Godly X Men

By James cockburn

Published on May 19, 2009


X-men and all marvel characters are property of marvel and I do not own any of it and do not presume top know the sexuality of the characters the creators created.


"Mutants I'm not a mutant I'm just a normal guy."

"Yeah normal guy who was kick out of his house, dropped out of high school, works as a male stripper but doesn't have to since he still has a account with a lot of money in it."

How the hell does she know all of that oh wait shes psychic. I guess if she says I'm a mutant then I guess I am.

"Good you have accepted fast then most people so it takes a lot of work off of us. You seem to be in perfect health now so some with me and I'll bring you to the head master and he will explain more and by the way my name is Miss. Frost"

So it looks like I will be staying here for a while so might as well get comfortable and meet this headmaster.

To be continued....

Godly X-Men chapter 2

Miss. Frost took me from the "med-bay" into a hallway right out of a secret lab. We made it to this wall when a door opened into small circular room when we stepped in Frost said.

"Main floor."

The room was an elevator and before I knew it we were out of it and heading down a corridor that was very much like a private school mixed with a college and a private home. The floors where a beautiful wood and the walls where a mix of what looked like marble, wood and there was even paintings that looked expensive. There weren't much doors just mainly arches that are held up by Greek columns I don't which type but the whole place looked as if it didn't belong in America.

We stopped in font of a pair double doors that had a mural carved into it.

"Come in Emma." said a male voice that sounded as if it demanded respect and adoration at the same time. We enter the room and there was a bald man sitting behind a huge oak desk with a state of the art computer that any nerd would drool over. He came out from behind the desk in his wheelchair.

"Hi I'm Professor Charles Xavier. So Liam I hear that you have already accepted that you are a mutant thats good. Next I hear you had to drop out of high school I'm sorry to hear that but we can get you back on track here since we are essentially a high school for mutants. Also we will teach to control your powers but I needed to read your mind to figure out what powers you have."

He put his hands to his head and then I felt this force in my head but I let it go. He stayed the way for a good 5 minutes before I felt the force leave and he dropped his hands he looked up at me.

"Okay so has far as I can tell you are a psionic which basically means anything to do with themind whether it be telepathy, telekinesis, precog, empathy, even controlling the elements you can do and maybe more. Which makes you a very powerful mutant and the reason why it took me so long and built up a few barriers so that you don't get bombarded by your all your powers at once but has your control over the ones you do have access to the barriers will fall by themselves and you will get more of your powers. Right now all you can do is telekinesis, telepathy, and control over fire and wind. Emma can you take Liam to his room and don't worry right now you have the room to yourself but in about 3 weeks when you get settled you will have a roommate."

"The main floor is all the classrooms and dinning hall. The basements are the med-bay, danger room which is where you will having your training tomorrow, and the gym. The second and third floors are the dorms yours will be on the third floor." We made our way up to the third floor by way of the elevator. We went to the very end of the hall and then went right and went to the very end of that hall.

"This will be your room I'll leave you to get settled and don't worry we already brought your stuff here and canceled your lease so there is nothing to worry about there."

She left and I opened my door and was shocked at the size of the room it was the size of my bedroom and living rooms combined and I even had my own bathroom. One whole wall was just windows and a glass sliding door that lead to a balcony over looking the grounds which looked like it came out of a nature preservation. The room was bare except for too beds a couple dressers and my bag of clothes. The first thing I did was go and take a nice long hot bath. When I entered the bathroom is was floor to ceiling marble tile the only difference in the floor and wall tile were that the floor had blue veins in the marble and the wall had red veins.

I was still in the bath when I heard a knock on my door. I got out and found a black cotton robe behind the door I tied it and opened the main door the person there was Miss. Frost.

"The Professor would like me to give you this it is your class schedule and to let you know that on week nights there is a curfew of 11:00 pm and on weekends it is 12:00 am and I think that you should go into the grounds and see if there is anybody there that you want to be friends with." she said "friends" a little to weird for my liking but I decided to will do that any way.

"Thanks Miss. Frost" I called to her as she left down th hall.

I quickly put away my clothes away and put on a tight pair of faded jeans that showed off my tight ass and my muscular legs then I just through a dark red wifebeater under a black button up shirt. I got outside and looked around there were groups of kids playing all kinds of sports and games and some using there powers and some just hanging out. I decided I wanted to go into the woods and I walked for about 2 minutes when I saw a crystal blue lake and there was a rock the jutted out from the shore and went over the lake a bit I decided to go sit there and meditate. I sat there and closed my eyes and thought about everything that had happened to me in the last year. First my parents, school, stripping, getting raped, being a mutant, coming here and I started to feel a lot calmer about all the bad stuff cause my life was starting to turn around when I felt something moving behind my first I thought it was just a little woodland creature but the amount of air it displaced and it felt like something bigger then say a squirrel. I tried reaching out with my mind but I couldn't so I just sat there and wait for it to get closer. When it felt like the person was at the base of the rock it felt something click in me and suddenly I felt this heat surround my and a breeze start to blow I turned around and looked and saw a ring of fire surrounding as if it where a wall and the air was almost howling to was moving so fast I saw that I wasn't just one person but a group of people about my age or just under looking at my and they seem either surprised, amazed, jealous, or freaked. I quickly concentrated and the flames went away and the breeze calmed down but it was still there.

"What was that?" said a blue eyed blond haired hunk. "Was that your power and whats your name?"

"Yes, Liam." I responded blushing.

"Well I'm Bobby or Iceman cause power is cyrokinesis which means I can create and control ice. Everybody introduce yourselves."

"I'm Kitty or Shadowcat cause my power I phasing which means I can walk through anything." said a cute girl with brown hair and brown eyes.

"I'm Amara or Magma cause my power is the abiltiy to control anything that involves lava/magma." said a girl with blond hair and blue eyes.

"I'm Julian or Hellion and my powers are telekinesis, psionic blasts, and telekinetic force fields." said a gorgeous exotic looking guy with blue eyes and black hair.

"I'm Josh or Elixir and my power is I can control organic matter on a genetic level but I mainly use it for healing." said a good looking guy with blond hair and blue eyes.

"Well thats everyone here there are other in our group but they are busy right maybe you'll meet them latter." said Bobby

"Well I think I should explain my power more according to the prof. I am psionic which gives my multiple mental powers but since having them all at once could be dangerous I only have access to telepathy, telekinesis, pyrokinesis, and aerokinesis."

"Cool" everyone said together.

"Why don't we all go get some lunch." Rogue asked and everyone agreed.

We all got to the dinning hall and saw that there was barley anybody there so we got to load up our plates if we wanted to which I did cause I usually have to eat a lot to keep up my muscle mass which is what I told the group when they saw how much I put on my plate. We pick our seats and sat down and got to eating and talking I found out that the people here where very open about everything and learned that most guys here were bi cause they figured that if they were mutants and were going to` hated them anyway then why not try some different things that the world would frown on anyway.

By the time we were done lunch it was well into the afternoon cause we stayed there and talked about everything. We went back outside and split into teams and played some capture the flag it was Bobby, Rogue, Josh, and me against Kitty, Amara, Julian, and Jubilee. The deal was that we could only use 1 power if we had more then one and all of us had to only use our powers in the weakest state but we could use any power we want to protect the flag. I chose to use my telepathy, since I needed practice, Rogue chose her super strength, Bobby chose his ice form, which only made him look even sexier and josh chose is gold form. Kitty only had her phasing, Amara chose to use tremors, Julian chose a his force field, and Jubilee choose to use her blinding fireworks.

My team decided to use Bobby to incase the flag in ice I would then make the wind around the flag to whip fiercely and Josh made the ground around it like a big mud pool but still look like normal ground. I offered to stay behind and use my telepathy to watch for people coming and to see if I could tell the others what defenses they had and how to get through it and so I can keep my wind calm until they came in range I climbed into a tree and waited with my mind open the first person I felt was Amara and she saw what we had and immediately went straight forward and fell in to the mud and every time she used her powers nothing would happen since you can't move mud. I got into her mind easily as she was distracted and found out that Julian had made a invisible force field around the flag and Amara made little cracks into the Earth that if anyone stepped on them they would fall into a hole but that was inside the field. I told them this and told them that the force field doesn't go underground and that rogue could use her strength to dig a hole under the field and then I told them where the cracks where so they could not fall into them. I was monitoring them when I felt Kitty coming and I knew we might be in trouble cause she could get through the mud and the ice but thats why I was going to put the wind between the mud and the ice. And my team was almost there but then I felt that Jubilee was there to blind them before they got to the flag so I warned them and the said the both Bobby's and Josh's other forms protected there eyes and I could direct Rogue even if she got blinded. So as they got close and Rogue started making the hole Jubilee came out and blinded her but I got her through it and Bobby and Elixir went through while Rogue stood guard of the hole so I allowed a part of my mind to help her see while I concentrated on keeping our flag safe Kitty was almost through the mud so I made the wind blow almost like there was a tornado there and it made Kitty start for a bit and when she tried to walk through the wind it made her start to float away so she went back into the mud and figured that she cloud go through the ground to get the flag but she knew it would take awhile. I check to make sure that every thing was okay with my team and Bobby and Elixir where almost there and Rogue was safely handling Jubilee when Julian came to our flag and kitty told what was happening and Julian told her that he could create a force field so that she could walk to the ice without going underground and he did and I noticed that the field was slowly moving with the wind so I made the wind blow towards the mud and noticed that kitty had to literally push the force field so she could move and just as she got to the ice Jubilee set of her fireworks which meant that my team got the flag. Jumped out of the tree and used the wind to help me land safely.

We all returned things to normal and walked back to the school cause it was supper time and boy did we all eat a lot and we just kept talking about what would of happened if we had different teams and the other team thought that I could change the wind was cheating but when we explained that we agreed that we could use any power to protect the flag the finally gave in and accept our win.

After dinner we all went to Kitty and Amara's room and watched some television until 9:30 when we heard a little ring in our heads which they told me meant that all the boys had to get out of the girls dorms and back to their own. So the guys and I said bye and went to our rooms I turned out the Bobby and Julian where on the same level as me and next door to me. We said good night and went to our rooms I had a shower cause I felt like after sitting in the tree in needed one so I got finished in ther and saw Bobby and Julian waiting for me on my bed in only thongs and they were beckoning me to join them.

Next: Chapter 3

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