Good Boys, Bad Boys

Published on Aug 3, 2005


Good Boys, Bad Boys 2

By Bald Hairy Man e-mail or

This is an adult story intended for adults. It is a fantasy, so I have done away with the requirements of safe sex, and jettisoned a good deal of common sense too. It follows on my earlier story, Preaching to the Choir and Wilson's Hollow. These are not required reading, but it might help you to get to know the characters better. If you have any suggestion or comments, please e-mail me.

Wally Jones, the Choir Director, usually gave me a ride to church for choir practice. We typically talked about music, but once the conversation took a turn toward the personal. Wally is a good man and helpful. I'm a thirty-year-old guy who lives at home with my mother. She's been sick with MS for the last five years. It's under control, but living with the knowledge that things can take a turn for the worse at any moment is a strain.

Fortunately, Mom is good about it and she's not a complainer. My Aunt comes by every day and checks on her, but I'm there every night. My only night out is for Choir practice. This arrangement puts a dent into your social life.

To tell you the truth, I think it puts a dent into my social life, but I'm not sure. It's not as if I ever had a social life apart from my family and the church. Wally, by contrast, has a social life. He's busy all the time and seems to know everyone. He's also gay. I am too, but no one knows. My Mom wants me to get married, but she expects me to be home every night.

Wally knows I'm gay too. I don't know how he knows, but he's good about it. I was telling him I wanted sex, but could never do anything with anyone who could tell my Mom. He said there were several men in the choir who were like me, but I said I couldn't face that.

"Bobby, you're between a rock and a hard place," Wally said. "You set so many requirements for having sex, no one can meet them."

I admitted he was right. "I need to find someone who is entirely apart from my day to day life, and is available in the daytime when I can be away from Mom."

Wally leaned close to me, "Bobby, I have some friends who might be able to help you out, but there's a problem."

"What's that?" I asked.

"Well, they're not virgins," Wally explained. "They may be too heavy duty for you. What sort of experiences have you had?" He leaned really close. "Have you sucked?" I nodded. "Been sucked?" I nodded again. "Been fucked?" I didn't respond right away. Finally, I nodded. "How was it?"

"I really liked it," I whispered. "It was great. I think about it all the time." Then Wally told me about the men who run the Top Cat. The Top Cat is the bar behind the Church. He said they were rough looking, but nice guys and really into sex. He could talk to them and see if they would be interested.

To say I was uneasy understates the case. I said I'd call him and let him know. It was almost impossible to sleep that night, but in the morning I called Wally from work and said I was interested. He said he'd call me back and let me know if the guys were interested. He called me at 3:30. They were interested. If I came by at four, he'd take me over.

I get into work at 7:00, so my day was over at 4:00. I walked up to the church and saw Wally. He took me across the alley and into the rear door of the Top Cat.

"I did tell you they aren't pretty, didn't I?" he asked.

"Yes, you told me." I replied. We went up the back stairs and he knocked on the door. A second later it opened.

"It's you, Wally, right on time," a deep voice intoned. "I like promptness."

"I'm on the way to a dinner engagement in Charlottesville," Wally said. "This is Bobby, he's not experienced, but he's willing to learn. He wants to have a good time. Bobby, this is Billy."

"Nice to meet ya," Billy replied. "Don't you worry. I've never broken anyone yet. I'll take my time."

"Don't even roll over on him!" Wally said as he left. I was alone with the huge man.

"I don't have much time . . ." I said, thinking I would follow Wally out the door.

"Well then, let's get naked and get at it!" Billy said. He was enthusiastic and I was afraid to tell him I wanted out. Instead I followed him to the bedroom. He was naked by the time we got there. I took my clothes off, glancing at the naked mountain of a man. He came over to me and touched me. It was like an electric shock. A second later he was on his knees sucking my cock. I got hard so fast I'm surprised he didn't suffer from whip lash. I have no idea what Billy's idea of taking it slow was, but I was too excited to tell him to slow down. We got on the bed.

"You've got a nice one," he said. I had my first chance to get a good look at Billy's cock. It was huge. I must have looked like a deer caught in headlights. "You may have noticed. I've got a nice one too." Billy said.

"Gee!" I said like an idiot.

"It tastes better than it looks," Billy said. It was big and veins covered. I had sucked a few cocks, but they were almost delicate compared to Billy's. All my boyhood friends were cut. His bloated purple-blue cock head was still half covered in skin. The skin was so stretched, it looked like thin parchment. I wasn't sure I wanted to suck it, but it was almost magnetic. I was drawn to it.

I licked it first. He shifted a little as I did this and my tongue licked the slit. I thought it would taste bad, like piss, but it was sweet. Instead of pulling back the way I usually did, I licked the slit again and then again. Finally I opened my mouth wide and took the entire gland into my mouth.

"Let's move some, so I can suck you while you're sucking me," he said. I shifted. He swallowed my entire cock while I played with his cock head. "Bobby, I've got a nice wide slit, so you can get your tongue into the cum tube. Some guys like pre cum really fresh." I was insulted he thought I would be interested in how fresh his pre cum was. Strangely a minute later my tongue was probing his slit and licking up anything which oozed from it.

Something much stranger happened after I'd been sucking him for a while. I relaxed. Here I was sucking the horse cock of a total stranger and I relaxed. I was tense and frightened during every previous sexual experience, but with Billy I relaxed.

I had never even imagined a sexual partner like Billy. I have to admit I was a Tom Cruise or Brad Pitt kind of guy. The two of them together didn't weigh as much as Billy. They were as smooth and elegant as Billy was hairy and crude. Somehow, Billy hit the spot.

We took a breather. "Are you into fucking?" he asked.

"I really don't know," I replied. "I've not done anything enough to form an opinion."

Billy laughed. "Don't worry. I've done enough for both of us," he said while still chuckling. "I'll tell you, there's not much not to like about cock sucking. Fucking is another matter all together. I liked it from the start. Some guys needed to start slow and small and work up the ladder. Others never like it at all. I've got a cousin who hated it until he found the right man. I don't know if it was the right man or the right cock, but Cousin Ovid loved it."

"I've been fucked, but never fucked a guy," I admitted.

"Well, Bobby. This could be your lucky day!" Billy exclaimed. "I'm in the mood. Want to try me out?" It didn't seem to occur to him that I wouldn't want to fuck him. He had some lubricant on the side table and covered my cock in the goo. I almost shot off then and there. He worked some onto his ass, then raised his legs on top my shoulders.

"It's been awhile, so take it easy," he said. "You got a nice, big mushroom. Ease it in and the rest will slide in easily." I positioned my cock as his hole and pushed a little. He had a rosebud poking out. I centered my cock head on the rose bud and pushed.

"Take it easy," he moaned. I slowed and pushed just a little. He looked me in the eye and said, "Not that easy!" I pushed harder and the rosebud vanished with my cock head. "Damn! That's good!" he exclaimed. "You're in. Now ease the rest in."

Billy had a look on his face that could only be described as blissful. When I was in all the way I was still for a while. He wiggled his ass and then sighed in satisfaction. I pulled out most of my cock, then pushed in again. Soon we were having a good old time. He tightened his sphincter muscle when I pulled out so it was as if he was massaging my cock with his ass.

"I'm shooting!" I cried.

"Fill me up baby. Fill me up!"

I had the most spectacular orgasm of my life. I thought it would never end. Collapsing on the bed after the last ejaculation, I was bushed.

"You're wiped out, aren't you?" Billy asked.

"I can suck you off," I said, not very convincingly.

He smiled. "Cousin Skeeter will be back in a half hour. He can finish me off," he said. "You've got to get home." After an orgasm, my sex drive drops to zero and I was relieved to be able to go. Billy sensed that. I got dressed.

"Can I come back some time?" I asked.

"You can come back anytime," Billy replied. "I like to fuck myself. Do you think that's a possibility?"

I looked him straight in the eye. "Yes. I think I'd like that."

"Good," he said. "Usually Cousin Skeeter's here. If you get along with me, you'll have no problem with Skeeter." He gave me his number and I left.

I called him three days later, but he was busy. He said I could come by on Wednesday, before the Choir practice. That was fine with me. I may sound odd, but I needed some time for things to sink in. Sex with Billy was a level of excitement and pleasure I had never experienced before. It was great, but required some time for me to adjust.

On Thursday I got out of work early and got to the Top Cat at 3:30. Billy was waiting for me at the door. "A friend dropped by. He's with the program, but I wanted you to know before I sprung him on you," he said.

"What's he like?"

"Well, he's not as pretty as I am, but he's better hung," Billy explained. "He's smart, though you'd never guess it and he a nice guy. By the way, he's kind of hairy."

"Like you?"

"More like Godzilla or King Kong," Billy replied. I laughed and we went up stairs. The guys didn't sound as if he were my type, but I assumed Billy was a good judge of character and a better judge of sexual partners.

Inside the apartment sitting on the couch was a small, bearded man. "Bobby, meet Catfish," Billy said in introduction. "Catfish is on a tight schedule too, so let's forget the formalities, get naked and get to know each other after we get acquainted with our cocks."

"Damn if you're not the perfect host," Catfish said and an astoundingly deep voice. "I hope you're not shy, Bobby." I followed them to the bedroom and we got naked. Catfish must have been the hairiest man I had ever seem, but more remarkable than the hair was his cock. It must have been half of his body weight.

Catfish went after my cock and I went after Billy's. I felt like Gulliver in the land of horse hung giants, but neither Billy nor Catfish complained. As I sucked, Catfish began to move a finger toward my asshole. Much to my surprise, I didn't mind.

I had been so up tight about sex, but it was different with Billy. He and Catfish seemed so at ease with sex. I associated sex with tension and fear. With them it was natural a part of their life, like eating or sleeping. They weren't my type and I wasn't particularly attracted to them, but they turned me on sexually. Neither was going to be the true love of my life and that took the pressure off. I could relax.

Just the idea of having a man's finger in my ass, should have turned me off. It excited me. "Don't get too far, Catfish," Billy said. " I have first dibbs on Bobby's ass."\

"I'm just warning him up for you," Catfish replied. As he said that, his finger reached my prostate and he gave it a good squeeze. I shivered in pleasure. "He's a hot one. Really tight, but hot," Catfish commented.

"Bobby, are you ready to take my cock?" Billy asked.

I wasn't ready, but I nodded assent. By now Catfish had the lubricant out and was squirting some on his finger. He began to work it into my ass. I was uneasy, but the more Catfish worked my ass, the more excited I got. "Can you take your time?" I asked Billy.

"Sure, if you've got the time, I've got the time," he replied. He got me on my back and then he spread me wide open. "Some people like romance in a relationship," Billy said, "but for me the essence of fucking is cock in an asshole. All you need to do is relax and open up."

That was easier said than done. Billy was big. Catfish helped. He gave me his cock to suck and kept a bottle of poppers ready for the rough spots. By sucking on Catfish's donkey dong and taking a sniff of Jungle Juice, I was able to take the cock head and a few inches of Billy's shaft. Suddenly something clicked and Billy's meat went deep. I was in heaven. Both Catfish and Billy felt the change. Billy was taking deep strokes and Catfish rotated so he could suck my cock as I sucked him.

"Damn, it like fifty yard seats at the Super bowl here," Catfish muttered as he watched Billy cock slide into my ass. Billy was making a touchdown on every stroke. I was in heaven.

We broke apart and caught our breath. We were all covered in sweat and sticky lube, so we took a shower, cleaned up and cooled down. We relaxed and had a coke. I felt recharged. Billy and Catfish felt the same.

"Are you ready for another fun-filled session?" Billy asked. "You'd opened up really well. It should be easy this time."

"I'm ready," I said, smiling.

"How open is he, Billy?" Catfish asked. Catfish was looking at me and I knew what he was thinking.

"He's open, but there's no way he's that open," Billy replied. "I don't think he's ready for your telephone pole."

"He was sure having a good time with you," Catfish observed. His cock had been as half staff, but as they talked it got harder. It was a monster, as thick as Billy's but much longer. I was staring at it, falling under its spell.

"I could lie back on the bed and you could straddle me. You could just sit back and open up. You'd have control. You could take as much or as little as you want. I'll leave you running the show," Catfish intoned in his deep voice. "Somehow, I think you can take it. I think you can take it all." I didn't say I'd do it, but when Catfish stretched out on the bed with his cock sticking straight up, I got on the bed with him.

"You're a handsome boy," Catfish said. "Billy, you get the lube and the poppers. Let's make this as easy as we can." Billy coated Catfish's cock with lube. It was dripping. He then took the tube and squirted it into my ass. The cool lube felt good. I straddled the cock. Billy held the cock and guided it to my ass.

"It's nestled in your hole Bobby. It's up to you now," Billy said. "Sit back and let it slide in." I was scared, but excited. I sat back a little. Catfish's gland popped in. It was no bigger that Billy's organ. I relaxed a little. Billy held a bottle to my nose. I inhaled. This was stronger than the stuff I used earlier to take Billy.

Every muscle in my body relaxed. I melted onto Catfish's monster cock. It was as if every muscle in my body turned into jelly. The only hard this was the magnificent organ sliding deep into my guts. I couldn't think straight. There was only his cock and my ass.

Next: Chapter 3

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