Glaucus and Marcellus

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on May 10, 2020


Glaucus had told Marcellus the truth about his bedroom behavior. From the light, Marcellus estimated they were in the middle of "third watch" when Glaucus rolled him on his back, and took him again. He grunted, and bit his lip to not show any pain, but Glaucus knew, and he smiled. "Usually, I employ a gag when I have a man who may wake the house, but you, Marcellus, need to show that you can take it. I applaud you." He pushed harder. "I will be testing those limits in days to come." As Glaucus shot his semen into him, Marcellus realized that the pain he was feeling was a combination of Glaucus' penetrating cock, and the pushing of his own, erect cock against the cage. When Glaucus was finished, he brushed Marcellus' hair away from his ear, and kissed him there. "I respect that you are not ready for a mouth to mouth kiss, and I will respect that Marcellus. Now sleep." He pulled Marcellus to him, put his hands on the muscular man's pecs, and they both DID sleep.

"GOOD MORNING MY LORD" The steward came into the room as they woke. Marcellus instinctively reached for a sword he didn't have, and then pulled the blankets up to cover his nakedness. "Relax, slave Marcellus, relax." smiled the steward. "You cannot show me anything that I have not seen already, although I have rarely seen better." Marcellus blushed at the compliment, and Glaucus laughed. "Have you found someone who can prepare the stewed plums of Matera?" "We did My Lord. Lucius has a kitchen slave from Lucania. He knew how to make them, and they are ready.." "OH, lest I forget, Marcellus' clothes are here." "EXCELLENT. Would you be so kind as to bring in a morning robe, so that we may eat together in the gazebo?" A clap of his hands, and Ahmad came in, smiling, with a light blue toga, and sandals. He presented them to Glaucus. Since he and Marcellus were both considered slaves, to present them to Marcellus directly would have been an insult to his Lord, and a serious breach of protocol. Both Ahmad and the steward left the room. Glaucus rose. His erect sword caught Marcellus' attention, and Glaucus smiled. "Yes, I'm afraid it's perpetual. When it's appropriate, and when it's not. It was as this when I captured you, it was as this when you were at the pendulum of Ares, and sad to say, it will be as this at the counsel meeting today. Please try on the robe and sandals. I hope they are to your liking.

Marcellus donned the toga. The soft feel of the cotton was something he hadn't felt in years, if ever. The sandals seemed to have been made with his still damaged feet in mind. They were soft, yet they also supported his heavy tread. "Goat leather?" he asked Glaucus, Glaucus smiled. "Unborn calf. Much more appropriate for a bed slave in my house." Glaucus felt he needed to remind Marcellus of his place, regularly. It was part of the process of breaking an unwilling slave, although if one had to gauge things, Marcellus was well on his way to accepting his fate.

At the breakfast table, there was a bread different from yesterday, this one made from Turkish grain. "It is yellow and crumbly Marcellus. The Turks seem to enjoy it. Ahmad taught our kitchen to make it." There was also fresh cheese, and the stewed plums Glaucus had spoken of. Glaucus moved the large bowl to Marcellus' side. "I expect that, somewhere in your history, your grandmother, or perhaps a slave made these for you, and you have not had them again." "My wet nurse. I expect I was no more than 8 cycles at the time. I had just begun sword training. " "Please eat the entire bowl if you like, but I'm sure you remember what an excess of these can do." Marcellus blushed at the memory. "Thank you My Lord. I have never been taken care of this well." As he said that he felt his own member swell, and he also felt the ting of the two takings that had happened overnight." Glaucus smiled. "I expect that will continue as long as we get along Marcellus. Now, if you are finished with your breakfast and would like to rinse your mouth and hands, we will take a walk through the city. I wish to bring you to places where I suspect you will be spending your free time, since even I cannot spend all day rolling with you in my bed."

When Marcellus returned, Glaucus got out of the seat where he was reading a scroll. "Can you read Marcellus?" "I am afraid badly my Lord. At Matera, our education in matters of this type ended at 12 cycles. " "Well, we shall see if we can fix that, for I very much enjoy a slave to read to me at night before bed." Now, off we go. We have two visits to make, and then I must be off to the counsel ship. I will ask you for a favor, Marcellus. Do bear in mind that if you decide not to grant it, I will do what I must ."

Glaucus was about a hand and a half taller than Marcellus, and Marcellus looked up into his eyes. "What is the favor, my Lord?" "As a slave, you are to walk with your eyes down. That you know. But as a bed slave, you are also to walk with your hands behind your back. The tradition is that, no man would willingly be a bed slave, which we know is not true; however, to prevent escape attempts, bed slaves are traditionally bound. They are MUCH too valuable to lose to an overzealous lance, or to escape.""

Marcellus put his hands behind his back as directed. "My Lord, has a bed slave ever escaped?" Glaucus smiled. "There have been attempts. We then allow them to recant: after a stint of 3 months at the public brothels. If they do not recant after that, they are placed on the wheel, for anywhere from 2-5 days, depending upon the whim of their owner. If THAT fails - and it has, once or twice, then I am afraid the only choice we have, is to send them to work in the mines of Hispania." After a pause, Glaucus continued. "AH. Your strides are broad and fast Marcellus. I did not even know we had covered this much ground. We are at our first stop. The gymnasium."

Glaucus and Marcellus entered, and they were met by a surprisingly young Roman, with longer black hair, dark eyes, and a gleaming smile. He bowed slightly to Glaucus. "My Lord. Greetings of the morning. I see you have brought your new bed slave with you." He extended his hand. "Welcome. I am Clodius. I am the head attendant here. "

Marcellus was more used to the Materan custom of two men gripping each other at the forearm. He made the gesture, and blushed. "My apologies, My Lord. I forgot that I am in Rome, not Matera."

Clodius smiled . "To be honest Marcellus, I prefer your way of greeting. Hand shaking? That is for women. You get a better measure of a man via the Materan way." Marcellus suspected he was going to like Clodius.

"I should tell you Marcellus, my father was Materan, and my mother Roman. That is how I know some of Materan customs." "Your father was a soldier?" "He was. He was captured VERY early in the war, and brought to Rome. My mother was the matron at the house to which he was enslaved. " He paused. You can guess the rest, but she hid the pregnancy until her labor began. She managed to get me to a friendly family for raising. Unfortunately, she and my father were found out, and were sacrificed in a bonfire as adulterers. The family that raised me, were also Materan slaves. So the blood line runs deep in me. But I am a Roman now. "

Glaucus smiled. "Clodius does not tell you that he was one of my students when I was teaching. He was a star pupil. One day he may recite the Odyssey to you. I know that your dialect contains much Greek. You will recognize it."

Clodius smiled. "Permit me to show you the gymnasium. Marcellus, you may feel free to come as often as you like. Most of the men in this perimeter visit once a day, at least."

Marcellus was impressed. His body had been made by war, not a gymnasium, but as a boy, he had been sent to the gym every day. He loved those hours.

"This is our swimming pool. Do you swim Marcellus?" "I'm afraid I don't My Lord." Clodius smiled. "Please Marcellus. As a fellow Materan, you may call me Clodius." Marcellus smiled. "very well Clodius. I have not been from Matera until my capture. Landlocked as we are, there was no opportunity ." Glaucus added "should you wish to learn, Marcellus, there are instructors here. They will be happy to help. As they prepared to leave , Clodius gripped Marcellus' forearm. "I am glad to meet a fellow Materan, especially one with the reputation you have Marcellus. I expect to see you here tomorrow. " He grinned "By your leave, Glaucus My Lord, I would relish the opportunity to train your man myself."

"It would be an honor, Clodius. Marcellus will be here at the 8th turning ."

"Training? What is that My Lord?" Marcellus asked as they walked away. "Training... Clodius is going to evaluate what you can do, and then develop a program for you. I suspect it may be the most advanced one he has ever done." He laughed as he squeezed Marcellus' neck. "So you are a novice at night, and a Master during the day. "

Further along, they entered an open air building. "This is the academy of swordsmanship Marcellus. I would have you meet Vittorius, the head of the academy." A tall, bald man, in excellent condition met them. "GLAUCUS MY LORD. I am honored by your presence. He turned and smiled at Marcellus. "Have you brought Marcellus to be my student?" He used the Roman form of greeting . "Welcome to my academy. I am Vittorius."

"Vittorius is not his real name, Marcellus. Rather, it is an amalgam of Victorius, and Rufus. Vittorius was champion at the Roman games three times in a row."

Now, THIS caught Marcellus' attention. He was an expert swordsman, but as a citizen of the provinces, he was not allowed to compete at the Roman games. Every young citizen of the Empire, however, followed the news of the games. Winners were revered.

"You must have won while I was on campaign, my Lord. I have ALWAYS followed the games, and I can recite all winners, up to that point."

Vittorius smiled. "And I am aware of you, Marcellus. News is shared in Rome. Your exploits with your sword and gladiatorship have always been of interest to us for a long time. Indeed, we were training our swordsman so that they could fight more equally with your men. " He paused. "We were not successful, as you know," and Marcellus smiled. "However, now that you are here, we wish you to assume the role of an instructor at the academy."

"I am honored, My Lord. " Marcellus had learned enough already to know what was required. "Should my Master approve, I will be glad to serve and to teach."

Glaucus was pleased at the answer. "So it shall be. Lessons are in the forenoon. Vittorius will be sending more information to us. I believe he intends for you to teach the advanced students."

"That is correct. Two group classes a day, and 2-3 individual lessons."

As they left, the steward was waiting. "I must attend to the counselship meetings, so you will return with Colepherus. I will see you this evening."

"I await your return My Lord," and they went off in different directions.

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Back at the estate of Glaucus, the steward had him try on all of his new clothing. He would make marks, and feel the fabric, with comments like "I believe Glaucus will prefer that this be tighter on you," or "NO. We have to lower that one. It obscures your right nipple, and eventually, all will have to see that you are owned." Ahmad showed him more of his basic duties. The afternoon moved quickly, and they were stopped when there was a cry from a messenger.


Glaucus entered the gardens, with six or seven scrolls under his arm. "AH. It is good to be home. Colepherus, I believe I am in need of foot massage this evening. "

"Very good Sir." He clapped his hands, and Ahmad and a younger slave appeared. Their hands were behind them, and their heads bowed. "The implements of foot massage. BE QUICK ABOUT IT." They folded their hands, in supplication and went off. BRING ME MARCELLUS TO SIT WITH ME."

Marcellus was brought to the garden. He had changed into a simple loin cloth, showing his chest. "At my side Marcellus. The right one. My right hand is stronger. " There was no seat, so Marcellus took a position on the ground. Glaucus put his arm around his shoulder, and found his right nipple. He teased it. "Did you enjoy your day?"

"I did My Lord. I am honored that you chose to show me two places that you knew I would enjoy. And I am proud to be a swordsmanship instructor. "

Glaucus smiled. "Things can be very pleasant here, if you are willing to comply with your situation. The slaves were massaging his feet and he stopped, moaning in pleasure. "OH YES. Ahmad you have trained the young man well."

"Thank you My Lord. He is a fast learner. " He smiled. "I would suggest that he needs some of your teaching." He looked at the red haired young man. "You are from Hibernia, are you not?" "Yes my Lord." "How are you called?" "I am Eric, My Lord. " "And you have passed how many cycles?" "It is not certain, My Lord, but I believe it is 17." "My Lord," Ahmad added. "If I may, I would suggest that you instruct him as soon as possible." He smiled. Marcellus saw the smile. Something was up, and he didn't know what it was."

"I can smell dinner. I believe there is turbot tonight." Marcellus looked puzzled, and Glaucus laughed. "it is a fish. A LARGE fish. Somewhat rare. I hope you will dine with me tonight Marcellus. " "it would be my honor, My Lord."

They dined alone. There was wine, the black bread which Glaucus favored, the fish - grilled, and moist. Marcellus tried to be a gentleman, but again, given army eating habits, he failed somewhat. "Feel free, Marcellus. You haven't eaten enough in years. And at the gymnasium and sword academy, you will need your strength."

Thank you My Lord. He fell to the dish. When they had eaten their full, Glaucus smiled. "We will have our fruit in a private room. This way Marcellus."

When they were in the room, he clapped his hands. "We are ready for our dessert." He turned to Marcellus. "I have arranged for another suprise for you, Marcellus."

"More plums, my Lord," and Glaucus smiled. "Perhaps it is better to say melons. and peaches. "But My Lord, neither is in season. I DO know that."

The door opened, and in walked Demos, carrying a large bowl of fruit. He looked at Marcellus and almost cried. Marcellus was about to jump to his feet, but maintained his composure. Glaucus smiled.

"As you will Marcellus. He is yours tonight." Marcellus looked at him. "Do you tell the truth, My Lord?" "I do. I have arranged with his Master to loan him to me for a night. But he is yours. I will train the Hibernian. Come closer, Marcellus. I need to remove your cage for the night."

Marcellus was in tears. "My Lord. I did not think this would happen." "Neither did I, Marcellus, to be honest. But you have been much more compliant than I expected." He rose, and looked at the two men, both of whom dropped their eyes. "You will have until the crowing of the cock tomorrow. Whether it happens again, will depend on your attitudes, and agreement between myself and your Master Demos. " He turned and walked out.

Marcellus turned to Demos. "HERE BOI. " Demos came to him, and Marcellus embraced him. "How long has it been?" "I have forgotten how long Marcellus. But I have not forgotten you." He reached under Marcellus' loincloth and found his growing cock. "I have forgotten its taste. "

"Savor it Demos. Be very slow and very deliberate. " "Yes my Master." Demos took the sword in his mouth, and licked it, and played with it. Marcellus moaned. "OH, my boi. You have not lost your touch. " He pulled him back to his feet, and kissed him deeply. He whispered "I would take you to bed Demos. Have you forgotten what I like?

"I have forgotten nothing about you Marcellus. Have you been taking care of the scar on your right hip?" Marcellus smiled "You DO remember." He saw Demos smooth chest. "They have shaved you." "Yes Marcellus. My Master prefers me smooth." He smiled. "You favor it. I think I will do it too if we are together again. " Marcellus picked up Demos and carried him off to a small room, where there was a bed. He lay Demos on it, and he dropped his loin cloth. His rough beard ran over Demos' neck and nipples, and the young man moaned. The moaning increased as he lifted the boy's legs, and began to lick around his spot.. "He has used you. I can tell. Are you too wide to take me, Demos? Demos smiled. "He HAS used me... But there are ways to tighten the muscles. Take me Master." Marcellus did. He had paid attention to "the Roman way, " and tried to adapt his touch to that used by Marcellus. "NO MARCELLUS. LIKE A MATERAN. The old style." Marcellus laughed 'yes my lord." and he switched to the rougher, faster style that Materans used. Demos began to squirt liquid, and then he pulled his muscles so tight so that Marcellus could not move his penis.

"You learned that here, young man.. But I learned, long ago, how to defeat you." Marcellus began to tickle Demos ribs and he relaxed his muscles. He plunged into the boy's hole, and fucked him brutally. It ended with a huge orgasm, and the two of them holding each other tightly. They fell asleep shortly after, but awoke 3 more times that night ,and did variations on the first.

All of which was watched by a steward through a spy hole.

Meanwhile, Glaucus was introducing the red head to the joys of gay sex. The young man was an interesting bed companion. Not as interesting as Ahmad, or Marcellus, but he was worth keeping in the bed slaves. Eric even thanked him after Glaucus had him swallow his semen. He had taken the young man's cherry, and in a greedy gesture, required blowing as well.

Glaucus tried to remember the last time he had had a red head, and he couldn't. It would not be the last time. As he was thinking this, Marcellus was straddling Demos, and pushing his own cock into Demos' mouth.

Next: Chapter 5

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