Gold Coast Fun

By Aussie Teacher

Published on Dec 4, 2004


This story contains a mixture of types of sex from M/F to F/M/F, Bi and Anal. If you are offended by any of this, or it is illegal in your area to read this, then please leave or hit the "Back Space" now. Names have been changed to protect the persons mentioned. The majority of this story is fact, but some parts have been embellished for a more erotic read.


It was back in the 70's, when I started working. As I worked for a very large company, there were maybe around 500 men, all working on the one shift, but spread over the many sections. I was an apprentice, and as such, my job was anything that I was told to do. I was the proverbial "shit-kicker", until I finished serving my time. If a section hand or a boss told me what to do (and there were six bosses in my section), then I had to obey. I had been there for about 3 months, when one of the tradesmen approached me and said he needed me to sell "raffle tickets" for the Social Football club, and that he was the president of said club. I complained, that as I was new, and an apprentice (actually I was not even that until the following January), that if I did that I could be in big trouble. He walked away, but soon after, the 2nd-in-charge boss called me aside and said that as he was the patron of that club, he ordered me to sell the tickets. Now this was strange, I was 15 years old, in my first job, and being ordered to "bludge", it was great.

A few days later I was asked by another guy there, if I would sell tickets for the Social Golf Club. I thought that this was pushing things a bit far, so I said it would be too hard for me. Of course, soon after, another one of my bosses called me and said that he was the patron of the golf club, and as I was selling tickets for the football club, it was only fair I should do the same for his club. This soon seemed to be the pattern of things to come. After two weeks I was selling tickets for the football, golf, cricket and lawn bowls club. Over a 5 night week, with my work hours of 7.5 hours, I was selling tickets and handing out the prizes for a time of 4 hours per night. What a life. Only 3.5 hours a night for 4 nights a week, and 7.5 for the other night, and being paid for this.

This continued for many years, and as a reward, I was invited to many a social dinner and fund-raiser by each of the social clubs. I would attend some of their sports days and get all my food and drinks supplied for free. And as I had learnt to play Lawn Bowls as a kid, when I used to help my brother-in-law when he was a green-keeper, I decided to join the bowls club and play on the weekends.

Now the Social Bowls Club would play each Sunday at a local club, and as I was a member, and worker of the company, no one at these clubs seemed to bother and ask if I was of legal age to drink alcohol. And as any young person will tell you, if they don't ask, we won't tell them. I became just "one of the boys", even though I really only was a boy. When I first started doing their raffles, they would just have half a box of beer to raffle. Over the months I built this up to where I was raffling up to 6 boxes, plus having extra bottles to sell to people who wanted a beer after work. Also I put on special raffles for Xmas etc, and this raised many thousands of dollars for them. Each year there was an interstate game between our work, and another "sister" company in Sydney, and as I had been raising the money for their trips, they invited me to attend, even though I had not qualified. I was basically the team manager as a reward.

One year we would go to Sydney and play, and the following they would come to the Gold Coast and play. The event would only last 3 days, and as such, our works would allow us one extra day off to attend, but I would organise to take a week or two of my holidays, so as to stay and enjoy myself. The first tip I went on was to Sydney, and it was also the first time I would ever go into a "Massage Parlour", and experience that type of sex. Actually, it was very nice sex indeed, and as luck would have it, the "woman" was from my home town, who was married and trying to earn enough money to put a large deposit on a house. But what happened there is another story sorry.

The following year the game was to be played at the Gold Coast, and as I had now been married for 7 years, and had 2 small children, they came with me a few days before the game and we had a short holiday together. The day before the teams were to arrive, a friend drove down to collect Joyce and the kids, and to take them back home, as I needed the car to transport peole around. When he arrived, Joyce and I were in the middle of a "session", so I had to stop and open the door. I asked if he could wait a short time, but he knew what I meant and just pushed the door open, saying he would wait inside for Joyce to finish getting ready. Joyce was under the covers, naked, and had not expected him to come in, so I dropped my towel and climbed in, and she protested. I told her that as I would be away for a few days, I needed to have at least one fuck before she left.

Reluctantly she allowed me to re-enter her, as I said, if she did not, I would pull the covers off and let him see all of her. Although she tried to keep the covers over herself, they did from time to time expose her a little. I guess I sort of helped with that a little, as I was a bit of an exhibitionist, and he was still single, as well as a virgin. I took great pleasure in changing positions every few minutes so as to give him a better glimpse of my attractive young wife and I having sex. By the time we were finally finished, I looked across at him and saw that his cock was out and he was furiously masturbating, trying to finish before Joyce saw him. I felt sorry for him, but also had a good laugh. Not long after they were in his car and returning to Brisbane.

About an hour later I received a call from a work mate who was also down there early, so as to visit his mother. He asked if I wanted to go out and have a few drinks with him, and as I had nothing else to do, I agreed. Now my friend Mark was older than me by 10 years, I was 27, and he had wanted to go out and try and pick up a woman for the night. I told him I was not interested, but he could have as many as he liked, and I would just have a few drinks. At the third club we went too, he finally felt his luck was in, as there were so many women, either alone or in small groups. Over the next hour he tried so many times with so many women, but each time he got a knock back. I felt like having some fun, so I decided to show how easy it was.

I went over to a table of 6 women, the oldst being around 55, and the youngest about 24 or so. I introduced myself and then, looking directly in the eyes of the eldest one, I asked if one of the beautiful ladies would like to dance. I had intended to make a point of directing my request to her, knowing that she would be appreciative of my youthful cheekiness. Before she could answer, the youngest one jumped up, came straight to me, and said she would be pleased to dance with me. Once on the dance floor I looked back at Mark and saw his disappointed look. The young girl said that the older ones were her relatives and she was looking for a way to get away for a few minutes, but one woman was her workmate. We had two dances, and then I thanked her and returned to my table.

I had another drink, but Mark was very disappointed and said he wanted to go home, so we went out to get a taxi back to my hotel. We rang a taxi then went outside to wait. When we got outside the club, the young girl I had danced with, and her friend, were also waiting for a taxi. We talked a little longer and soon our taxi arrived. As she said that she had to go back to her friends to get her car, and that was an hours drive away, I suggested that if they wanted to come with us, I would have a shower and change, and then drive them for free. I said as I was married, I was not looking for a woman, and also I had not drank a lot, but wanted to just freshen up in case we were pulled over by the police.

When we arrived at my hotel, I told them there were beers in the fridge, and to help themselves, and also asked if one of them would make me a coffee. 10 minutes later I was out of the shower and just had a pair of shorts on. They called out that my coffee was ready, and I should drink it first before getting dressed again. I sat down and began to drink, but noticed it had just a slight different taste to the way I made it, but then realised that maybe they put too much, or little, coffee in or else it was the milk from the hotel that was "off". As it was now around 8pm, I said we should hurry, so I got up to go to the bedroom to dress, but as I stood up my legs felt a little strange.

Not knowing what happened next, I can not fill you in on those details, for the next thing I remember, is opening my eyes and realising I was on my back on the bed, and totally naked. Not only naked, but the younger of the two women was on top of me and fucking away on my cock to her hearts content. Shit! What was happening here, was I dreaming, how did this all happen. I looked at the bedside clock and it was now 10pm. I asked what was happening and she just said I should not mind, and to just lay there and enjoy it. All I could think of was Joyce, and how could I ever explain all this.

Deciding that what I was doing was wrong, I was about to push her off when suddenly I realised that either way I would be in trouble, Joyce would never believe me. So I did the only thing I could do, I rolled her over and decided I should finish the job before throwing her out. After all, I did not start this, but I may as well finish it. She seemed more than happy that I was now letting her relax and enjoy, while I took over the "work" side of things. It was strange, but at the time I should have been very excited at having this great looking girl under me, and I thought I would cum really quick, but instead, my cock was throbbing and pulsing, but it did not seem to want to cum.

About an hour later, and many different positions, the door slid open and her friend walked in. At this point we were back in the missionary position, and I froze. She asked her friend what was wrong, and she replied that she had told Mark she would not fuck with married men, and that he had left. I reminded them that I was the married one, and that he was single. The older one (about 37) then said she needed the toilet. We were alone once more, but I did not know what to do. It was one thing to fuck my wife while a friend was there, but these were both strangers, and women. I looked at the young woman and asked her what were we to do, as we could not continue to fuck while her friend was sitting outside. She surprised me when she just said.

"Well, I have always wondered what it would be like, for two women to have sex with a guy, at the same time".

I could not believe my ears, but also realised that this was a load of rubbish, there was no way the other woman would join us, as I had said I was married. I did not have long to find out, as a minute later, as I was about to get up and dress, the other woman entered the room again. But this time she was stark naked. She got into the bed and looked at me and asked was I going to continue to fuck her friend, or would I fuck her first. As the younger one was more attractive, I continued to push my meat back in and out of her, as the other one sat and watched.

After a few minutes of pounding away, I felt a hand tapping on my arse. I stopped and looked around, and the older woman then said that it was "her turn" and she laid down and spread her legs. As I seemed to have two women to enjoy, I moved across to the older, and began to pay attention to her tits, before slowly moving down to check out this new creavice that was on offer for my eager cock. As my face moved closer, and saw that she had a very nice, but bushy, patch of hair covering her pussy, I realsied that I had no recall of what the younger ones pussy looked like. I knew that would be rectified shortly.

I began to lick away at her outer lips and then began to explore her inner depths with my tongue. As I did so she was telling me that she was looking forward to my fucking her, as she had not had a cock inside her cunt for just over three years. Then she was moaning and thrusting, I was almost believing her as well. As I moved up to position myself, ready to enter her, she stopped me and said that she wanted to feel my cock with her mouth. Now fucking is always nice, but I also enjoyed having a warm mouth around my cock, so I was not about to refuse her.

She went to work on my cock like it was second nature to her, licking the eye, then running her tongue down the shaft, before slowly taking a little bit at a time into her mouth. She would gently suck on the head of my cock, then she would almost Swallow my entire length in one go, right down to my balls. She certainly knew how to give a man great head, as my balls were jiggling, my shaft became rigid and then felt like it grew an extra inch. I felt I was about to cum in her mouth and felt worried what she may say, as well I really wanted my cock to feel inside this wopman as well. I had nothing to fear, she stopped sucking and said she was ready, but as I went to move into position, the younger one said that she wanted the same treatment from me as well.

She right away took my cock into her mouth and began to suck away on it for a few minutes before she rolled over and told me to lick her out. I slid down closer to her cunt and could smell the warm aroma escaping from her moist pussy. As I got closer I could see that she had her pussy neatly trimmed, and there was just a small triangle of hair remaining above her opening. My tongue went to work and probed around for a few moments before she said she needed me to fuck her real quick. I moved up and entered her in a hurried manner and began to pump in as far as I could, before retreating until just the head of my cock was at the opening. Then I would push back in half way, retreat, and then lunge to the bottom of her hollow.

I finally felt like I was about to cum, and was looking forward to filling this hot young cunt with my juice, when again the older one slapped my arse and said it was her turn. I withdrew and moved onto the older one and began my "service". As I found my rythym with her, I began to delve deeper and deeper, slowly increasing my tempo the further I entered her. After a few moments I was pounding into her hot pussy as hard as I could, for by now I just wanted to unload my aching balls. There would be plenty of time to cum into the younger one later.

My balls began to tighten and my cock was pulsating and was only a few moments away from spewing its hot juice into her, when suddly she quivered. I felt her hot juice hit my cock, and then I could see tears running down her face before she screamed. Without being fully aware of my actions, I had somehow managed to be on my feet, standing on the bottom of the bed, and looking back at her and the younger one in fear. Then she began to cry out:

"Oh Fuck! I can't believe how nice it is, after so fucking long, without a cock inside of me!" she said.

I could not believe it, this was what her problem was. I yelled back at her some obscenities, asking why she had done this, did she realise I could have had a heart attack, etc. She and the other girl both laughed, and the the older one told me that she had not been lying, she had not had a cock for over three years, and she had indeed realised just how much she missed it. By now my cock (for the first time since I came to) was now limp. When it heard her scream it had been jolted from its stiffness, and it had shrivilled up and tried to hide.

As I laid down between them, the younger one said she wanted me to finish her off as well, but I pointed out to her that my "other brain" was too scared for now, and needed a rest, or some reassurance and help. At once the two women went down to my limp member and took turns to either suck on my cock or to lick and suck my balls. This they did for nearly 30 minutes, but to no avail. It was not ready to react just yet, it needed time to recover. As the girls were quite happy to have a rest, I went and got three beers, and we just laid there and they told me all about themselves, what they did for a living etc, how the older was divorced and had 2 sons. Basically just small talk so that my cock could recover, and at the same time they gently stroked away on my nether regions.

After they finished their beers, they once more went to work on my cock, but still they could not get a reaction. I guessed that after the almost two hours of non-stop sex it had just endured, it needed a well earned rest. They seemed to be disappointed and both looked at me and asked if I had any suggestions. They both said they needed more sex and were not ready to stop just yet. I looked at each of them in turn, then as a joke, I said they would just have to amuse themselves for a time, untill my cock was ready once more.



Hope you hve enjoyed my story, and if so, please feel free to e-mail me and say so. I like to get feed-back, and do enjoy constructive criticism or advice on ways to improve, or even suggestions for stories at a later date.

Next: Chapter 2

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