Glaucus and Marcellus

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on May 5, 2020


"My Lord. You asked us to bring Marcellus. Shall we wait outside?"

Glaucus turned from the parchment he was reviewing. He would be returning it to the scribes as unsatisfactory, for the number of errors. "These Greek slaves! So arrogant, so sure of themselves, and not even able to conjugate essere in the subjunctive tense. He would have to 'remind' these slaves of where they could be. But for now, he turned to the handsome, angry man standing in front of him. He smiled. "Marcellus! I hope the attendant slaves have treated you well. Were the baths to your liking?" "Indeed they were. If one is accustomed to luxury and the life of a sybarite." Glaucus looked down over his magnifying glass. Marcellus realized he had forgotten "MY LORD," and spat it out defiantly.

Glaucus laughed.

"Yes, I know, it is difficult for you Materans to get used to acknowledging your situation. From what I understand, Demos showed the same defiance." Marcellus was silent, as Glaucus went on "several whippings taught him that he did not have Marcellus to protect him any longer, and now, the difference between pleasure and pain could be the difference between two words."

"Demos is young... My Lord. He is not as used to pain as I am. It will take more than a few whippings to break my spirit, and truly make me a slave." Again, Glaucus smiled. "Yes, I have deduced that from the way you acted with the pendulum of Ares. You were the most resilient one who has been given the option to,live out to die. " He paused, rose, and approached Marcellus. He moved his hand under Marcellus' chin, and stared at him as he spat out, with gritted teeth "But the pain YOU can endure, may very well NOT be the pain that Demos can endure. Keep that in mind. His owner is a VERY good friend of mine."

"LEAVE THE BOY OUT OF THIS. YOUR TIME IS BETTER SPENT WITH ME, THAN WITH HIM." "Oh, I agree with you Marcellus. Very much. But I only wish to make you aware of the situation.. And be overjoyed that, whatever your boy is forced to endure, he is ALIVE." He paused, and his face darkened. "MY Horatio was returned to me, in five pieces. His nose had been sliced away, as was his manhood. "

Marcellus sneered "The toils of war take their toll." Glaucus laughed weakly. "Indeed they do. And when the gods throw their lots, we do not know how they will turn out. I suspect you prayed to the gods before Demos left, that he not be killed." He smiled more broadly. "You have gotten your wish. And I assume that you prayed that you would see him again. And you have gotten that wish as well. " Glaucus saw the way his statements were affecting Marcellus. "The gods are capricious Marcellus. You are not a man of religion so you would not know this. My prayer for Horatio, was that his fate be what the gods decreed. And when that happened, my next prayer was to give me an opportunity for a new life." He approached Marcellus. "And I have it. Through you." He murmured. "You are a handsome man, Marcellus. MUCH more handsome than was my Horatio. And I am certain you are much more skilled in the art of the bedroom than was he. " Glaucus began to run his hand over Marcellus' bare shoulders. "I am sure, that you will bring me much pleasure. "

'AND IF I REFUSE?" Glaucus smiled, and produced a small whip from under his sleeve. He struck Marcellus' manhood gently. "Then you will be punished. Perhaps Demos will be punished alongside of you. Perhaps you will be returned as a normal sacrifice. BUTCHERED instead of the ritual you might have had." Marcellus had stood fast with the first slash of the whip. Now there was a second, and he gasped, and bent at the waist.

"Your point is taken. I recognize my status as a prisoner, and as a slave. I would expect you to obey me if the roles were reversed." Glaucus circled his prisoner. "I have instructed the guards to leave you unbound for now, but they are outside, and they are fast. I can have you bound securely, and helpless in seconds..." From behind, he moved his hand to Marcellus right nipple, and squeezed it. "It has been months, or perhaps years, that someone did that to you, and certainly since Demos has.." He continued to twist the nipple as Marcellus tried to resist the pleasure. "Yes my Lord. It has been a very long time."

Glaucus chuckled. "The thing about playing with nipples Marcellus, is that it can turn you into a raging beast, ready to rape anyone or anything within seizing distance. OR, it can turn you into the most submissive of slaves, willing to accept anything." After a pause. "On interrogation, Demos has said you are the first type. I will turn you from the first, to the other. And I will ENJOY IT. " He moved his second hand to Marcellus' other nipple. Glaucus spoke truth. Demos would play with his nipples during their love making, and when Marcellus' "man sword" had swollen, he would fall on it , with his mouth, or his anus, or he would simply stroke it until Marcellus had climaxed. Now however, under the hands of an experienced Roman general, who exuded power and wealth, he found himself beginning to feel what he thought Demos must have felt with him: the sense of being conquered, and taken: the sense of being desired by a superior man. He closed his eyes to focus, and all he could focus on, was the breathing from Glaucus in his ear.

"I do not trust you yet to swallow my man sword, Marcellus, but I will enjoy you tonight, in a way you have not been enjoyed since your youth. "I WILL NOT LET YOU DO THAT" he exclaimed, trying to pull himself from Glaucus' fingers. Glaucus merely increased the pressure, and brought him back to heel. "You will have no choice Marcellus. Tonight, you will be re-introduced to the art of being owned by another man. His small sword cut away Marcellus' loin cloth. He laughed. "It appears that, at least part of you, is excited for the chance."

"I AM NOT A CATAMITE" He exclaimed. Glaucus responded with one word. "Yet."

Glaucus moved to the desk where he had been working. "I wlll give you a chance to delay the inevitable Marcellus. " He picked up an hourglass. "This piece does not hold much time: I would say a tenth of an hour, perhaps an eighth. It will be sufficient. We shall game to determine where you will spend the night, Marcellus. I am going to hold you, in a captive's hold. You will have the time in the hourglass to break free. If you do, you may return to the slave's quarters. If not, you will come to my bed.

He turned the hourglass over, and returned to Marcellus. He took him in a bear hug. BEGIN." Marcellus was strong. He had always won every contest of strength in his home of Matera. He thought this would be over quickly. It was not. Glaucus did not appear to have a strong grip, but it was effective. Every move Marcellus made, was countered. When he tried to employ the classic trick, of stamping his foot on that of Glaucus, he found that his conqueror had splayed his feet sufficiently, so that the shorter man could not reach them. When Marcellus seized his arms, and held them behind his back with one of his own arms, Marcellus again struggled, to no avail.

"With one free hand, Marcellus, I am also free to roam your body. " He did, finding Marcellus' testicles, and holding them. He did not squeeze, but he just held them, so that Marcellus knew, he was under control. "You have the balls of a bull Marcellus. Everyone knows the expression 'hung like a Materan' I never really understood how true it is until now."

Marcellus saw that just about half of the sand had moved through the hourglass. And he had made no progress, when Glaucus began running his beard on his ear. Marcellus would do that to Demos too. Demos always begged him to take him after that. Now he understood why. The soft bristles were maddening. They drained his strength. His breathing increased, and increased again, when Glaucus moved his hand from Marcellus' balls, to his nipple.

"AGGGH. NO MAN can resist nipple play at your hands Glaucus. You are known for it. " And indeed he was. Legend had it that in his youth, Glaucus had subdued the largest Nubian slave ever captured, simply by taking his nipples in his fingers. His fingers were strong, and he didn't let go. The Nubian had struggled mightily to break what seemed to be a very simple hold, but Glaucus retained his grip. Desire is sapping of strength, and the Nubian was soon on his knees. Glaucus did not let go, but continued his assault, until the Nubian begged for release and submitted. That Nubian had become Glaucus' first bed slave until, bored with the Nubian's incredible dullness, he had sold him to a gladiatorial school where, Glaucus, understood, the Nubian excelled.

Now, Marcellus found himself in that same grip. "I am NOT that Nubian Glaucus. You will NOT do to me what you did to him." Glaucus laughed and twisted his fingers. "You are correct. I will do MORE to you. Look at the time piece Marcellus. There is very little sand left."

Rather than move from one nipple to the other, Glaucus assaulted one only. It was enough. Marcellus threw back his head and screamed in his language. Glaucus was not familiar with this tongue, which he found vulgar. Were he familiar with it, he would have known that Marcellus had just surrendered. When he continued the work on Marcellus' nipple, as the time ran out, he noticed that his captive had begun to cry.

"Surely you are not in PAIN Marcellus. Although if you want pain, you will have it. " "NO my LORD NO. I am wondering why you persist, although I have submitted." Glaucus alleviated the pressure. "AH. Was that what you just yelled, in that filthy tongue of yours? One I refuse to learn?" "Yes my Lord. I surrender. I am yours. You are my owner. "

Glaucus released the hold and pushed Marcellus toward his bed chambers. "I want you in there. On my bed, face up. NOW. I will be in shortly. "

He took a moment to gloat. Among the Romans, Marcellus had been thought of as a potential fine prize, and out of anyone's reach. Now, he belonged to Glaucus. He had to tame him, and he would. He gathered some tools to help, and found Marcellus, looking about the bedroom curiously, his man sword still pointed.

"That will learn to be disciplined eventually, Marcellus. Not tonight. Tonight, you will learn your main duties. Spread your legs further, my fine prize. "

"Yes my Lord." These were the ritual words which everyone in the empire knew. Marcellus had used them on Demos when he took him for the first time. Now, he would be in Demos place. "Will my Lord be gentle with his slave, Sir?" Glaucus laughed. "Were you 22 years old, and a pretty blond thing that could be mistaken for a girl, perhaps. " He was NOT gentle. Glaucus was also rumored to be "gifted," and while the expression "as hung as a Materan" was well known, another lesser known rumor was that in defeating the Nubian, Glaucus had obtained certain of his characteristics. Now, Marcellus could believe it, as Glaucus' thick long sword pierced his most private parts. He bit his lips to not scream, but he was not successful. Every scream seemed to encourage Glaucus to take him harder.

Outside of the room, the attendant guards looked at each other and smiled. "Glaucus seems to be in rare form tonight." The other answered "Yes, but remember, he is taking one who is effectively a virgin."

The screams continued, as Glaucus had his pleasure. When he reached his climax, his screams joined those of Marcellus. Those screams were the signal for the attendants to come in. They had the locking cage with them. They approached Marcellus.

"WAIT. WHAT IS THIS?" He squirmed as two held him down at his arms, and two at his legs.

"Slaves have no need of sex. Especially bed slaves. It is time. Now that we know how erect you can become, we can prepare the proper cage." There were measurements, and then they released him. "Tomorrow, when we have the ceremony of initiation you will be put in a cage. Your ability to use your sword will be diminished. And... " Glaucus procured a device of about 5 inches. "You will wear this at night. . Right here.." He began pushing the tool into Marcellus' hole. "See? The combination of stimulaton and frustration, will keep you an obedient slave. " He pulled it out. "This will come tomorrow. Together with your collar, and your arm band. Also the ceremony of ranking. I do believe, however, that I know how that will end.

He turned to his slaves. "Out with the candles. Two of you on the door. " He turned to Marcellus. "Try to think of yourself as my consort. It will help you sleep better. "

"WAIT." He called back the attendant. " Marcellus May be my slave, but he is a nobleman. He has had an extremely trying day. More are to come. Can you prepare him a draught of that potion you gave me when I received Horatio's body?" "Yes sir. In wine? " He put his hand on Marcellus' shoulder. "Of course. My consort should be strong and healthy."

He turned to Marcellus. "I am going to give you something to help you sleep . Treat it as a mark of respect for a fellow general. I do not take men when they are sleeping, and I am usually aroused early in the morning. I will let you sleep and take another if that happens. " Marcellus looked down. He could not believe that he had become a catamite. "Yes my lord. I appreciate the sleeping draught.

It was brought to him, and he was asleep in minutes. He slept through the night , in Glaucus' arms.

At the hour we would now call 3, Glaucus did in fact feel the need for companionship . He went to the chamber where the bed slaves were kept. He pointed to a young one, with very dark hair and eyes, probably from Turkey . YOU Ahmad. You will be my companion until morning. "

Yes my Lord. Ahmad rose. Under his loin cloth, he wore the cage of chastity. On his right arm, the golden band that indicated he was Glaucus' property, and on his neck the collar of submission. He was the fourth of Glaucus' six bed slaves. He was not called upon often, but Glaucus had taken a shine to him as of late. He would make a fine companion in bed . Glaucus took Ahmad to a second room, and allowed Marcellus the night in his own bed. Glaucus removed the pacifying pole from Ahmad, and took him.

Glaucus usually slept at the height of the day. He would take Marcellus then.

Next: Chapter 3

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