Good Time Girls 7
Good-Time Girls
DISCLAIMER: This story contains adult content.
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How We Hunched
I walked into the apartment. All my friends were there. My two cousins from Ohio had driven down. My favorite DJ was there. My neighbors were there. There was a whole squad of people that I didn't even know also there. They all flicked on the light to surprise me.
I broke out in tears immediately...
"Aw! How cute," the lady next door stated, as though the birthday surprise had brought me to tears. wasn't the reason I was crying.
I ran past everyone pushing past them all and running to the Mickey's bathroom. The hell with this party! The hell with all of them. I couldn't believe this shit.
I couldn't stop the tears from flowing.
I sat on the floor, locking the door and leaning against it.
I had told him how he felt about me and he shut me down. What the hell. He shut me down.
I had said, "I like you."
And he gave, "Oh...well, um, thanks."
Thanks? Thanks! Mickey is that all I get! I didn't speak for the rest of the dinner. The worst thing is...HE DIDN'T EVEN ASK WHY! He just ignored the fact that I was upset and kept talking about how funny it was when he got into this fight with a guy from some local gang.
Fuck Mickey.
Fuck this party.
Fuck my birthday!
"Go-Go what happened now?" Lacey asked.
He was calm about it. How the hell could he be calm? I had just shut down everybody at MY birthday party and made a dash to the bathroom.