God Spent That Time on Me

By Mr. Dash

Published on Aug 11, 2000


The-Lousy-Forced-Disclaimer-That-I-Understand: This story is fiction and is not intended to imply anything about the true sexuality of *NSYNC (although I think a few of `em are MIGHTY curious--if not already all-out queer--but that's just my personal opinion. Not saying they are admittedly gay, or anything like that. Read the damn story now.)

Hi. I'm Jeremy. I'm 19, and I am a freshman at a small, private liberal arts institution in northeastern Arkansas. Oh yeah, and I consider myself bisexual--that's important for this story too. I'm not one of those prissy, limp-wristed fags--nah, I'm not--but I do have my certain queer nuances.

Take boy bands, for instance. I've heard it said time and time again that no male listens to boy bands (or goes to their concerts for that matter) just for the music. I think that's true. It may sound completely shallow, but boy band music wasn't the total reason for my affinity for the pop genre. Take *NSYNC or the Backstreet Boys. Come on! You can't tell me that they're not trying to sell sex appeal! They're doing a really good job of it too, because damn, to me--most of those guys are incredibly sexy.

At this point, you might be thinking, "Hey Jeremy, you're bi, remember? Where's the girl influence in this story?" Well, I never said I was cut fifty-fifty. I don't think most bisexuals are that way. I do lean toward men; however, there is also a distinct part of me that enjoys women immensely. I can't ignore that, just like I can't avoid my fierce attraction for men. But hey, I might hit on the girl aspect of this soon too. :)

Anyway, there was a time when all my adoration for boy bands did indeed payoff. It was when I personally met *NSYNC . . . one by one--each in an intimate manner. No, I didn't have sex with all of them; that's not what I meant by intimate. Intimate meaning a really close encounter with every member of the group (plus one, but that comes later). You might think it strange that *NSYNC would have any reason to be in Arkansas. Their venues are more like New York City and Chicago, I'll agree. However, they have been here.

Let me introduce you to Harding University. It's a private, conservative religious school in central Arkansas. IT IS NOT THE COLLEGE I ATTEND. This school is like Nazi U. The rules are strict: no swearing, no smoking, no sex, and no drinking. But for some unimaginable reason, popular bands come to perform in the concert hall every once in a while. Better than Ezra and Blessid Union of Souls are just two examples. You can only imagine my excitement when I learned that *NSYNC was scheduled next.

I just got into the boy band craze a few months before the revelation came. I was so addicted to "Bye, Bye, Bye" that it was insane. I nearly screamed when I saw the signup poster on the commons walls advertising the Social Activities Council (SAC) was sponsoring a trip to see *NSYNC at Harding University.

"Is this for real?" I asked Lindsey, the president of SAC. Lindsey also happened to be the editor of the campus newspaper, the only senior theatre major, and top-ranking member in an upscale sorority on campus. She was one busy girl. She was also one of my best friends.

"Sadly. It's all true. The New Kids...er....*NSYNC decided they were going to be the next to play at Harding," she said. "You gotta pay me ten bucks before I even think about getting you a ticket. Them's the rules, boy."

"Jeezus, shit! Take it now!" I replied, eagerly fishing a wadded ten dollar bill out of my pocket.

"Okay, okay! I get the picture," Lindsey laughed, and added with a sarcastic smirk: "Ya wanna see *NSYNC. Let me guess why."

I sat there awkwardly for a minute. I only came out to Lindsey a couple weeks ago, and I still felt a little funny when the subject of my sexuality was brought up.

"Yeah, yeah. You got me. I want their hot bodies. You win."

Lindsey exploded with delight. "I knew it! You little fag, I just knew it! In that case, I have a surprise for you."

I just knew that she was setting me up for a big letdown. Lindsey was known around campus for her cruel sense of humor, and I was positive that she was going to tell me that the trip was already full and that I couldn't go.

"What's that, Lindsey?" I said a bit hesitantly.

"Well, you know when we get guests here at our school, SAC takes them out for dinner?"

"Yeah." I answered back dumbly.

"I'm inviting you to eat dinner with your dream girl, and some skanky guys."

"Lindsey, wouldn't it be up to HARDING'S SAC to take them out to dinner? What the hell do you have to do with it?" I was beginning to get annoyed with her head games.

Lindsey rolled her eyes, obviously irritated.

"No, no, no. I know Harding's SAC President. He said that I could come. I'm sure he wouldn't care if I brought along baggage. Just no funny stuff--you know how Harding is."

It began to click in my head. I was making a connection.

"Y-y-y-you mean I get to eat dinner with *NSYNC? One on one? I actually get to hang with the boys?"

She laughed. "No, counting me, it would be two on five! And yes, it's up to us to save them from Harding as well. I asked the Dean of Students, and he gave us permission. He completely understands--he has a special hatred for Harding." I couldn't help notice she had a wry grin on her face.

I instantly wrapped my arms around her and gave Lindsey a giant bear hug. I couldn't believe it. My dream boys right in front of my face? It couldn't be! I knew that I had to try with all my might to get *NSYNC away from Harding University--and over to our school.

But in the end, it would be so worth it.

More to come. Stay tuned. If you're bored, or ya like it, or something--just e-mail me and say so.

Next: Chapter 2

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