Glaucus and Marcellus

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Dec 6, 2020


We would call it "moving day." The ship would be leaving for Sicilia that day - in mid afternoon. Glaucus woke, with ahmad wrapped in his arms. The young man was smiling. Glaucus kissed him awake. "Tell me what you were dreaming of, my love. You seemed so happy." "I was Lord Glaucus. I was. And I still am. " He sat up a little bit to return Glaucus' kiss. "I was dreaming about our first night in the Sicilian home. We can bring as much history with us as we wish - and leave what we would not have, behind us. " Glaucus pulled him in tight. "You are so wise ahmad, so wise. " He kissed him again "Are you nervous about the travel, young man?" "Why would I be? If by the gods something were to happen, I have an old man to use to buoy me up in the sea." He smiled. ahmad knew what was going to happen next and it did. Glaucus rolled on him. "Old man, HUH? " He reached down and got the spot on ahmad's eggs that he had played with just once before. "Oh, this is cheating Lord Glaucus. You can do better than that. OOOH" He felt Glaucus' thumb at his hole. "Indeed I can. And I will. I will make my last piercing of you in Rome, memorable. " Pinned as he was, ahmad couldn't use any of his dancer moves to escape, and Glaucus took his long cock and began to play with it, rubbing the head gently, than more roughly, as ahmad began to gasp. "OH. OH MY LORD GLAUCUS. CONSORT. I MAY NOT LIVE THROUGH THE TRIP." "Sure you will. You have an old man to buoy you up. The same one who will pierce you like a toy now." ahmad felt Glaucus' beard on his neck, and his sword in his bud. Then he felt his consort's lips on his. ahmad worked his hands free, and clutched at Glaucus, like the monkeys he had seen in his own country. His toes curled as Glaucus pushed deeper into him. "Were I a woman, I'd be big with your seed My Lord!" "Indeed you would. And you will be even bigger with my seed, be you man or woman." Glaucus chuckled as he spilled into ahmad, and he saw the younger man smile. His hands relaxed and he fell back. "I have said this, My Lord, and I will say it again. When you purchased Collepherus and I, all I could think of was sharing your bed. I never thought I would. Nor did I imagine I could be your consort. I have sacrificed to the gods, and I thank them daily. I only hope they grant me a life of pleasure and happiness with you.

In another part of the estate, as fathers and sons had done before them, and would for all of time, Flavius and Urban were trying to pretend they were not sad to be being parted. Neither was succeeding. "I will miss you Father. I will miss your counsel, your smile, your gentleness." "And I too will miss my son's smile. We will see each other again, Urban. There is no question of that in my mind. You will come to Sicilia, or I will be in Rome. It is just for a short while. And it is better. You are no boy any longer, Urban. You are a young man. And all that you have accomplished, you did by your force of will and your intellect. " He paused. "If I may give you one last paternal suggestion." "OF COURSE FATHER. And do not let it be the last." "My son, there is no one who could do this better than you could. Let history know of this place. Prepare an annals. Write a history of life here. There are people who can tell you of it before we arrived. There are things that have happened here which would be hard to fathom to the stranger. Your abilities make you perfect to do this." "You are right Father. Many would find our lives here incredulous. It shall be done. Now please, let my last remembrance of you - until next time - be a warm hug as I received as a young boy." Flavius knew what Urban meant. When they were Fritz and Ulrich, he would cradle his son under his arm and muss his hair, kiss his ear, and then release him. Those memories flooded him as he did as Urban had asked. "Be well My Son. May your time here be well spent. We WILL see each other again. Of this I am certain.

And in yet another part of the estate, where Demos was overseeing the loading of goods for transport to Sicilia, Marcellus walked in "So. This is the last day we can see each other." Demos smiled. "Marcellus, they are not going to forbid travelling. It is far from the last time. " Marcellus looked down at his feet. "I was not fair to you Demos. I did not treat you as I should have, and I lost you. I hope you are happy now. " Demos grimaced. "I am happy in a different way, Marcellus. I will never forget our time as consorts. I will treasure it. I will remember my relief at knowing you were alive. And Marcellus, by the glory of the gods, be grateful to Glaucus for bringing us back together, though that time was short. " "I would stay if he had not ordered me to Sicilia." "It is best that you are in Sicilia, Marcellus. I am now sworn to another. " "GLAUCUS' doing." "Marcellus, you had so many opportunities. You wasted each one. Do not waste this one." Marcellus laughed. "And YOU, young man, would give ME advice?" Demos smiled. "Once a hot head, always a hot head. You have a chance for a new start in Sicilia. Do not spoil your chances." He came forward and hugged Marcellus, but did not kiss him. "Be well Marcellus. Travel safely. He whispered "And if you think the dagger you have hidden in your pocket has remained hidden, you are wrong. Leave it here. " "Were I not to use it on that Arab who supplanted me, I would use it on myself. " "You might try to use it on 'that Arab." ahmad had just passed by. "You were the burly, strong alpha slave. We all feared you. No longer. " He gestured to Marcellus . "I dare you, Materan... do what you can." His temper got the best of him, and Marcellus charged. Ahmad tripped him up and disarmed him. Then he had him locked up in a combination of interlocking legs and arms, as if caught in a net. "No Marcellus, we did not wrestle each other for a long time. Do you think I did not learn how to handle the likes of you?" As Marcellus struggled in the hold, ahmad laughed. "I now see why Glaucus favored you. I could very easily learn to have you as my bed slave, Materan." He released the grip. "Mind your steps if you would avoid 'that Arab' from piercing you on the ship and in Sicilia." He got up, and walked away from Marcellus, smiling.

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxx The laws of Rome had to be followed, and slaves were to be collared, bound, and led in chains to ships. So it was for Eric Eamon and Marcellus. Ahmad was exempt, as consort to Glaucus. "This is my first time in a chariot My Lord. It is exciting." "Only when it is stable, My Love. When they slip, exciting is the last word you would use." Clodius and Flavius, as freedmen, rode horses. Those horses, as with the horses which pulled the chariot, would accompany them to Sicilia. "We will spend much time together, Flavius," Clodius smiled as they rode. I have looked forward to this." "As have I Clodius. You have always struck me as temperate, and wise. Wiser perhaps than any other on this ship." "We shall see Flavius, we shall see. "

Urban and Demos were in the crowd seeing the ship off, as were Sextus and Quintus. The twins had learned enough of Roman speak, to have gotten across the idea that they wished to hear from their Father, and ahmad promised to make sure that he did send them messages.

The cheers grew louder as the ship was boarded, and pulled away from the port of Ostia. Each had his own memories, as they waved to the people of Rome until they could see them no longer. It would be a journey of 2, perhaps 3 days if the winds were kind. If they weren't, it could be 7 or 8. The augurs suggested that the shorter trip was to be the case. After everyone had left the deck of the ship, Glaucus and ahmad remained, Glaucus' arm firmly around ahmad. "It is difficult ahmad. I have spent my life in the city. To leave it like this..." "Keep in mind, My Lord, I was taken as slave when I was not even of ten suns. I was called 'that Arab' today. My Lord, I do not know if I am Arab, Roman, Greek, or what. I am like one of those plants in the ocean: without roots. " Glaucus looked at him. "You have roots ahmad. I am your soil. You will be safe with me. " He lifted his sword, and made a cut on his finger. As it bled, he rubbed droplets on ahmad's forehead, lips, and over his heart. "My blood is now a part of you. Not just my consort, but my brother. Not just my love, but my friend. " For the first time he could remember since being taken from his mother, ahmad was in tears. He said nothing. Glaucus smiled. "Let us retire to our space, ahmad. We are to make a future together. We should start now. " Hand in hand, they walked to the Governor's cabin.

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Three days later, the ship docked in Sicilia. It was met by the Romans who already were there, waiting for their governor. Mostly soldiers, some early settlers, and of course, the Greek and Gallic slaves "THAT'S ARES! LOOK AT HIM MY LORD. HE HAS CUT HIS HAIR." Indeed, there he was, with shorn locks and a smile on his face. As they disembarked, he came up to them and took a kneeling position of supplication. "Welcome to Sicilia My Governor" he said, in perfect Roman speech. "ARES! You have learned our language! " "I have, Governor. It was difficult. But the Romans have been kind in teaching me." He looked at ahmad. "You are, now?" "Yes Ares, we are consorted." "I offer you my congratulations, Governor, Ahmad. I have learned much during my time here, away from my sons. I am happy to help with your move. Anything you might want." ahmad smiled. "We bring messages from Sextus and Quintus, Ares." He paused. "Have you found companionship yet?" "Not yet ahmad. A man of my size is frightening, to both women and men." ahmad laughed. "I do not fear you, my giant. Perhaps a thrashing in front of the others will lessen the mystique about you." Ares laughed. "So it may. We shall discuss that. " He looked at the others disembarking. "CLODIUS HAS COME WITH YOU. MY PRAYERS ARE ANSWERED." He waved to Clodius who ran over to the giant. "MY FRIEND. ARES. AVE ET SALVE" They say Clodius kiss the giant. Glaucus and ahmad looked at each other. "I had no idea, My Lord. NONE" "Stranger things have happened in this world ahmad. They both deserve their happiness. We must see to it that there is space such that they can share it. " "My innards tell me, My Lord, that Ares will provide for that. " "Let us find our own space, ahmad. We must wash, rest, and.... "The unfinished sentences are always the most interesting My Lord." And they walked toward the palace of the Governor, hand in hand. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxx

And now, gentle readers, an epilogue , looking back on all of our main protagonists. To begin, Gerda found her way to a coven of witches in the north of Italy. She scraped out a living by making potions and taking her midwifery skills and turning them the other way: helping women left with child by their lovers, address that problem.

Ares and Clodius had, in fact, developed an affection for each other in Rome. For it seemed that the time with Glaucus had made Ares think of what he had not had. After Clodius had been on the island for six months, he sought Glaucus' permission to take Ares in consortship. As there were no high priests in Sicilia at that time, Glaucus performed the ceremony himself.

It took time, but Flavius and Marcellus made their peace with each other. They would share the duties of relieving ahmad of his obligations as Glaucus' consort. On those evenings when ahmad would take the Hibernians to bed, Glaucus would call one of them to his. No one could have predicted that Ahmad and Marcellus became friends, and occasional bed fellows as well. It seemed that the air from the sea invigorated Ahmad to a point where his sexual appetite was even greater than before. He took no sword other than Glaucus' , and that remained the case for more than 20 revolutions of the sun. When HE was piercing, however, Ahmad proved to be a man of extremely varied tastes. When Glaucus had to travel back to Rome, to appear before the Senate or to report on the settlement in Sicilia, Ahmad could be counted on to have a different bed fellow, every night. At a point, however, he suggested to Glaucus that Marcellus belong to him, and Glaucus take Flavius. And all were happy with that.

The Hibernians took well to administration. They had a sense of order that was not seen in Rome, as it was not needed when they were simply bed slaves. Now, however, as they learned mathematics, they were singly responsible for increasing the profitability of the island. The praise went to Glaucus, who immediately deferred to the Hibernians. On one trip to Rome, he brought them, to introduce them to the Senate as the force behind Sicilia's profitability. They were rewarded with Freedman status, each of them. They remained with the castle, except when they ventured out. To this day, if you meet a red haired Sicilian, he or she probably can trace roots back to one of the Hibernians.

In Rome, Demos and Urban, apart from developing even greater affection for each other, developed different skills. Demos eventually took charge of any affairs external to the estate, while Urban ran the estate itself. It gave him time to do as his father had suggested, which was to write the history of the estate. He lived a long life, and while he did not finish the history (how could he, while he was living it?), the detail and the quality of his writing earned him applause throughout the empire.

Marcellus learned to control his temper. Sicilia seemed to suit his southern temperament more than Rome did, and he was an active and avid part of building the settlement. Before he became Ahmad's exclusive bed slave, he spent many a night with Glaucus . His time with Glaucus could be described as "comfortable, but his time with Ahmad? Well, their temperaments suited each other. Many would "just be passing by" when they spent the night together, to hear the sounds of their passionate love making.

And of Glaucus? He reigned as Governor of Sicilia for approximately 20 years. His governorship was viewed as firm and strict, but fair. His pension for cruelty was blunted by his consort, who would take him to task if he saw a sign of it manifesting.

Glaucus and Ahmad remained together for those 20 years. Their time, at least on earth, ended when , on one trip to the shore of Sicilia, Glaucus was bitten by one of the notorious Sicilian mosquitoes. He had been bitten many times, but the combination of his age, the virulence of this bite, and other factors, led to a rapid decline, and his death. Ahmad was beside him at all times, and was clutching his hand when Glaucus passed from the earth. For Ahmad, it was another passing that moved him deeply. He made a choice to live no longer. The incident with Marcellus in Rome, led him to carry a small dagger at all times. Now, he looked at his deceased consort. "Twenty years ago, sweet Glaucus, you marked me with your blood. Now, I will mark you with mine, so that we are together in the ether." He cut his wrist lightly so that he could mark Glaucus' body in the way Glaucus had marked his. Then, so that he would not spoil the bed chamber with the blood of a former slave, he went outside of the castle and cut his wrists deeply enough such that there were no means for saving his life. He managed to ask that his body be returned to the side of Glaucus, which was granted. They were preserved, and brought back to Rome, to be buried on the estate where Glaucus had lived his whole life, and Ahmad had spent such a long part of his.

When the Senate was informed of the death of Glaucus, they appointed Clodius the governor "pro tempore." That designation became a permanent one, and Clodius became Governor of Sicilia.

And there we end our story, gentle readers. Some of our characters resurface in the story "Graduate Student Domination," and I hope you will find your way there. Be safe, and as we would say in ancient Rome "Ave et vale."

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