Gladiator Evry Day

Published on Oct 13, 2017


% This work of fiction is set in the format of real-world situations. Identifying details to real people, alive or dead, is entirely coincidental in nature.

% States and countries have various rules regarding reading or viewing adult material'. It is up to you, the reader, to research this subject, abiding by laws and conscience. The pages of this story contain adult material', intended for an `adult audience.' Bypass this warning at your own risk!

% If sexual scenes involving male-to-male relationships offends you, then why are you here? Seriously, if dude-to-dude sex stuff makes you wanna barf or is gonna screw up your mind, you should not read this story.

% Sexual safety matters. Guys, this is fiction. In real life, use protection and I don't mean going out and hiring a security guard...unless he gives your nuts and bolt a jolt!

Hey dudes, if you have enjoyed reading NiFTy stories as much as I have over the years, consider adding some $upport for `internet $pace' or else I will have to start cutting handsome, hairy or steamy characters out of my stories. Do you dare imagine a story without any tops?


`GLaDiaToR EV'ry DaY' o2 WriTten by T. Chase McPhee


It was Jared's own fault, for being torn away from Kelly's welcoming home. No long, before he arranged his brother's plane excursion, he began integrating certain set standards. For instance, at a certain time of day, Jared would set his iWatch to a different time of the morning, afternoon and evening. When a chime sounded, he began programming himself to drop whatever he was doing, run across the meadow and be there at Kelly's back door.

It took a few tries to realize, when in the middle of an important decision-making event, if he didn't make it on the spot, it could put factories workers out of a job. For certain, Jared wasn't about to have them hanging in the break room, sipping coffee, while it drained the company bank account!

Originally he was about to appoint his most-trusted employee, with a real feel for business, Kenny Logan. Their paths had crossed a decade or so ago and ever since, they've been on the same path.

Kenny had been one of the few employees whom, despite being a closeted gay man, garnered the trust of Jared's father. Really, all it entailed was keeping business and pleasure separate and if a guy got a hankering for man-sex, make sure it was at least 50 miles from company property!

The fact he has known Kenny since he was 17-years old and a reputation of seeing it through on even the smallest of details, Jared named him for the job for handling everything which he could not physically do himself.

At first, it was a good system, Kenny there at his beck and call. However, when the idea of moving his brother to the estate arose, Jared felt he needed a watchful eye over his brother.

One superlative of Kenny's, he didn't ride with a decision if he thought it would not deliver the best outcome. Sure, he was a team player and accepted Jared's proposal, but glued to Jared's side, it didn't give him the freedom to report to an area when a real problem arose. What Kenny didn't say, it also cut down on spontaneous desires, like meeting in the barn at any given time of day, drop his pants and hang over a bale of hay, satisfying each other's sexual qualms, till the jizz came out in a thick stream!

So, Kenny voiced opinion, told Jared he felt honored to have the position, but his talents were being wasted. Okay, so Jared did put Kenny on the spot and asked him who could take his place? He came up with the name, `Billy Higgins'.

Jared came back with, the name sounding familiar'. It was a lot to remember, with the business moving to the converted farm, all those extra employees added to payroll, the new store in town, having had the grand opening last spring, he seemed to remember.'

In fact, Jared did remember, when Kenny reminded him of Billy being hired to fill the manager's job at the store.

even the tiniest of decisions requiring his approval. He knew that would have to change, yet he hadn't figured it out. About ready to tear his eyes away from JC exiting the pool, his cell rings.

Neither Kelly, nor himself had much affection for their mother. There were a few superlatives. One of her more astute attempt at words of wisdom, `things not happening without a reason', it's kind of stuck there in Jared's mind; probably for a reason. For instance, every time a hot guy caught his eye, there was probably a reason why their paths crossed!

Tapping `on', after two bursts of a 5-note melody, 97% of the time he answered, "yeah, what's up, Aty?"

It happened quite often lately, more increasingly over the last few months, upon the relocation or the family business, on the sprawling farm property. No doubt, by word of mouth, it was getting around, a reputation that it was okay being gay, a loving environment in which to work and live, where a dude wasn't going to get hassled over anything of the sort. What the Magonagle estate was `not', is a brothel-oriented place, where noodies ran wild on the grounds!

As with his self-appointed position, Jared had the last word on whether someone who strayed onto Magonagle property, would remain or supplied with a train or plane ticket out of town. As of late, Jared more found pity in a guy, understanding the situation with him and his brother and thus far, he hasn't had to foot the bill for transportation. Neither was it, guys descending on the property in droves. A few stragglers would come in off the major thoroughfare, hitch up Rt. 20 and then cut off at the unmarked country lane. If a guy thumbed a ride, usually it was a vehicle headed for the factory-estate. The defunct farm had gone vacant for years and the only cars or trucks that came up the lane, were headed for the dead-ended lake. It would be a getaway for high schoolers, wanting to swim, picnic and carry on with `other' activities!

Right now, his chief security manager was advising that this pair seemed like a good find, especially putting the buzz in Jared's ear, the `Highland Games'. A code between the two, he knew probably that meant muscled individuals whom could pull their weight around the farm and qualify for the rough activities at the games, which had him responding, that he'd be right there!

Turning back to the pool, it made Jared sigh, that he'd have to take his eyes off of JC's fine bod.

Of his brother, he felt conflicted. Kelly had just arrived and `he' had to go? As it has come to pass, whether Kelly was away at college, or right there on the grounds, Jared decides to set a new precedent. Calling back, he put the decision in Aty's hands.

Already Kelly was having an affect. Without his brother there, it was all business, with some pleasure on the side. Evenings could get lonely!

Walking towards the pool, slowly the vision of two muscled lads began to fade, watching JC's bubble butt rise up out of the water.

Kelly, he remain in the pool, back and arms hugging the edge, lifting himself up till his tight nips show, then allowing himself to sink back in. It took until Jared was almost towering over for him to notice he was back.

"I thought you had something that couldn't wait, bro?"

For Jared, Kelly upside down' or Kelly right side up', both were an edification of beauty. If JC were not there, he would have said something in a joking manner.

Instead, he stuck to the question, "oh, nothing important, that my... `our' security manager can't handle."

Unlike JC, Jared was more conservative, wearing his Nouguet slingshot, keeping his cock and balls in check. It did feel a bit cumbersome, keeping his big balls tight against the sack, instead of the freedom of having them blowing in the wind. Though, he didn't mind others going naked around the pool.

Turning around, screwing the cap on a bottle of water, JC has just caught Jared in a blur, having dove into the pool. Included were the colors of the slingshot.

Grabbing his own skimpy briefs JC makes excuse, "I think I feel a chill."

Surfacing almost under JC, feeding his legs into the skimpy swimwear, Jared says, "you don't have to on my account?!"

"What was that, bro?" Kelly calls over to him.

"I was just wondering when you want a tour of the rest of the place?"

JC, standing directly behind Jared, nods his head back and forth, mouthing the words, `that's not what he said!'

Even though newly friended, Kelly believed him. "Like, who's going to be my tour guide?"

At Jared's little gathering yesterday in the cafeteria, he left everyone who worked there with an impression, making it their business to drop by Kelly's place and say hello'. Alternative, if he didn't personally see them, or found out they didn't or lied that they didn't, treat his brother with the common courtesy of stopping by and introducing themselves, Jared would be delivering a short farewell' speech, without the complimentary train or bus pass!

While capping his speech with the farewell, Jared scratched his nose with his middle finger, which they all knew not only out of a job, but a good-paying one at that. Literally, with room, board and a modest salary taken away, they were `fuckt!' Many, when hired, knew the company was picking up steam and hoped to accrue some bankable income as the business grew.

One of the things laid down by Jared, in the process of turning a slowly flailing business into a thriving one, generally a worker could make his own hours. This was not to say a 1-day work week was instituted, drawing a full 40-hour salary, but leeway was given, being some of the staff had 2 jobs.

For instance, Phil Driskel was not only the music supervisor heading up the Magonagle Kilt Company Fife & Drum Corp, but was also full time band instructor at the local high school. Smartly, when board of education funds dried up for much-needed, raggedy uniforms, he approached Jared for a donation. In agreement, solidified by only a handshake, 2 summers ago, Phil walked out of the office with a handsome check. On the side, he more than smiled about not only pulling off the costly deal, but Jared approaching him with if he was single. That part of the union didn't work out, but Phil was praised by the community for coming up with a fife and drum corp at the high school.

In the years between then and now, Phil has hit Jared up for more uniforms, the ranks of his high school players swelling, seeing playing in a fife and drum corp cool. It also gets them out of some of their schooling days, legally, and a free ticket to the Highland Games. Some of the seniors in the band also like the rigorous activities, the boys showing off for their girlfriends or boyfriends. With many muscle-flexing activities, they get to show off how adept they are at carrying around a big timber, tossing axes or bowling over a line of men at the other end of a tug-o-war.

Other than high school business, Jared also has Phil deal with the local community college. Phil has seen it Jared's way, his persistence in seeking funds, landing him an adjunct position at the college. As per college hiring standards, a perspective hire required having a grad degree. Even though Phil didn't have one, the college saw it Jared's way, trading off one for the other, position on staff for music scholarship funding.

One in which he favors, when Phil walks up to the pool rim, Jared scoops himself up out of the water just to welcome him, "hey bro, this is Phil Driskel."

While Kelly turns to study the thin frame, he blots the sun from both eyes.

"Here," JC says, removing his own shades and placing them over Kelly's head.

Nice gesture, Kelly tears his eyes away from Phil to question, "what about you, JC?"

A smile, lifting of the shoulders `to say', "that's okay. I know what Phil looks like," he snickers.

Today, Kelly would not look upon Phil without a shirt, nor in skinny bikini bottoms, though, he was quite good looking and cool looking in the shades.

"Hey. I'm Kelly. Oh, but I guess you already know that?"

Setting a backpack down, Phil squatted at the pool edge and with holding Kelly's wet hand, "I've heard so much about you."

"Me too. I mean, about you. Well, a little from Jared," Kelly says nervous-like.

From the first time he's seen Phil in short pants, JC has always admired those `lickable' hairy legs, which now had his mouth watering. Whereas some dudes got hung up on labels, JC didn't allow that to rule. More, he went with the flow of things, which made him want to get back into the water quick, before his sprouting wood gave anyone ideas about how he was feeling at this moment.

Phil's first impression of Kelly, was good genes running in the family. Jared was very hot, equally a hot lover, as he's been told, yet left to be seen. Newly partnered, Phil doubted that moment would arrive. Not a problem, feeling blessed with a guy with many superlatives; handsome face, muscly bod, kind, gentle, faithful, as far as he knew...Phil could go on and on dreaming about how he's met his match, but in reality, he had it good, with no reason to shop elsewhere.

Introductions were brief on account of, before day's end he had to juggle hats, headed off first to the high school to do his part time music thing. Today was initiation day for new members of the fife and drum corp. Then, as adjunct music faculty at the community college, orientation, ending up back at the Magonagle compound for more fife and drumming.

"Well, let's get together and talk sometime, shall we?"

Standing, Phil made excuse he had to run off for high school business, "I only stopped by to bleed your brother's bank account dry," he looks to Jared. "And oh, by the way, you haven't spoken to Aty?"

"I have," Jared responds with curiosity.

"Oh. I thought you would be down at the main gate, helping to interview Kellan Lutz' and Russel Crowe'," Phil laughs.

Now that makes Jared doubly sorry he had Aty handle the interviews, "just get out there and make me money, Phil. And..."

"I know," Phil cuts Jared off, "be a gladiator!"

Kelly smiles, thinking of something, which after Phil departs, he confronts his brother, "I thought you said you were busy, bringing the company into a new century?"

"Hey," Jared smiles, slipping back into the water, "we gotta make like our father, his father before, and so on and so forth back in time gave us something to relate to these modern times. Besides, can you think of a better way, other than quoting our ancestors, for making a person more prouder than they think they are?"

Laughing at his upcoming joke, Kelly says, "and who is it you've elected to be our mascot?"

"Hmm," Jared thinks it over, "might just be the gladiators at the front gate, for all we know!"

Kelly had an inkling, a longing his brother was having for passing up the powwow at the front gate, "go if you want to?"

"Nah," Jared replies.

Before Jared can answer, Phil comes wandering back to the pool, "forgot my backpack. I'll surely be missing that."

With leaving, Kelly turns around to give the sunglasses back, but there was another pair sitting on the bridge of JC's nose, "you grew another pair?"

"I always carry extra in my bag," JC nods towards the side of the pool. It's then JC notice something, "oh-my-god! Phil's got the wrong bag!"

Truthfully, they did look the same, but that wasn't on Jared and Kelly's mind. They then realize, watching JC make a mad dash for the direction Phil headed, his shaft and balls bopping up and down!

"Sweet, eh?" Jared says to his brother.

Meant to mock, Kelly replies, "feeling hungry, bro?"

"Fuck you," Jared says, swimming off across the pool.

When Kelly sees Jared's ass, riding like a dolphin through the water, it brings back memories.

Right as Jared nears the far corner of the pool, the back gate opens.

"Incoming!" Kelly calls out.

Two things at once, more overwhelming was JC's return, Jared watching the ample anatomy bopping at a slower pace.

However, he switches off, welcoming those at the back gate, seeing a flock of employees entering.

Hopping out of the pool, he holds the spring-loaded gate open for all to enter, taking a mental head count of faces. Jared had no intentions of recording check marks on an attendance sheet, relying on department heads to make sure those whom worked in their area, showed their faces. Why go to the trouble of doing someone else's job? `Delegation' was Jared's mainstay. Besides, he had enough to do.

"All my people are here," Aty says to Jared.

"Oh really? I thought you were at the front gate, interviewing Kellan' and Russell'?"

Aty looks at Jared like he's got two heads, "Who?"

Skipping over Phil's assessment of the two gladiator lookalikes, "who's minding the perimeter?"

Way ahead of him, Jared's security manager says, "I think for a few minutes Buzz can handle it?"

Reason when Jared hired the almost-twins, Buzz and Barr Brown, even though spitting images of each other, someone mistaking one for the other, Buzz seemed the more rugged of the pair. Testing all applicants, before actual hiring, Aty claimed he never saw someone morph from a mild-mannered applicant on the written part, into a fighting beast. It sure made Aty work up a sweat that day, which had him running upstream, Buzz on his tail, just to cool down!

Having heard the rigorous test Buzz was put through, Jared says, "bet he's working up quite a sweat?!"

Aty knew why Jared added a wink. Remembering that day Buzz was hired, boots treading water, splashing up onto the lower half of their bods, when they got back to the security building, they had worked up a second sweat. Being both were of the `fucking kind,' after working shirts off each, they labored at licking salty sap off each other's others shoulders, chest, abs and other places.

Looking at his watch, Aty jokes, "right about now he should be cooling off at the brook."

"Hmm," Jared says on the sly, "maybe I should hike over to the last security post with a towel!"

"After how you drummed into everyone about being prompt about meeting your brother?"

Hard stare at his security manager, Jared says, "goodbye, Aty!"

Aty walks over to Kelly, says hello and then ducks out.

Jared almost envied him, not tied down to the responsibility he had of running an estate and business, all under one `roof.' However, that's why Jared had key players, so he won't get caught pulling all the strings.

When the crowd had whittled down, Kelly sat on the edge of the pool, feet in the water and still chatted with straggler, Myles Davies.

As the crowd had filtered in, JC made excuse he had to go wash the cars, but Jared caught, out of the corner of his eye, one of the guys following.

"So," Jared slaps his ass down with a splat, "how do you like the staff, bro?"

Kelly had the feeling he meant Myles. Myles was cute, a music major at the local community college and being his instruments was flute, ably adapted to playing the fife.

"Everyone's nice," Kelly replies.

Seemingly, like something was up, Myles says, "you've got a nice brother, Jared."

"Is that so?" Jared questions, even though he recollected the same.

Mostly though, Jared was thinking of love on the horizon, being Kelly and Myles of like ages and thus far getting along pretty well.

Pushing his ass off of the pool apron, Myles says, "I have to be going though. Phil will be back in a couple of hours and I have to practice my fife."

"Nonsense," Jared anchored Myles back down, fist clenching his arm, "you can take one day off."

If someone else, they might have gotten a death-stare from Jared, Kelly piping up, "if Myles has responsibilities, I wouldn't want to be the one holding him back. I hear the boss can be strict if someone misses a beat?"

Much rather a want to stare at JC for the hot bod he possessed, Jared says to his bro, while looking at the limo driver, "oh, like who would dare put a thought like that in your head?"

Smiling back, JC remarks he better go wash the limo!

The whole concept of making Kelly a happy person, after life has thrown him a curve, Jared didn't ream him out, rather smiles, "you're right bro. Go blow your horn, Myles," he at least smiles at an attempt to joke.

Rising up, dusting himself off, Myles says, "you're not even in the right nomenclature of musical category. A horn is from the brass family. The fife is more a woodwind."

"Thanks for the music lesson, Myles, but it's not exactly what I meant," Jared snidely jokes.

Instead of addressing Jared, Myles turns to the other brother, "I guess I'll be seeing you at dinner hour, Kelly?"

He liked Myles too, Kelly right on it, "save me a seat!"

"Hmm," Jared had his wisecrack all figured out, "you and Myles going to get together later and make some sweet music?"

A mutual laugh ensues.

Settling down, Kelly mocks, "you know, I don't move as fast as you, bro?"

"Our upbringing," Jared blames it.

"How so?"

"In order to not get caught doing a guy, we had to hustle?"

Kelly rolls his eyes, smiling, "remember that?"

Being the hoards of employees had slowed from a trickle to the brothers being alone, they could chat up about old times.

Big-brother-Jared smiled, thinking of how he took his little brother under his wing, to show him around Coarshill Commons Community College. After the essential tour, Jared took Kelly to the best bar, which served the best beer and where the hottest boys partied. By the time the tour' of the college town had ended, Kelly knew everywhere to go, to suit every little need, including the urge to beat off!'

Skipping back to the present, Jared did need to leave with urgency, over the matter of delivery of fabric to the factory.

Not wanting to leave Kelly by himself, Jared places a call, to the factory, knowing while fabric was being delivered, there was a halt in production. Since Kelly had hit it off with Phil, Jared was toying with calling him back. Long time ago, he established the rule, for himself, well as employees, it was `business before pleasure'. Though, being the head honcho, it comes with its privileges. He could very well have passed the responsibility of selecting fabric off the truck, but last time someone had goofed and Jared blamed himself. He swore, next time, he would not leave himself open for criticism.

Mindful conflict, he hated leaving his brother alone, but about to do just that, a late greeter walks through the back gate, of which Jared announces, "Carlos! Just the man I wanted to see!"

"I came by to meet Kelly, like you asked it. What's up?" Carlos sensed more than meet and greet.

Well, it would not be the first choice of dudes for his bro, more setting Kelly up with someone like Phil, slim, muscular, smart, responsible...blah, blah, blah, but with the cub right there, "I need you to forget what you're doing and hang with Kelly for awhile, until I get back."

Looking up at the sweet, bearded guy, Kelly was about to contradict his bro, that he didn't need a babysitter. But...

"I can do that." Almost on top of Kelly, "hi. I'm Carlos."

From the factory, over to Kelly's place, Carlos had worked up a sweat, so had popped most of the buttons of his shirt open.

"Good to meet you." Whereas he was ready to not put his brother out for lack of companionship, Kelly says, "you look like you could do for some cooling off?"

For Jared, this was solving a problem he thought would affect Kelly in the long run. Whereas he was starting to get hooked on Phil, Jared had thought Phil mentioned a `new boyfriend. Not which he figured this could be Mr. Right for his brother, at least Carlos was good for Mr. Right-now!

Coercing him on, Jared says, "sure. Get comfortable, why don't you Carlos?"

"I had actually only stopped by for a minute," Carlos being sorry for saying so, after laying eyes on Jared's brother. "I'm supposed to be back there helping to unload the supplies."

"Don't worry. They can handle it and if you're worried about you're day's wages, don't be."

Carlos really didn't have a choice in the matter, Jared doing what he usually does, to any one of his employees, when he has something pressing to do, disappearing without even a `see ya!'

"I guess I'm staying!"

"Cool," Kelly says. He couldn't believe how things change around here so quickly. First, taken in by JC, which he was immediately `in love' with, Phil taking his place, gorgeous-Myles stepping in, then Carlos right there by his side. Amazing how feelings of being in love can change so quickly!

Not knowing exactly how to put it, without making it feel like his eyes have scanned every surface of Kelly's bod, Carlos says, stripping his shirt, "do you happen to have any suntan lotion?"

"Um," Kelly looks about, to his right, where JC had stashed his shades, then right, "looking point blank at Carlos' hairy legs, "maybe."

Getting up he walks over to the backpack belonging to JC and hesitates for a moment. For certain Kelly knew it tabu to rifle through something belonging to someone else. But thes was it, more than lust, an excuse to get his hands on Carlos, his hands dive in!

Pulling out a tube of Banana Boat, "will this do?"

Of course, it was on Kelly's mind, that on the estate, as Jared once put it, a `catalog full of guys' to choose from he didn't have it in mind to pick one out, to hook up, find a steady and from there, work towards a relationship. At least not on the first day.

"Sure," Carlos replies, watching Kelly walk back to the pool.

Perhaps there was a slight chance that maybe another guy in his life might look beyond the chubby belly, not a reality of tequila shots and beer, but the gene pool, and see there was more to Carlos than physical features. For certain, the cub was also sure a guy wouldn't show an interest in his 5" dick, which when not up to par looked more like 3!

"Here you go."

Like he figured, another hot guy passes him up, "thanks," he takes it, popping the top.

Sitting down, right next to Carlos, Kelly says, "maybe you wouldn't mind putting some of that on my back?"

`There'. There was a ray of hope yet for Carlos!

"Okay with me," he says, squirting some out in the palm of his hand.

Now, here it is, Carlos having squeezed too much out, more than enough to cover Kelly's back, he could have rubbed it into his own chest, but decides to be sly, "I've still got quite a bit left, if you need some on the front?"

It came to Kelly, what else in `the front', other than bare chest and stomach, but not knowing a person he could joke with, backs down, "sure. How would you like me?"

Old thoughts started to filter back in, like why a good looking, fit guy, like Kelly, would want to have anything to do with a chubby person, let alone put their hands on his fat belly, "are you sure?"

"Sure that I want you to put some lotion on me? Why not?"

Old ghosts coming back to haunt him, Carlos says, "I'm fat. You're nice and slim. Aren't you afraid," he looks around, "someone will see?"

"Fat?" Kelly differed in opinion, "where? So what if you've gone a few extra pounds. Nothing a few pushups won't cure."

He wasn't the shape of a hippo, nor elephant, not even a pig, but Carlos did have a little extra baggage up front, so that when he placed a hand on his own stomach and gave it a little jiggle, "here?"

With a preposterous look on his face, Kelly says, "oh that. That's just baby fat!"

"You think?"

Choosing his own way of application, Kelly leans back, back against the pavement, "besides," staring at blue skies through the shades, "I don't judge people for what they look like. Trust me. I've been there."

"If you say so," Carlos trusted Kelly's word, squeezing out a little more grease onto his hand.

The only way Carlos could see fit, to apply the sunscreen, was to get up on his knees, straddle one of Kelly's legs and...

"I guess it would be easier," Kelly goes to sit up, a collision course set for Carlos' face, "sorry `bout that."

Backing off, it was hilarious, though totally unintentional, Carlos feeling the tip of Kelly's foot sinking into the rear of his work pants, "oops! Sorry `bout that," he springs to a standing position.

Smiling, Kelly says, "that's okay. I didn't feel anything!"

A laugh escapes Kelly's lips, the hee-hee' kind, which speaks for himself, just the opposite thinking. He also has the impression, oh man, we're really hitting it off, aren't we?'

However, Carlos surely did and it felt kind of cool, with the tip of Kelly's big toe feeling like it was ready to `go in', which had the 26-year old standing there like a statue, pondering.

Seeing Carlos embarrassed by the whole ordeal, Kelly says, "aren't you concerned about getting your work pants wet? You should take them off." After saying it, Kelly felt it a little too insistent, "if you want to?"

"You're probably right." However, standing there with two greased up hands, he says, "but first I gotta wipe these off?"

The more Kelly had the chance to study Carlos, more he liked what he saw, even though he had envisioned meeting up with a slender dude like himself.

Like it wasn't in the plan anyway, Kelly suggests, "you can use me for your towel, or," here comes the alternative, "I could help you out of the pants?"

It did sound like risky advice, like already Carlos was feeling kind of palpi-tatious `down there,' "um, I think I'll take you up on that towel offer."

"Okay then. Well maybe I better stand."

Something filled Carlos' mind, with Kelly standing, instead of stooping, "wow, you're tall."

Which, for Carlos, it was another downside to meeting a hot guy, taller then himself. Four to five inches was quite the discrepancy. Instances like that plagued situations like slow dancing or enjoying a sweet kiss. Though, he's never thought it could be the downside to falling on his knees and `worshipping' a dude!

"Yeah," Kelly was taken, like breathing in some sweet scent of roses, "I am."

What could be a problem, one in which Kelly's shrink, Dr. Watson was working through with him, every time his patient met a new guy, becoming friendly and all, he thought this `the right guy'. It was probably the reason right now that Kelly had folded up visions of his ideal man in his life, highlighting slim and muscular, folding it up and putting it in a mental envelope.

With it, Kelly relaxes thoughts of friends,' drifting off to a place where it crosses over to lovers'.

Carlos, looking down, then up, then down again, it wasn't only out of curiosity, of how far Kelly was going to go with the strip down job. If it did go all the way to peeling pants past the legs of Carlos' briefs, then definitely 3-inches was going to grow fast - it's that something a man just knows, before it happens!

Natural reaction, perhaps stigma over a chub meeting up with a slim dude, Carlos backs off, "maybe I should just wash off."

Except, there wasn't anything immediately available to wipe his hands off on, but the fine fibers of Kelly's chest. Nervous to touch, Carlos suddenly losses his footing, falling sideways into the pool, "oops!"

From the surface of the water, Carlos didn't have an explanation, so fabricated one, putting the notion of half-clothed and dousing himself in the pool water, "too late for the lotion you're already red, Kelly!"

All around Kelly's sunglasses was a pinkish-red pigment. Looking down upon his own chest, he didn't think he was out long enough in the sun, but it's a tough call when, like, there wasn't a mirror available to check. What Kelly could deduce, was the bulge jutting out from his pubes. It only drove up his presumptions, indeed he was feeling something for Carlos.

At least that's the way it originally went when fooling around with his brother. Jared always explained, a dude getting hard from either looking upon a handsome looking man, feeling like stroking off, he said it was because one dude had strong feelings for another. For certain, Kelly was feeling strong about Carlos. What else could it be, but love!

A quick swim to the pool ladder and Carlos slowly emerges. It was slow-going, torso heavy with drenched pants, which has him saying, "I think I probably should have removed them before taking a swim."

Confession-like, he knew he was admitting it no accident, getting himself wet. For lack of conversation, other than talking about himself, Carlos fires off, based on the thing stuck most in his mind, ", a 10?"

Self-conscious, Kelly wondered if he pay too much attention to his own bulging briefs? However, caught in the thick and thin of it, "last time we measured, about 9." Then realizing he was implicating more than himself in the act of measuring by ruler, "I mean me'. When I' measured it...I mean me...I mean, when I measured my cock." Now totally embarrassed, "y'know, a guy's got to know, just in case?"

Shrugging both shoulders, whether Carlos caught on `someone' helped Kelly measure from base to tip, he confesses, "out of curiosity one day, my friend and me, we measured, both soft and hard. Like you say, a guy's gotta know!"

Kelly started to calm down. Though, his shaft did remain in a hard way. The one thing he was wondering, "um, did you get hard, to measure?"

"My friend," Carlos started to feel a little embarrassed himself, "he `made' me hard."

It was obvious, neither prepared to give up sensitive info.

Indirectly, Carlos draws off of the incident of his bud who got him hard. His friend suggested Carlos getting on his knees and working his shaft, until he ran on empty. Twisting it around, he presents it, "I can get you small, if you want, Kelly?"

It made Kelly smile. Still lingering in his mind, this developing into a relationship, goes tit for tat, "we could do each other, you know?"

Not seeing any harm in it, it's like Carlos wasn't thinking of him and his buddy, trying lots of different positions. One of his favorites, was Carlos on his back, his friend hovering above. Cock dropped down, right in his face, Carlos opened his mouth at the last minute. He gagged, almost choking. The guy on top, it's different, more choosing to zip up the envelope, rather than forced entry. Carlos had to admit, his first 69 was a hot experience, but it was also his last. He terms it, `finding his calling', loving to suck cock, not which he doesn't mind it, if a dude offers to do him too!

Instead of oral, the two go for lying next to each other. Kelly the first to shuck his briefs, it seemed a little awkward, having to wait for Carlos to rid himself of the soggy pants. In doing so, he forgot to take off his footwear. That took an extra minute, but the whole time, Kelly was looking for a `sign', that Carlos was reacting to the moment too, not just him.

It was Kelly who came up with lying down next to each other, the favored position of him and his brother, Carlos at his side.

Carlos had never done a mutual jerk off before. He could not decide which was better; reaching the right of left hand over, to grab Kelly's shaft.

Kelly doing it, with left side of his bod up against Carlos' right side, Kelly was choosing his left hand. That had Carlos reading for Kelly's shaft with his right hand.

Still, a little slippery from suntan lotion residue, Carlos never thought about any seepage, causing a slick feeling.

Knowing the drill, a dude really feeling `the stroke', Kelly smiles, when sap is felt on his hand.

Lying side by side, each snatched up the others half-hard erection, soon both were making all kinds of sounds, the most repeated syllables, "oh yeah...oh yeah...oh..."

They lay there for a moment, each catching their briefs.

Stoopid, or what, Carlos wasn't sure what to do with Kelly's excretion all over his hand. However, turning an eye towards his jerk off mate, he follows Kelly's lead, wiping it up his stomach, over one pec. It seemed weird, watching Kelly respond to oiling up one of his nips. Since Kelly was doing it, Carlos didn't feel reluctance.

Though, feeling it a turn on, much as he would be smearing suntan lotion over his own chest, tweaking up one of his nips with `grease', did provide a turn-on, which he didn't mean to verbally add accolades, "that does feel good."

It made Kelly do a half pushup, one shoulder leaving the ground, to look. He smiles, knowing how good it is. It provides stimulus for a little mischief. Turning over on his side, something he's done for his brother, coaxed on by a loose, `do me' phrase, Kelly uses a combo of his own sap and some of Carlos', to freely work the dry nip!

Hands to the shafts, that was one thing, but Kelly's slippery fingers on his pec, Carlos quickly sits up, "uh, are we going to shower?"

Seeing that maybe he's cross the line, Kelly ignores the notion, "follow my lead."

Like nothing had ever happened, beyond them causing each other to explode and expel that pent up feeling, Kelly hops off the side, into the pool, Carlos following his lead.

They dried off, sitting back in lounge chairs, not mentioning a word about what had just come about.

Never making it back to the factory, Carlos was about to leave, but Kelly made a corporate decision and had him stay. Feeling famished, they headed back to the `castle'.

Carlos claimed, "you got it made, Kelly," upon seeing the inside for the first time.

"I suppose," Kelly reply, with a dejected attitude. And as they climbed the stairs to take the first glimpse of sleeping quarters, he lamented, "it's going to be too quiet for me, without someone else to talk to."

In his former sleeping arrangement, at college, at least Kelly had Sam to talk to, or even her girlfriend, when around. When out, around campus, Kelly was always running into someone he knew.

"I can give you my cell number, if you ever get too lonely?" Carlos offers.

Never dreaming he would ever come close to liking a guy who wasn't ripped, Kelly says, "which means, if I call, you'll come running over to keep me company?"

Carlos liked the friendly gesture, "sure, if you want me to?"

Then great idea number two came to Kelly, "y'know, according to Jared, I have just as much power around here as he does. Don't go back to work."


"Yeah. What is it you do over at the factory?"

"Oh, my job is very important. Whenever one of the sewers needs me to, I go fetch a certain color and weave of fabric. Then, when they leave for the day I have to sweep up and make sure the factory is tidied up for the next day."

To Kelly, it didn't seem like a job which utilizes a person's full potential. Then again, he hadn't a clue to what skills Carlos possesses, "what is it you went to college for? I mean, you did go to college?"

"Oh sure. Eastman School of Music. I sing `tenor' and can play piano. I can also act, a little, but other than helping Phil when it comes around time for the games, I stick with the work at the factory."

"Hm," Kelly says, sitting down on a stair step, Carlos next to him, "it seems like you could be doing something with your degree. In fact," he gets up, "if my brother doesn't have anything to exploit your talents, I'm going to find a way to do it."

Following Kelly the rest of the way upstairs, Carlos jokes, "I like the way you exploited my other talent!"

Slightly ahead of Carlos, Kelly smiles, saying, "of which you also have a degree?"

"Nah. I don't need to go to college for that. It comes natural!"

At the top of the stairs there were several doorways. First one he tried was a walk-in closet, filled with linens, boxes of soap and other items familiar with the upper floors of a home.

Closing it, Carlos says, "next?"

"Pick a direction," Kelly says.

"This way."

Kelly did an about face and they headed along the stairway until the railing gave way to a landing. Second door opened to a washer, dryer on top.

"Convenient," Kelly says. "Pick another direction."

A quick left turn and then a few feet towards another doorway, brought them into a huge bedroom, with a high ceiling, windows with wispy drapes.

"Oh man, you've got it made, Kelly!"

It made Kelly smile. According to Carlos, he was living the good life, huge kitchen, complete with chef and assistant, upstairs linens at a short walk's distance and not having to go down to the basement to do clothes...and now this!

"Yeah, one problem."

Helping himself fall backwards onto the bed, eagle-spread position, Carlos remarks, "who could not want this!"

"Not that I don't want it," Kelly tumbles onto the bed, flanking Carlos' side, "it just seems," he dares to run a finger up his new friends' stomach trail, "too big for one person."

Sitting up, Carlos states, "I think our wet briefs are getting the bed wet."

Following his lead, standing, Kelly says, "no problem. We'll just throw the mattress in the dryer!"

"What about our wet briefs?"

Up until this point, Carlos had thought their friendship was flowering, but after entering the bedroom, feelings began to change, for both it seemed. He liked the hand job sex', but really wasn't into rough'n'tumble in the sheets, which is why he used the excuse of wet bums', to remove himself.

Kelly didn't think much of it. Like with Sam and her sometimes live-in girlfriend, they didn't do everything together. Sometimes Sam would be off to an art show, her girl off to some music event. Kelly equated it to sex in the same way, it fair, even if half of the partnership wanted sex and the other part, showering, it was okay. After all, they had already spent their loads, so didn't they need time to build up for the next explosion?

Before going back to the house, the two has pulled the anchors off their balls, closing briefs up over pubes.

First time he unveiled Carlos' clothed pubes, it felt kind of weird, like something he shouldn't be doing, but now, thumbing the Barcelonian's tight, bod-clad undies Kelly says, "I think they're small enough to fit into the dryer?"

Being they were very damp, it didn't take much for Carlos' briefs to flop to the floor.

Bending down to step out and pick them up, Kelly says, "now, me?"

Half bent over, Carlos says, "uh, can I do something I've been wanting to do, if you don't think I'm too weird?"

Thinking back to some of the weird, first-time things he and Jared did, Kelly sums it up, "weird? Like, what isn't weird!"

"This is pretty far out there."

Showing acceptance, Kelly asks, "um, should I stand? Sit? What does it require?"

All Carlos did, as he squatted down, was take Kelly's briefs with him. Right after, leaving them on the floor, around the ankles, Carlos pops up, "there!"

According to Kelly, there should've been more. At least that's how it went when Jared was on `his' knees!

Rather than embarrass, Kelly simple says, "thanks...I guess!"

"Thanks for not kicking me out of your room."

That through Kelly for a loop, wondering the offense, requiring that action, "uh, okay. No problem."

It did occur to Carlos, whereas he had a friend to explore with, "so, you and your brother, you did a lot of stuff together?"

Realizing it big time, the brothers swearing it to each, to keep that part of their lives secret, "promise you won't say anything about that? I mean, it's like we made a blood-brother promise not to share with anyone else?"

How could Carlos ever get mad at the first guy who has made an attempt to be friendly with him, "of course I won't."

Then, to break the `staring contest', they hear a car horn beep!

"Oh, that'll be JC. I overheard the guys saying, the first thing Jared was going to do, was taking you shopping."

Looking down at JC, to Kelly, he did look much different with clothes on, "I guess we better slip some clothes on then?"

Not only seeing it, JC lean an arm into the open window of the driver's side, but hear two toots, has Carlos saying, "we better hurry."

Friend', or boyfriend,' either way, Kelly wasn't about to allow Carlos fade from sight. First contact he's made with a guy, he was gaining fondness by the minute. Hand job at the pool, Kelly was sure it was the beginning of something more.

"Uh, you know I tooted ten times for you?"

Tired of waiting outside in the sweltering sun, JC had found his way inside, upstairs.

Having fed his legs into fresh briefs, Kelly says, "for your information, it was only three times!"

"Whatever. I'm supposed to take you shopping. Orders from the boss."

"Oh really? That's nice of him. Did Jared happen to leave me a credit card or two? I've maxed mine out at school."

Kelly did charge a lot while at school. He felt very appreciated by guys, offering to pay for their latte at a cafe, or dinner. Though, none of those times ever panned out to steady dating. After talking with Doc Watson one day, Kelly realized `money can't buy you love,' so he gave up on money tactics. It was then it finally got through to him, hanging with Sam, which didn't accrue spending money at all and still gaining friendship!

"Credit cards? You don't need'em."

"I don't?"

"All you need to do is show your driver's license and you're all set, or...I'll tell them who you are and they'll take my word for it."

Not only limo driver, Jared saw fit to establish JC as Kelly's personal valet, which has him judging, "you're not going shopping dressed like that?"

It's then Kelly realizes he's the only one clad in only a pair of briefs, "uh, yeah. Maybe I can pick up some boys on the way?"

Carlos, realizing none of Kelly's clothes would fit, did find a kilt in the closet. At least it fit his waist. It made him scratch his head, on how a kilt which fit him, wound up here? No matter. It fit. He tugged a tee shirt off a hanger, to try on.

Unlike the kilt, the tee shirt was tight enough for JC to remark, "it's not going to do it for you, Carlos, that is unless your want to show off your nips!"

Knowing how sensitive the cub's nips were, JC reaches out both hands and gives them a tweaking!
Carlos swats both of JC's hands away, "stop that!"

Watching the pair, like a comedy team, Kelly is humored by how they are getting along. He can only hope the same for him.

With a deadline, places to go, people to meet, JC dictates, "want to hurry it up guys?"

Carlos, he mentions, "I better call the factory and ask if they need me for the rest of the afternoon."

"Forget it, Carlos. I guess you didn't get the word?" JC says.


Kelly follows, "yeah, what word?"

"From Jared. You've been promoted. You're no longer working at the factory."

"Then," Carlos faces JC, "what's my promotion?"

"You're Kelly's new valet."

"But, aren't you Kelly's valet, JC?"

"Nah. I'm just a limo driver, plus whatever Jared can come up with. You, Carlos, have just been promoted into the `elite squad' around here."

Kelly hadn't a clue to, "the elite squad?"

"It falls under household management."

Not connected with the household, Carlos says, "which means?"

"Your new boss is Kenny Logan. See him for the job description."

One thing irked Kelly, as they got in the `limo', "how come Jared isn't giving him this information?"

"Your brother, he's a true leader, delegating out duties to those who work for him. Usually, when a guy needs to know something, it's not Jared telling him, but we hear it from someone else in charge."

What JC didn't say is, more than anyone else, except perhaps Aty, he knew more about things than anyone else could guess.

To Carlos, JC's wheels were everyday viewing. For Kelly, first time looking upon the red Lexus, "is this mine or your's?"

"Yours? Hah! You want your own, go bug your brother for one!"

Carlos was bonked out of his gourd. In reality, he thought the Lexus belonged to Jared. "Like, how much does a limo driver make, JC?"

Opening the front passenger side for Kelly, JC gives a wink, saying, "it's not how much you make, but how much you take!"


Copyright 2017 T. Chase McPhee

`GLaDiaToR EV'ry DaY' and developing segments of this story, may not be sold, nor made part of any collection, without prior consent from the author.

Next: Chapter 3

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