Glaucus and Marcellus

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Nov 6, 2020


"Would Lord Glaucus like to try something new tonight? " Ahmad smiled his big grin. He had taken a luxurious bath, and had oiled his body, including his chute, in anticipation. Glaucus had summoned him to his bed three straight nights now, and the talk on the estate was of words like "consort" and "favorite." The last time Glaucus had taken the same slave to bed three nights in a row was with Flavius. And before that... Marcellus. And before that... Horatio. Glaucus smiled at the young man. "One wonders what you have in mind, my sweet man. Tell me what you are thinking?"

"Well, My Lord. Let me demonstrate it instead. And do not fret. I would like you to let me get on top of you." Glaucus raised an eye brown. "Ahmad. Do not confuse me with Eric." Ahmad laughed "No, no no My Lord. Simply let me show you what I mean. First, not that your sword needs lengthening, or sharpening, but..." He moved his head to Glaucus crotch, and slowly, gently, drew his sword out even longer. "Oh, BY THE GODS AHMAD. You are so wonderful with your tongue." Ahmad smiled. "And now, that you are ready, I am going to show you that I am even better with .. you will see My Lord." The man removed his tunic, and then straddled Glaucus' body. The bed was firm, made of the hardest wood available, so it was easy for Ahmad to brace his hands on the sides. He had been a court dancer before his capture, so his body was strong. Glaucus saw his dancer's arms flex and the muscles strain. And then he experienced what Ahmad had in mind: the man spread his legs just enough, and then lowered himself directly onto Glaucus' sword.

He had never done this before. "OH BY GREAT ZEUS AHMAD. WHERE DID YOU LEARN THIS?" Ahmad smiled. "Some secrets are not to be revealed. When you enjoy a dish, My Lord, do you REALLY want to know where the food came from? Simply enjoy it. And Glaucus WAS enjoying it. So was Ahmad. He could tell by the smile on the man's face. He realized that, in some ways, he had given up control to Ahmad, because how far he pierced, and how hard, were being determined not by him, but by Ahmad. "Now you see My Lord, I can force you to place your sword PRECISELY at the spot I love best. Right... THERE... Ahmad pressed his hands on the wood frame of the bed so that he was halfway down Glaucus sword, and he began to moan. "OH. MY LORD GLAUCUS. That sword. On that spot. Were I uncaged, I fear your face would be covered with my seed right now. " He smiled, and moved very slightly, up and down. "This is NOT supposed to be about your pleasure, Ahmad. You know that." Ahmad only smiled. "My Lord does seem to be enjoying himself. OH. Great Hera. I feel a stiffening in that sword. Does that mean... OOOOOOOOOOOOOH" Glaucus began shooting up into Ahmad. His bed slave smiled, as he lifted himself from Glaucus sword, and lay down beside him. Glaucus through an arm around Ahmad. "Ahmad. I always find myself smiling, laughing, when you come to my bed." "And that is how it should be My Lord. Do you not know about smiling, laughing and sex?" "No Ahmad, tell me." Ahmad was brazen enough to steal a kiss. "When I was a very young boy, My Lord, all of the boys were required to study philosophy. And religion. The youngest of us spent hours memorizing rules, and prayers. When we became older, we were sent to another teacher. " Ahmad smiled at the memory of that teacher. "A wonderful man. A pederast, but a wonderful man. One day he came into class. He was supposed to discipline a student who had been caught with a girl. He refused to do it. 'Sirs,' he said to us 'know that when our God sees us in love , he smiles. And when he laughs, that is sex, Sirs. Yes, sex is God, laughing. And what can be wrong with laughing?" When Ahmad finished he looked at Glaucus. "You do not laugh enough during sex My Lord. You must learn, or the gods will punish you." Glaucus rolled over on Ahmad. "If you continue to be so cheeky, Glaucus will punish YOU." "Oh, the promises My Lord makes. " He felt Glaucus' lips on his neck and moaned some more. "Yes My Lord. Yes. OOOOH." "We must rest, Ahmad. Sleep. We have played for too long." "Yes My Lord. Before we do, may I make a suggestion to you? And it is a request." "I am intrigued . Tell me." "Perhaps. Perhaps My Lord, you might invite the Hibernians to join us. You know that I favor Eric, the young one, and you favor Eamon, his older brother. Were you to uncage me, I would show you ... things you haven't seen." "A show. Like seeing Seneca's plays before a night of love making." Ahmad made a face. "That man is a DREARY writer My Lord. How anyone could enjoy themselves after his "plays," which strike me as lectures rather than theater, I do not know." "I DO like your idea though Ahmad. I think we will do it. Now, let us get some sleep. Come closer to me." As his personal steward, Demos had a room not far from Glaucus' bedroom. He heard parts of what was happening and his heart grew heavy. He, too, desired Glaucus, but he feared that he had lost any chance to be with him. He did not want Marcellus back - and he was going to request a dissolution from Lord Glaucus - and he found very little pleasure in the estate any longer. "Portius would have been better," he thought disgustedly, knowing full well that his light facial fuzz, and his chest hair, would have brought him misfortune with Portius. He curled up into a ball and fell asleep. He would have to wait to see what would happen.


While Glaucus looked forward to the NIGHT of the next day, the DAY itself presented problems. He would speak with Marcellus and he did not look forward to this. He had made no decisions about the man, at least his mind had not. His sword, however, reacted the same way every time he thought of him: it grew. Notwithstanding everything that had happened, he desired that man. And he had the right to take him: Marcellus was still his slave. But AHMAD! Oh, that man. How had he not partaken of his incredible gifts as a lover?

Before he could speak with Marcellus though, Marcus sought an audience with him. "AVE ET SALVE MY LORD" Marcus greeted Glaucus with the traditional salute. Glaucus was in a good mood, thinking of his night with Ahmad, that had left that morning with Ahmad checking to see if his sword needed tending by his mouth (it didn't), and of the night to come with the Hibernian brothers. "Please join me for breakfast Marcus." "Thank you My Lord, but I have eaten. I try to start my day very early." "As we all should. You are an exemplar Marcus. I should follow your example." Marcus smiled. This man had made him his steward, when he had many choices. He was grateful. "My Lord, I hesitate to ask a boon of thee, but it relates to the running of the estate. Ulrich has left us, and Demos has become your personal steward. And I hope you are happy with him in that role. Glaucus was not unaware of Demos' discomfort that night, and he smiled. "VERY happy." "Well, what this means for the running of the house, My Lord, is that there are no assistant stewards anymore. I believe the house is running well, but... would the gods choose to strike me with illness, there is no one to perform the tasks to run the house." Glaucus smiled. "My sense, Marcus, is that you would not let illness deter you. In fact, I suspect that if, by some stroke of ill fortune, we were to lose you, I would see your spirt polishing the silver in the kitchens shortly before sunrise. But I hear your request. It is not unreasonable. Have you anyone in mind?" Marcus frowned. "I do not My Lord." Glaucus thought for a minute. Then the 'chess game' that was his estate came into view. "Do you know the Hibernians, Marcus? The brothers Eamon and Eric. They are bed slaves." "I know OF them. It would be wrong to say I KNOW them." "Let me suggest this. Tomorrow, I will have the three of you talk. It would be interesting to have two red heads as assistant stewards, would it not?" Marcus smiled. "Indeed My Lord. Thank you." He bowed as he left.

He had some time to himself, and Glaucus smiled. "How engaging a situation! With Ahmad spending most of his time in Glaucus' chambers, the two Materans gone, Flavius off with his family, if the Hibernians moved into steward quarters, the only bed slave left in those quarters would be... Marcellus. Isolated. Alone. He chuckled. "

There was a Senate meeting that day, and Glaucus had decided to visit Clodius before he returned home. The meeting decided upon a day for the auction of the prisoners from Gaul, and for the grand sacrifice. Glaucus, as the lead general, would have the right to choose his sacrifice, and would be the first to offer blood to the gods. He would visit the prisoners shortly, to choose the man he would sacrifice. Clodius had reopened the gym when he had returned from battle. He had sent the old men back to Glaucus' estate, where they seemed content to live out their lives in quiet. Glaucus would have to consider an assistant there, as well, because with the war having ended, he would be entertaining again. "CLODIUS. AVE ET SALVE to my brave Lieutenant." Clodius dropped to his knees. "General . I am honored by your visit, and embarrassed for not being prepared." Glaucus laughed. "No need for embarrassment. I gave you no warning." "But you did General." He removed the bracelet from his wrist. "I took the liberty of wearing it, so that it would not be lost. It is of value. That is clear. But I did not understand your message "I wait for conclusions." "Is there a place where we might sit for a few minutes Clodius? I will explain." "There IS a small room with a table and two chairs. I can have an assistant bring us some food, General." "Not necessary Clodius. Not necessary. " He sighed. "Do you know the story of the bracelet, Clodius?" "All I know, General, is that Demos gave it to Marcellus to remember him on campaign. I do not understand how it has come to my hands." Glaucus then explained the full story to him. Clodius sat there, mouth agape, as he heard the tale. He was silent. Glaucus spoke "You and Marcellus... you were, shall we say, bedmates on campaign until he was captured?" Clodius reddened. "I know that you favor him, General. I understand that. And it was war." Glaucus laughed. "Clodius, Clodius, there are no apologies necessary. I am here simply to ask you a question. Not a simple one to answer, I fear, but a simple one to ask: would you like Marcellus to be your permanent bed partner? As a freedman, you are entitled to such, and I would release Marcellus from his slavehood." "It is a simple question to answer, General. I did anticipate it, and have an answer. NO." Glaucus sat back. "That is a very definitive answer Clodius." "General, please understand my position. I am a former slave, now a freedman. I WILL have booty from the slave auction - I am not Ulrich - but every day is a struggle, monetarily. I need the business trade of the gymnasium. Marcellus' reputation has fallen in the eyes of Rome. Tremendously. Frankly, General, I am surprised that you took him back into your house. But you have. I will not make that choice. " He paused. "Now I understand the message. This was an offering such that I would put it on Marcellus' wrist if I agreed. I do not. " He handed Glaucus the bracelet. "I thank you for your consideration General. It was an honor to serve with you, and I wish that the circumstances would have been better." Glaucus smiled. "Clodius, my time as a general is over. I have fought my last campaign. I am tired. I have done my part. I intend to resign my commission. Would you be adverse to my suggesting that you be raised in rank to General?" Clodius was stunned. "My General. I am honored. Yes, I would accept this. I would ask that I be permitted to speak at such time as you raise the matter." "I will let you know Clodius." He rose. "I must return home. There is much to do there." He clutched Clodius' forearm, and the man pulled him into him for an embrace. "You honor our republic Glaucus. Do not let others sully that reputation."


When Glaucus returned to his estate and went to his quarters, Demos came to his entrance. His face was white. "My Lord. Bed slave Marcellus is here for his audience with you." "Ah, yes. Thank you Demos. By your leave, young man, I believe it would be better if you were not present for this discussion." "I appreciate your consideration My Lord. I will visit my friends in the guest bath chamber. I have missed them." He left and Glaucus clapped his hands. "ENTER SLAVE MARCELLUS" He was proud of himself for adding the 'slave' description Marcellus appeared at the door. He assumed the correct position of a supplicant slave. "Ave et Salve My Lord. My gratitude for your audience." Glaucus looked him over. He did not understand it. All thoughts of Ahmad, of the night ahead, of Demos, left him when he saw this man. "You are in need of a haircut and a shave Marcellus. A FULL shave." "Yes My Lord, you are right. I have neglected these things." "Please feel free to sit Marcellus." Glaucus took the seat next to him. Marcellus was looking at the floor when he spoke "I must express my gratitude for what you have done for me Lord Glaucus. I did not know of the bracelet until Demos..." and he paused, recalling the fight they had "told me what you had done." "Would you have taken the bracelet had I given it to you directly, Marcellus?" "No. I would not have. I recognize now that this was a mistake. My attitude. My demeanor. My refusal of your consortship." He began to weep. "My behavior at war. It nearly lost me my life, and it DID lose me Demos." "Yes, I am aware of that Marcellus. You are aware, I am sure, that Demos has sought dissolution of your bond?" Marcellus just continued to sob, and didn't answer. Glaucus stood up "Marcellus, I am not a physician, nor am I experienced in matters of the spiritual; however, I have learned much about people and behavior from war. You were captured, Marcellus, because of your stubborn refusal to vary from your plan . It was the case in Gaul as well. You have judged people, immediately, and somehow, they have all been found inadequate, for one reason or the other. Yet... when I look at the people surrounding you." "I am the only one who is in a lower position now than when he started." "Precisely Marcellus. And now, you and I, we must decide what to do." "I am your slave My Lord. I have no say in deciding what to do." Glaucus laughed. "Do I not recall a refusal when I asked you to become my consort? Do not answer that Marcellus. We both know the answer. Let me outline what I think the options are." "The simplest one, to be honest, would be to sell you to the galleys, or to the mines. I would be rid of you, you would be rid of me, and you would be experiencing the life of an unprivileged slave, like so many." "There are other options. You can remain here, and continue to reside as my bed slave. You will find that, at least for the present, you will be alone in those quarters. " Marcellus looked up. "Yes, I believe I am going to take Ahmad as my consort. The Hibernians will probably take the positions that Demos and Ulrich held. " He grinned "And while I think Ahmad will eliminate the need for me to visit the slave quarters as often as I have, there is always a need for variety. Gauls do not interest me much, but one never knows. And there will be more slaves soon. I hear of a successful campaign to the south - perhaps more Materans are coming this way." "None of us are tractable, My Lord." That made Glaucus laugh. "And that is part of what makes you so appealing. The sense of conquest every time one of your are taken. And I will say, while my time with you has been extraordinary, both Silvus and Antonio made excellent bed partners." "My Lord. I have another option to suggest." "What is that Marcellus?" Marcellus stopped weeping. He held up his head. "My Lord, in days to come you will sacrifice a Gaul to the gods. I am the cause of many Roman deaths, and you rescued me from sacrifice some time ago. " He paused. "Perhaps it is time." "To think I would let death relieve him of his suffering," Glaucus thought. He said, however "Unfortunately, Marcellus, that is not an option. The gods would reject you as sacrifice. Your situation has rendered you unworthy of union with the gods. I do, however, see your argument." "Clodius, My Lord?" "He has rejected you. I asked today." "Perhaps Demos will renounce his petition?" "He will be given that chance tomorrow. I would not cast a lot in favor of that." Then there was a pause. "Would you reconsider me as consort, My Lord?" "NO." "Had I a sword, I would gut myself," thought Marcellus. "Will you send me to the mines, My Lord?" "I thought about that, Marcellus, and I have not quite decided. As I told you, time with you as a bed slave, is extraordinary. I am not sure I wish to give that up. But in truth, the only options are for you to continue as my bed slave, or to be sold to another slave owner. And there is VERY little interest amongst Romans, in older men as bed slaves. So for now, let us continue as things are. You shall, of course, no longer be alpha slave, even after I purchase more - should I do so. " He rose, smiling. "I believe we are done, save for one thing. I will take care of your shaving myself, Marcellus. That is my duty as Master of this house. It will take place tomorrow. For now, you should return to the bed slave chambers." Marcellus dropped to his knees. he lowered his head in the position taken by sacrifices before they felt the blade. "I again offer my complete apology and subjugation to My Lord. I ask only that in some way, you are able to forgive me." Glaucus snorted. "You owe apology to the families who lost their sons on your behalf. You will begin with that. After shaving, we will perform the right of abnegation before the city. It will be painful, but it is necessary. Now, GO. GO before I change my mind and summon the trireme manager." A defeated Marcellus left and went back to the slave quarters. Glaucus went to the shelf where his libations were kept. He found a bottle of his strongest spirits, and took a large drink to stabilize himself. Then he left to walk about his garden. He smiled at the young berry plants, now fenced off, that were growing from the seeds of the crop that had been dried. As he walked about the garden, Ahmad joined him, with Eric and Eamon. "My Lord, there is no time like the present. Shall we begin?" "We should have supper first." "By your leave, Master Glaucus. I have ordered supper for four of us in your quarters." He grinned and Glaucus suddenly understood "You have requested snails, you SCAMP. But yes, let us take our time with this. Perhaps the Hibernians can be put to work with relaxing me from the strains of the day. " "I can help with that as well My Lord. I wish I had a denarus for every time I massaged Collepherus' feet at the end of a day." The thought of Ahmad at his feet, close enough to take his sword in his mouth, appealed to Glaucus. "Let us retire to my chambers. Eamon. Eric. Come with me please. "


When Marcellus returned to his section of the bed slave chambers, he found a small box on his bed. He opened it. It was filled with dried berries from the sleep/death plant.

Next: Chapter 29

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