Gladiator Evry Day

Published on Nov 16, 2018


Hey dudes, if you have jerked off over reading NiFTy stories as much as I have over the years, consider adding some $upport for internet $pace' or else I will have to start cutting handsome, hairy, smooth, muscled, bear, cub, or the otter kind, romantic, kinky or other steamy characters out of my stories. Alright, so you didn't shoot creme, but reading about hot, horny dudes does make you hard, right? Leaking at least? you dare' imagine a story without any tops?

Ok, now to the boring stuff:

% If sexual scenes involving male-to-male relationships offends you, then why are you here? Seriously, if dude-to-dude sex stuff makes you wanna barf or is gonna screw up your mind, you should not read this story.

% States and countries have various rules regarding reading or viewing adult material'. It is up to you, the reader, to research this subject, abiding by laws and conscience. The pages of this story contain adult material', intended for an `adult audience.' Bypass this warning at your own risk!

% This work of fiction is set in the format of real-world situations. Identifying details to real people, alive or dead, is entirely coincidental in nature.

% Sexual safety matters. Guys, this is fiction. In real life, use protection and I don't mean going out and hiring a security guard...unless he gives your nuts and bolt a jolt!


`GLaDiaToR EV'ry DaY' 21 WriTten by T. Chase McPhee


Business at his castle, whatever else Kelly was supposed to be attending to, his mind was now set on a mission. After Bill Darrow had given his opinion on how his cousin-Keran could be, not all filled positive attitude, Kelly was in a hurry to meet up with his boyfriend.

First things first though. Always there to confuse, plague his mind, Kelly found himself alone. His lifelong feeling of isolation disappears, upon turning around, eyes singling out an ally in the crowd, "Doc," he calls out, "I gotta see ya." Watson.

Getting bolder in thought, something which came with suddenly inheriting a CEO's job, Kelly bluntly breaks up the little camaraderie which has developed between Bill and Sam.

On it, the shrink picks up on that familiar nickname, telling those in conversation with, "uh, that `stuff' will have to wait till later. Something just came up."

They were just getting to know each other, the shrink hating like hell to break away, leaving Bill there standing at the pool by himself. Anyone who got to know Dr. Sam Watson, would need to learn, there was one person who could tear him away from anything.


Kelly wasn't all that enthused about the dude who just put down his boyfriend, making eyes at his psych-doc, "I hope you know what you're in for?"

Being rushed to the back gate, Doc Watson says, "in for?"

He pretty much guessed this was the showdown, clash of thoughts of what Bill thought about Keran. Like always, forever, Sam leads in with, "I hope you're staying calm, Kelly. You know things might not be what they appear to be?" but let it play out. I hope you're not taking everything Bill is saying, as the truth? I'm not saying he's lying, though."

In this whole world there's no one Kelly adored more, than his brother. However, the man who has been there for him through thick and thin, taken from a depressed state of mind and helped rationalize the course of things in life, he's held him up on a pedestal. So, whatever the doc had to say, Kelly knew not to jump to conclusions.

Detecting a little twist to what his shrink was saying, Kelly thought this different to his doc's usual approach, which had him looking over Sam's shoulder, glancing at Bill.

Same time, he says with attitude, "true. But I don't like the idea that Keran's own cousin can talk about him like that, and...sorry, but I gotta say it, I can't believe he's using you to manipulate me."

That made the doc stop dead in his tracks, like the closed gate didn't open at will, that butting his balls up to it, would make him fall clear over it.

"Tell you something, mister," it was the first time Sam ever got riled up, enough to talk in an elevated manner to Kelly, "you shouldn't go jumping to conclusions about things you don't know!"

Kelly knew he struck a nerve there, which had him backing down, backing up in his way of thinking, but with little smarts backing him up. From what he saw, "you're falling for him?"

He had, but Sam wasn't about to allow that to change things, "like you thought I fell for your brother?"

Way back when, there was a time Kelly was suspicious of Jared and the doc getting it on after hours. However, it was pointed out, Kelly' was his patient, Jared' paying out the money and not seeking counseling, there being a difference.

From time to time people forget, which has Sam reminding him, "Bill is `not' my patient?"

It's one thing which Kelly a while to sort out, that people who have jobs counseling the public, not matter what field, also carry on in relationships, outside the practice.

"Sorry. My bad. I forgot."

Seconds ago, the way Doc Watson perceived it, this powerhouse of fire Kelly had built up inside, amassed into a raging bonfire. Suddenly it turns into a flickering flame. A private oath of allegiance, Sam feels like he's let his guard down, swearing he would never do or say anything against either of the Magonagle brothers.

Going against office standards, he's allowed himself to become personally involved. He rationalized in his own life, a practice going nowhere, the daily doldrum giving him his own perplexities, it's why he pulled up stakes and came out to the country. Taking up Jared on his offer of keeping Kelly in touch with reality, face to face could have more of an impact than phone-sessions, or even Skyping.

Now, here Sam is, mad, angry at the very one who's he's not only learned to love as a patient, but at times has felt like a comforting hug could become more. And over what, or who?

Feeling himself smirking, Sam says, "I know the way it looks to you, and I'm being selfish..."

"No. I am," Kelly feels bad, being all they've been through together, the doc pulling him out of something on the verge of taking his own life. Then, with some thought behind his words, "I'm probably tearing you away from the best thing that's ever happened to you?"

Realizing Kelly has been paying attention to what has become of himself and Bill, he doesn't dwell on it, but turns it back around, "that's where you're wrong, buddy. The best thing that's ever happened to me is you and your brother."

Sheepishly, Kelly says, "that's two things."

"Okay, two, but for right now, it's about you, so can we get on our way and prove whether Bill is right or wrong?"

"Oh, I thought Bill already had you convinced?"

How they've progressed, not only as doctor-patient, but friends, Kelly didn't take the sucker-slap up the side of his cheek as ready to press charges and take out a lawsuit, "violence, Sam? Really?"

They smiled at each other, anger on each side having dissipated.

Walking around the back gate, instead of falling over, Sam ushers Kelly through. Neither had confronted the other with apologizes. Coming to terms, they could be more friends than holding regard for professional rules of conduct.

Placing an arm over Kelly's shoulder, which went beyond office protocol, Sam says, "my friend, there's much we both have to learn about life and love. I'm not perfect. You're not perfect. Neither is Bill, nor Keran. In every relationship there is and always will be things that get us ticked off. The only way to deal is to get to the root of it, talk it out, sum it up. I'm not saying everything is going to be resolved in an instant. That's what building a relationship is, understanding and..."

It's not like Kelly hadn't heard this speech before, but it was good as a reminder, "okay," he lightens up, "thanks, dad!"

With that it made Sam smile, "so, everything's copacetic with us?"

"I love it when you use that word," Kelly acknowledges forgiveness and moving on.

Barely into the forest, they embrace, Sam saying, "good, I'm glad we can put this behind us."

It has been on Kelly's mind, taking those therapeutic hugs further than a doctor-patient relationship should allow, but with the moment seeming ripe, pulls his head off the doc's shoulder and lip-locks him.

Not which Sam hasn't felt the same, instead of shunning the act of affection, he relaxes and accepts the gesture.

Both understood, after departure from that show of endearment, Sam setting the standard, "that's the first and last time that should happen."

Kelly smiles, "well, if that be the case," he launches forward, taking the back of Sam's neck and plastering him again, this time in a `French' sort of way.

Silently, Sam accepts it, thinking prolly the same as his patient, if this be the last time, make the last, the best!

"Oh my god!"

Both broke off abruptly, wiping their mouths with the backs of their hands. Jaws dropped open with surprise, Sam tapping Kelly under the chin.

Kelly sealing up his mouth, his shrink takes up the slack, "it's not what it looks like, guys!"

Acting quickly, Kelly changes the subject, "I thought you two were spending a few days in the Hamptons? Besides," he points from the direction they came, "shouldn't you be coming from the pool?"

Learning about people, not assuming, Kelly had a lot to work on, apparently acting upon what has just happened between himself and Sam, with Bill and Keran in the balance.

For one thing, Kelly knew he wasn't as responsible about things at eighteen, so was surprised when Jay Carnes says, "Shayne wanted to stay in the Hamptons, but I have a job to do around here and I didn't want to slack off."

Doc Watson was still getting acquainted with everyone around here, some coming like they just dropped out of the sky, "I don't think we've met?"

Since Kelly was wrapped up in conversation with Jay, Sam helps himself.

Knowing he was being targeted, "Hi. Yeah, I'm Shayne Hampton," he has a momentary lapse, gazing to Jay and back, "I mean, Shay."

Shay', because when they had originally started to walk the streets of the Hamptons, that Long Island sea air, coupled with their own inhibitions, had Jay out of the blue referring to him as Shay' and not `Shayne' and it stuck!

"Well Shay, it's good to meet you," Sam held his grip longer than necessary. Realizing, Shay's attention drawn to Jay, "I hope you and your boyfriend will be very happy together."

"Thanks," Shay replies. Feeling a difference between friend' and boyfriend', "but I don't think we're there yet."

What Doc Watson didn't know, back in the Hamptons, Shay had tried like hell to convince Jay to stay and hang out. Always strong-willed, ever since a child, Jay stuck by his guns and overpowered Shay's will.

Indeed, from the time the two first lay eyes on each other, there's been an infatuation, the initial building blocks, which would lead them into a lifetime love affair. In fact, Shay had mocked Callum, about falling deep in love, only to wind up as himself in the same boat!

In those short moments of standing under the forested canopy, Kelly had learned much about Jay. He didn't readily make the family connections, Jay related to both Bill and his boyfriend.

Having learned this, and Jay's uplifting opinion of Keran, suddenly he and the teen are buddies, "hey, Sam," Kelly forgets office manners, even though out context with where they stand now, "I mean," he compromises, "Doc, Jay, he's related to Bill and Keran, you know?"

Departing from Kelly's side, Jay walks over by Shay. It hits Sam, exactly what Shay was saying, about the boyfriend status. Standing there, shoulder to shoulder, most likely a couple would take to holding hands. In fact, the distance between elbows, they looked more like strangers!

"I got that," Sam has already seen, via the employee role call in his computer database.

"Well, I better get going," Jay says.

"Me too," Shay turns to walk the other way.

It did confirm, like they had a brain connection, Sam and Kelly looking at each other, then the opposite directions Jay and Shay headed in.

"My house duties?" Jay says, like he was under interrogation.

Feeling impelled to explain, Shay says, "I've got some stuff to do back at the house," his thumb points over his shoulder.

For a few moments, they let the former boyfriends take leave in their own direction.

In a totally different aim, Kelly says, "dammit, what should I call you?"

About what has just taken place, the doc says, "you're changing the subject."

"I know," Kelly says. Underneath, in the deep recesses of his mind, he probably had a purpose, which comes to light, "prolly `cause I hope it's not going to be the case with Keran and me."

"Let's not jump to conclusions, eh?"

"Right," Kelly was okay with it.

"Let's leave it to whatever the moment calls for?"

Puzzled, Kelly says, "Huh?"


Kelly got it, "okay, `dad'. I mean, 'doc', yeah, whateva."

As they tread through the woods, following a path which had been carved out by many feet traveling from the dorms to Kelly's castle, for anyone else they would seem like friends.

Not sure they could keep it cool, that last kiss was still on their minds.

Kelly had initiated, but it seemed to him, like he wasn't the one bringing what they did to a close.

Sam's lingering joy kept a smile on his face, making the same connection.

Only time would tell whether they would be able to keep their promise to each other.

"Oh good. Just the person I've been looking for!"

"Wow," is all Sam had to say, looking upon Teyo in a tank top, shorts, sweat socks and sneaks. He hoped he wasn't too obvious, checking out the hot athlete, from head to laces. To hide it, he says, "you sure are tall!"

At 6'3-inches tall, Teyo often bore the brunt of amazement, towering over people. Having worked up a vocabulary of cute return phrases, "I hope I don't put too much strain on your neck, Doc!"

He was shocked, "oh, you know who I am?"

"Of course. In fact, Jared said if I ever need to talk, I can come looking for you and you'll make an appointment."

Inside his skull, Sam was thinking, no appointment necessary', but kept it simple, "of course. Anytime. And oh, we can drop the formalities. Just call me Sam'."

Kelly rolls his eyes, thinking how long it took him to get this familiar, it taking Teyo seconds!

"Great. That's cool." Then turning it right around, to `his' business, "I've got a few more to round up," Teyo looks to his laptop, punching something in, "but you're up for HG practice in five minutes, Kelly."

Not which he minded, other than he hoped to sort things out with Keran, "how come I didn't know? I thought I was training with...I forget who?"

"He twisted his ankle," Teyo remains jogging in place, "I'm his substitute. See you in five."

"That will have to wait..."

His words were useless at this point, Teyo jogging off, like it was Kelly's problem and not his.

Then, Teyo turns back, saying, "and oh, don't forget a towel and water bottle."

Thinking it was meant to be, Kelly finishes his thought, "I have to talk to Keran about something, first."

He didn't use `boyfriend', because to Kelly, that was up in the air right now.

Sam, he just stood there, admiring Teyo's fox bod!

"And you will. He's over in the field right now, working with the others."

Not what Kelly was expecting, "Who? Keran?"

From their short chat, Teyo with more important matters on his mind, at least he can relate, "yup. I understand you two have something going. Good man. If you and Keran ever get singled up, let me know!"

Breathing steadily, Sam forces inhales and exhales, "um, I wouldn't happen to be on your list, Teyo?"

He knew, not only Doc Watson `not' on his list, but excluded from practice all together, being he was more in the category of barnyard workers, medical pro's and administrative, "Nope, you're not, but you're welcome to come along?"

Before turning that muscled back to them, "don't forget the bottle and towel. You too, doc!"

Sam's eyes widened. He knew that little wink Teyo left him with would carry him throughout the morning, at least!

First thing, which had Kelly more relaxed, "what do you think of what he said about Keran?"

"You two still have to talk?"

"Oh, I know that, but here I'm feeling `stuff' and he's making him out to be a hero."

Warned over and over and over again, Sam reiterates, "don't jump to conclusions."

"I'm not."

"You are."

"Well," Kelly backs off, "maybe."

"Looks, I could give you all kinds of advice, but think it's best not to. I don't want to say anything which would sway you from forming your own opinion."

With Teyo in their distant view, Kelly, with more relaxed demeanor, says, "so, you think you and Bill have something going?"

Sam knew Kelly was avoiding conflict, but let it go. Enough had been said on the subject.

Grieving, in a humorous manner, he says, "do you have to remind me?"

His sweaty tank top still visible, Kelly says, "oh. Yeah. He is kind of hot, isn't he?"

"Who? Bill or Teyo?"

"Cheating on Bill already?"

Sam laughs, "frankly, I haven't decided yet which one I want for a boyfriend!"

"Or both?" Kelly giggles.

Changing direction, Kelly and Sam take Teyo's path, which they knew headed towards the training ground.

Strange thing, whereas both had topics on their minds, about men, they turned to the beauty of the sun shining off waving leaves!


Down the path, Teyo meets up with Jay, "hey, you're headed in the wrong direction." He switches from running forward, to backwards, standing in place, after passing Jay up.

"I'm Teyo, you're trainer."

At walking pace, he walks around Teyo, "I've got my job to do first."

Teyo mouths, `okay,' turning around, slowing his jog to walking, "I guess the word didn't get around, that at certain times of certain days, everyone stops what they are doing and comes together for Highland Games training?"

"And certain people are exempt."

"That's true, but I don't think you're in charge of slopping the hogs or baling hay?"

Jay stops, which has Teyo doing the same, "give me your hand."

"My hand?"

Teyo had question in his mind, but for curiosity's sake, holds it out.

Taking it, Jay looks it over, "just as I thought," he drops it, restarting his gait.

"What? You a fortune teller," Teyo walks the same pace, not ahead, nor behind, but right next to Jay.

"I don't have to be one, to tell you never worked at manual labor."


In his database, Teyo had not only just about every fact, height, weight, physical or abnormal conditions, if any, but a picture of those training under him, "you're Jay Carnes, right?"

Smart, whether he had a high IQ or not, Jay replies, "yeah, but you knew that already, didn't you?"

`Oh, that was cruel!' Instead of feeling the brunt of what could be construed as unkind, it had Teyo smiling.

In the fall, Teyo had landed a job at the local high school, subbing for coaching both swimming and tennis. He already knew his interviewer was looking from a discipline angle, how to handle problems, given case scenarios. Teyo thought he didn't have a chance, when he reported back what they did in the Navy, aboard ship, which had him thinking he wouldn't get the position, not after quoting discipline codes which were more like a pirate's code of conduct and retribution. He was joking about the use of a `wet noodle', but the interviewer seemed to like the correlation and Teyo got the job!

Teyo looked at Jay, "yeah, you're right. Hey," he took somewhat of a deep breath, "how about we start over? I'm Teyo."

"I know."

He didn't think he gave his name up.

"You know?"

"You must be getting senile, you only told me like, 2 minutes ago?"

"What're you mad at me, or just the world in general?"

"I'm not mad at anyone."

But he was. Jay was having a good time in the Hamptons with Shay. They found they some things in common, but one thing he never let up on, were the principles his parents lay down, for every one of their children. Different than the other neighborhood children, they upheld `work before play'. Jay was big on responsibility. It got him good grades in school, making him an asset for all the prestigious colleges. Only, Jay didn't know exactly what he wanted as a lifetime career, so working at the Magonagle estate for the summer, he felt he could sort things out.

"Hm, I guess it's me then."

Jay looked at Teyo and was convinced he wasn't going to be a pushover. Not which Jay was looking to push him over. Well, not in `that' way.

Convenient, a tree stood along the path, one in which Jay could use press his back against, using it in sulking, "nah, it's not you. It's me. I'm just not good at this relationship stuff."

Having a mission, responsibility himself, Teyo felt the pressure to pursue, but how could he leave this poor boy to his own condescending views?

"Wanna talk about it?"

At first he held his laptop with two arms, pressed against his stomach, but Teyo then realizes he had placed his tank up, over his head, snagged behind the neck. First things first, he apologizes, "sorry," taking a few seconds to wipe the sweat off his device.

Wanting to unload on Teyo, Jay didn't mind the intrusion, watching as he toweled off the laptop with the only other material available, shorts.

"Take your time," Jay's voice trickled.

Finishing up, which took only seconds, Teyo says, "you never know what man-sweat will do to the finish."

"Probably nothing. That's why they call them `lap' tops. They are made for maybe coming in contact with the natural oils of human skin."

"Oh," Teyo was thinking about lap' and top' in a keenly different sense, "is that so? Well then, I think I'm in the clear then."

He also thought, even though an apparent ten-year-plus difference in age, there might be some attraction between himself and the lad.

Getting shot down, in the silence of the country forest, they hear up the path, "hey Jay, wait up will ya?"


Unlike Teyo, Jay perks up, alert to hearing Shay's voice.

Instead of happy, overjoyed, Jay says, "Shay."

Opinionated, Teyo says, "but you like him, right?"

"Right. Like him, but not love him. Well, not in that way."


Good thing the air was clear.

"Hey, Teyo, I was just wondering something?"

"You talkin' to me?" Teyo places a hand on his sweaty pec. So affixed with prior conversation, "what about Jay?"

"Hey, Jay."

"Hey," is all Jay utters.

Not which he didn't feel for Jay, but Teyo was glad the pilot light had gone out, between the pair.

"I was wondering if I qualify for participating in the practice?"

Shay stole glances, looking Jay's way.

Teyo uprights his laptop, checking the side which had been perched up against his abs, "no damage."

"Good," Jay replies.

That threw Shay for a loop, like, `what tha hell is that about?'

Business nonetheless, with Jay on Teyo's right flank, Shay on the right, they peer at the screen, watching a finger cue up the alphabetical roster.

"Nope, but that doesn't mean I can't add you."

Now Shay wasn't sure. From that one remark of a minute ago, plus the coolness which seemed to prevail, he had only inquired because maybe practicing for the goal, they could patch things up.

"Well," he looks over at Jay, who eyes were still focused on the screen, "why not?"

"Are you asking my opinion?"

"Uh, no. What I mean is, sign me up."

Strange thing too, Shay taking notice, Teyo asks `Jay' to hold the laptop, while he pecks with both hands, "you don't mind?"

Jay replying, "nope."

It made Teyo smile, that's a word he likes to use too!

For Shay, he's quickly finds himself in bail out mode, "uh, it's okay if, for some reason my parents need me back in the Hamptons, I can have a leave of absence?"

Teyo's hands freeze, "uh, I don't think that would be such a cool idea. Once committed, you have to be that way."


Up until now, with Jay showing responsibility towards his job and handling rejection from a relationship which never got off the ground, he had much respect. He was about to sweeten the pot.

"You know, Shay, just because it didn't work out between you and me, doesn't mean you won't find another dude. Who knows, you might hook up with some single guy at the practice?"

`Wow,' it astounded Teyo, for this young teen to take on the responsibility of counseling his ex with those words!

Apparently it's exactly what was causing Shay to back out, "well maybe I could sign up and if the `rents say they need me, I can tell them I'm committed to something else?"

Teyo's hands defrosted, Jay being the one to ask Shay for vitals he didn't know, "go ahead. Type it."

"Alright-already. Don't rush me. I'll make a mistake!"

Another thing which piqued Shay's interest, how well Jay and Teyo are acting so playfully together!

"Are you sure it's okay that I don't live on the grounds?" Shay asks, as Teyo types aways.

"Nope. There's locals from the town and surrounding area who have signed up, matter of fact. So you're not the only one."

Catching it, Jay felt bubbly inside, from one single word Teyo used. It also bought him some time to check him out, Shay monopolizing the conversation. It was obvious, Teyo older than him, which didn't bother him in the least. He brandished this attitude over experience.

Unknown to anyone, except his brother Brice, he would be forever thankful to Jay, for determining if he were straight, gay or bi. Well, not necessarily `bi', but for the other two, Brice found he loved sucking cock. For a teen, Jay would not be the youngest guy for his age to discover how amazing it is to have a dude suck him to completion. Brice did feel kind of guilty, about the age difference, ten years older, so they only did oral, him being on the receiving end of the stick! Yet, when Brice, out of the blue, asked Jay what he wanted for his 18th birthday, he was not all that surprised what the request would be. For the past two blowjobs, Jay was pestering him about doing anal stuff. Well after the stroke of midnight, Brice and Jay felt what it was like. Well away from onlookers and listening ears, they met in the garage and did it in Brice's car.

"So, there you go," Teyo adds extra def to the last punctuation mark, "you're in!"

"Thanks," Shay says, taking a last closeup glance of Teyo's fuzzy navel, "and thanks to you too, Jay."

"Me? What on earth for?"

Teyo thought it kind of sweet, as he powered off and folded up his laptop, the two getting cute on each other with apologies and that `last kiss.'

Of course, he wished it was himself walking next to Jay and not his former boyfriend! But it gave him time to think, wondering what were the precursors, which had given Jay these sensible, admirable traits?

Those who knew him, be it friend or family, or as Shay has found out, Jay could come on strong. Underneath that stealth facade though, he could be as gentle as a lamb.

Teyo didn't see the gentle creature, until Jay instantly forgave Shay and then left him with a kind attitude of carrying on with post-relationship advice.

Thinking it was hours and not about a half hour he told Kelly 5 minutes till training starts, Teyo excuses himself, picking up the pace, till he stops, remembering, "and oh," he yells, "team training started five minutes ago, guys!"

It made him smile, `to be young again', he might have chosen a guy like Jay. Jogging along his rate which was slower than usual, Teyo's mind was not on physical fitness, but "oh my god!"

The very thought, one month shy of turning thirty, put a stop to both feet!

Guys had come and gone in Teyo's life, including his latest target of affection, Mike Ewing. He thought something clicked, but in reality, they didn't really make a go of it and the idea of falling in love fizzled out.

Now, with the very thought of reaching the peak of that traditional milestone of adult aging, "oh wow, 30-years old and I haven't yet found Mr. Right?"

Thinking back, before even Mike was in his life, he had had a short crush on Travis. When that suddenly went kaput, Teyo thought that was it and as it went, had swore-off even thinking about dating. At the time, he focused on the interim, between then and his next job in life, coaching high school boys. Taking it for what it was worth, he shrugged off man-sex, thinking there was always lying in bed, his own hand wrapped around a hard shaft and with visions of two dudes getting it on...for now, that would have to do to appease his own sexual drive!


"Yeah, hey!"

The first tap on his shoulder, coming from behind, stopped where he was on the trail. The other, kept on trekking ahead.

"Where's Shay?" Teyo slowly turned to face the extension of that hand.

"He went back to his place to change," Jay says.

He wallowed a minute in thought, not realizing Jay had taken off.

A few feet ahead of him, Jay turns back, "well, are you coming?"

How could he refuse, Teyo seeing the teen strip his shirt, sticking it down the back of his pants for safe-keeping?


Kelly had finally caught up with Keran, though it wasn't at a meeting of the minds and mindless. In the short while he's been on the grounds, Kelly already had gained a sense of direction. Although he's never been to the training ground, at least knew he wasn't walking towards the offices, which also housed the factory. Geologically, it was where sloping hillsides plateaued into a grand flatness, perfect to host practice for the Highland Games.

Stepping out from the enclosed forest, into a wide meadow, "wow," was Kelly's reaction.

Anyone else might have the same reaction, upon taking in the panorama. Depending on point of view, it could first acknowledge an almost seamless wall to wall view of male flesh, first or second to the beauty of the division of forest and meadow. Mind over matter, mattered. It was important every candidate worked at their best pace, to accomplish such physical feats of hauling a chained ball overhead in a circle and letting go, carrying thick telephone pole-like sticks of wood in an upright manner, or simply two opposing teams tugging in the opposite direction, hands attached to opposite ends. Of all these weird physical feats, Kelly could most recognize the tug o'war. It fascinated him, seeing some dudes he knew, others yet to meet, but one `very' familiar person!

Rushing over, he didn't pay no mind to Keran, shirtless, sweat beads clinging to every fiber of his totally haired chest and so full of admiration, "hey, you look awesome!"

Holding a pole overhead, Keran, in order to alleviate his stance, had to bring it down, clear over himself and Kelly, engaged in hugging, "hi there."

"Hey," Kelly loses his cross face.

Suddenly, it seemed like they were back at day one, first time Keran surrounded Kelly with his arms, in embrace.

Making sure the perimeter about was free of traffic, Keran drops the pole down from above, "oh sorry," he lifts the long wooden post back overhead, "I probably smell like I need a pig, eh?"

With Keran being his jolly self, Kelly had a total change of heart. That was `the Keran' he knew and not what rumor had made him out to be. Offsetting his prime direction, he reaches up and bringing the pole down between them, slams chests together, using the sweat for cement, "what pig? I don't smell anything!"

Keran fully accepts it, though knew his boyfriend was fibbing, "okay, if you say so."

Rather than divide them up with some cute phrase like, `get a room', Teyo says, "Kelly, I need you over here?"

It was the politest way Teyo knew of breaking up the sweetness each share. Yet, unlike himself, he was happy to see the two together, something he wished for himself.

"See ya later," Kelly remarks, smiling.

"I hope not too much later," Keran wished Kelly well, the cub sending along a little kiss through the air.

Kelly just smiled, turning his attention to his trainer, "so, what diabolical plan do you have for me, Teyo?"

At 6-feet, 3-inches tall, Kelly came shoulder-to-shoulder, eye-to-eye with Teyo, "oh, just you wait and see. You'll be sorry you're not training with one of the others!"

He highly doubted that, having seen what the other trainers looked like and how they trained their men. Not knowing all of the trainers personally, Kelly could fit a face with a name.

Mat Morgan, whom Kelly would refer to as `the giant', was taller than both himself and Teyo, who were about the same height. He also looked real tough and carried himself as such.

Myels, unlike Mat, didn't have the `toughguy' appearance, but when he spoke, a guy better be listening!

Collectively, Mat, Myels and Teyo had their employment in common, acquiring employment at the same high school. Up until two years ago, students attended higher education in Danesburg. With growth in enrollment, a new high school was annexed to lower grade schools.

One of the quirks, which was beneficial to Jared, able to secure permits quickly, the town saw dollar signs before their eyes, the added educational revenue. Not only footing the bill for a fife and drum corp program, it benefitted not only his own business, but gave Phil Driskel some added responsibility.

Jared thought Phil to be an all around great guy. His first priority was making sure the right employee was fitted with his company. From previous Highland Games, he admired the precision at which fife and drum corp participants marched and played their instruments. Driskel had this and more. Highly educated and experienced what looked to be beyond his age of 28, he had both the looks to make boys and girls swoon, the ability to command, but could also have a laid back, comical approach to any situation. It made Kelly smile, on his way to Teyo, gazing at how Phil handled the corp on site. He never met any of Phil's high school or college students, but gathered the corp didn't all come from within the estate.

Mat, High School football coach, also teaches math. Some of the footballers have the opinion Coach Morgan treats them like shit, but some dudes love that kind of treatment!

Myels, art, prefers the title of `professor', instead of teacher. He also coaches track and field. Strange combination, but with the development of such a fine team, with many winners or runner-ups, Myels is a surefire win when it comes to sports achievement.

Teyo, new in town, was snatched up when Travis, who originally was supposed to head up Highland Games training and coach at the high school, left to go back to Olympic training. With a degree in education, Teyo figured, after the Navy, he would fall into some kind of educational opportunity. Not only HG training, but he stepped right into the vacant spot Travis left at the high school, teaching English and coaching tennis and swimming. He did wonder how that was going to work out, both sports have only one team each...a work in progress!

Addison Birch had a different tale. Personal trainer at the local gym, his boss came to him two weeks ago and asked how he would feel training individuals to participate in the Highland Games? First, Addison had no clue what that was! Secondly, he had worked his ass off for the past year, trying to boost his own regiment of personal training at the gym. Lastly, he complained, what about my Zumba class?' Well, his employer had all the answers, saying he'd have to drop Zumba, but could still work with his private patrons. When Addison showed for his first session, last week, he had a chip on his shoulder. He went into this as it was going to be the worst experience of his life, training some boy scouts'. Worst case scenario, he had only studied You Tube videos, to get an idea of what the Highland Games were about and totally scared shit he wasn't going to embarrass the hell outta himself. Well, when Addison stepped onto that training field and saw the bare bods lined up, tall, short, thin, chubby, but hot-hot-hot, he quickly warmed up to the idea of being a trainer!

Back to go about his own business, Teyo looked around. Noticing trainers in pairs, he wondered to himself, "like, when am I supposed to get an assistant trainer?"

Kelly only heard the mumblings peel off Teyo's lips, "what was that?"

Never a complainer, always the `hack it and get it done' type, Teyo repairs himself, "oh, nothing, nothing, nothing."

Unknowingly, Flex Henley was to join him, but Dr. Barbello, having sent Mike back to the infirmary to grab some bandages and salve, was short an extra pair of hands. Flex did slip and say he had `some' medical training, becoming the doc's extra hands. He did look up at where Teyo was training and feeling the extra drool in his mouth, Flex longed to be over there, but there are times when you can't always follow what your throbbing dick wants!

In lieu of that, when Sandy McBluff, new assistant band director at the high school came looking for the director, Allen McHale, he didn't get past Teyo.

"Hey, you here for the practice?"

Well, he was there to connect to the HS band director, who he didn't know, was setting him up as Phil Driskel's assistant with the fife and drum corp, setting eyes upon Teyo, he played like he didn't know any wiser, "what's on your mind?"

It did throw Teyo off momentarily, causing him to smirk, "just wondering, are you here to practice or train?"

Coming right at back him, the 26-year old says, "which are you looking for?"

It was a cat and mouse game and by now each knew it, Teyo responding, "well, I hardly think you can train in that outfit?"

"No problem!"

Teyo skis his sunglasses down the bridge of his nose, "um, I don't think underwear is acceptable..."

"Not a problem," Sandy was way ahead of him, in revealing more of his ginger-brown fuzz, "I wore my swimsuit underneath, hoping I could grab a dip in the pond I heard they had out here."

Realizing he was not one-on-one with Sandy, but in a very big crowd, Teyo didn't want to make a spectacle of himself, so play it cool.

After Sandy had stripped pants and shirt, he asks, "so, where can I leave my clothes?"

Teyo almost missed his cue, too involved in trying to evade Sandy's foxy bod, "uh, over on one of the picnic tables will be fine."


Turning back towards his training ground, all Teyo could think of is, `wow!'

Getting back to the troops, Sandy had dropped his stuff and caught up before Teyo reached them. Both were confronted by one of the other trainers, Addison, who had thought it wise that boyfriends be on separate teams. It had already been a problem, dudes not putting forth their greatest efforts.

Following Teyo's lead, Kelly was drawn into the heated argument.

Boyfriends, Richard and Rhuan were on Teyo's team, but being they became distracted, often, the trainer thought it a great idea to separate them, placing them on opposing teams. Like little kids, they claimed something like, `we'll be good!' Teyo gave them a second chance, but being good, they failed royally at it, to the point they jeopardized the performance of some others.

This is where Kelly stuck his nose into their business and even though he would have liked to have stayed on the same team as his boyfriend, "I think it's a good idea. In fact, I might fall guilty to the same thing, you know, glancing over to see what Keran is doing and get whacked in the head?"

Keran, overhearing the commotion, comes over and patting Kelly on the chest, "no. You stay. I'll go."

It didn't really matter, but it was a symbol of love, Keran putting himself before Kelly's interests.

Kelly knew it too, "are you sure?"

"Yeah, much as I really wanted to work with Teyo, well..."

Yeah,' Kelly thought it in his mind, Teyo is really hot!'

Then it all started to fall into place, couples breaking up, knowing they would at least be in the same humongous field and after practice be reunited with whom they share something special.

Jackson, who had accidentally bumped into Ryan Carnes' old Navy buddy, Peter Li, looking for the office to check in, grew rather friendly in such a short time. In parting, they just smiled, knowing their time together had been short, would have to wait to get better acquainted.

Parting company also, were Nick Ackerman and Shayne Hampton. Some guys, ignorant of the fact, didn't believe a 45-year old man and 22-year old dude could find a romantic interest in each other. Though, of Nick's hot, ripped bod, more than a few envied Shayne. Nick did smile, rolled eyes at Shayne hearing a question of, `I wonder how he is in bed?'!

Newly employed, Dale Dean, was of no stranger to some. Employed by the town, middle school science teacher, picking up some extra loot, was working there for the summer months. Employed by what was becoming known as simply `the barnyard', those who worked either with animals, or plants, collectively gathered in the same place. At the front gate, Dale checked in with security man, Clint Larson new on the job himself, having arrived last week. He claimed, if Dale waited till his relief man arrived, he would escort him to where he had to be. Passing through the HG practice field, it was music to Clint's ears, upon hearing from Dale, it brought back memories of when his buddies used to band together and compete at the local Highland Games. They never made it to the barnyard.

Teyo, in need of a couple more players, first made sure Clint and Dale weren't attached, which was tricky, finding out if a dude is gay, without coming out and asking directly. A big dropped hint, one of the teachers from the high school came over, welcomed Dale to the games with a very affectionate hug, before he was called back by his trainer. Of Clint, well, he just had that look of pleasure, like when a gay dude finds out what he thought was a straight guy, but didn't know, now knew the truth!

Clint helped Dale decide, `if you watch my back, I'll watch yours!' It would become a nice story to tell, years from now and forever, of how the couple first met!

Unfortunately, when Teyo came back to where Sandy kept things organized, they already had met their quota, another dude joining in. However, Clint didn't mind stepping over to another group, telling Dale, with a broad smile, he hoped to see him later. Dale smiled, catching in his mind the kiss blown his way. Like, how often does `instant-true-love' like this come along?

Teyo comes to realize, Sandy had really been the one to weed out the couples, saying if they didn't confess now, it would only come later and wouldn't they rather have a choice, rather than be told they had to separate?

"Hmm," Teyo says to him, "looks like I picked the right man for the job!"

"You picked me? Nah-nah-nah, it was me who picked you!"

Arms over his pecs, folded criss-crossed, Teyo says, "is that so?"

"We should argue about it later and get on with the practice?"

Teyo liked the sound of there `being a later'!


Copyright 2018 T. Chase McPhee

`GLaDiaToR EV'ry DaY' and developing segments of this story, may not be sold, nor made part of any collection, without prior consent from the author.

Next: Chapter 22

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