Going with the Flow

By zakrin zakrin

Published on May 13, 2000


Disclaimer: This is a work of FICTION. As such, it does not imply anything about the true sexualities or anything else for that matter of the celebrities mentioned in the story. This story contains homosexual themes. If you are below the legal age to read such material, please leave. If such material offends you, go away. If it is illegal to view such material where you leave, go somewhere else.

Firstly, I want to say thanks to the people who have written to me. It sure is good to know that there are a few who are reading. I'm not really complaining but are there only so few of you? You don't have to say much, I'm not even expecting to get something after each post but I'd love it if you just let me know what you think, I'm especially open to ideas. To David at Nifty, thanks again for posting this and doing what you do. I would also like to apologise for my typing mistakes and grammatical errors. I was reading trough some of the earlier chapters and I was many of them. I'll try to proof read the future postings before I send them in. Also, some may have noticed that this instalment took much longer to come out. I apologize for that. I have been busy and will probably be so for the next month or so. Of course, it wouldn't hurt if I were more motivated (hint). Until next time, be good.

Going with the flow Chapter 5 --------------------

"Ladies and gentlemen, this is your captain speaking. In twenty minutes we will be arriving at Dublin International Airport. Please return your seats to the upright position, fasten your seat beats and secure your table. We hope you enjoy your stay in Ireland and look forward to serving you again. Thank you for flying with us."

"Hey Josh, wake up were landing already," Lance said shaking JC gently. He was finally going to see Steve again. It was almost two months since they saw each other and he was nervous, happy and very exited. They had been talking everyday on the phone for almost two months and in that time they had become very close. Lance knew he was in love the minute he entered the departure gate and Steve was out of sight. He had called from the plane and Steve picked the phone up before it even finished ringing the first time. They didn't talk long as they were both exhausted but just hearing Steve's voice made him happy. The melodic and enchanting voice that he had heard for the first time in a club that night that seeemed so long ago. Strangely enough even in his drunken state, that voice had been vaguely familiar. He couldn't place the voice when they met they met the next day so he just shrugged it off and blamed it on the alcohol.

"Excited bout seeing Steve again aren't you?" Chris asked Lance, a knowing smile on his face. They all knew how he felt even if he didn't say much. It was clear as crystal. Most of the time he hid it well enough but they could see through his facade. When you've been together for as long as they been you could tell when someone was miserable. In a way Lance was behaving like he did before he met Steve, quiet, moody and basically miserable. The difference was that he knew he had something to look forward to everyday. His disposition always improved about was going to call the time Steve was going to call or he was calling Steve. The other guys were not too happy about the situation but they tried to be supportive. At least Lance was more open with them now. That was why they had convinced management to let them make this trip to Ireland. They were supposed to kick off their European tour soon so they wanted to check out the sites.

"Yeah, but I'm more nervous than anything else. I mean we've talked on the phone a lot but this is going be the first chance I get to really spend time with him. What if things don't work out and we can't stand each other?"

"Hey Scoop, why are you even thinking that? I think you know Steve well enough by now to know that he's not like that." Chris's eyes narrowed and he frowned slightly, "Did he say or do something that we don't know about? If he did I'm gonna kick some ass."

"No Chris, it's not like that. He's been wonderful these two months. So sweet and caring and his voice..." Lance's expression was dreamy as he recalled every detail of their last conversation.

Rolling his eyes, Chris leaned back and tried to relax as the plane landed. There wasn't much he could say to that anyway.

The plane finally landed and the boys prepared to disembark. Lance had apparently gotten over his nervousness and was now eager to get off the plane. " Come on guys lets go, our ride's waiting. Don't wanna be late now do we?" He yelled grabbing his luggage and running for the arrival hall. Luckily for him, it wasn't crowed with fans and it was late the fact that they had kept their visit to Dublin quiet didn't hurt either. He looked a round there was a man in a driver's uniform holding sign with their names on it. Lance walked up to him the others were close behind.

"Hi, I'm Lance Bass and these are my band mates.

"Mr. Bass, gentlemen, I'm Dave. The hotel has assigned me to be your driver for your stay. If you'll follow me please," the man led them to the limo that was waiting to take them to the hotel.

"So what do you guys wanna do today? Its only 3:30 now." Lance asked once they were all in the limo. The rest of them just snickered, knowing what Lance had in mind.

"Anything you want buddy. But lets check into the hotel first. I wanna just chill for a while," Joey said. The all just nodded in agreement. Lance didn't object but didn't look to thrilled at the idea.

The limo came to a stop when they reached the hotel. "Hi, I believe I have a reservation," JC told the smiling receptionist.

"Your name sir?"

"Joshua Chasez." He was grinning and prepared for the outburst that usually followed. The others were standing a few paces behind him, also grinning.

The receptionist frowned, as if trying to remember something. "You're with that singing group in the States aren't you?" she asked, not sounding very impressed. Just as JC's grin began to waver, her eyes shot up. Thinking that she was a fan after all, he started to say something but was cut off. "Is there a James Bass in your party sir?" Her voice was a little shaky.

"Umm yes there is. Lance get over here," he called, turning around. JC was utterly confused now. Nobody knew they were here and the normally hotel wouldn't even acknowledge that they were guests if anybody asked.

"Mr. Bass?" Lance nodded, not sure what was going on. "This was left here for you." She handed him an envelope. By now, they had all crowed around the front desk. This was getting weird.

"Don't get me wrong miss, but who left it here and why did you even take it?" Joey's tone was slightly accusing.

The receptionist flashed him a glare like he had insulted her or something. "If you must know sir, I was instructed by the manager to give it to you. He also said to tell you that you'll understand once you've seen it's contents." Her voice was neutral but the somehow the way she said it still stung.

"Hey guys its okay. There's a note from Steve in here." Lance began to read, " Lance, sorry I can't meet with you as soon as I promised. I've got a gig tonight...last minute thing. Anyway, I managed to get you and the guys tickets to concert in town. I meet up with you after. Make sure you go. I don't want you to be sulking in your room tonight. I'm quite sure you'll like what you see. Yours, Steve" Lance looked up and fished his hand into the envelope taking out what looked like five concert tickets. Before he could get a better look, Justin reached over and grabbed them.

"Boyzone? Sounds familiar. You guys have any idea who they are?" As he said this, the receptionist shot him an evil look and turned away. None of them noticed this.

"No but lemme see. Hey look, the seat placements are kinda weird." JC said looking up. Lance snatched the tickets back and looked at his watch. "The show starts at seven, its already five now so why don't we just get ready and go grab some dinner. The sooner we get this over with the sooner I get to see Steve. I wish he'd let me watch him perform instead of going to some concert." With that they all headed up to their rooms.

Lance didn't know what to think. He was in love and he thought Steve loved him to but this thing with the concert and all made him unsure. Why didn't Steve take him to watch his performance? Was it because Steve didn't trust him? And how was he going to meet up with Steve after that? All these questions played in his mind as he got dressed for the concert. His earlier fears and insecurities were raging through him. He didn't need this, he knew he should trust Steve. The guys liked him and trusted him and that was usually a good indication. 'I might as well make the best of it and try to enjoy the show,' he thought.

Half an hour later, they were all in the limo with Dave, their designated driver at the wheel. JC wanted to have Chinese food so he took them to a small restaurant near the hotel. The food was good but the service left much to be desired. By the time they were finished, they had to rush in order to make the concert in time.

As they approached the Arena, they saw a crowd at least as big as one at their own concerts. There were the usual pre pubescent girls but quite a number of older people present as well. "Look at the crowd, from the looks of it there's no way we're gonna get in one piece," Justin said. At that, Lance was even more crestfallen. Steve should have thought of this.

"Yeah...unless they're all like that woman at the hotel," Joey said, grinning at JC.

"Nah, I don't think so. That woman was a one of a kind bitch. Not only was she rude but she resisted my charms. Probably just an old dike that can't get any."

"Awww did she bruise your ego. As far as I know you don't have any charm. It's a wonder she was even talking to you," Justin teased.

"You okay Lance? You've been out of it since we landed," JC asked, ignoring Justin all together. They all fell silent all looking at Lance.

"I just wanna get this over with that's all."

"Hey Lance, trust Steve, he said you'd enjoy it. And you're seeing him later." Chris said while the others nodded their agreement.

"I want to but look at the crowd, he should have known that we can't get in that easily." Just as he was about to say more the limo came to a stop. They all looked around. There was no crowd of screaming fans and it appeared to be safe. Dave had been briefed on how to get them in. They were so engrossed in the conversation that none of them realised that they had been driven to an underground car park at the back. Lance was smiling broadly now.

"See Lance, I told you it was gonna be fine. You've got to learn to trust us, yourself and most of all the man you love," Chris said with a smirk.

"I've been instructed to tell you guys to stay here for a while. They'll call when its safe to go up," Dave told them though the intercom. Lance grin got even bigger.

"Wow Steve must have some clout around here to be able to pull this off."

"Yeah, maybe he knows this band or something," Justin said, "Umm guys I just thought of something, if getting in was tough, imagine being surrounded by those girls once we get in."

"Don't worry Just, from what I've see so far I'd say that Steve's got it all figured out." Joey had a small smile on his face as he said this.

"Okay gentlemen we can go up now. If you'll follow me please," Dave said, leading them to an elevator. When they got out, they found themselves in a booth one floor above the regular seats. They were also right in front of the stage. They had a perfect view. If there was ever a time that N'Sync was awed by a concert arrangement, this was it. Lance was speechless and his was getting teary eyed. Nobody had ever done anything like this for him before.

"This is so cool guys," Justin said like a ten year old in a toy store. They all stood there, drinking in the sight before them.

"I'm beginning to wonder about Steve," Chris whispered to Joey who was just smiling the whole time. "You know something don't you?" Chris asked as he noticed this.

"Just wait and see." Before Chris could say anymore, five people stood up from their seats. They were facing the stage and N'Sync was still in walking towards them so all they could see was the backs of the five people. There was only one row of seats so they were going to sit together. Seeing this, Chris walked over to introduce themselves. They had to be important people to be here. He stopped when they turned around for to face him the first time. Even knowing what he thought he knew, this was not something he had expected. The five men were all grinning from ear to ear.

That's it for now folks. Tell me what you think. Please note that I have changed my email addy.

Next: Chapter 6

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