Good Boys, Bad Boys

Published on Aug 9, 2005


Good Boys, Bad Boys 4

By Bald Hairy Man e-mail or

This is an adult story intended for adults. It is a fantasy, so I have done away with the requirements of safe sex, and jettisoned a good deal of common sense too. It follows on my earlier story, Preaching to the Choir and Wilson's Hollow. These are not required reading, but it might help you to get to know the characters better. If you have any suggestion or comments, please e-mail me.

It was the perfect screw up. The choir director of Central Methodist Church arranged to have the Boy's Choir of Perborough Cathedral give a series of concerts in his church. Edward Williams was a nice man, but prone to be forgetful. Worse then being forgetful, he suffered a massive stroke and died. Two months before the concerts the Methodists got a call asking if the arrangements had been made and discovered nothing had been done.

I got a call from my church secretary, Elizabeth Miller. Central Methodist was between ministers and their secretary had called her for help. Liz was an institution. She had been at St. Peter & Paul for 20 years and seemed to be the sole possessor of an interest in the nitty gritty details on the church staff. She made things work. To say I owed her understates the case.

I said I'd help straighten out things. The situation was badly screwed up. Central's minister had left after fighting with the trustees about overspending. The trustees weren't going to honor obligations made by either the minister or the late music director. The choir was flying here from England and now had a one week gap in their schedule and in funds. It was a small choir from a little known Cathedral, and two years of bake sales and lawn fetes paid for the tour.

After a three or four trans Atlantic calls, including one from the Bishop, St. Peter & Paul agreed to sponsor the concert. We had only two months to pull it together, but Liz worked her magic and several members of Central Methodist Church chipped in and we got it done. The boys in the choir were staying with congregational members who had children. The Choir director and his assistant stayed with me.

Over the phone, I had the impression the Choir Director, Alastair DuMont, was a bit of a prick. When I met him at the airport, he immediately apologized for his attitude. "I'm afraid I got snippy with you. I was over excited," Alistair explained. "I had no one to complain about. There's no one really to blame, after all, Mr. Williams could help it if he died."

His assistant, Angus Campbell, chimed in, "The Choir worked so hard to raise the money. It was hard to see it all go up in smoke." Alistair was a dapper man of average height. Carefully dressed, every hair on his head was in place, as was his carefully trimmed beard. Angus was six inches taller and as disheveled as Alistair was dapper. Alistair looked like the perfect Victorian gentleman. Angus looked like a Major Sergeant from Gunga Din, with his handlebar mustache.

We got to the church where we introduced the boys in the choir to the families they were staying with. There would be two free days, then a day of rehearsal, before three days of performances. A trip to Williamsburg and one to Washington broke up the schedule. Most of their stops were in the deeper South, so the Washington trip was a highlight for the boys.

Alastair and Angus were attentive to the boys' needs and made sure the host families knew of any medical or other problems. One boy had a serious allergy to cats and that necessitated switching a family, but all was well otherwise. We got to my house at 7:00 and had dinner with several members of my choir. The two Britons got along well with my choir members. Angus had a Monty Python sense of humor. Alastair had a dry wit. It was going to be a pleasant week.

They were worried about their boys, but I told them Elisabeth was on the case. "Elizabeth runs a tight ship and you can relax," I said. "She'll check up on them and you will get a report if there are any problems."

The next morning I made breakfast and then showed them around my house. I live on an island sitting in the river in an old, but eccentric house left to me by my Aunt. The tour ended at my pool on the edge of the James. The pool was in an old quarry and it was pretty. It was a typical early summer day in Virginia, so it was already warm.

We were looking at the rapids in the river when Billy and Skeeter appeared. Right behind them was another friend, Mark. Billy and Skeeter ran the Top Cat, a gay bar to the rear of the Church property. Skeeter and Mark were fishermen and I had told them they were free to fish from my property. They had asked about fishing this weekend and I had said sure. With the confusion about the choir, I forgot to tell them about my company.

I introduced everyone. Angus was an avid fisherman. He started to question Skeeter about his fishing gear and soon the three men were casting from the rock on the edge of the river. Much to my surprise, Alistair was entranced by Billy, or more correctly Billy's accent. Billy has a thick, south-west Virginia mountain twang. This fascinated Alistair.

Billy had never met a genuine oxford-educated Englishman before and he was attracted to the dapper man. We sat in the sun watching the fishermen and talking. Fishing was good and everyone got along well. I went to the house and brought back some beer and soft drinks. The beer was well received and the fishermen decided to grill the fish for lunch.

I brought some salads from the house and we had a superb lunch. The day was beautiful, but after we ate the stone terrace was in the sun and it got hot. "It's time for a swim," Mark said. He stripped naked and jumped into the cool pool. That didn't seem to bother my English visitors. They jumped in too. Billy and I joined them and we had a good time splashing around in the water.

In some ways Mark and Angus looked alike. Angus looked like a corrected copy of Mark. Mark was tall and thin, but it looked as if he hadn't been put together correctly. Angus was quite muscular and had a swimmer's body. Both men were hairy. Alistair was tanned and had a hairy chest, but it looked as if he trimmed it. Billy looked at him in clear admiration. Alistair was handsome and seemed to be interested in Billy. If opposite attract, Billy and Alistair were physical proof of that theory.

No one was obvious about it, but we all checked out the meat. Billy's beer can was as thick as Alistair's cock was delicate. Angus stayed in the water, but he did a double take when he saw Mark's horse dick. When Angus got out of the water, he was all head and balls. His genitals were compact in contrast to his lanky body.

"It's funny, I thought all Americans were cut," Alistair commented. Only Mark and I were cut. I have a small head, but Mark's was the size of a plum and just as purple. The cold water gave it a blue tone.

"Most Americans are cut, but there are some holdouts," Mark said. "Do you have a preference?"

"I don't know yet," Alistair said with a smile. "Do you?"

"Nope, as long as they get hard, who cares?" Mark quipped. Skeeter got out of the water. He was at half staff. If there was a naked cock within a block or two, Skeeter would get hard. He wasn't shy and was casual about showing hard. He knew a partial erection only enhanced his appeal. He had a long cock which drooped toward the end. The skin had retracted some, exposing a third of his cock head. There was a drip of liquid on his slit, but I could have been precum.

"Do you always sit around nude here?" Angus asked.

"Yes. It's secluded here, so there's no need to wear any more than you want," I said. As we talked, Angus wandered off in the direction of Skeeter and his erection.

"Your friends seem open minded," Alastair commented. "Are they nudists?"

Billy laughed. He was sitting on the edge of the pool. "I think I'm more of the kind of guy who likes to get naked and have fun. Open minded ain't the word for it," he said. "I've always figured, you'll never know what you'll like until you try it. If it's good, you might as well practice until you get it perfect." Billy was getting hard and his mushroom emerged from its sheath. I glance at Alistair. He was in the water and Billy's firming cock was at eye level.

"You've done a lot of practicing?" Alistair asked. He glanced over and saw Skeeter and Mark forming a close threesome with Angus. I was standing behind Billy. Billy turned his head, saw my cock at half mast. He licked it.

"As I said, we're open minded here. It's nice and quiet here too," Billy said.

"We've been touring to the south. It's been a lot of cook outs and barbeques," Alistair said. "No scotch, not even beer." He slowly moved closer to Billy's cock.

"If you're out of practice having fun, you can make up for lost time here," Billy said. Alistair looked up at me uneasily. "We're just pals, Alistair. Wally's the perfect host."

"I've never done this before," Alistair said.

Billy smiled. "Well, my English friend, you have a chance to learn from the master." Alistair looked toward Angus and saw Mark sucking him. Angus wasn't as shy. I later found out Angus was more experienced too. Alistair opened his mouth and kissed Billy's cock.

"You know Alistair, I been playing with men for years," Billy said. He guided Alistair's head toward his cock. After the first few licks, the Englishman was sucking with enthusiasm. "I still don't know if it's the taste and smell of the cock that excites me, or if it's just the feeling of the cock in your mouth. You spend most of your life your dong from view and you can't talk about it except with your closest friends. When you're naked with a guy, you can't hide anything."

"Years ago I had a friend named Russell. He was cool as a cucumber. Always pretended he could take it or leave it. Damn if he didn't have the hardest cock I've ever seen when he got naked," Billy continued. "He had enough pre cum to give Niagra Falls a run for its money. Really appreciative once he got his engines going."

"Am I doing it right?" Alistair asked in a whisper.

"Oh yes, you're doing well," Billy replied. I left them and went over to Skeeter, Mark and Angus. They were a quiet, but happy trio.

"You boys are getting along well?" I asked.

Angus looked at my cock. By now I was hard. "I seem to have fallen into the land of the giants," Angus observed. "Is this a club of some sort?" I couldn't see his cock since Skeeter was sucking it.

"I hope you're not offended," I said.

"After three weeks of church picnics and prayer meetings, I could suck Godzilla's cock." Angus said. "This has been the longest dry spell since I left the Royal Navy. I don't believe how horny I am."

"You like to fuck?" Mark asked.

"Once and a while," Angus replied. "I usually like the bottom, but I'm not so sure here." He reached over and stroked Mark's meat. "I've never been stretched that much," Angus whispered.

"We've got a nice selection of man meat here," Mark said. "You can have your choice. Any, or all?" I saw Angus' eyes light up with the word "all." Mark noticed that too. "Have you taken more than one cock?" Angus shook his head. "Somehow I think you might be interested," Mark remarked.

"I don't think Alistair would like that very much," Angus whispered. "He's straight laced."

"I think Alistair may be less straight laced than you think," I said. Angus had his back to Billy and Alistair. When he turned he saw them in the sixty nine position on one of the benches.

"I see what you mean," Angus said. "I didn't think he liked this sort of thing."

Skeeter was standing next to Angus. "Let me give you some high quality, scientific-like advice from Dr. Skeeter's treasure trove of knowledge. Somehow, everyone I've known who was interested in big meat, eventually found a way to take it," he observed. "When it comes to horse cocks, lots of guys are interested. Availability is more important. It's not if you're interested in big meat, it's if you can find one when you're interested."

Angus smiled. He knew where Skeeter was headed. "Well I am interested, do you have a plan?" Angus asked.

"As a mater of fact I do," Skeeter replied. "My dip stick is long and not too fat. You might think of it as an appetizer for the main course. I like to coat it in lots of lube. It can get your innards nice and open and relaxed."

"That sounds fine," Angus said. "You're generous, but is there anything in it for you?"

"I am just a friend of mankind, sort of a Mother Theresa with a hard on," Skeeter replied. Mark was still sucking Angus' cock. He almost choked when he heard that comment. "It's a tough job, but someone has to do it. If you're into it, I can give your prostate a sperm bath. I shoot one hell of a load. It can be messy for the next guy, but no one's ever complained."

"Is that what they call sloppy seconds?" Angus asked.

Mark got up and I took his place at Angus' cock. He had a big head and a long, curved and rather slender shaft. His slit drooled cock juice. I licked it up. Angus was excited and ready.

"We may look like a bunch of low down and crude hillbillies, but that's not exactly true, "Mark said. "We may be low down, but we ain't crude. We like to take our time and make it last."

"You're into marathons?"

"That's one way to look at it," Mark said. "I figure it's more important for you to be into it. We're old friends and pretty comfortable with man sex. We've all played together and know the score. It all depends on how much you can take."

"It's going to hurt?" Angus asked.

"Shit no," Mark remarked. "It depends on how much fucking you can take."

"There's a limit?" Angus asked.

"For some guys," Mark replied. "Do you know your limit?"

"Not yet," Angus replied, smiling, "but I'm I'll know more about it in an hour or so."

"Lets go up to the house and get out of the sun," I said. "Crazed sex is one thing. A bad sunburn is another." We went back to the house. Alistair and Billy wanted to get more comfortable too. I explained our plans for Angus to Billy and Alistair. I knew Billy would be interested, but I realized Alistair was intrigued. I couldn't tell if his plan was to slip his cock into Angus, or to follow Angus' lead and try the bottom. Billy was mostly a top and I knew he had plans for Alistair's ass. Billy never felt he really knew a guy until he'd been in his ass. He wanted to know Alistair.

Billy was a beefy redneck, but somehow he had a knack of skewering blushing virgins on his bloated cock. His beer can wasn't attractive and was too thick to be easy, but somehow Billy could get it in and his partner would love it. I did the first time he fucked me. I'm not much of a bottom, but Billy's cock did the trick.

I left Billy and Alistair to their own devices and joined Angus and the other men. Angus was on his hands and knees. Skeeter was hunched over him, probing Angus's ass with his cock. Skeeter was holding him tight and was just moving his hips in an undulating motion. I was sure Skeeter's big cock head was just massaging the hole. After a minute or two, Skeeter shifted a little and I knew the cock was closer to popping through the sphincter.

"It's nice to see a master at work," Mark whispered to me. Angus whimpered. Skeeter got us, squirted some more lube on his cock head and went back to work. One of the nice things about men who have a long cock is that you can see what's going on. After two more of Skeeter's small advances, Angus gasped, then sighed in satisfaction. Skeeter was still for a second or two. Then he got up out of the hunched position. As he did, his entire cock slid into the ass. As Skeeter predicted, once the head was in, the rest was easy.

On the other side of the room Billy was moaning as Alistair fucked him. Alastair may have been new to man sex, but he knew what he liked. Like most men on their first fuck, Alistair didn't last long and he shot off. Billy enjoyed it almost as much as Alistair did.

"Are you okay, Angus?" Skeeter asked. "I'm going to pop if I fuck much longer. Are you ready for Wally?"

"Fill me up!" Angus ordered. Skeeter made a dozen or so hard thrusts then began to shiver. I counted fifteen major ejaculations before his orgasm began to diminish.

"Wally, it's your turn,' Skeeter said as he pulled out. "Damn, he's good. His cock spurted once as it hit the air. I coated my cock with lubricant.

"Are you ready, or do you need a rest? " I asked.

"Ready and willing," Angus replied. I nosed my cock into his juicy ass. The first half of my cock is easy going. The second half is increasingly massive as it reaches my bush. I don't like doggy style much, so I got three or four inches in, I pulled out and Angus got on his back. I like to watch the reaction of the man I'm fucking. With his legs on my shoulders I just bounced my cock in a quarter of an inch each time.

Once I was in deep, I pulled all of the way out, re lubricated my cock and slid it all the way in again. After three of four deep thrusts, my cock connected to something in Angus and he turned to jelly. It felt good to me and even better for Angus, but I knew the main attraction of the afternoon would be Mark's donkey dong.

Mark was next to me. He knew when Angus was ripe for fucking. I looked at Mark then at the tube of lubricant. He greased up his cock. Angus was moaning and had his eyes closed. I pulled out quickly and just as quickly Mark slid in.

Angus didn't know what hit him. He had been relaxed and open when Mark rammed him. It was a remarkable thing to watch. Mark had fucked me before. It had hurt some, but afer the pain faded, there was a sense of total sexual domination. Mark's cock occupied me. At first I felt as if I was merely an extension of his cock. Later I felt honored that I could give the huge organ pleasure.

Angus was moaning in pleasure.

Next: Chapter 5

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