
By Patrick Carter

Published on Jun 4, 2006


Calvin arrived in New York. After his stay with Justin Berfield, Frankie Muniz and Erik Per Sullivan he hoped that New York would bring him the same kind of luck. He was in New York to see a concert. He wasn't going to be performing but many of America's teen singers were going to be there. Aaron Carter, Jesse McCartney, Billy Gilman and Stevie Brock were all in attendance. Of course Calvin was in as a VIP but nobody knew him here. The first dressing room he came across was Aaron Carter the slut of many a Nifty Archive story. Calvin definitely liked the look of Aaron who was young a well built. He seemed to love posing topless, which is something Calvin knew. The Internet really is the connection to the world. Calvin knocked at the door.

"Come in."

Calvin stepped in nervously.

"Hello. Look kid I have to make this quick. I have to go to make-up in like 10 minutes and I want to relax before."

"Okay then. Hi I'm Calvin and I'm from England."

"You don't say. What brings you here? I'm on holiday taking time out from work."

"Work? What do you work as?"

"I'm a popstar."

Aaron howled with laughter.

"You're a popstar. No wonder British music I so shit."

Calvin was deeply offended by this.

"Tell you what Calvin I'll see you after the show and for know here's a picture of me to you. Bye." And with that he hurried out of the room. The picture said `4eva on top' with a picture of Aaron topless. Calvin left the dressing room deeply disappointed. Aaron Carter who he always thought was such a nice guy was a right bastard. He continued down the hallway and met and spoke to Hilary Duff and Jesse McCartney then he reached the next door. This one had Chris Trousdale written on the plaque. Calvin took a deep breath and then knock the door and entered the room was empty no one was there. He creeped into the dressing room. It was completely empty but there were someone's clothes lying about. He continued quietly over to a doorway at the back of the dressing room. He pushed door open and then quickly pulled it shut again. Chris Trousdale opened the door in just a towel and his body was soaking wet.

"What the fuck were you doing man?"

"I'm sorry I thought that something might have happened cos I knocked and there was no answer."

"Oh. Okay. Well I believe you but just make sure it doesn't happen again, I don't like being frightened like that."

"Definitely not."

"So anyway who are you and where are you from?"

"My name's Calvin I'm from England."

"I recognise you from somewhere, hold on. You're that kid from that pop group right?"


"I'm Chris from the American version of that group. We were called Dreamstreet."


"Yeah. It's a crap name isn't it."

"It is pretty tacky. Our name was S Club Juniors until they made it S Club 8. I hated both of them."

"Ouch. Sounds like our managers really hated us. So what are you doing here in America?"

"I'm taking some time out relaxing. I was on the set of Malcolm in the Middle last week."

"Cool. What was it like?"

"Everyone there is great. Really nice down to earth people. I had a good time."

"There's been a rumour between us guys teen idols that Justin Berfield is gay. Do you know if that's true? Cos I'm sure that the gay community would be happy about that."


"Five Minutes Chris!"

"Okay just getting ready! I've got to rush but it's been great talking to you. You come back here after the show and we'll catch up right."

As Calvin was standing up to leave Chris whipped his towel straight off, Calvin couldn't help but look. Chris had a very good package on him to go with his sexy body. Chris caught Calvin's eyes as he surveyed his body. Calvin felt so embarrassed he ran out of Chris's dressing room. The show was a very good one Calvin especially liked the performances by Chris, Billy Gilman and Stevie Brock. The show finished and Calvin was making his way back to the taxi. As he walked through one of the hallways someone grabbed his hand. He turned around to see Chris smiling at him with sweat all over his face.

"Where are you going? We've still got a lot more to chat about remember."

Chris led Calvin back to his dressing room. As soon as Calvin was in he locked the door and threw his shirt off.

"So how long have you known you were gay?"


"Earlier, you were looking at my cock like it was a piece of meat. Which it is. Anyway you know what I mean. I saw a little boner poking through those jeans as well after you walked in on me showering."

"You weren't showering. You had finished showering and was wanking."

"I like to do a quick jerk before a show is that so bad?"

"No. It's just me and Aaron normally wait until after the show."

"Aaron? Aaron Carter?"

"No the other member of S Club 8. The cute one."

"The one with the spiky hair?"


"Okay. He's nice I'll give you that. What happened between you and Aaron Carter?"

"He laughed at me when I said I was a popstar and he called British music shit."

"Don't worry about him. Aaron's been walking around with a chip on his shoulder ever since I turned him down."

"You turned him down."

"Yeah. Aaron thinks too much of himself. A couple of weeks ago he started coming onto me and I said no. Trust me he won't even look at me if we pass in the hallway."

"That's why he's such a bastard?"

"No he was born like that."

The two boys laughed.

"So what do you do and how often do you do it with Aaron?"

"We do everything really. Sucking, fucking whatever we feel like and whenever we feel like it."

"You've been fucked in the ass?"


"Does it hurt?"

"You get used to it. And it is definitely worth it."

"Would Aaron be angry if you were to have sex with another guy, say me?"

"Well if he would then doing Justin Berfield, Frankie Muniz and Erik Per Sullivan was a big mistake."

"You did all three of them! Shit. I knew Justin was gay. Didn't think Frankie was though and Erik."

"Frankie and Erik aren't gay. Erik is just young and horny and Frankie was just a bit curious."

"But Justin is definitely?"


"Do you know if he likes me?"

"I really don't."

"How big is his cock?"

"Well it made me happy."

These words sent shivers through Chris Trousdale's spine. Chris moved forward to finish the job he began earlier. He bent over and kissed Calvin on his lips. Calvin immediately responded while Chris removed his shirt. Chris was so horny after an excellent performance this was the perfect way to cool down. Calvin pulled down his trousers and flicked them off closely followed by his boxers. Chris did the same all without breaking their kiss. Calvin was now lying on the sofa with Chris moving in on top. Chris had seen more than enough porn films to know what to do next. He wet his fingers and then pushed one into Calvin's ass. Calvin didn't really care what it was, if it was touching his crack he liked it. Chris continued to probe Calvin's ass with a second and a third finger. Soon his sexual desire was burning so much he had to go in. He pushed himself all the way in and then rested on Calvin's stomach. He looked deep into Calvin's loving eyes as he began to shag him slowly. Chris rested his hand on the back of the sofa to get better leverage. This was a new feeling for Chris. His pulsating cock was stimulated by Calvin's tight warm insides. Chris settled into his rhythm with Calvin loving every blow. Calvin stretched forward and put his nose into Chris's armpits. The warm musky scent of Chris was so erotic. He had sweat buckets during his performance and he stank of that sexy boy smell. Calvin stuck out his tongue tasting Chris's sweat. Chris was feeling. He picked up the pace and soon found himself unable to contain his load. His balls slapped against Calvin's ass and then they emptied themselves. Calvin had that same feeling inside as Chris filled his rectum with his hot load of cum. Chris finished shooting and was as tired as hell but he wanted to do one last thing. He picked up Calvin's cock and placed it in his mouth. Calvin's cock was as stiff as an iron pole. Chris hadn't had much practice at blowing but Calvin thought he was really good at it.

"Oh. Chris! Fucking hell you're good. Ahhhhhhh."

Chris's tongue flicked around the head of Calvin's cock as his nose took in Calvin's fresh soapy scent. Calvin was lightly shagging Chris's face as Chris sucked away like a hoover. Calvin's cock hardened further then fed Chris with its load. Chris swallowed as much as he could but Calvin kept on flowing.

Calvin put on his jacket.

"Chris tonight was great. I won't forget that in a hurry."

"Me either. Calvin you're a really nice guy. I hope I can see you again soon."

"Well I don't know when I'll be coming back to America but I know I want to its just a question of do I have the time or not."

"Thanks man." With that Chris kissed Calvin on the cheek and Calvin left. Calvin couldn't believe it he just had a great evening with the sex idol that was Chris Trousdale. Calvin made his way towards his waiting taxi.

"Hey. Hey you. Hold on." Calvin turned to see Aaron Carter running in his direction. "Hey I didn't catch your name earlier."

"Its Calvin."

"Calvin you wanna come back to my hotel room and hang out?"

"What have you got planned?"

"Well I was thinking that we could get to know each other a little better."

"Oooh. Sounds interesting. Okay bye Aaron."

"Hey, hey don't leave think of the opportunity you're missing. This is Aaron Carter in front of you not Chris Trousdale or Jesse McCartney. Don't make a silly mistake."

"Look you slimy little worm. I'd rather suck my own big toe than spend five more minutes with you and at least Chris has a little compassion. You make me sick." And with that he turned on his heel and entered the cab.

"You'll regret that forever Calvin."

""UP YOURS!" Calvin yelled out of the window as the cab drove away. Calvin couldn't believe and he couldn't wait to tell Aaron what he had just done. He had the guts to turn down Aaron Carter.

Next: Chapter 5

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