy. Apollodorus' guests seemed to be ordinary men without any memorable features. I laughed at myself as I thought this. I didn't know any truly notable men, indeed I had never seen one. I had never seen any of the Emperor's companions, not to mention the Emperor himself. The closest I ever got to the Emperor was his face on a coin.

If an important person were to visit me he would most certainly be disguised and incognito. The great do not associate with underlings. My services were not the sort that a powerful man would admit to using.

Apollodorus introduced his friends simply as friends, without specific names. Many were bearded. This was a Greek affectation, but was also popular in the Army. I suspected some were either in the army or were veterans. They were strong and muscular, but a bit worn. Their strength came from life experiences, not the gymnasium. They had military bearing, While they used their proper names among themselves, I felt is was best to refer to them as Dominus. They were polite, and when I visited the baths, I saw they were excited.

In the later afternoon, I called them to the peristyle garden to the rear of the house. Since we were to have athletic games, we needed the large garden space. They reclined in the shade of the south portico; my men were in the full sun. The nude men in the baths were handsome, but not exceptional. They were but the appetizers for the full genital feast of my banquet.

The chef provided light, but tasty morsels and while the wine was very good, it was carefully distributed. Too much food and wine encourages sleep, not lust. Apollodorus had made it clear he wanted sexual release and gratification, not full stomachs. We began the performance with the Persian Panther introducing the Ethiopian Nubian, the British Bruin as at the earlier event. This went over well as it had before. He then introduced the Viking as Odin, the king of the Nordic gods. He had a dwarf on each shoulder. They portrayed lesser Nordic gods. As the Panther recited a long-winded ode to Odin, every time the Viking moved his head, he found a dwarf's cock near and eventually, in his mouth. The first few times it looked accidental, but it soon became more overtly sexual.

Apollodorus' guests roared in laughter. Finally, the Viking took Pilos off his shoulder and skewered him on his cock. Minos had his legs around the Viking's neck and rubbed his cock against his neck. Pilos squirmed on the North man's cock. At the end of the act, the Viking carried each man around and offered their cocks to the guests as if they were delicacies to be sampled. This caused great merriment. Pilos had an orgasm and one of the handsome, bearded, military type guests was nice enough to suck it up straight from Pilos' spewing cock. The other men broke out in applause at this gesture.

Frankly, from this point on we could have done anything and the men would have been amused. With our combination of exotic men, giants, dwarfs and overt sex, we had everything a Roman could desire as entertainment. Our entertainment had just begun.

My chef continued to provide rare and interesting tidbits from the kitchen. These included eggs stuffed with minced bull balls, and similar exotica. My chef had one special skill. He was able to make these dishes taste good. Usually such things were more of an oddity than actual food. He served well marinated bull cocks on a skewer and you could actually eat the thing.

The highlight of the show was wrestling matches. As before, some were actual matches demonstrating the skills of my men. We then asked of any of guests would like to participate. Wrestling required nudity and it allowed the guests to dispose of their loincloths. These matches were playful and soon became overtly sexual.

I was very careful about this. Apollodorus told me which men were willing to bottom and let me know if any would only top. We gave the men a colored bracelet, red for bottoms, black for tops. The guests didn't know the meaning, but I was concerned that men of power not be offended. All this concern was to no avail. Even the most resolute tops can be inspired to bottom. My men were most inspirational.

We had a break in activity to let everyone catch his breath, eat and drink. Some of the guests held back and this would give them a chance to build up their nerve. They had seen my men naked and erect. There had been some sucking and licking and a very modest amount of fucking. By this time, everyone knew that outright fornication was next on the menu. I wanted to give the weak willed a chance to leave. I assumed Apollodorus was a good judge of character and his guests were as interested in man sex as he was, but it is good to be careful. No one availed himself of the opportunity to leave.

The dwarfs re entered carried on the back of a gladiator for the final part of the show. The Corsican Cheetah directed this part of the show. He announced that dwarfs liked to wrestle too, but in order to make it a more fair match, they needed to be oiled. He asked if the guest would do the oiling. The fun began. We had two or three guests for each dwarf. Corsi emphasized that every inch of the dwarfs needed to oiled. The guests were very careful to make sure the genitals and anus of the dwarfs were prepared.

Some were nice enough to oil their own genitals and use their own cocks to get the oil deep into the dwarfs' asses. The small men weren't shy and they were prone to suck any cock that was nearby and had no problem making sure the guests' asses were oiled too. Their small hands made this a treat for the guests. Certainly finding a hand in your ass wiould normally be shocking, but a dwarf was a novelty. It was a festive scene. Any inhibitions anyone had vanished. There was a brief moment of organized wrestling, but it all turned into a free for all.

I thought I knew all the possibilities that men can couple, both orally and anally. When you are dealing with full sized men and dwarfs, the options seemed to multiply. The small men can fit in places full sized men can't.

Unlike the earlier party, there didn't seem to be any differentiation between the guests and the performers. I like to plan things well in advance and in detail. I do not like surprises, but I was pleased how inventive and imaginative men can be when sex is involved. My gladiators were more brawn than brain, but the sexual drive encouraged experimentation.

The handsome military man who had taken Pilos' semen earlier seemed to have a taste for dwarf seed. I noticed several guests were always near him and even when fully engaged sexually they kept an eye on him. Eventually, each dwarf surrendered his man seed to the man culminating in a double orgasm of Hercules Major and Minor. The man's beard was filled with seed and man juices.

You would think a coating of man juices would be ugly and vulgar, but this man enjoyed it so much, it was quite attractive. It was almost as if frost coated his beard. The sun struck him emphasizing his profile. I mentioned I had never seen an emperor except on a coin. The dripping dwarf cum adorned the face of Hadrian, the ruler of the known world. Apollodorus saw me as I recognized the Emperor. He shook his head and I let my face go blank. Apollodorus smiled.

Hadrian was straddling Hercules Major's cock and easing it into his ass. As soon as he was fully skewered, he got Hercules Minor to sit on his cock. It was a tight fit for Hercules Minor, but Hercules Major was greatly amused and was laughing. He bounced as he laughed and each bounce drove Hadrian's cock deeper into the dwarf. The trio clearly enjoyed the coupling.

I didn't want to stare so I turned my attention elsewhere. The Chieftain was skewering another military type and a cluster of men were gang fucking Apollodorus. I knew Apollodorus well enough to know it was at his invitation. One of his guests complimented him on the quality of cum in his ass. "I find gladiator seed is without a doubt the best lubricant," Apollodorus replied. That comment seemed to induce an orgasm in the guest to the amusement of the group. I was amazed at the lack of self consciousness of the men. None tried to hide their lusts; none tried to conceal their orgasms. It was all, very un Roman, but attractive none the less.

Hadrian bellowed as he released his imperial man milk deep in the dwarf Hercules' ass. A man picked up the dwarf, flipped him over and began to eat out the sperm filled hole.

I went over to the emperor. "Might I lick up whatever drips from your cock, Dominus?" I asked.

"You are the perfect host! Please do," he said, "but lick this brute's balls too. I want to get my fill of him, but he hasn't shot off yet!"

I sucked both Hadrian's cock and Hercules Major's balls. Hadrian had shot off, but retained a partial erection. He drooled a combination of semen and pre cum. When I hit a particularly good spot, he would ejaculate and spurt a volley of pure sperm. I also worked a few fingers into Hercules' ass and played with his nut. I felt the huge man shiver as I applied pressure. Soon the gland turned rock hard. He shot off. Hadrian laughed as the ejaculations ticked his rectum.

"That was wonderful!" the Emperor said. He sighed as he rose. Hercules was still shooting and the Emperor's ass drooled gladiator seed. It was a success for all.

Next: Chapter 6

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