Gladiator Charm School

Published on Apr 28, 2012


Gladiator Charm School 7 By Bald Hairy Man

This is a story about gay men and gay sex. If you don't like that, DON'T read it! You have been warned. It is intended for adults to read, and is not for minors. It is a fantasy, not a sex manual. No effort to portray safe sex practices has been made. If you have any comments send them to or

It was a pleasant afternoon. I expected it to be difficult and anxiety filled. All the men seemed to get along well in spite of their varied social status. In theory, the mixture of farm workers, gladiators and Patricians was poor and was bound to offend someone.

Everything was informal and pleasant. The patrician's need to have intense sex seems to have overwhelmed their concern about status. I am not sure there are patrician cocks or plebeian cocks. I also am not sure one can possess a patrician asshole. The only limit was the ability of men to have multiple orgasms. If anyone was squirting man seed, there were more than enough men to take it in their mouths or asses.

This made the party quite neat until later in the event. Once a man's ass held three or four men's seed, it began to drool. I provided oils for lubrication, but this was no longer needed. Semen is a good lubricant.

Apuleius was on a bench with the Viking plowing his ass and Pilos feeding the poet his cock. Man seed covered Apuleius' beard, but he was sucking the dwarf's cock with abandon and obvious relish. I had heard the Viking's bellows when he had climaxed earlier in other men. He was still fully erect and pounding like a mad man.

While the orgasm is the objective of sex, once one has climaxed several times, it is harder to achieve. It takes far more stimulation to coax the precious man seed from the balls. Many of my men were experienced enough to appreciate the stimulation. For a man with a small hole being fucked buy a big cock this was a problem.

Apuleius had no problem. His ass was open. "Use that ass to kiss my man cock!" the Viking cried in his poor Latin. As far as I could tell, the poet's ass was open and dilated. The Viking's fuck pole entered without effort. The Viking, large, lavender knob glistened as it vanished into the poet's ass. It churned the mixture of lubricants, sperm and other manly juices into a sexual soup. When I looked closer, I saw Apuleius' ass lips indeed tried to caress the Nordic cock. The Viking was a crude and sometimes brutal man, but he clearly was feeling tender and almost loving.

Pilos had straddled Apuleius's head. With his short legs, this let the poet take the dwarf's entire genitals in his mouth, balls and cock. Pilos began to shiver and jerk as he unloaded. Apuleius was like a thirsty man in a desert, he feverishly took Pilos' seed. When Pilos pulled off, the Donkey came over. He was carrying Hercules Minor.

"You look hungry!" the Donkey remarked. "My friend has an ass filled with man seed. Why don't you help him out?"

"Whose is it?" Apuleius asked.

"Hercules is a popular man," the Donkey said. "The big men like him because he's so tight. He had a mixture of Gladiator seed and some nice honest farmers' man milk." He sat Hercules on the poet's face, asshole to mouth. Hercules bent forward and his ass opened. His hole was glistening with opalescent goo. I was shocked. The poet's tongue touched the dwarf's hole.

Apuleius looked as if he was eating caviar from a golden bowl, not sperm from a hairy ass. Unexpectedly the Viking bent over and kissed the diminutive Hercules. The Viking continued to pound Apuleius' ass, but his kiss wasn't casual. After the Viking finally ejaculated, I saw Hercules easing his cock into the vacated hole.

After he deposited his orgasmic juices, Hercules sat on Apuleius' cock. I was surprised the poet could retain an erection after the marathon sex of the day. Hercules liked it. The Donkey was next and took his turn in the poetical hole. The Donkey was a magician who used his cock as a magic wand to give pleasure.

As the night wore on, Apuleius and his friends fell asleep. They were fully sated. The ceremonies were over. At dawn, they left the villa and returned home.

My gladiators remained asleep, but the agricultural workers woke at their normal hour. They went to the baths to clean up. I returned to the bath after saying farewell to my guests. As I lay on a marble bench, the workers gang fucked me.

That is too crude a word to explain what they did. Each man personally thanked my prostate for the day of pleasure. The men were varied in age and size. Each took time to ease his organ into my ass and then used it to caress the magic nut. My ass was relaxed from the preceding day's use so it was lovely. The men were relaxed too, but of course as they approached the inevitable orgasm they became excited. Each climaxed and bathed my ass in soothing man seed. The tension vanished as the released their seed. They pulled out slowly and I felt disappointed when their cock heads popped out of my well-used ass. I felt empty until the next man entered. Afterward, they returned to the fields for the day's work.

I was exhausted, lying flat on the marble bench, with man seed drooling from my ass. It was lovely. I can never guess how men will react to an exceptional situation. I would have thought the event might have reduced my status with the men. It had the opposite effect. I was the bringer of joy to my men. The farmers had never been included in the sexual games of my Gladiators. They seemed pleased and honored.

I saw the entire event as an odd religious cult with a peculiar sexual obsession. My farmers' lives depended on fertility, and they saw nothing odd or comic about the rites. It made sense to them. They were pleased to participate. Didimus was closer to the men than I was. He told me they considered me to be a newly plowed and seeded field. They saw my enthusiastic response to their cocks was a clear indication of future prosperity. I slept for much of the next day and night and woke up feeling happy and refreshed.

A week later Apollodorus wrote me a letter asked if he could visit with a few, select friends. He said it would be an informal visit, that would need no special preparations on my part. He did not mention a fee, but I knew he was wealthy, prosperous and, more importantly, generous. I was not concerned.

Apollodorus arrived before the rest of his party. He was on foot, not carried on a liter, so I knew he was with a group that wanted to avoid display and notice. He came over to me in the atrium and greeted me warmly. "It is so good to see you again!" he exclaimed. "It seems like an eternity between my visits."

"I think it has been little more than a month," I said. "It is good to see you again."

"I have a few friends following me," he said as he leaned close to me. "They are inexperienced. I was hoping you could expand their horizons."

"How inexperienced is inexperienced?"

Apollodorus laughed. "You never know do you? It seems to me that men either grossly inflate their sexual experience, or they understate it," he replied. "I suspect the later in this group. They are members of some cult that believes in chastity above all other virtues."

"And they are friends of yours?" I asked in mock amazement.

Apollodorus had a sense of humor. He smiled. "My new friends are handsome, but not worldly. I was hoping some of your men could ease them into a pleasurable situation," he explained. "I had a conversation with one of the men about their sexual beliefs. The cult is opposed to sex, and these men are true believers. They say they have never experienced sexual satisfaction. I think they would enjoy a sensual experience with men who are relaxed and pleasant."

"How did you talk them into coming here?" I asked. "It seems to me we could hardly be a more inappropriate place."

"I discovered their cults strictures against sexual activity focused exclusively on women," Apollodorus said. "We Greeks are great philosophers. I said sex existed for reproduction and making heirs. Since one couldn't do this with other men, therefore activities with other men could not be sex. They weren't sure about my logic, but I am a convincing man. I then suggested that they might be able to preach on the subject of chastity and abstinence if they had a inkling of the allures of sex."

"Your arguments were successful apparently?"

"I suggested that male play was but a poor reflection of sex with women."

"Am I assuming you want something enjoyable, but not wild?"

Apollodorus nodded. I glanced over at Didimus who was standing in a dark corner of the atrium. He smiled at me. I could always count on him; he had some men well suited for our visitors.

By the time our visitors arrived, the sun had warmed the day. There were three men, Sergius, Bacchus and Ambrosias. Sergius and Bacchus were handsome and I suspected they were military men. Ambrosias appeared to be a scholar. He seemed to be shy and uneasy.

Apollodorus played the role of the host. He was as always out going and cordial. My servants dressed in ordinary clothes, with none of the exotica typical of my gladiatorial events. As was normal after a long trip, we took the men to my baths to clean up the dust of travel.

My friend the Corsican Cheetah and the Donkey joined us in the baths. The were with Pilos, Midas, and the general's son. By now, my men call the young man Germanicus. Unexpectedly two young farmers, Primus and Julian, joined us. They were big, good-looking men who put on no airs. Their man parts were impressive too, meaty and thick. They were not the cocks I would have picked for inexperienced men such as our guests, but Didimus was perceptive and he must have understood something I missed.

Didimus served wine and fruit to all. The wine was very good and the fruit freshly harvested from my gardens. In the relaxing atmosphere of the baths, it became an informal party. I was pleased with my cooks and with Didimus' planning. Nothing seemed overly fancy or elaborate, but everything was special in some way.

The two dwarfs were older men, but very cheerful and not shy at all. They were humorous and overtly sexual in their comments, but the guests seemed to like that. I think of sex as a recreational activity as do most upper-class Romans. While plebs may couple with persons they are attracted to and even marry these persons, upper-class marriages are undertaken for financial or status reasons. One marries to increase your wealth or potential for wealth, or to create alliances with other families who can help your own clan.

For sexual release, you generally use a servant, slave or you buy it in the brothels. Naturally, Romans frown upon forming emotional attachments on persons of lower rank or wealth. Such attachments can be disastrous. In the same way, to fall in love with a woman in a rival clan was a problem.

As I watched Sergius and Bacchus, I soon realized they were not friends; they were in love. I wasn't sure how to handle the problem. It seemed to be that affection complicated the situation. Generally, it is much easier to deal with lust. One merely had to screw a slave. My parties were popular because they provided sexual release without complications. While many of my guests were attracted to Gladiators, they certainly felt no emotional connection. That was all but impossible.

Midas and Pilos put on a comical display. It began as a lover's quarrel. These were typical theatrical devices; except that our lovers were both male and both were dwarfs. This was very funny and amusing. They were good actors. As was typical in this sort of performance, they ended with the lovers reconciling and going to bed. On stage in a theater, the final reconciliation took place off stage, but the oversized strap on penises the Greeks like so much would be in place and the audience would know the inevitable finale. It had always surprised me that the straps on cocks always cause an uproarious outbreak of laughter, even though the audience always knows the outcome. I myself laugh.

Pilos and Midas followed the standard routine, except they used their own, fully erect cocks in place of the strap on dildos. There was one other change. Typically, the final simulated fucking is just revenge for the scolding wife. She submits to her husband and all is well. She usually cries something like, "Your massive cock will send me to the pinnacle of Mount Olympus, oh husband dearest."

"I'm just a farmer and not a god. I do like a field that is both plowed and seeded," the husband would say to gales of laughter from the audience. Pilos and Midas' play ended in a tender erotic scene. Of course, they did not simulate sex; it was real and it was actually quite lovely.

I was almost shocked, and then I understood Pilos and Midas were lovers. Their tender sex was due to years of practice. While their performance surprised me, the reaction of the other men did not. They were all excited and titillated. This might have been a problem for Sergius and Bacchus, who were modest men, but since everyone was similarly excited, the soon saw they were in good company. They were soldiers, and like good soldiers, they automatically wanted to support the group.

The two dwarfs stopped their performance just short of an orgasm. Midas spoke. "You have been a most appreciative audience," he said. "We are firm believers on the realistic school of acting, as you can tell." The men laughed. "Normally we save the grand finale for ourselves, but since he have such distinguished guests, we offer them a chance to swallow the last act of our play!" the two men stroked their cocks in case there was any misunderstanding. Everyone laughed.

"I have heard dwarf sperm has special properties," Apollodorus said. "It is regarded as a delicacy even on the Palatine Hill!" The two farmers, Primus and Julian, picked up the dwarfs and presented them to Sergius and Bacchus. Bacchus leaned forward and licked Midas' cock before he took the entire organ. Sergius followed him a few seconds later. Everyone was talking, laughing and enjoying himself.

Sergius was the recipient of Pilos' sperm. Bacchus has passed Midas to his older friend Ambrosias. While Sergius enjoyed the dwarf, Ambrosias more than just enjoyed Midas' ball juices. I noticed that Sergius and Bacchus relaxed considerably when the saw Ambrosias so clearly enjoying sucking the Dwarf's spewing cock. I wondered if Ambrosias was a teacher or mentor to the younger men. His participation was the seal of approval.

Pilos and Minos were among the oldest men in my stable of playmates. They were good actors, and willing to do almost anything I asked. I noticed they seemed pleased to be with the younger men, and that the younger men responded to them.

I wasn't sure what Apollodorus intended for the day's festivities. If it simply was to introduce the men to man sex, we had done that. They clearly enjoyed the dwarfs and the little play. They also seemed relaxed.

I also knew we had barely introduced them to the possible joys of manly sex. As I worried about what Apollodorus wanted, the men took care of things on their own. Sergius and Bacchus clearly enjoyed the farmers and the Corsican Cheetah. The Donkey went to Ambrosias as did Germanicus. Apollodorus joined them. Germanicus liked the older men. The dwarves went where ever there was an available cock or ass.

Corsi was handsome and fairly young. He wasn't particularly aggressive, but he was also very sexually experienced. Sergius and Bacchus were not experienced. Fortunately, our Corsican Cheetah was also well equipped as a teacher. He was experienced and helpful.

Many sexually experienced persons give the impression of being worn out or jaded. The Cheetah was cheerful and had and ability to encourage men to try to do more. He also had sense enough to know what would be too much. Corsi was also playful. This was good for the men. He didn't take himself too seriously. When I first met him, he eased to me into increasingly more intense situations. He always let me know that if they didn't enjoy an activity, there was no need to do it again.

I think there are sexual novices who have a poor first experience who are afraid of trying sex again. Corsi encouraged them to try something else, or try the same activity in a different position. I don't think any of our guests had any major problems. All of the men were big, masculine specimens. Pilos and Minos were diminutive men, but masculine and experienced. Pilos eventually sat on Bacchus cock and did a dance while impaled. They were an example of the possibilities. I must admit Pilos liked it all.

Ambrosias was clearly a patrician and from a good family. I was afraid my two farmers didn't understand the deference expected by men of elevated rank. Plebs in cities come into contact with patricians and knew what was expected. Rural farmers had no contact with upper class men.

While some persons in my position play the role of the farmer, I am not one of those. As long as my tenants produce what I need, I leave them alone. I had not even met Julian or primus before. They were big and handsome, but crude and untrained.

My ability to worry is well developed and as I considered every possible disaster that might occur, Primus and Julian enjoyed Ambrosias. The crude, common men's objective was to liberate their sperm from the confines of their balls. While they were crude, they were also cheerful.

While Primus worked at shooting his cream into Ambrosias' behind, Julian undertook the task of reducing the weight of the sperm in Ambrosias' balls. While Primus was big, his cock was very thin and long. It was the perfect organ for an inexperienced ass. Julian took his time sucking the organ.

Ambrosias had been tense and uneasy when he came to the villa. Once Primus' organ eased its way through his sphincter, he relaxed. Relaxed is not quite the right word. He was a different man. Didimus looked on approvingly. He had told me once that sometime a man isn't complete without a cock in his ass. Ambrosias made no effort to hide his pleasure. I had thought they day's pleasures were coming to an end. They were just beginning.

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