Going with the Flow

By zakrin zakrin

Published on May 3, 2000


Hi people, this is my first attempt at a story like this. While I do write fiction, I don't let many people read my work. I'm a big sci-fi and fantasy fan. Anyway, I know it's not much but I'll try to get the next chapter out soon. My main reason for doing this is to improve my writing so if you have any thoughts at all about the story, feel free to email me.

Disclaimer: This is a work of FICTION. As such, it does not imply anything about the true sexualities of the celebrities mentioned in the story. This story contains homosexual themes. If you are below the legal age to read such material, please leave. If such material offends you, go away. If it is illegal to view such material where you leave, go somewhere else.

Going with the flow Chapter 1 --------------------

'Go with the flow, enjoy life as it comes'. Those words rang in my ears as I wandered aimlessly in this fair city of Anaheim. They were the words of my best friends. Well intentioned they may be, if only they knew how hollow those words were to me. Oh well you can't always have it all can you? I mean I had anybody else would have given their left and right to be where I was, I had a great job which I loved, the money was good and I get to work with the greatest friends a man could ask for. Thing is, I'm not as contented as one would expect me to be.

So here I am, far away home which is hardly a new thing for me. The only difference is that this time, I'm on my own. I'm on holiday from Ireland. Don't ask me why I'm in Anaheim because if you do, I wouldn't be able to answer you. Honestly, I just decided to come to the States but I didn't want to go on a sightseeing tour or anything like that. I preferred to stay in one place and just relax. It could have been Washington or New York for all I cared. What I did was just bought a map, shut my eyes and pointed to a spot on the map. Can't say I was disappointed, but it was a coincidence that there was a Disneyland in the area. I've been here for a month and will be here about three weeks more if I decide to spend the entire duration of my break here. I have seen all the sights, had my fun and even made some friends; many of these were the people I met at Disney. I've been to the bloody place so many times that I many of the staff and crew there knew me on sight. Much as I loved the place and all the magic it had to offer, I woke up one morning and decided that I was not going to set foot there anymore for the rest of my stay in Anaheim. My reason was that I should stop going before I got bored of it. Twisted logic wouldn't you say?

Falling back to my old plan, I just walked around and went were fate took me. Not a bad way to have a holiday really, unless you're one of those who have to plan everything a year in advance. It would seem that someone upstairs was in a funny mood because I soon found my way into a club, which was fine by me until I noticed that the patrons of this particular club were mostly men. It didn't take a genius to see that I was in an establishment that catered to people who were into an alternative lifestyle. The few women I saw kept to themselves and basically ignored the men and vice versa.

"Okay, I'm in a gay bar, so what? I mean, its not that I'm straight I was gay after all and I'm only here to have a drink or to and maybe dance a bit," I thought to myself. "Not everyday you get to do this without being recognized." Decision made I headed for the bar, ordered a Guinness and sat down on the stool.

I don't really drink a lot so I just nursed my drink for the better part of an hour and watched the dancing. Occasionally a bloke would come up to me and try to engage me in a conversation. While this was flattering, I wasn't really interested so I was polite but unresponsive. They took the hint and left me alone. I knew I was quite good looking so I there was no helping the stares, glances and attempts at conversation.

Taking a final swig at my drink, I hit the dance floor. The music was not bad and I danced with nobody in particular. My head shot up when I heard the beginning of a new song. The DJ had put on a remix of a song that I was all too familiar with.

I had picture of you in my mind Never knew it could be so wrong Why'd it take me so long just to find The friend that was there all along

"Shit, better leave before it gets worse. For all I know the DJ recognizes me," I thought, throwing a glance at the DJ booth. The bloody fool was taking a swig of what looked like Guinness. "Great, an Irish DJ." The guy didn't seem to take notice of me so I assumed that I was safe for the moment. Still, I didn't want to try my luck so I hurriedly made my way towards t he exit.

Just as I was about to reach the door, I was knocked of my feet by an obviously drunk ass. The guy just stumbled onto me. I grabbed his shirt just as I was falling to keep my balance. This of course served no purpose and he landed right on top of me. His face was less than an inch from mine. Normally this would have been a rather interesting or even comical experience but I was already anxious to leave and the idiot's breath reeked of alcohol. I pushed him of me and dragged myself to my feet swearing the whole time. Not waiting for an apology, which I doubt I would get anyway I made for the door.

Suddenly realizing something, I did a double take. The man who had knocked me down was on his knees and sobbing with his hands covering his face. This wasn't all that unusual in a place like this, what caught my attention was the fact that he was wearing a baseball cap and a pair of shades. "Okay, he's wearing shades in a very poorly lighted club in the middle of the night. If I didn't know better, I'd say that he was a nut case." The problem was I did know better, I knew to well in fact. Like me, this guy was in a place he shouldn't be in and was trying to conceal his identity. In the state he was in, it didn't look like it wasn't going to be concealed any longer, especially with his choice of disguise.

At that point, I did something that surprised even me. I went over and helped this stranger who so clearly needed help but could not afford to ask for it for fear of being discovered to his feet. "At least the disguise works," I muttered under my breath. He was so drunk he could even stand so I put his arms over my shoulder and helped him wobble out of the damned club. I wasn't about to leave him on the streets but I didn't know what to do with him either. There was no way that I was going to take him back to my hotel with me.

"Hey mister, do you have a number I can call? I can call your family out here to get you."

Amazingly, his reply was quite coherent considering his condition. "No number…Hilton…down road…walk…thank," he mumbled as he tried to free himself from he only to fall on his face again after a couple of steps.

"Well, that's one problem solved," I thought as I helped him to his feet again. I was staying at the Hilton to so I just dragged him along with me.

When we got to the hotel, I went to the reception to locate my friend's room and have the bellhop take him up. The smile on the receptionist's face was replaced by a frown when she saw that I had a man practically wrapped around me. I was quite certain that she had a crush on me.

"Good evening sir, can I help you with anything?"

I glanced at her nametag before replying. "Yes, you can Jean," flashing her my killer smile. I wasn't really in the mood for games but this was the quickest way to get things done. "This gentleman here says he's a guest at this hotel. Would you please send someone to escort him back to his room?"

"I'm sorry sir but I don't recognize him. Are you sure he's a guest?"

My friend had taken the opportunity to fall asleep during while I was trying to sort out his problem. I rolled my eyes and removed the baseball cap from his head, revealing for the first time a head of spiky blond hair. I then took off the shades. I wasn't really looking at him when I did this but was paying attention to the receptionist. From the look on her face and the way gasp I was fairly certain she finally recognized my friend.

"I take it you recognize him now?" I asked, still smiling.

"Yes sir, I'm so sorry for causing so much trouble," she stammered, blushing slightly.

"Well then, I'll leave him to your care. Good night,"

"Could you wait a moment sir while I call someone from his party?"

"Of course my dear," again, flashing her a smile. This time she smiled back.

A few minutes later, two men came towards us from the elevator. They rushed to take his friend from me. Up until now I had not looked at the fellow's face. Seeing his friends I didn't have to, I knew instantly who he was. Not that I really cared at that point. As I turned around to head for the elevator, a hand touched my shoulder. I sighed, getting more than a little annoyed to be held back again.

"Thanks for helping my friend here. I'm JC," the band mate of my drunken friend whom I now realize was James Lansten Bass of NSYNC said offering his hand.

"I'm Steve and don't worry about it," I replied shaking his hand. He was about to say something when I cut him off, " Look, I don't mean to be rude but I'm really tired and I'm glad to have helped," I said, turning to leave again.

Just when I thought I was home free he caught up with me, leaving his friend to deal with Lance Bass. I couldn't close the elevator door fast enough so he jumped in with me. To tired to care I just glared at him.

"Steve, I really don't mean to bother you but I insist that you give me and my friends a chance to thank you properly. Why don't you join us for breakfast tomorrow morning?"

"Fine," was all I could muster as the doors opened. I got out as quickly as I could, hoping he wouldn't follow.

"Wait you don't even know our suite number," I heard. Taking a deep breath, I turned around to face JC. "Just get the bloody number and go to your suite," I told myself. He scribbled a number on a piece of scrape paper and handed it to me. Just then the elevator doors opened and the man whom I now recognized as Joey Fontane walked out with Lance Bass. I forced a smile and turned too leave. The guys were still following me. I decided to just ignore them, if they wanted to play stalker that was their business. They walked right pass me as I searched for my key card. Now I was curious, stealing a glance, I saw JC reach in his pocket and took out a key card. "Great, two suites on this floor and I get to share it with them." Fortunately, I was beyond caring. I went into the bedroom, threw myself on the bed and promptly fell asleep.

Next: Chapter 2

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