Going with the Notion

By Rob Hoek (Bob Hook, Storyguy22)

Published on Oct 17, 2006


Ryan crossed the patio, skirting around the shimmering swimming pool, angling in the direction of the packed, and noisy, party house, the taste of Devin's recently deposited load still lingering in his mouth. He was mentally chastising himself for that, the sudden rush of guilt filling his mind at practically the same moment that Devin's cum gusher had flooded his mouth. It had been an act of impulse, sure, and, there was no denying that he had loved it, both the intense sucking that Devin had given him, and his own reciprocation, but still, it seemed somehow unfair to Todd for him to be swapping blow jobs behind the cabana with Devin, when his relationship with Todd was so new, and special, even though they had not actually made any kind of real commitment to each other in that way. Jeez, Ryan thought, not so many days ago the idea of sucking a cock had been nothing more than a recurring fantasy, and now, I'm not only thinking of Todd in terms of a "boyfriend," but, I'm dropping to my knees behind the cabana during a party to suck off a dude I'd hardly said more than "hello" to before that. Go figure.

He slipped through the back door, entering the crowded kitchen, the blaring music thumping at his ear drums, and fished a cold Pepsi from the ice tub. He leaned against the counter, and popped open the drink, tipping his head back as he inhaled a deep swallow. He ran the side of the cold can over his forehead, hoping the cold would help ease the dull headache he was feeling from the more than normal amount of beer he had earlier consumed, then, pushed off, and worked his way through the throng of bodies jamming the house, until he reached the dinning room/dance floor, and spotted Todd, still wildly gyrating with some little blond hottie. Todd saw him, and smiled his killer grin, giving Ryan a small shrug, as if to say, "can't help it, dancing is just my thing." Ryan smiled back, nodding slightly, then, indicated the front door with a tilt of his head, as Todd nodded. He maneuvered through the throng, and finally made it to the door, where he moved outside, and crossed the lawn, getting further away from the raucous party noises. Reaching the sidewalk, he sat down on the curb, and finished the Pepsi, hopping that Todd would soon extricate himself from the blond, and join him.

Maybe five minutes later, Todd dropped onto the curb at his side, sweating profusely, and winded. He leaned back on his elbows, swiping one hand across his wet brow, and grinned at Ryan, as he said,

"Jesus, that was awesome...that Alicia can really get into dancing...it's entirely possible I lost maybe five pounds in there...!"

Ryan chuckled, nodding his understanding, as he replied,

"Yea, I saw...you were pretty well into it yourself, dude...nice moves, too, by the way...it always amazes me how much you like that shit..."

Todd shrugged, and mumbled something about how he had just always liked it, then, asked,

"So, dude....did you and Julie mix it up, or something...?...I saw her tear past the dining room, and out the front door, and she definitely did not look pleased...?"

Ryan gave a small shrug, his ears suddenly growing warm, as he blushed, and stammered,

"Not exactly....well....sort of, maybe...I, um...well...got a little pissed, and let the beer do the talking, I guess..."

Todd perked up, and asked Ryan for the details of what he meant, and Ryan related the events of the clash with Julie, ending by telling Todd how he had been feeling the beers he had consumed, and, when she pissed him off, he had blurted out that he was gay, and that she needed to move on with her quest to get laid.

Todd rolled his eyes, and sighed heavily, as he looked at Ryan, and slowly shook his head, as he commented,

"Nice, dude...I mean, I guess it's cool that you told her the way it is, just....well, you know how women are, man...your little disclosure is going to be all over campus by Monday...and, by implication, I'm gonna get labeled, too...count on it..!"

Ryan nodded, looking sheepishly at Todd, as he answered,

"Your probably right, dude...shit...what was I thinking, spewing that shit about being gay, and to Julie, of all people...jeez...I could have put it the newspaper quieter than doing that...!"

Todd moved his hand, slipping it under Ryan's shirt, as he stroked the warm, smooth skin of his back, and leaned closer, lapping at Ryan's ear lobe, as he said,

"Yea, well, it's not like we could put the toothpaste back in the tube, right..?...besides, I think you are pretty damn hot, and, I'm not really caring who knows that anymore..."

Ryan shuddered, reacting to the contact of Todd's hand rubbing his back, and to the wetness of his tongue on his ear, and he felt his penis thicken, as it grew solidly erect. He turned toward Todd, and smiled, as he pursed his mouth, and moved in to kiss him. Todd responded, his lips parting, as Ryan's tongue flooded his mouth, and he eagerly sucked on it, his own penis going instantly erect in his snug jeans. They held the passionate kiss long enough to be seen, should any of the partying mob be looking in their direction, finally separating, slightly breathless, as they grinned sheepishly at each other, and, by silent agreement, decided that it was definitely time to leave the party. They stood, and Todd wrapped a possessive arm around Ryan's slender waist, as they moved off toward Todd's car.

Inside the car, they tangled in another heated embrace, their tongues exploring each others mouths, as they groped each others erections, their mutual hunger obvious, until Todd finally broke off, and started the car, as he winked at the flushed Ryan, and said,

"Tennis, anyone...?"

Ryan giggled at the reference to their earlier tryst behind the tennis courts, and nodded, replying,

"An excellent idea, dude...and, let's not take the scenic route, ok...?"

Already steering the car away from the curb, Todd reached over to again grip Ryan's erection, squeezing it firmly, as he said,

"Definitely the direct route, hot stuff...and...you can expedite things by letting this bad boy out on the way...!"

Ryan giggled some more, and lifted his taut little butt off the seat, as he quickly slid his shorts, and briefs, down his smooth legs, and off his feet, then, sat back in the seat, his boner weaving off his groin in front of him, as he grinned wickedly at Todd. Todd looked hungrily at the rigid penis, and groaned softly, as he once more reached over, and gripped it, stroking the satin smooth skin over the rock hard shaft, as he struggled to keep some degree of attention on his driving. Ryan stretched out his legs, his hips bucking slightly, as he sighed, savoring the incredible sensations Todd's hand evoked in his balls.

Todd steered into the large parking lot that surrounded three sides of the municipal tennis courts, now dark, and deserted, and drove around to the back side of the courts where they had parked earlier, and stopped the car, killing the headlights, and the engine, then turned toward Ryan, and moved in to kiss him yet again, as he continued to stroke his hardness, while Ryan began groping at his own stiff penis, working the fly of his jeans in earnest, as their tongues dueled the ancient dance of lovers everywhere.

In less than a minute both boys were naked, and had managed to crawl into the more spacious back seat of the car, where they grappled, kissing, and sliding their now drooling erections against each others smooth bodies, wetting the creamy skin with their trailing precum. Todd dropped his head, swiping his tongue over Ryan's very erect little nipples, then sucked them, as Ryan groaned happily, his fingers threading through Todd's soft hair, as he arched his back, offering up his sensitive nubs to Todd's exploring lips, and tongue. Edging lower, Todd lapped at the silky smooth skin of Ryan's firm tummy, dipping into the tiny cave of his navel, then, licked lower still, the leaking head of Ryan's rigid penis leaving damp trails on his cheek, as he bypassed the throbbing penis, and moved to lick wetly over the plump scrotum below. Ryan groaned louder, and parted his legs, as Todd captured the smooth pouch in his mouth, and sucked at the firm ovals within, his finger probing into the warm cleft of Ryan's ass, to explore the tiny pucker he found there, as Ryan groaned once more, his knees bending, as he lifted his legs, giving Todd greater access to his very core.

Todd continued gently sucking Ryan's balls, releasing one, only to quickly capture the other, as he moved his fingertip rhythmically around his tight little oval, pressing inward, causing Ryan to moan each time he applied pressure. He brought the finger to his mouth, moving off Ryan's aching balls, as he quickly sucked his finger, wetting it, before once more probing Ryan's hot little entrance, as he moved to engulf the throbbing penis that pulsed in front of his face. Pressing steady pressure against the resistive ring of Ryan's ass, he moved his mouth noisily over the thick teen cock that filled his mouth, and he felt Ryan relax, allowing his probing finger to slip through the tight anal ring, and slid fully into his warmth. Ryan gasped loudly, his slender body quivering, as Todd eased his finger in and out of his smooth, warm tunnel, his mouth working its deft magic on his pulsing cock, as he lifted his hips slightly off the car seat, thrusting slowly to meet Todd's finger movements. Todd felt the small, firm bump that was Ryan's prostate slide under his finger, and Ryan gasped again, the added stimulation causing his breath to catch, and Todd held his finger there, gently massaging the small gland, as he continued to slaver over Ryan's drooling boyhood, and it was suddenly more than Ryan could handle. He groaned loudly, his slim hips pushing strongly upward, driving his rigid penis deeply into Todd's soft throat tissues, as the shaft swelled, and spasmed, his balls erupting, to spew his thick, warm, fluids into Todd's amazing mouth in rapid, strong volleys, as his fingers tugged strongly at Todd's hair.

Todd gagged slightly with the sudden, and forceful ejaculation of thick cream that flooded his mouth, and throat, and he quickly swallowed repeatedly, savoring the slightly acrid flavor of the warm juices, as he gulped it down, small trials of overflow escaping from the stretched corners of his mouth. Ryan shuddered strongly as the intense orgasm faded, and he quickly flipped over on the narrow seat, getting his knees under him, as he lifted his smooth, pretty ass, and turned his head to hiss over his shoulder at Todd,

"Fuck me, Todd....oh jeez...hurry, man...give it to me now...!"

Todd gasped at the stunning sight of Ryan's perfect little ass weaving before him, and his now loose ball sac swaying between his parted thighs, and he reached out to move his hand over the pretty mounds, so stunningly white in contrast to the tanned skin of Ryan's back, and thighs, and he gripped his aching, and leaking, erection in his fist, stroking it, as he quickly maneuvered in behind Ryan. His other hand spread to open the globes of Ryan's ass, the dark little wrinkle coming into view in the dimly lighted interior of the car, and he groaned deeply at the sight, as he scooted slightly forward, aligning the slick, wet, head of his penis with the inviting little oval. He worked up a mouthful of saliva, and let it drain down over the head of his nearly purple cock, and Ryan's tiny pucker, then, eased his cock head against the ring of muscle, and pushed, flexing his hips forward, as his cock steadily disappeared inside Ryan, until his pubic bush was plastered against the smooth cheeks of Ryan's pretty ass.

Ryan expelled a long woosh of air, as the rampant cock slid into him, filling him completely, and he balled his hands into fists, as he hammered at the car seat beneath him. Todd paused, his throbbing cock feeling as if it were enclosed in a warm, clinging vise, then, slowly withdrew, leaving only the swollen head inside the butter softness of Ryan's incredible tightness. He paused once more, then, steadily fed his entire length back inside, passing over the firm little nut of his prostate once more, causing Ryan to moan, and thrust his upturned ass back at Todd's impaling penis. Todd shuddered, sensing the amazing grip of Ryan's contracting muscles, and he repeated the in and out movement, then, again, settling into a steady rhythm of fucking the smooth, moaning boy beneath him. His hands gripped Ryan's hips firmly, as his hips bucked back and forth, and he felt his overcharged balls swinging, bumping Ryan's, with each inward thrust. He reached under Ryan, and closed his fist around his renewed erection, and stroked it, in sync with his hip thrusts, and he closed his eyes, relishing the amazing grip, and heat, of Ryan's filled sheath, and in a matter of a dozen strokes, he had reached the summit. His cock felt as hard as an anvil, and his balls drew up tight in their sac, as he released a long, deep, groan, nearly a growl, and his cock exploded, spraying his molten cum into Ryan's silky bowels, just as Ryan's own cock jerked strongly in his grip, and spewed forth another load of hot cum that ejected onto the car seat below him.

Spent, and exhausted, the two gasping teens collapsed onto the car seat, chests heaving, and breathing ragged, and loud. Todd sprawled atop the panting Ryan, his wilting penis slipping wetly from the grip of his rectum to press into the soft pillow of Ryan's ass, as he planted wet, warm, kisses on his back, and neck. Ryan felt the wetness of his own semen spread over his soft tummy, and he sighed contentedly, then, rolled onto his side, and wrapped his arm around the still panting Todd, and held him, his mind reeling from the amazing sensations that coursed through his body. Todd lifted his head, and grinned wickedly at Ryan, as they both gave in to peals of giggles, as Todd said, between gulps of air,

"Damn, dude...you are amazing...how the hell am I supposed to go two-freeking-weeks...without this...?!?"

(To Be Continued) Storyguy22@yahoo.com

Next: Chapter 9

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