Golden Collar

Published on Jun 10, 2022




"THE EIGHT BOOKS OF THE GOLDEN COLLAR" is a gay story, with some parts containing graphic scenes of sex between males. So, if in your land, religion, family, opinion and so on this is not good for you, it will be better not to read this story. But if you really want, or because YOU don't care, or because you think you really want to read it, please be my welcomed guest.


by Andrej Koymasky © 2020
written on January 7, 1995
Translated by the Author
English text kindly revised by a friend

BOOK SEVEN - Where is told
how Friend is unjustly accused,
exiled and becomes Sky's lover.
The Emperor recognizes His mistake.

Friends has been living in the Palace for a year, when he meets Finedear in the corridor. For a moment, they look at each other, slightly embarrassed, then Finedear, as a subordinate, bows.

"I'm happy to meet you again, Friend."

"Me too." the young man answers, uncertain.

"I'm now a Palace Guard. We will meet frequently, from now on."

"Are you still upset with me, Finedear?"

"No. Hare forced me think about things. I know I treated you unfairly, and I'm sorry. Hare told me that my words hurt you. I am the one who should apologize to you, I think."

"Hare... Is he well? Are you two still together?"

"Yes, sure. He will graduate this year. I'm hoping he will be hired here at Court."

"I can make it happen, if you wish."

"I will be really grateful. Thank you, Friend."

"Thank you for having forgiven me. And not judged me, too badly." Friend happily answers.

When Hare graduates, with honours, Friend has him hired as a Court Chronicler's apprentice. The reunion with his only school friend is very happy one. Hare is becoming an adult, and is a likable, gentle youth, so their friendship strengthen.

But Friend's enemies, are plotting in secret and carefully conceives a trap to get rid of him.

They instruct a young official, of the Ceremonial Section. One night, when Friend is not waiting for the Emperor, the young man, taking advantage of the moon less night, stealthily creeps into Friend's room. Friend, as usual, sleeps naked. The young man silently undresses himself; and in the dark, looking out of the window, waits for the agreed upon signal.

A personal servant of the Emperor is sympathetic with the conspirators. When Powerful leaves the room of His third concubine, he tells Him that Friend is cheating on Him. The conspirators watch the frowning Emperor rapidly leave in the direction of Friend's quarter, and give the signal to the youth waiting in Friend's room.

When the young official hears the quarter's outer door opening, sneaks into Friend's bed and begins to caress and kiss him.

Friend, waking up aroused, thinks it is Powerful and embraces him. Just at that moment, Powerful enters the room, with a lantern in his hand. Friend then realizes that the one in his bed is an intruder. He sits up, with a confused exclamation, pushing the young man away from him. But Powerful notices the two young men's erection, and interprets Friend's confusion, as astonishment at having been caught.

"Friend! You were comfortable. You personally prepared my calendar, right?" The Emperor says, distressed and furious at the same time.

"No, no! I don't know who he is! What he is doing in my bed! I was sleeping... I don't know him!"

"Ha, and you presume I can believe you? You, if you want your life spared, tell me the truth!" He orders the young official.

He prostrates himself on the floor: "Forgive me, powerful Lord, but he lead me to believe that you knew, that you didn't care. He fooled me!"

"He is a liar!" Friend shouts, throwing himself out of bed and looking in confusion; upset, with the young man, "I don't know him!"

"How long have you been making love with him?" The Emperor, then asks.

"No, never, never, I never made love with him!" Friend says.

But the young official, remaining prostrated on the floor, says with a clear voice: "It is about a month, Lord."

"He lies, he lies, believe me!"

"Why should he lie? You are the one who lies." Powerful says sternly.

"No. He sneaked into my bed just now, while I was sleeping..."

"Who can sneak into the bed of an unknown person? And above all, my lover's? How can you think I can believe you? You disappointed me, Friend. You knew that tonight, I was in my concubine's room, one the furthest away from here... You felt comfortable, right?"

"Oh no... no..." Friend groans.

"You, disappear! I don't want to see you any more!" the Emperor says to the young official, who, pikes up his clothes and slips away in silence.

"About you... you deserve death."

"If you don't believe me, death will be sweet, Powerful."

"No, I am no longer Powerful, to you. I am your Emperor, don't forget it."

"Why don't you kill me?"

"You don't deserve this either. I am not a bloodthirsty man. Remain here, in your rooms. You will soon know what I will decide about you."

Friend prostrates himself on the floor: "Lord, if you don't believe me..."

"How can I? I caught you having sex."

"No, I just woke up... in the dark I thought it was you..."

"You knew I was with my concubine, you choose the days. And you also know that I don't like making love in the dark, not with you."

"I just woke up, I didn't even have time to realize... he entered here..."

"Shut up! Enough of your lies. You are just making the situation worse." The Emperor says, icily.

"You can ask my servants..."

"They are your servants, it is logic they will try to protect you. Have the good taste to keep silent, at least." the Emperor says, and leaves the room.

As soon as the Emperor has left, Gift and Noon enter the room, rushing to their master, who is still prostrated on the floor. They make him stand up.

"What happens now, master? What is happening?" Gift thoughtfully asks.

Friend sits on his bed, with broken voice explains: "I don't understand. No, I can't understand..." he concludes, despondent.

"Master, isn't it strange that the young man sneaked into your bed, just a moment before the Emperor entered? Or, that the Emperor entered, just a moment after that young man sneaked into your bed?"

"You too, don't believe me, Gift?"

"Oh no, master, I believe you! I just say that everything was planned to let you be caught by the Emperor, to make you fall in disfavour." Gift says.

"Yes, it has to be so!" Noon says.

Friend understands that they are right. "But how can I prove that to the Emperor? They have trapped me. They have destroyed me. Sky was right. I don't know what the Emperor will decide about me, but I don't want it to damage you two also. I will give you a letter for Sky, and I will ask him to take care of you two."

"We will never abandon you, you are a good master. You shouldn't worry about us."

"Thank you for your words, but you will do as I order you." Friend says, puts on his loincloth and goes to his table, to prepare a letter to Sky.

"Here it is. Tomorrow morning, as soon as the Palace gates open, you will immediately go to see Sky and warn him about what has happened."

Friend without sleeping, waits for morning. At dawn, he sends Gift and Noon away, waits. Finally four soldiers come.

"Last -Friend-Of-The-Moon, follow us."

"Were are you taking me?"

"The Emperor decided you will be confined to a cell in the dungeons."

"All right." Friend says.

They tie his wrists, and take him to the dungeons. He is put in a cell, and the noise of the heavy wooden bars behind him, locking him inside, sadly echoes inside his heart.

Several days pass: they regularly bring him food and water, but no news. Then, one day, Finedear arrives.

"Friend, Sky came to talk to me. He sent a petition to the Emperor, explaining how they trapped you, but sadly it has been rejected. Sky couldn't even get permission to come down here to see you. I'm really sorry for you, very much."

"You don't know what destiny awaits me?"

"The dungeon guards' chief just told me that the only orders he's received is that you will not leave here, but that your comforts should be taken care of. I'm afraid that the Emperors wants... to forget you here. Why don't you ask at least, for your writing tools? I will come to visit you, but... time, down here, will never pass, if you don't find something to do."

"I want to die."

"No, don't say that. You're a strong type, don't let it dishearten this way."

"He didn't believe me! I thought he knew me. But you, at least, do you believe in my innocence?"

"Yes, sure, and Sky too believes you, but sadly... We will not forget you. We hope we can do something for you. You have many friends, don't forget that."

Months pass. Friends gets permission to have in his cell, books, his small calendar, the inks box and writing paper. He is not ill treated. But he can only see the sun a few minutes each day, from the small narrow window in one ceiling corner. Finedear comes to visit him four or five times a month, and tells him what is happening outside, brings him messages from Sky, Gazelle, Morning, Flower and Hare and also from Gift and Noon. All that makes Friend feeling a little less lonely, but sadness is consuming him little by little. He starts to write a long poem where he narrates, in an allegoric style, like in a fairy tale, his own life, his thoughts, his memories.

One day, Finedear relays some news: the Emperor is leaving for the North, with an army, to face an invasion of the people of the Hot Lands.

"Sky, Morning and myself are going to help fight this war. So, for a while, we cannot meet, I'm sorry. But the dungeon guards' chief promised me that he will continue to take care you so that you won't miss anything. He will came from time to time to give you news."

"Good luck, Finedear. Thank you for everything. I will pray to the god of war, that he will protect you all, the Emperor, you, Sky and Morning."

"Do you still pray for the Emperor?" Finedear asks astounded.

"Sure. I still love him."

"My poor Friend. We will pray for you too. Good bye."

"See you soon, and be safe."

The army leaves. Friend, from time to time, receives news from the guards' chief. One day, a new guard arrives. He talks with Friend, and shows that he likes him. This pleases Friend. After a few days Lynx, the new guard, says:

"Friend, I feel I desire you."

"It is not possible." Friend answers him, a little astounded at the sudden, and bold confession.

"Even if I cannot open this gate, we can do it through the bars... And if somebody is coming, we can hear the upper gate opening. I like you a lot, just look at the effect you have on me!" the guard says rising his skirt's front square, showing him his swollen loincloth and caressing it.

"It is not possible, Lynx, I belong to the Emperor."

"But He threw you away, like you were a broken potsherd. I... I desire you, Friend, very much. I like you. I really would like to make love with you."

"I thank you, I like you too very much; but I belong to the Emperor. I cannot."

"But He doesn't believe you."

"It doesn't matter. He is the Emperor. I belong to Him."

"I'm sorry, Friend. I desire you. I would like to be able to ease your captivity a little. I really desire you a lot. If by chance, you change your mind, tell me. We can caress, kiss, unite in spite of these bars. You are so handsome, Friend..."

"Thank you." Friend answers, with a sad smile.

The war lasts just three months and the people of the Sun win. Sky distinguishes himself with various heroic deeds, and once, he even saves the Emperor's life. Finedear has been wounded, but returns alive. Morning, however, died in battle. It is Finedear, who brings the news to Friend.

"In five days, there will be a victory parade, and a special thanksgiving ceremony at the temple of the Sun god, who guided us to victory. The Emperor will bestow upon us, the prizes he promised. So, I thought, profiting by this occasion; I can ask the Emperor for clemency towards you. Who knows, in the euphoria of the victory..."

"I don't want you to risk vexing Him, because of me..."

"I'll do it willingly."

On the day of the ceremony at the Sun temple, The Emperor starts to give the rewards to the most valiant warriors. Finedear is waiting his turn, having decided to intercede for Friend. The Emperor calls Sky, gives him the golden collar of heroes, a chiselled sword, a box full of golden piasters, then says:

"With you, my brave Calm-Sky-Of-Autumn, I have a personal debt of gratitude. Therefore, you also deserve a personal reward, from me, not from the Empire's treasury, but from my personal treasure. Tell me, is there something you desire?"

"Yes, Powerful-Hymn-Sung-To-The-Eternal-Sun-God, there is."

"Well, tell me."

"In your Palace there is something I particularly like."

"Tell me what it is, and I will give it to you." the Emperor answers, with a smile.

"It is... a young man, his name is Friend-Of..."

"Yes. All right, I promised, I cannot deny it to you, now. That young man is yours. But you have to take him away from the Capital. He shall never again, put his foot in the Capital district. I don't want to see him any more. Otherwise I will have him killed. I will give you a letter, allowing you to take him away." the Emperor says, with some hardness and dismisses him, with a brusque gesture.

Sky withdraws, with a deep bow. Finedear is happy. The next day, a messenger brings Sky the Emperor's letter. So, with Finedear, Gift and Noon, Sky immediately goes to the dungeon, where they pick up Friend. He is moved. Sky immediately takes him out of the Capital district, to an inn and leaves with him Gift and Noon.

"I have to settle some matters, then I will be back here. Don't move from here, please, I'm responsible for you, now."

"I belong to you, right?" Friend says, with a sweet smile, "The Emperor gave me to you as a present."

"See it as you want, Friend. To me, you are not a gift, you are the East and I'm the West, don't you remember that any more?"

"Yes, forgive me."

"Well, then. See you soon."

Sky is back after a few days. "I've obtained from my father, my share of property. We will go up there, on the mountain, where I possess a small valley. There is also a small house. We will live there temporarily, while I have a new house built; where you can do your studies, and write."

"From prison to exile." Friend says, with sweet sadness.

"We will live there together. I'm tired of the Capital's life. I've always dreamed of something like this. We two and your two servants, it will be perfect. Gazelle and Flower promise to come often to visit us. And also, Finedear and Hare, all your friends, our friends."

"Why are you doing all this for me?"

"Right, who knows why?" Sky answers, with a gentle smile, shaking his head.

To reach the secluded valley, they have to walk all day long. The little house is made of raw stone, and consists of two rooms and a kitchen. Sky settles in one of the rooms, Friend in the other. They lay a pallet for Gift and Noon in the wide kitchen. While Friend sets his few belongings, Sky goes down to the village to contact the builders. When they return, with Friend, they chose the spot where to build the new house, and draw up the plans: a small central garden, into which opens rooms for Sky and Friend, two guests rooms, and a wide hall. On the fourth side, there will be a room for Gift and Noon, the kitchen, the entrance and the storeroom. Outside the door, will be the well and, on the opposite side, the bath and the latrine; connected to the house by a covered walkway. The men promise to complete the building before the beginning of autumn. Then Sky goes back to the village and arranges with the carpenter to make all the furniture for the house: chests, shelves, beds, tables, seats. Then he contacts the weavers for the blankets, rugs and curtains.

"You are spending a fortune!"

"The war prize, a part of the collar and of the sword, plus one part of what I received from my father. There is still enough for us to live without problems, for one hundred more years, don't worry. To eat, Gift and Noon will cultivate a vegetable garden, and we can go hunting and fishing. You will see. We will miss nothing, and everything will be all right. Before winter, we will live in our new house." Sky merrily says.

Friend feels attracted to Sky. But now, more than before, he is ashamed to show it. Sky, for his part, treats Friend with attention and affection. But doesn't display that he feels anything more. Friends, several times, thinks that he would have been better off if he had refused the Emperor's offer: possibly, he would now be the happy lover of Sky. Instead... He let himself be dazzled by the sun, be burned... and still it is burning, just as Sky had warned him. He is still in love with the Emperor, and yet he is also in love with Sky. Now, he has neither of them.

Gazelle and Flower arrive to visit them, laden with gifts. The walls of the new house are now built to half their height and the plan is clearly visible. They spend the day walking in the woods belonging to the small valley. They eat and joke, just like the old days.

Then, at evening, Sky asks: "Well, how would you like to spend the night? Which of you two, will sleep with me?"

"With you? That would be the limit! We will sleep together, and you will sleep with Friend, of course!" Flower says.

"If Friend doesn't have any problems..." Sky says, looking at him, hesitantly.

"Yes, sure... it's all right with me." the young man answers, even if he feels troubled by this perspective.

After a few moments, Flower says: "Ah, Friend, I must have forgotten my arm band in the new house... Could you please go look for it? Please?"

"We can search for it tomorrow morning, right?" Gazelle says, astounded.

"Oh no, please, Friend. I want it now. You know how important that arm band is to me. I couldn't sleep, being afraid I'd lost it..."

"Yes, I'll go, it'll only take a few minutes." Friend says, taking a lantern and leaving .

As soon as he leaves, Flower shows her arm band to her friends: "He will search for this for a while. I wanted to be alone with you, Sky. You are in love with Friend, no?"

"You need to ask me? I've loved him for years."

"Right. Tonight you will sleep together, in one bed. Tell him. Don't you think it is time?"

"But he... he loves the Emperor. He doesn't love me."

"Sky, Sky!" Gazelle says, "He loves you. He let himself being fascinated by the Emperor. He could even possibly love him. But he is in love with you, and always has been. And if you had told him of your love before, all this might never have happened, don't you understand that?"

"I... I love him, sure."

"So, tell him tonight. He loves you."

"Why doesn't he tell me?"

"And why don't you tell him? If one of you two don't decide to take the first step... Now, after you freed him, it is even more difficult for him to tell you, can't you see that? So, you have to decide, this is it."

Friend comes back: "I couldn't find it, I'm sorry. Perhaps tomorrow morning with the light..." he says with regretfully.

"Yes, of course. Thank you, anyway, Friend, you have been very kind. Well, I feel a little tired. Let's go to bed, Gazelle?"

"Yes, sure. Have a good night, dear friends."

The two women withdraw to Sky's room. He says: "What want you to do, now? Are we going to bed too?"

"Yes. We will be a little cramped, I think. Do you want me to sleep on the floor?" Friend asks.

"No, why? The night is cool, we can warm each other..." Sky says, trying to hide his emotions.

They pull off their wool multicoloured ponchos, and with just their loincloths on them, they slip under the blankets. Friend, feeling Sky's body touching him, quivers and tries to move to the edge.

"No, come here, don't move away." Sky says, and puts an arm around his waist.

"Sky... that way... I am..."

"Aroused? Me too... Why don't you untie my loincloth?"

"You want that?" Friend asks, feeling his head spinning.

"Sure. Don't you?"

"I... what do you want, Sky..."

"Friend... I'm not asking you to... make me cum. I... what I want to tell you... what I want you to know..." Sky whispers with emotion, lightly caressing Friend, "It is that... I love you, I need you. Would you become my lover, please?"

"Oh... Sky! I would like, but..."

"But?" Sky, tenses, and asks. He is afraid to hear him say that he cannot, because he is in love with another....

But Friend says: "I don't deserve your love. I didn't deserve it, I was not able to wait for you, you know that."

"But you, do you love me?"

"I've always loved you. Before, I thought I was in love with both the Emperor and you. I was confused. In some ways, I still love Him. But he didn't trust me. On the other hand, you've always trusted me. Now I see, understand, know that I really love you... but, it's not too late, now?"

"Late? No, I wouldn't say so, if you love me. I believe you, because I know you. I love you, because I know you."

"Yes, I now understand. And you did wait for me all these years. I was sixteen, I am now twenty two, almost twenty three."

"It is my fault, I waited too long. Will you at last, become my lover?"

"Yes, yes, yes... oh, yes!" Friend says, feeling a great desire to cry with the happiness he feels.

"Then, why don't you pull off my loincloth?" Sky sweetly suggests, starting to untie Friend's loincloth.

"I'll be faithful to you, if it cost me my life, Sky."

"I know. We don't need to say these things, between us, right?" Sky says caressing him intimately and starting to kiss him passionately.

Friend clutches him. He is aware that the happiness he is now feeling is bigger, infinitely bigger, than he felt the first time Powerful took him in his arms. Yes, he belongs to Sky. In reality, he always belonged to him. They kiss. They hold tight. They caress for a long while, telling each other with their bodies, everything they feel for each other. Since their first encounter, and what they never had been able to tell each other.

Friend feels that in Sky, there is Rock's gentleness, Finedear's sensuality and strength, poor Morning's cheerfulness and tenderness, Powerful's fascination and beauty, Gift's devotion and more, much more. Yes, Sky really is his man, his beloved, his all. And when finally their bodies unite, Friend feel that this union is real, deep, intimate, complete, true and total.

While Sky moves joyfully inside him, Friend feels that while he really has received many men inside himself, that this one, and just this one, is the real lord of the house, the real king, the real lover.

After long hours of passionate unions, they both reach the peak of their pleasures and finally, they lay intertwined, languishing, satisfied.

"Are you happy, Friend?"

"Yes, my love, and you?"

"Incredibly. I love you."

"Me too, I adore you."

"Do you want to rest, now, love?"

"Do you, Sky?"

"Not yet. It is so beautiful to hold you so tight, to caress you... to know that at last you are mine. I will not be able to sleep, I'm too happy."

"Kiss me again. I desire you so much."

"Me too, love. It is so beautiful, so perfect to unite with you. What a fool I have been, to wait so long. Do you forgive me?".

"Forgive you, I? For what? To have waited for me for six years? To have been always faithful to me, while I was not faithful to you?"

They start to make love again, with tender passion. They unite again and again. The following morning, they hear the servants, then their friends, waking up. Then, without having slept at all, but feeling full of vigour, they too arise.

Before going in the kitchen to join the others, Sky asks: "We tell them, right?"

"Sure." Friend radiantly answers.

But as soon as they enter the kitchen, Gift nudges Noon pointing at the radiant faces of the two men, and Flower exclaims:

"Here, look, the rising sun and the setting sun have met. The four cardinal points don't exist any more. There is just the shining sun of high noon. Love and sex met and married, at last!"

"Yes, dear friends, it is really so." Sky says overjoyed, putting an arm around Friend's waist.

They celebrate. Then the two friends leave. Sky accompanies them to the village, because he has an urgent errand to attend to: one of the beds he ordered from the carpenter has to be a lot wider now. He returns with some beer amphorae and offers some of it to Noon and Gift, to celebrate the happiness of their masters.

The new house is ready by the promised date. From the village are brought up the furniture and the accessories, so Gift and Noon set everything in place. When the house is completely ready, they move in. They have another party with Finedear, Hare, Flower and Gazelle, who were invited for the occasion. Hare tells that the Emperor has found a new lover, a young official of the Imperial warehouse, but that he summons the young man, each time he wants him. He doesn't let him live inside the Imperial quarters enclosure, as he did with Friend.

Winter arrives. The rooms in use, are warmed with big braziers and it is very comfortable. They also warm the bath water, in special cauldrons, with which they fill the wood lined tub. All four take their bath together to save fuel. And when the snow comes: it doesn't last very long. All four go out to play in it, cheerfully like children. Especially Noon that comes from a part of the Empire, where the snowfalls are long and plentiful. For Gift, instead, it is only the second time in his life he sees snow, because in his forest the it never falls, and is never so cold. But he is red and happy, fascinated by the sight. He and Noon, embrace and roll in the snow, deeply kissing each other.

Spring arrives, and they plant the indoor garden and in front of the building to the road leading to the low valley. Noon replants the vegetable garden, and Gift starts to raise turkeys; so they now always have fresh eggs. Life flows quiet and serene. At times Sky and Friend go down to the village, or even to the small town at the end of the valley, but Friend never passes the limits that he imposed on himself.

At times, Sky goes to the Capital and then is gone for several days. Just the journey there and back, takes three days. Occasionally, their friends go up to visit them, in the mountain retreat that is becoming a little paradise.

The people in the neighbouring villages also go to the "Noblemen's House" as it is called by the villagers, to settle some controversy, or ask for some advice. They come especially to see Friend, ignoring the fact he is still so young, because his fame as a deeply learned and wise man has spread throughout the valley. Friend receives them in the wide hall, where are displayed Sky's armour and weapons, and Friend's collar and headgear. People never come empty handed, they always bring gifts.

Serenely, they have lived for a couple of years in their new home and their love is stronger than ever and beautiful. It is full summer, Sky just left for the Capital to buy Friend some new inks and writing sheets. At mid afternoon, suddenly, a strong storm erupts. Friend is reading in the hall, when Gift enters, out of breath:

"Master, master!"

"What's up, what happens?" Friend asks surprised, seeing his servant's expression.

"At the door... there is..." he starts, but right at that moment Friend sees a figure crossing the garden, pelted by the rain. Feeling his heart skip a beat, he stand up and deeply prostrates himself on the floor when the Emperor enters the hall.

"Happily, I found this house. I will wait here for the rain to stop." the man says, looking around.

Friend does not dare stand up. "Stand up, man, and have your servants bring me something to drink." the Emperor says, with an authoritative tone, but at that moment, he recognizes Sky's armour. Then, soon after, Friend's collar and headgear. "Friend? Stand up..." he says with a hesitant voice.

Friend, remaining on his knees, waves to Gift to go prepare some drinks, and says: "My home is yours, my Lord."

"Friend! So, this is where you live, now. Together with Sky of the Eagle, I see. Where is Sky now?"

"He left this morning, for the Capital, my Lord."

Gift brings the beer amphora and puts it at the Emperor's side, then withdraws.

Powerful drinks. "Stand up, don't stay that way. It is your house, after all. I see you are well."

"Thank you, my Lord."

"Each time I see you, you seems even more beautiful. What is your secret?" he asks with a smile.

Friend doesn't answer. He pushes the most beautiful seat towards the Emperor, who sits.

"You sit down too, Friend." the man says.

Friend obeys.

"I was hunting in this valley, with my Court. The storm caught me. It is nice, here, I could quite stop, and sleep here. I hope it doesn't bother you."

"No, my Lord. Would you like me to have my servants prepare something to eat? Up here, we eat simple food, but if you would like..."

"Yes, it's a good idea. They will come looking for me, I guess. Give me some dry clothes, and put those to dry."

"Sure, my Lord." Friend says.

He claps his hands and immediately Gift appears. He gives orders for supper, a change of clothes, and to prepare the guest room. Gift returns with a loincloth and a skirt. The Emperor stands up and there, in front of Friend, he completely undresses, pulling off also his collar and arm bands. He dries his body with a cloth Friend hands him, then dons the dry loincloth and skirt. Sitting again, he drinks some more beer.

Friend can't avoid looking at the Emperor's body and feels a long quiver of excitement, at seeing again that beautiful, manly body which he so intimately knew. The Emperor is aware of this.

"You are really beautiful, Friend. And you are also kind: I thank you for the hospitality you are offering me, in spite of everything."

"You are my Lord."

"That's the only reason? Seeing you again... has the power to rekindle my old fire for you. Why don't you take me to your room, before supper?" he asks, with an enticing smile.

Friend stands up, takes from the array of Sky's weapons, a sword, and goes in front of the Emperor. The man stands up alarmed, but Friend kneels in front of him and hands him the sword.

"Lord, nobody has the right to deny you anything. You are the master of the world. Therefore, I pray to you, kill me, so that I'm not forced to deny you what you ask of me."

The Emperor looks at him and says: "So, this is a no? Are you angry with me?"

"No, my Lord."

"Don't you desire me?"

"Yes, my Lord, I desire you."

"Then... I can't understand you."

"I am Sky's lover, I cannot cheat on him. Kill me, Lord."

"But he is not here. He will not know about it."

"I will know about it, and I cannot, Lord. I belong to him, now. You gave me to him, freeing me from being faithful to you."

"Come on, Friend! As you cheated on me that time, you can now, at least make up for the damage. Cheat on him, for me, right? I want you."

"Lord, you didn't believe me, but I never cheated on you. That young man had been paid by somebody, to be caught with me. By somebody, who didn't want me at your side. And they succeeded. I would never ever have cheated on you. And I hoped you knew that. That you believed in me, but it has not been that way."

"You really, would rather die, than cheat on the man you love?"

"Kill me, please, my Lord. I'm ready, here, at your feet."

The Emperor is evidently shaken.

"Well, now that I think of it... they were waiting for me to leave the room of my concubine, to warn me about your cheating... so... it really was just a plot? You were really innocent?"

"I woke up, feeling my body touched by a bare body, and right at that moment you entered my room, my Lord. As I told you... that young man was a liar. I never saw him before."

"And I didn't believe you. I didn't believe you! What a fool have I been. And I shut you in the dungeon. You would still be there, if Sky hadn't dare... Oh, Friend! Your Emperor asks your forgiveness. Powerful, the man, ask your forgiveness. How blind, how unfair, I have been!" The Emperor, says, troubled, and takes Friend and makes him stand up.


Please, donate to keep alive Nidty site, that allows you to read these pages, Thank you - Andrej

In my home page I've put some more of my stories. If someone wants to read them, the URL is

If you want to send me feed-back, or desire to help me revising my translation into English of another of my stories, send me an e-mail at

[]( Stories)

(I can read only English, French, Italian... Andrej)

Next: Chapter 8

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