Good Boys, Bad Boys

Published on Sep 28, 2005


Good Boys, Bad Boys 8

By Bald Hairy Man e-mail or

This is an adult story intended for adults. It is a fantasy, so I have done away with the requirements of safe sex, and jettisoned a good deal of common sense too. It follows on my earlier story, Preaching to the Choir and Wilson's Hollow. You also might read Alcazar. These are not required reading, but it might help you to get to know the characters better. If you have any suggestions or comments, please e-mail me.

I had been singing in choir for three years and passing the Top Cat Bar every time I left a rehearsal. To say the Top Cat looked unrespectable understates the case. It looked like a dive and smelled like a dive. When the door opened you would get a whiff of beer, cigarettes and urinal deodorant. It wasn't my kind of place at all. After a while I realized it had an all male clientele. Bars are mostly male anyway, but the Top Cat was exceptionally male.

The Top Cat fascinated me in an odd way. I lived at home with my mother. Dad died three years earlier and Mom was good at dealing with the problems of day to day living. I closed up my apartment and moved in to help. I thought she would get the hang of things, but after a year I realized she had no intention of dealing with life. It was really aggravating, but just when I was getting ready to leave, she was diagnosed with cancer. I stayed.

I didn't think of myself as gay, but I didn't think of myself as straight either. If you needed to find someone who fit the description of painfully shy, it would be me. I'm not good in social situations and sexual situations are a nightmare. I freeze up. My mom thought I should become a priest. I became a computer programer instead.

One day the choir was getting ready to rehearse with a small chamber group, when the member who was supposed to bring refreshments and drinks forgot. Wally, the organist, asked if I would run next door and get some ginger ale. I didn't really want to, but Wally was used to being obeyed. I did what he asked.

It was early and there were only a few customers in the bar. I went to the bartender and asked if he had some ginger ale. I told him I was with the choir. The man was odd looking, but was friendly. He went into a back room and emerged with four, two liter bottles of Canada Dry. I handed him a twenty-dollar bill.

"It's on the house," the man said. "Good neighbor policy. Tell Wally, Skeeter sends his compliments." I left, puzzled. I gave Wally the message. He smiled. But he didn't comment otherwise.

It was two weeks later at another rehearsal, I met the man from the bar again. Wally had needed to leave early and I was to lock up the church. Two of the older members of the choir got into a heated discussion after the practice. It went on for a good half hour, so by the time I locked up, it was after ten.

Downtown Richmond can be uncomfortable in the dark, and I was uneasy. I locked the door and went down the alley toward the parking deck. There was a man leaning against the side door of the Top Cat. When I got closer, I saw it was the bartender, Skeeter.

"I'm glad it's you," I said. "It's dark out here."

"Don't worry, we've never had a problem here," he said. "It looks worse than it is." Skeeter was scratching his balls. We talked and he continued scratching. He noticed I was watching. "I've got an itch," he said.

I smiled. "It must be quite an itch," I said.

He nodded. "Follow me," he said. We went to a back door and went in. It was a door to a stair, not the door to the bar. "I live here," he said as he reached over and felt my genitals. "I'm not the shy type, so if you're not interested, just say so," he continued. "It's more private here."

I know I should have said I wasn't interested and left, but I froze and did nothing. Skeeter unbuckled my pants and pulled down my shorts. A second later my cock was in his mouth. I couldn't believe anyone would do that. I was in shock. By the time the shock wore off it felt so good I didn't care anymore.

After he got me hard and near shooting, he stood up. "You've got a nice one, nice and juicy," he commented. "Do you want to go upstairs and get more comfortable?" I nodded. I followed up, almost in a trance. I was afraid of what he would do, but more afraid he'd stop doing what he had done.

The apartment was nice. I didn't expect that. We went to a bed room and stripped. I hesitated, but Skeeter laughed. "Shit, boy! I've been sucking on the main attraction," he said. "Don't worry about getting naked." He had a point there. I stripped and he came over to me. Our erections touched and I jumped a little.

"Don't worry," he said softly. "You're in Uncle Skeeter's hands. I'll take it easy." He held his cock head and rubbed it on mine. "You like that, don't you?"

"Why do you think that?" I asked.

"Your cock is telling me," he replied. "It's oozing!" He reached out and spread the precum on my cock head. I looked at his organ. It was dripping too.

"Are you excited?" I asked.

"I sure as shit am," Skeeter said. "Let's hop into bed and relax." I couldn't believe I was doing this, but I wanted him to suck me again. I fantasized that I was the foremost jerk off artist in Richmond, but my best effort didn't come within shooting distance of what Skeeter did to me. I didn't know what I was supposed to do, but skeeter didn't seem to be worried. He could do it all. I didn't know how he did it, but he knew when I was just about to shoot. When I got close, he would slow up, and let me cool off.

His cock was long and thin. It was also the first time I had seen an uncut cock close up. He was hard but there was a lot of skin. During one of the rest periods, I leaned over and licked it. I had always been very fastidious. Mom always complimented me on the way I looked. It took a real effort for me to try Skeeter's cock.

It wasn't want I expected. I didn't really want to do it, but he was so nice, I had to do something to pay him back. It smelled different, but somehow, instead of pulling back, I tried to suck the entire thing. His cock was oozing. It tasted good. When I tried to take the entire cock and pulled off, I would suction some of the ooze. I did this a few times.

"You're milking me," Skeeter said. "That ball juice is good, ain't it?" I hadn't thought of it that way. I kept on doing it. "It's my turn now," he said. Skeeter pivoted around so he could suck me as I sucked him.

I tried to copy him. When he swallows my cock, I'd swallow his. When he licked the flared edge of my cock head, I'd do the same to him. While I didn't know what I was doing, I could feel what he did to me and assumed he felt the same. Skeeter moaned when I hit a good spot, when it was really good, he would moan and his cock would ooze.

I relaxed when I realized he was enjoying it. As I relaxed, I enjoyed it more myself. I could swallow his entire cock, burying my nose in his bush. I lost control and began to shoot. Skeeter didn't let me pull out of his mouth. He took my entire load. His pre cum began to gush and I realized he was ejaculating. Sperm didn't taste as good as precum, but it was good enough. We calmed down and got dressed.

"Hey, kid, what your name?" he asked as I left.

"Mitch," I said. "Mitch Watson."

"You're a nice guy and you've got a great cock," he continued.

"I do?"

"Take it from me," Skeeter said. "You've got a good one. It's good size and is thick, but not so thick you choke." I had to get home, but Skeeter told me to drop in any time I was nearby.

As I walked away, I wondered if I would see him again. By the time I got home, I knew I would. That night I slept well. In the back of my mind I expected to have feelings of guilt and remorse. It was a long wait and eventually I understood the feelings just weren't there. I had enjoyed the time with Skeeter. Up until now, sex was something that other people did. I had done it and now I knew how good it was.

When I left the rehearsal a week later, I lingered a bit late and ran into Skeeter again. I didn't like thinking he knew I was going to be looking for him, but I was. I tried to be casual, as if it was accidental. He wasn't fooled one bit.

"I was hoping to see you again," Skeeter said. "I had a good time last week."

"I did too," I whispered, "I'd never done anything like that before."

"Were you shocked?" he asked.

"It felt so good, I didn't have time to be shocked," I said as I felt for his cock.

He was standing in the door way. He opened the door and we went into the stair hall. He slipped his hand into my pants and groped my cock. "If you're new to this, let me tell you, there's a lot more fun to be had," Skeeter said. His cock was already getting hard. "Are you ready to kick it up a notch?" I didn't know what he had in mind, but I was willing to follow his lead.

We went upstairs to his bedroom and stripped. If anything, his cock tasted better this time. I wasn't as nervous. While I wasn't exactly an old pro, I was much more comfortable. Once you've sucked a cock once, you get more adventurous. I was having a good time when the phone rang.

Skeeter answered it and talked. He looked at me. "A friend of mine was hoping to drop in. Do you think you're up for a threesome?" he asked. "He's a really nice guy."

I knew I should have said no, but I said, "Sure. The more the merrier." My cock must have been doing the thinking for me. Skeeter told the man I was willing. He jumped up and went to the door. The man must have been calling from a cell phone. He was at the apartment no more than a minute after the call.

I was shocked when Wally, the choir director entered the bedroom. "Mitch, I had no idea it was you," Wally said. I was shocked, but Wally was unconcerned. He started taking off his clothes immediately. Wally was a big man, but I always thought of him being slightly swishy. Naked he was more manly and less swishy.

He was very hairy and more muscular than I had guessed. I was on my back on the bed. He took one look at my cock and launched himself at it. "Damn, I haven't had a taste of new meat in a month," he said as he swallowed my cock in a single movement.

Wally had an entirely different sucking style than Skeeter. His mouth was a soft cocoon of warm flesh. His tongue delicately caressed my cock, but he concentrated his attention on my cock head. To tell you the truth, I hadn't thought of sex as having variety. I would have moaned in pleasure, but Skeeter had straddled my head and fed me his cock.

We traded places after a while and I sucked Wally as he sucked Skeeter. Skeeter sucked me and we formed a small daisy chain, linked mouth to cock. Wally's cock was massive. The shaft was thick, but tapered to a comparatively small cock head. Wally's head was really sensitive and he shivered when I licked the edge of his flared head.

We broke apart to cool off. My mind was reeling and I was winded. We talked quietly. Wally got off the bed and went to the side table. He took out a tube of something and squirted ointment on his cock. As he continued to talk, he put Skeeter's legs on his shoulders and proceeded to shove his cock into Skeeter's ass. I couldn't believe he did that.

"Damn, I needed that!" Skeeter exclaimed. "You've got the touch! Feed me your cock, Mitch. I need something to suck."

I did as Skeeter asked. His cock was leaking buckets so I leaned over and lapped it up. This gave me a front row and center view of Wally's organ fucking Skeeter's hole. It should have been gross, I guess, but it wasn't. I could taste Skeeter's cock react to Wally's thrusts. At first Wally only had two thirds of his member in the ass. As he continued to thrust, it went deeper.

I sensed Skeeter getting more excited and the monster cock penetrated deeper. I was all but hypnotized by the rhythmic thrusts and the increasing sexual excitement. We briefly formed a single sexual entity. The building genital simulation reached a breaking point. Wally bellowed as he shot off. Skeeter had a climax seconds later.

We pulled apart. Wally withdrew from Skeeter's ass. Wally saw I was still hard. He motioned with his head. He held Skeeter's ass open as I slipped my cock into the cum drenched hole. His ass was hot and juicy. I had no idea who much Wally shot into him, but the tunnel was slippery.

I would have thought Wally's tree trunk like cock would have stretched Skeeter open, but his ass was still tight, smooth and tight. I don't think I could have made more than a half dozen strokes before I popped.

We relaxed and I almost fell asleep. In spite of the orgasms, we were all still excited. I was on my side talking with Wally, when I felt Skeeter's cock at my ass. It was cool and slippery and I knew he had lubricated it. We all knew what was going to happen next. I relaxed and let Skeeter in. There was a twinge as his head popped my sphincter, but the rest of his organ slipped in easily.

Skeeter started slowly, then built up ahead of steam. I was really getting into it when he shot off. I rolled over, so my ass was at Wally's cock.

"Are you sure you want this?"Wally asked. "I'm big." I told him I wanted to try. Wally took his time. Half of his cock slid in easily. The second, thicker half took a while, but was worth the effort. He hit something special. I didn't know human beings could feel anything that intense.

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