Gotham Prep

By B.E. Kelley

Published on Mar 30, 2013


Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters in this story. They belong to DC Comics. And also, if you are too young to read this, leave... please. Or if this type of thing is illegal where you live then also leave...please. This is a story involving homosexual, or rather gay, sex and love. So if this offends or freaks you out, leave... please. This is purely fiction, it doesn't imply anything about the character's mentioned sexuality.

This story is a work of FICTION. The events described are my own invention. Any similarities to actual events or persons are strictly coincidental. The author retains the copyright, and any other rights, to this original story. You may not publish it or any part of it without my explicit authorization.

Comments are always welcome at:

Gotham Prep Episode 7, Guess Who's Coming to Dinner

Like most fur bearing mammals, the criminals of Gotham City seemed to hibernate during the winter. Damian and Robbie returned to Gotham Preparatory Academy, after the first of the year, and as January passed and February began, they'd yet to have another encounter with the cities criminal underworld. The boys would have been bored if their relationship hadn't taken a new turn, since Damian experienced his first orgasm he'd craved more and Robbie was only too happy to oblige his novice lover. They'd graduated quickly from hand jobs to blow jobs and were about to embark on another first.

"You really do look cute in black," said Robbie, as he admired Damian in his briefs.

"Well, I couldn't wear that ridiculous thing you got me for Christmas, but I thought you might like these," smiled Damian, as he folded his pajama bottoms and showed off his new Calvin Klein's for his boy friend.

"I'd like it more if you came back to bed," said Robbie.

"We've got class," Damian reminded him.

"Not for an hour and a half," Robbie retorted.

"I was going to go swim laps, you know, exercise," Damian teased, Robbie never worked out if he could help it.

"Come here, I got an exercise we can do," Robbie smirked.

"You mean you want to..." Damian began, excitedly.

"Uh huh," Robbie nodded.

Damian dove back under the covers and kissed Robbie like a frisky puppy. Robbie giggled at Damian's playful antics; it was a new side of him that Robbie had unlocked. Damian was such an eager lover; he desperately wanted to please Robbie so that the smaller boy would continue to guide him in his sexual exploration. They kissed and touched each other and then Robbie rolled on top of Damian and kissed down his muscular body.

As cute as Damian was in his black briefs, Robbie was eager to get them off. He made his way from Damian's lips to his lower belly, then pulled the restrictive garment from his lovers body. Robbie stroked Damian's erection as though he was petting a faithful dog, then he leaned in and kissed the pink head and enveloped it with his lips. Damian lie back on his pillow, soft moans and gentle whimper's giving voice to the pleasure he was experiencing. Robbie enjoyed the sex as much as Damian, he sucked him greedily, enjoying every inch of Damian's penis, until he was ready to take that next step.

"Why did you stop?" asked Damian, his tone expressing his disappointment.

"Roll over Dami," Robbie smiled.

"Are you going to lick me again, you know, down there?" Damian blushed.

"You liked that, huh sweetie?" Robbie grinned.

"Yes" Damian blushed, embarrassed to admit how much he'd enjoyed being rimmed.

"Well, I'm going to start doing that, then we'll try something new," Robbie explained.

"Ok," said Damian, as he eagerly rolled onto his tummy.

Robbie rimmed him quickly and pulled away, before Damian could register a complaint, he replaced his tongue with the tip of his penis.

"Is that what I think it is?" asked Damian.

"Yup, just relax," Robbie instructed.

Damian did as he was told and Robbie pushed the head of his penis against the boys tightly puckered opening. All that exercise and time spent running or swimming laps had done wonders for Damian's body, he was toned and lean and as a result, very tight. It took some effort, he slipped out of position a few times, but eventually, Robbie's penis entered Damian's outer ring.

"Oh, uh," Damian groaned.

"Just relax, it'll feel good soon," said Robbie, soothingly.

Robbie took great care not to hurt Damian, he'd made so much progress since they'd started having sex, he could be so playful and affectionate, Robbie wasn't about to risk that by giving him a bad experience with something so intimate. It took time and a little coaxing but eventually Robbie found his balls resting against Damian's bottom as it swallowed his penis to the hilt.

"Are you ok?" asked Robbie.


"How does it feel?" said Robbie.

"I'm not sure, tight, but there's this sensation I can't explain," Damian replied.

"How about now?" asked Robbie, as he rocked his hips, causing his head to brush against Damian's prostate.

"Oh, oh my," Damian shuddered.

"Better?" asked Robbie.

"Yes, yes do that some more," said Damian.

Robbie smiled to himself, then leaned forward and kissed Damian's neck as he began to build up a rhythm. He fucked Damian slowly and deliberately, he resisted the temptation to throw caution to the wind and pound his lover but he knew that wouldn't do, he wanted to experience making love, there would be plenty of time to fuck for the sheer sport of it in the future. Both boys were panting and sweating, Damian moaned in pleasure and soon he felt his penis twitch and deposit his seed on the sheet beneath him. When that happen; Damian's bottom clenched around Robbie and he filled the boy with his own milky release.

Damian rolled onto his back and Robbie lie down beside him.

"That was, well, it was just, that was," Damian spluttered, looking for the right word to express himself.

"That was making love," Robbie explained.

"Making love," Damian smiled and filed the information into his brain.

"Did you like it?" asked Robbie.

"Like isn't a strong enough word for it," Damian replied.

"I'm glad," Robbie smiled, then snuggled in close.

The boys held each other and enjoyed the peace and quiet of the early morning. Eventually Damian looked over at his alarm clock, he was fastidious by nature and as much as he wanted to stay there for the rest of the day, he knew they had to get to class.

"We better get dressed, I don't want to be late," said Damian.

"Do we have to?" Robbie whined.

"Unfortunately," Damian retorted, as he climbed out of bed and started dressing.

"Oh well, at least it's Friday," Robbie yawned.

"Which reminds me, you told your dad you're staying at my house tonight, right?" asked Damian.

"Yeah, I told you about a thousand times," Robbie grinned, "What are you so excited about?"

"Nothing," Damian retorted.

"Bullshit, I've stayed at your house a bunch of times and you've never been so weird about it, what's the deal?" asked Robbie.

"Well, it's a surprise," said Damian, hoping that would end the conversation.

"Oh, I love surprises, what is it?" said Robbie, excitedly.

"It wouldn't be much of a surprise of I told you, now would it?" said Damian as he rolled his eyes.

"Ok, ok, just give me a hint then," Robbie pleaded.

"Fine," Damian huffed, "We're having company for dinner."

"Hmmm, who?" asked Robbie, as he churned that information in his brain.

"No more hints and remember, Alfred is picking us up right after classes so don't screw around," said Damian.

"Yes mommy," said Robbie, this time rolling his own eyes. Damian just gave him an impish smile.

Alfred kept time better then a Swiss watch, at the end of the day, Damian and Robbie barely had time to grab their bags from their dorm room before the old butler pulled up outside the building in the Wayne Family Rolls Royce. The boys quickly climbed into the back seat and talked the entire ride to Wayne Manor, Robbie still pestering Damian for hints. When they pulled up to the stately old home, Alfred dropped the boys at the main door then proceeded to take the car back to the garage. Damian and Robbie were chattering wildly when they walked in the door, but Damian stopped short as a puzzled expression took over his handsome face.

"What's the matter?" asked Robbie.

"Do you smell that?" said Damian.

"No, what am I smelling?" Robbie retorted, as he sniffed the air.

Damian didn't give him a response, he just followed his nose, with Robbie hot on his heels. The smell led him to the library where he found an older boy, maybe 18, with black hair and blue eyes. He was wearing jeans and sneakers with a leather jacket, and he was playing with Damian's Great Dane, Titus.

"Who are you?" Damian demanded of the boy who looked decidedly out of place in the elegant surroundings.

The sound of the youngest Wayne's voice drew Titus attention and he quickly trotted over to the boy he thought of as "Little Master."

"I'm Conner," the boy replied, as he followed the dog, "who are you?"

"I'm Damian."

"What are you doing here?" asked Conner.

"This is my house, that's my dog, what are you doing here?" Damian demanded.

"Easy dude, you don't have to be a dick about it," said Conner.

"You're about to find out what a dick I can be," said Damian, as his hand found the butterfly knife tucked in the small of his back.

"Stop, stop, Damian, don't," said Tim, as he came running back into the room and saw where his brothers hand was headed, "Conner's my friend. Conner, Damian's my little brother and that's his friend, Robbie."

"I didn't know you had a little brother, Timbo," said Conner.

"Yeah, Timbo, I didn't know you had any friends," said Damian, mocking Conner.

"Damn, and he's a feisty little pup, isn't he?" asked Conner, with an amused chuckle.

Conner reached out and as if to show Damian who was boss, he grabbed the freshman's shirt collar and lifted him off his feet with one hand. Damian wasn't impressed; he crossed his arms over his chest and sniffed at Conner.

"You're a test tube baby," said Damian, flatly.

"How did you know that?" asked Conner, as he dropped the boy to his feet, surprised at the comment.

"I can smell my own," Damian, retorted with a disinterested yawn, "come on Robbie, let's go upstairs."

Damian shot Conner an imperious glare, turned up his nose, then left the library with his boyfriend and his dog in tow.

"That guy wasn't the surprise, was he?" asked Robbie.

"Yes Robbie, I surprised you with a person I've never seen in my entire life, I thought that way we could both enjoy it," Damian replied, sarcastically.

"Ok, I had that coming, but how did you know he was a test tube baby?" Robbie enquired.

"Like I told him, I can smell my own," said Damian.

"Yeah, about that..." said Robbie.

"I'll tell you about that another time," said Damian, as they reached his room.

Conner Kent was a friend Tim had known for a few years and was delighted to be attending college with. Conner was a clone of Superman and was raised on the Kent farm as Clark's cousin. The two boys had worked together in the past, as Robin and Superboy, and the friendship had blossomed from there. For Tim, he enjoyed having a friend that he could confide in, someone who knew he was Robin and could understand what that was like. Conner enjoyed that aspect of their relationship as well and the two boys hung out in the library until Bruce came home and they heard strange activity in the foyer.

There were twelve men in black suits lined up in the huge marble foyer, Bruce and Alfred were standing back as the leader of the small group gave them instructions. Bruce saw Tim and Conner in the entryway and beckoned them to his side. They stood quietly as the group leader spoke.

"Gentlemen, this could quiet possibly be the most dangerous assignment you face in your career. If any of you are having second thoughts about missing that pretty young wife or new baby, you might want to leave now," said the team leader.

The men looked at each other, then one stepped forward.

"You sicken me, get out," said the team leader, "Any of the rest of you ladies wanna take the easy way out?"

No one said a word or made a move.

"Good. You all know Mr. Wayne," said the team leader, gesturing at Bruce, "he's the boss, tonight you take your orders directly from him."

"The grounds and the house have been split into separate zones, each zone will be defended by two of you. In the event that a zone is compromised, and one of you is killed, the neighboring zones will absorb the weaker one," Bruce explained, "Your weapon is to be your last line of defense, any civilian casualties will be severely frowned upon, do I make myself clear?"

"YES SIR," the rank of men replied.

"Good, now with any luck, we'll all still be alive by morning," said Bruce.

"Alright men, you have your orders, attend to your posts," said the team leader.

"What the hell was that all about?" asked Tim, as Bruce rejoined them.

"Just some extra security for the evening," Bruce explained, "they normally work at Wayne Tower."

"Gee Mr. Wayne, this isn't all on my account, is it?" said Conner.

"No, no, not at all Conner, it's because of..." Bruce began.

"Her," Tim finished for him and pointed over Bruce's shoulder.

There, just crossing the threshold, stood Talia al Ghul.

"Hello Beloved," said Talia, "such light security, I'm flattered."

"Talia, you're looking well," said Bruce, as he crossed the foyer to greet her.

Conner eyed the woman suspiciously, than used his x-ray vision to scan her purse.

"Tim, do you know how many weapons this lady's got on her?" Conner inquired.

"No, but I bet it's a lot," Tim grinned.

"Who is she?" asked Conner.

"She's Damian's..." Tim began.

"MOMMY!" Damian exclaimed, as he raced down the stairs to greet his mother.

"Dami, my darling, how are you?" asked Talia, as she hugged the boy tightly.

"I'm fine mommy, oh I'm so happy to see you," Damian smiled.

Talia smiled at her son, they'd always been close and though neither of them would admit it, thanks to their stubborn pride, they had missed each other. Talia was telling Damian how much he'd grown and how handsome he was, when she noticed the blond boy standing behind him and the way he looked at her son.

"And who is this?" asked Talia.

"Mommy, this is my best friend, Robbie," Damian explained.

"A friend, how quaint," said Talia, as she looked at Bruce, then back at her son.

"How do you do, Robbie," said Talia, as she extended her hand to the boy.

"Uh, I'm ok thanks," said Robbie, nervously, as he shook her hand.

Talia held Robbie's hand for an uncomfortably long time. She felt his heart rate with the tips of her fingers that stretched up to his wrist, and her eyes bored in on him, making him squirm uneasily.

"Why don't we adjourn to the library so we can all catch up?" said Bruce.

"Yes, evidently you've been very busy in Gotham, Dami," said Talia.

"It's just through here, Mommy," said Damian, as he took his mother's hand and led her into the library. Bruce followed closely behind, leaving Robbie to bring up the rear with Tim and Conner.

"When I left him with you, I was raising him to be the new Alexander, to stride triumphantly across the twenty-first century, now we have a friend?" Talia whispered to Bruce, she was unwilling to dampen her son's enthusiasm before she had all the facts.

"Just relax, he's grown a lot since this summer," said Bruce.

"You've turned him from the future ruler of the world into a, "nice boy," Talia hissed.

"What was that Mommy?" asked Damian.

"Nothing my treasure," Talia smiled back.

Damian pressed her hand to his check and smiled, then continued toward the library.

"This is different," Robbie whispered to Tim.

"Yeah, I've never seen them together before but the way he talks about her, this could get weird," said Tim, observing Damian's behavior.

"Did you see the way she looked at me, if looks could kill I'd be taking a dirt nap right about now," Robbie laughed nervously.

"I noticed, I'm not sure what that was about but maybe you shouldn't sit next to her," Tim winked.

Conner was quiet but ever vigilant, his eyes never left Talia. He'd been invited over for a quiet family dinner at his friend's home, he hadn't expected the evening to include the head of the League of Shadows. Conner hadn't even been properly introduced to Talia, but if her son's behavior was any indication, he didn't plan on turning his back on her.

Damian and his mother had always been close, he adored her and thought that the sun rose and set with her. Until he came to Gotham, she hadn't told him much about his father but he'd always harbored the hope that one day they would all be together as a family. It was a silly and childish desire, Damian rarely voiced it and on the few occasion's he did, he played it off as a temporary vulnerability. Seeing Talia and Bruce together rekindled some of that childhood desire, it was oddly surreal to see his parents together in the same room, he liked it none the less.

As devoted as he was to his mother, Damian was also the reason she'd stayed single for so many years. Talia was a beautiful woman who came from noble stock, there were many suitor's over the years but none of them ever proved worthy enough, at least in her son's eyes. Call it a mystery of the subconscious, Damian always found a way to scare off his mother's gentleman callers. He was a smart boy, he knew the men his mother dated were respected and powerful in their own right, he took what he could from them and discarded them like used soda cans. There was only one that Damian had ever deemed worthy and something deep inside the boy told him that gentleman's sticky end might not have been an accident.

They were living in Germany at the time, Damian was 12 years old and his mother was considering a marriage proposal from Jager Von Kloper, Baron of Saxony. The Baron was an excellent swordsman and a master hunter, Damian loved spending time with the man, tracking animals through the woods or fencing in the castle's courtyard. For his part, the Baron was enamored with Talia and her son, he loved the time he spent with Damian and reveled in his accomplishments. In many ways, Damian was the son the Baron had never had and he was pleased to teach him what he knew.

The accident happened when they were hunting deer in the forest near the castle. They'd been tracking the buck all morning and when they got close, the Baron signaled Damian to circle around and flank the animal, while he pressed the attack. When Damian came upon the buck, drinking from a small brook, he drew an arrow from his quiver loaded his bow and let his shot fly. The deer ducked his head just in time to save his life, the same could not be said for the Baron. Baron Von Kloper never saw it coming, the arrow struck him in the neck and Damian found him clutching at his throat as his lungs filled with blood.

Damian stood over the Baron, his lower lip trembling, he'd loved the Baron, he hadn't seen him, it was an accident. Damian knew all about wounds, he knew that there was no way the Baron could survive, the sight brought tears to the boy's eyes. Baron Von Kloper saw the look on the boy's face and seemed to mouth the words, "don't cry."

The Baron was suffering, Damian knew what he had to do but that didn't make it any easier. He drew his hunting knife and knelt over the man who would have been his step-father.

"I'm sorry," Damian whispered, "it was an accident."

The Baron nodded knowingly then waited for Damian to end his pain. Damian raised the weapon in his hand and drove it into the Baron's heart. The Baron moaned and then he was gone.


Damian never went far from the loyal Shadowmen that were sworn to protect him, not even in the woods. They heard his scream and came running from their positions of cover. They found the boy, sitting on the ground, the Baron's head resting gently in his lap. The guards took him back to the castle and reported to Ra's al Ghul, Damian stood outside his mother's door while his grandfather gave her the bad news. He cringed when he heard his mother cry the same shriek of pain he'd let loose in the woods.

"Are you alright, my son?" asked Ra's, when he emerged from the room.

"Yes grandfather, what about mommy?" asked Damian.

"She's naturally upset, she's asking for you," said Ra's.

Damian approached the door like a condemned man approaches the gallows. He stuck his head through the opening and found his mother by the window.

"Mommy," said Damian, "you wanted to see me?"

"Yes my love," said Talia, as she wiped her eyes, "come here."

"It was an accident, I'm sorry," Damian choked, through his tears.

"Hush Dami, I know it wasn't your fault," said Talia.

"If you want to take my life in revenge, I won't fight back," said Damian.

"Oh my precious boy, you are my treasure, I could never harm you, especially over an accident," Talia assured him.

"I'm so sorry mommy," Damian cried.

"Hush now my child," Talia soothed him, though she was crying too.

Damian shrugged off the memory when he entered the library with his family, he clung to his mother, ever her loyal protector, her fearless soldier. He didn't realize he was heading down a path that would put him at odds with the woman in his life.

"Robbie, come join us on the sofa, you can sit on Mommy's other side," said Damian, when everyone entered the library.

"Uh, yeah sure," Robbie grimaced, then took his seat.

Damian sat close to his mother, almost like an obedient dog, Robbie tried to be as far from her as he could, while still being on the same couch.

"So Talia, I hope you had a pleasant flight?" said Bruce.

"Yes," she acknowledged, "Damian, why don't you tell me about the time you've spent with your father?"

"Oh, uh, well..." Damian stumbled, he didn't know Connor, didn't know what was safe to say in front of him.

"Hey dad, I bet you have a few good Damian stories," said Tim, coming to his little brother's rescue.

Tim caught Damian's eye for a split second and saw the appreciation hidden behind the fierce blue exterior.

"I don't know where to start, there are so many..." said Bruce.

"What about the time we went to that baseball game and Dami almost coldcocked that lady sitting next to him?" Tim giggled.

"That was my foul ball, she stole it," Damian insisted.

"He would have punched her in the throat if dad hadn't caught on," Tim laughed, the other's laughed with him, Damian blushed and his mother picked a piece of lint from her dress.

"Oh God, how could I forget, Dami, do you remember when I got called down to school, I think it was your first or second week?" said Bruce.

"Come on father, not that story," Damian complained, Bruce launched right into it.

School was quite an adjustment for Damian, he'd never been in a classroom before, his education came from private tutors. He wasn't there to learn anyway, at least not from teachers, his IQ and test scores placed him at college level, but he couldn't learn how to be a normal kid if he were at a university with much older students. It was important to Bruce that his youngest son, learn some social skills. The elder Wayne believed that the boy could only do that by being around his peers.

Of particular disinterest to Damian was his French class. He spoke five languages, in addition to English, Arabic, Mandarin, German, Spanish and French. He and his mother were constantly moving when he was a child and with his knack for languages, Damian quickly became a polyglot. He didn't need to be taking French 1 but that's where the freshmen were. He mostly disliked his teacher, Madame Higginbotham, a woman whose very name spoke volumes about her language skills. Her accent was terrible, she dressed like a Victorian schoolmarm, and her breath smelled like cat food.

The only thing Damian liked about Madame Higginbotham's class was that his new roommate was in it. Damian couldn't figure out why he liked Robbie when so many others tested his patience, but he enjoyed the lithe blond and found him to be a worthy associate. Damian and Robbie sat in the back of the class and every time the old teacher had her back turned, they were a pair of regular Chatty-Cathy's.

"How late were you up last night?" Damian whispered to his roommate.

"Only till 4am, my guild and I were kicking serious ass, I couldn't walk away," Robbie grinned.

"I got up an hour after you went to sleep!" Damian exclaimed.

"I heard you, what were you doing up so early?" asked Robbie.

"I went to swim laps and..." Damian began.

"Monsieur Wayne!" Madame Higginbotham shouted.

"Oui, Madame?" said Damian.

"I insist that you and Mr. Matthews cease your incessant chatter," she ordered.

"En Francais Madame?" Damian grinned innocently, throwing the teacher's rule in her face.

The primary rule of Madame Higginbotham's class was that students were only allowed to speak in French. Damian's "innocent," challenge, that the teacher admonish him in French, made her so angry, her eye twitched. He suspected that she didn't know enough of the language to follow her own rule.

"I'm warning you Monsieur Wayne, no more talking," she threatened.

Ok, Damian thought to himself, no more talking, she didn't say anything about notes. Damian took a piece of note paper from his bag and scribbled out a message in his precise penmanship. He knew exactly what he was doing when he handed it to Robbie in full view of his teacher.

"Oh passing notes now, well let's see what's so important that it has to interrupt my class," said Madame Higginbotham.

Damian winked at Robbie while their teacher seized the note and unfolded it. Robbie was a little surprised when the old teacher sighed in frustration.

"Does anyone read Mandarin?" asked Madame Higginbotham.

The class giggled at the stupid question. Damian looked around the room theatrically, then raised his hand.

"Alright Mr. Wayne, why don't you stand up and read what you've written to the class," the teacher insisted, playing right into his hands.

Damian took the note from the old woman, made a show of being revolted by her breath, then stood proudly before his class and read his note, in perfect Mandarin Chinese.

"In English Mr. Wayne," said Madame Higginbotham menacingly, while his classmates giggled.

"Pas en Francais?" said Damian. Not in French?

"I'm warning you, Mr. Wayne," she threatened.

"Very well, if you must know, I said: I wish Madame Higginbotham would cease her incessant hectoring on subjects she knows nothing about and perhaps take a class in French before endeavoring to teach it," Damian glared, just as the bell rang.

"Class, you are dismissed," said Madame Higginbotham.

Damian reached for his bag, he grinned at Robbie and his roommate grinned back, he couldn't believe that Damian was going to get away with this.

"Not you Mr. Wayne, you stay right here while I call your father and see what he has to say about your attitude," said Madame Higginbotham.

Damian gulped at that, he hadn't expected things to go so far. It wasn't that he feared his father, it was just that he'd promised to behave himself and he'd already been kicked off the football team for fighting and now this. He was really nervous when Mrs. Higginbotham invited his father to her classroom to discuss the incident. Damian was sitting in his desk with his hands clasped on the tabletop, he was staring out the window when Bruce walked in.

"I'm missing a very important meeting because of this, Damian, would you like to explain what I'm doing here?" said Bruce.

"Yes Damian, why don't you tell your father what you said," said Madame Higginbotham, she startled the elder Wayne, he hadn't noticed she was there.

"Oh, Mrs. Higginbotham, I didn't see you there," said Bruce, extending his hand, "I'm Bruce Wayne, Damian's father."

She didn't take his hand, she gave him a stern look and held her gaze until he turned his attention back to his son.

"Alright Damian, what did you say?" asked Bruce.

Damian looked nervously between his father and his teacher, then looked down at his shoes.

"I doubt the answer is on those penny loafers," said Bruce.

"Uh, well, what I said was, uh..." Damian stalled.

"Come on, out with it," Bruce insisted.

"What I said was: I wish Madame Higginbotham would cease her incessant hectoring on subjects she knows nothing about and perhaps take a class in French before endeavoring to teach it," said Damian, still looking at his shoes.

"Damian!" Bruce exclaimed, then let out a snort of laughter. He instantly regretted it, Damian grinned wickedly and Mrs. Higginbotham looked positively apoplectic.

"Uh, Damian that was extremely rude and..." Bruce began.

"Mr. Wayne, I don't find anything funny about this situation, your son has been a continual discipline problem and if it persists, I'll be forced to speak to the headmaster," said Madame Higginbotham.

"Mrs. Higginbotham, I assure you that Damian's attitude will be greatly improved the next time he comes to class, as for a punishment I leave that to your discretion," said Bruce.

"I'm so happy to hear you say that Mr. Wayne," the old teacher grinned, "Damian, come here please."

Damian walked towards the teacher's desk, when he got there, she handed him a marker for the dry erase board.

"Five hundred times if you please, I will not insult my teacher's intelligence," she instructed.

"Yes ma'am," said Damian, like a whipped puppy.

"Is that all Mrs. Higginbotham, I'm afraid I have to get back downtown," said Bruce.

"Not quite, Mr. Wayne," said Mrs. Higginbotham, as she handed him a marker too.

"What's this?" asked Bruce.

"Five hundred times if you please, I will not encourage my son's delinquent behavior by laughing," she instructed.

"Yes but I have too..." Bruce began.

"The more time you argue, the longer it takes," she admonished.

"Yes ma'am," sighed Bruce, then took his place at the board next to his son.

"Well, this is a fine mess you've gotten us into, Damian," Bruce whispered.

Damian turned to his father and was about to apologize when Bruce winked at him.

"Hahaha," laughed Tim, "she actually made you write lines?"

"I haven't done that since elementary school," Bruce exclaimed.

Damian was blushing but his father winked at him and set him at ease. Talia looked a little offended that a teacher would speak so harshly to her precious boy.

"I can't believe you allowed a servant to admonish you, beloved," said Talia, "if I had been called to that school she would have... AHHHHHHHHHH!"

Talia's shriek caused everyone to jump to their feet, she leapt into Bruce's arms and he lifted her off the ground.

"What is it, what's the matter?" said Bruce.

"What is that thing?" Talia demanded.

"Mommy, that's Titus, he's my dog," said Damian, stroking the Great Dane behind the ears.

Titus found his family in the library and rested his head on Talia's knee as she was finishing her sentence. One look at the massive animal sent her into hysterics, Titus was the calmest one in the room.

"I'm sorry I'm late, did I hear a woman's scream?" asked Dick as he came into the room, then he saw Talia in Bruce's arms, "Uh, what's going on?"

"Mommy is afraid of dogs," Damian stated.

"My darling, I fear nothing, I'm simply more of a cat person," said Talia, as Bruce set her on her feet.

"Ah, Master Richard, you're just in time," said Alfred, as he entered, "dinner is served, Master Bruce."

"Hello Talia, so lovely to see you again," said Dick, as he kissed her hand.

He knew how haughty the al Ghul's could be and knew his courtly manners would be appreciated.

"Ah, Richard, it is agreeable to see you as well," said Talia, as she let the young man escort her into the dining room.

The family took their usual places, Talia sat at the end of the table, opposite from Bruce, Damian was on one side of her, Robbie was across from him.

"So what did I miss?" asked Dick, once he was seated and Alfred placed a salad in front of him.

"We're telling Damian stories for his mom's entertainment," Tim smiled.

"Oh cool, I have a good one," Dick grinned wickedly at his little brother.

"Greyson, I'd rather you didn't," said Damian.

"Relax baby brother, it's not so bad," Dick winked.

It happened a couple of months ago, Bruce was out of the country, Dick, as his right-hand man at Wayne Enterprises, should have been with him but he'd come down with a terrible case of the flu. He'd come home to recuperate under Alfred's watchful eye, but he'd hardly had a moment's piece. Tim and Damian were in rare form, the two boys were always at odds but without Bruce there to keep them in line, one fight led to another, led to another, led to another...

On his first night back at Wayne Manor, Dick retired to his old room and quickly ran himself a hot bath. It was the end of a long week at work and an even longer week fighting crime on the streets of Gotham. The flu hit him hard and all he wanted to do was relax in a hot bath, crawl under clean sheets and sleep. It started off as muffled voices, coming from down the hall but before he knew it, Tim was pushing through the door, dragging Damian along in a headlock.

"Drake I demand that you unhand me at once!" Damian bellowed.

"Not until you give it back!" Tim shouted.

"Guy's, I'm in the bath here," Dick protested.

"So? You've got bubbles," said Tim, "anyway, he stole my iPod, again!"

"I did no such thing," said Damian, still under Tim's arm.

"Yeah then what were you doing in my room, again?" asked Tim.

"I was putting your iPod back," said Damian.

"Why were you putting it back if you didn't steal it?" said Tim.

"I didn't steal it, I was going for a run and my iPod was dead, I barrowed yours despite your wretched taste in music and was simply returning it," Damian explained.

"You're not supposed to be in my room," said Tim, then he turned his attention to Dick, "he's not supposed to be in my room because he snoops and puts things in there."

"Put's things in there?" asked Dick.

"Well, so far a snake and a mongoose," said Tim.

"I told you, the mongoose was supposed to catch the other snake, the one I couldn't find," spat Damian.

The boys started arguing back and forth. Damian struggled to free himself from Drake's arm and Drake just squeezed tighter.

"Guy's, guy's!" Dick shouted to be heard, "do I need to be here for this?"

"Dad's not here, you have to punish him," said Tim.

"Can't you two work this out for yourselves, he was putting it back..." Dick started.

"You always take his side," Tim whined, just as Damian stomped his foot, almost breaking Tim's big toe.

"AHHH! Damn you brat," said Tim, as he launched himself at his little brother.

The two boys struggled and fought, then Tim slipped on the bathroom tile and fell into the tub, dragging Damian along with him. Both boy's emerged from the water with bubbles atop their heads. Dick got out of the tube, wrapped a towel around his waist and stormed out of the room.

The fighting continued for the next few days, Dick tried to remain calm, his brothers were good boys they just mixed about as well as water and oil. Dick's flu had really run him down, all he wanted to do was rest but he would have gotten more piece at a bar fight in the narrows then he was getting at home. It all came to a head one afternoon when Alfred had come to check on him and they'd heard shouting coming from downstairs.

"Alfred, can't you get a handle on them?" Dick pleaded.

"I'm sorry Master Richard, they're too quick for me, your father usually handles the discipline," said a flustered Alfred.

"Ok, that's it, I've had enough," said Dick.

He climbed out of bed, walked over to where his coat was draped over a chair, extracted something from the inside pocket, then left the room. Alfred remained behind, to tidy up, he was fluffing Dick's pillow when he heard two loud yelps. Alfred trotted downstairs as quickly as his old legs would carry him, when he entered the family room, he found Tim and Damian standing in opposite corners, Dick sat in a heavy armchair, twirling a taser in his hand.

"Master Richard?" said Alfred.

"Dami and Timmy were having a little spat, they're fine now, aren't you boys?" Dick chirped.

"Yes," spat Tim, from his corner.

"Dami, I didn't hear you," said Dick, "do we need another lesson?"

"No Greyson, your lesson was sufficient," said Damian, rubbing his rump where the taser prong had struck him.

"You tased them?" asked Bruce, back in the dining room.

"Hey, you know what they're like, I wasn't going to stick my hands between them, they bite!" Dick exclaimed.

The family laughed at both Tim and Damian, they even chuckled themselves. The only one who wasn't laughing was Talia, she was not pleased that her son had been reduced to something so...normal. She had no doubt that Damian would be a conqueror, she wasn't about to let family life dull his edge. She also didn't like Robbie, he was dangerous, she saw the way he looked at her son and as the night came to a close, she knew that relationship would need to be snipped in the bud.

Talia excused herself from the table and went to powder her nose, she wasn't the only one who needed to relieve their bladder and Robbie's condition provided her with an ideal opportunity to scare him off.

Robbie excused himself from the table and made his way to one of the ground floor restrooms. He encountered Talia, as she strolled back from a trip of her own. Robbie may have been gay but there was no denying she was beautiful, and that got him thinking about Damian. His father was handsome, his mother was gorgeous, it was no wonder that Damian, at least in Robbie's eyes, was perfect. Robbie smiled at Talia as he thought of her son's piercing blue eyes and the cute little noises he made when they were intimate together. He was so preoccupied with his happy memories that it took him a moment to realize that Talia had changed course and was heading straight for him. Before he knew it, she had him cornered.

Talia and Robbie stared into each other's eyes for what seemed, at least to the boy, an eternity. Her eyes were cold and flat, they didn't sparkle like Damian's, he must get that from his dad, thought Robbie. Robbie was about to say something when Talia leaned forward, for a split second he thought she was going to kiss him, instead, her check rested against his and when she spoke, her lips brushed gently against his ear. It was almost sensual, until the meaning of her words hit home.

"I know what you are little one, and I know what you want from my son," Talia hissed.

"I-I don't know what you're talking about, Damian's my friend," Robbie stuttered.

"Hmph, friend," Talia snorted.

"I, I, I," Robbie spluttered nervously.

"I know what you are and I saw how you look at him," said Talia, her finger lightly touching Robbie's chest, tracing the buttons of his shirt, finally resting on his belt buckle, "I'm not concerned with your homosexuality, I know Damian is a handsome boy and it's only natural for someone like you to be attracted to him."

Robbie tried to respond again but his mouth just gulped for air like a fish out of water.

"But Damian isn't capable of having that kind of relationship with you, he has a destiny that I simply can't let you interfere with," Talia explained.

"He's capable of more than you know," Robbie whispered, finding his voice.

"Damian will have the world at his feet one day, that is his true destiny and nothing will stand in his way. In order for that to happen, he must be ruthless, a coiled viper, ready to strike without warning and viper's don't play nice with soft little bunnies," said Talia, her finger gently stroking Robbie's check, "compassion is his enemy."

"Damian is the most wonderful boy I've ever known, and one day his compassion could save the world, not stand over it with his foot on its throat," said Robbie, finding his backbone to go along with his voice.

Talia leaned forward and kissed Robbie softly on his forehead, her lips felt as cold as ice.

"You've been warned, little one," she smiled, drawing her fingertip gently across his throat, before she walked away.

Robbie panted when she released him from her grasp, it was almost as if he'd been holding his breath through the entire confrontation. He was glad that he'd maintained his composure, he didn't want to give her the satisfaction of seeing him cry, but now that she was gone, the tears streamed down his cheeks.

Robbie ran to the restroom and locked the door, then collapsed to his knees and sobbed. He loved Damian with all his heart but in a moment of doubt, he worried that maybe Talia was right. He thought about Damian, his attitude and aggressiveness, his threats against Tim, his brutal assaults on his enemies. The boy he'd first met fit Talia's description, a merciless viper, but Robbie shook his head, that wasn't his Damian. His Damian was, well, snotty and kind of a snob, but he was also kind and compassionate. Robbie thought about Damian's tenderness with their friend, Colin, of how upset Damian was when Tim rejected him and how hard he'd worked to make things right. He thought about Scotty and how Damian was so willing to get out of his sick bed so he could help that little boy and make sure he got his new heart.

Mostly, Robbie thought about how gentle Damian could be with him, how sweet he was when they kissed, and his faith was restored. Robbie dried his eyes and felt his body flood with confidence, he knew the real Damian, it was his mother who lived in a fantasy world. Robbie washed his face and headed back to the dining room, determined to give Talia a piece of his mind.

When Talia returned to the dining room, she announced that though it had been an enchanting evening, it was time for her to go.

"So soon?" Damian whined.

"Yes my darling," Talia smiled, "won't you walk me to my car?"

"Sure," Damian smiled back.

He took his mother's hand, like a dutiful son, and the pair disappeared, heading for the front door. When they reached Talia's limousine, Damian hugged her and she stroked his check.

"I'll miss you mommy," said Damian.

"And I you, my treasure, tell you what, why don't you ride to the airport with me?" asked Talia.

"Ok," Damian replied, cheerfully, "Let me just go and tell dad."

"No need to bother with that, I'm your mother, I'm sure Bruce wouldn't begrudge us a little drive," Talia smiled.

"Oh, ok mommy," Damian replied, happily. When it came to his mother, he was putty in her hands.

Damian climbed into the car and Talia took the seat next to him. She placed her arm around his shoulder and drew him close, resting his head against her shoulder. The pair were quiet at first, they enjoyed the closeness and Talia stroked Damian's hair, he was so different then the little boy she'd raised.

"Mommy?" Damian asked, breaking the silence.

"Yes Dami?" Talia replied.

"Why didn't you ever tell me about Jason?" he asked.

"Whatever do you mean?" said Talia, fanning ignorance.

"Jason Todd, you and grandfather knew he was my brother but you never said anything," said Damian.

"He's not your brother, none of them are, they don't share your blood," Talia reminded him.

"Semantics mommy, you knew he was Bruce's son, you knew we had a common bond," said Damian.

"Things were different then, Dami, I wasn't ready for you to know about your father and I couldn't tell you about Jason without telling you about Bruce," Talia explained.

"What did grandfather do to him?" asked Damian, timidly. He loved his grandfather and he was afraid of the answer to his question.

"Do?" asked Talia, unsure what her son meant.

"He was different when he came back to Gotham City, I know that much from everyone's stories about him," Damian explained, "he hates dad."

"That is Jason's cross to bear, my darling," said Talia, speaking honestly about the troubled boy.

"So grandfather didn't do anything to him?" said Damian.

"Your grandfather respected your father and he took pity on Bruce when he lost his son. His only wish was to reunite Jason with your father," said Talia.

"Compassion?" asked Damian, a puzzled look on his face.

"Yes," said Talia, after a brief pause.

"But don't you always say compassion is a weakness?" asked Damian.

Talia looked at Damian and contemplated her response. In the end, she decided that the best answer was no answer at all. Instead, her lip curled up in a wicked grin and she slapped at Damian, her hand lightning fast as it swung towards the boys handsome face. Damian's reflexes were just as quick and he seized his mother's wrist in mid-air, her offending fingers an inch from his cheek.

Talia's lips broke into a broad smile.

"Oh mommy, you're so funny," Damian chuckled.

"I was afraid your time with these civilians might have dulled your senses," Talia giggled, then drew the boy back into her arms.

As Damian and his mother sped toward the airport, back at Wayne Manor, Robbie stormed into the dining room.

"Look lady you've got a lot of nerve thinking you can..." said Robbie, stopping short when he realized that Talia wasn't there.

"Robbie?" asked Bruce quizzically.

"Uh, I was talking to Damian's mom, uh where is she?" said Robbie, looking about the room.

"I'm afraid you missed her, Damian walked her to her car," Bruce explained.

"Yeah, he's sure taking his time about it," said Tim.

"You know, he has been gone longer then I would have expected," said Bruce, rising to his feet.

Bruce walked towards the foyer and Robbie retook his seat, looking sheepish for his outburst.

"What was that all about?" asked Dick.

"Hmm?" said Robbie.

"Look lady you've got a lot of nerve," said Dick, repeating Robbie's words.

"Oh, uh, I just had a little run in with Damian's mom, while I was heading to the bathroom," Robbie blushed.

"Wow and you lived to tell the tale?" Tim giggled.

"Well, she did trace her finger across my throat, I'm pretty sure she was letting me know she'd cut it next time," said Robbie.

"Don't take it too seriously. I heard she once threatened to kill a waiter because he put lemon in her tea. What did you do, tell Dami a dirty joke or something?" Dick laughed.

"Uh, something like that," Robbie blushed, thinking about all the things he and Damian had done with each other's bodies.

"That chick is whack," said Conner, shaking his head, eliciting another round of laughter from the boys around the table.

When Bruce walked outside, Talia's car was gone and he found some of his security force loosening their ties.

"Where is she?" asked Bruce.

"Headed back to the airport, I assume, sir," said the senior security officer, "Everyone made it through the night in one piece."

"Did my son go back inside?" said Bruce.

"The little guy with the black hair? I think she said something about him ridding to the airport with her," said the security man.

"Damn it," Bruce swore, then turned back towards the house, he pushed the button on his watch along the way, sending a signal to Tim, Dick and Alfred.

"Uh oh, trouble," said Tim, as the face of his watch started to flash red.

Dick looked at his wrist and found his watch glowing as well.

"What's going on?" asked Robbie.

"I don't know, come on," said Tim, as he stood up.

Robbie and Conner followed Dick and Tim into the music room, Alfred was there and when the boys joined him, he played a few notes on the piano and a panel opened in the wall. The group quietly made their way down the narrow staircase, when they reached the cave below, they found Bruce, pulling Batman's cowl over his head.

"What's happening, asked Tim, as he immediately began to shed clothes and reach for his Robin uniform.

"Talia, she took Damian," said Bruce, in the gruff voice he reserved for his secret identity.

Now Dick began to shed his clothes and change into the spare Nightwing uniform he kept in the Batcave. Conner hung up his jacket and cracked his knuckles, ready to help the Wayne Family in any way he could. Alfred picked up the clothes that were strewn around the room and hung them neatly on wooden hangers. Robbie was left with nothing to do but contemplate Batman's words.

"Took him, you mean took him took him?" Robbie rambled.

"Don't worry, we'll get him back," said Batman, resting his hand on Robbie's shoulder.

"I'm coming with you," said Robbie, his voice full of resolve.

"Robbie, Damian's mother and I just need to have a little chat," said Batman, trying to calm the boy, "don't worry, she won't hurt him, she loves him."

"Can't say the same for the rest of us," Tim grinned, pulling the black domino mask over his face.

"I don't think Robbie should come with us," said Nightwing.

Bruce was about to give his oldest boy the more erudite version of "well, DUH," but Robbie spoke up before he could say anything.

"He's my, my, uh, friend, I have to help," Robbie exclaimed.

"I know but you already had a run in with her, it might be more dangerous for you than the rest of us," Nightwing reasoned.

"What's this?" asked Bruce, directing the question at Robbie.

"There's no time for that now, we have to hurry," said Robbie, brushing off the question.

"Right, Robbie, I want you to stay here with Alfred, we'll be in constant communication and you can monitor everything that happens from here, ok?" said Batman.

"Fair enough," Robbie huffed. He wasn't happy but he knew every second he wasted arguing meant Damian slipping a little further away from him.

"Come with me Master Robert," said Alfred, guiding the unhappy blond towards the computer consol.

"Conner, I need you to use your super speed and get ahead of them, see if you can keep their plane form lifting off, can you do that?" said Batman.

"No problem, I'm on it Batman," said Superboy, who disappeared in a flash.

"Alright boys, let's hunt," said Bruce, leading his older children to the Batmobile.

When they arrived at the airport, Talia's limousine passed through the gates at the executive terminal and pulled alongside an anonymous Gulfstream business jet. She got out of the car and Damian followed suit.

"I guess this is goodbye," said Damian, looking sadly at his feet.

"Come along Dami, we don't have time for this," said Talia, taking the boys hand and pulling him towards the jet.

"Mommy?" said Damian, terribly confused.

"Damian, it's time to go," Talia stated firmly.

"But, but what about dad?" said Damian.

"You got to spend time with your father but it's time we were on our way," said Talia.

"No," said Damian, pulling his hand from her grasp.

"I beg your pardon? Did you say no?" said Talia as she rounded on the boy, he'd never defied her before.

"I, I want to stay with father, and Grayson and Drake, and..." Damian began.

Talia cut him off before he could say Robbie.

"Is that what you really want?" asked Talia.

Damian looked down at his feet, he was ashamed to disappoint his mother, but he had to tell her what was in his heart and so he nodded his head, yes. Talia hugged the boy tightly, rested his head against her chest and stroked his back.

"We don't have time for this," said Talia. The boy looked up, just in time for her to blow blue powder into his face.

She was good, he hadn't even seen her extract the capsule from her purse and crush it against her palm. If it was anyone but his mother, he would have expected this, after all, he'd once used the same weapon on Robbie.

"Mommy?" said Damian, his face contorted into a question, his eyes fluttering.

"I'm sorry my darling," said Talia.

The boy collapsed and Talia's driver and bodyguard, one of her loyal Shadowmen, caught him in his powerful arms. He cradled the boy gently against his chest.

"Put him onboard, Thomas, we're leaving immediately," Talia ordered.

Thomas placed Damian in his seat, strapped him in and then took his own seat, across from Talia. The jet's engines began turning before the co-pilot even secured the hatch. Talia's plane was cleared to taxi to the runway and the engines roared to life as they prepared to take off. The pilot slipped the breaks but instead of moving forward, the plane remained in place. The engines screamed as the pilot increased the throttle, applying more power, but nothing happened, it was as though he'd left the parking brake on.

Under the plane, Superboy sat with his back against the front tire, his supper strength holding the Gulfstream in place. He yawned and continued to read his magazine, while the pilot sat at the flight controls, bewildered at his jet's arrested momentum. Talia began to unbuckle her seatbelt but was knocked back against her seat when the hatch was blown, exposing the cabin to the cool night air.

Nightwing and Robin entered the cabin without a word. Thomas, Talia's driver and trusted bodyguard, rose to his feet.

"Sit down Thomas," she ordered.

"But mistress..." the bodyguard protested.

"Sit down," she reiterated.

Talia didn't have feelings for Dick and Tim, one way or the other, but she was no fool either. The boys had been trained by Batman and Batman had been her father's star pupil. She knew that it was pointless for she and her bodyguard to fight back, they didn't have the manpower for this operation, she hadn't planned it, it was snap decision based on the changes her son had manifested during her visit. They had failed to slip away unnoticed and had no choice but to surrender. Robin placed himself between Talia's henchman and Nightwing, while Nightwing unbuckled Damian's seatbelt and lifted the unconscious boy into his arms.

"Blue powder?" asked Nightwing.

Talia nodded her head in the affirmative. Robin shook his head, though it was non-lethal, he couldn't believe that the woman would use it against her own son. Nightwing let out a sigh, then retreated with the boy, Robin steps behind. The boys escaped through the ruined hatch, only to be replaced by Batman's hulking frame. Thomas stood again but Batman placed his hand against the bodyguards face and sent him tumbling towards the rear of the plane, where he had the good sense to remain. Batman walked right up to Talia, he was so close that her head pushed back into the soft leather seat, his nose rubbed against the tip of hers.

"Good evening, beloved," she smirked.

"You kept my son a secret from me for fourteen years," said Batman, "you are never taking him from me again."

"He was born to be a conqueror, he WILL take my father's place as The Demon's Head and the world WILL tremble at his feet," Talia hissed.

"You're his mother, I know you love him, that's the only reason you're still breathing," he hissed back, "but that future is over for him, you will not use my flesh and blood to fulfill that madman's dystopian nightmare. Not as long as I live."

"Be careful, beloved," Talia warned.

"I know what you're thinking and good luck. Just so you know, if anything does happen to me, I've had my will amended, Dick will raise Damian," Batman informed her.

"I'm his mother," Talia growled, caught off guard for the first time during the exchange.

"Maybe so, but Dick will fight you with every considerable resource I leave him, and if you think you'll just take the boy, like you tried to do tonight, keep in mind, I have a lot of friends in the superhero community, it'll be open season on you and your shabby little band," Batman threatened.

"My darling, why are you being so cruel," said Talia, shifting tactics as she caressed his cheek.

Batman pushed her hand away as if it were dirty. There was a time when he had loved Talia but he loved his son more, he hadn't realized how much until he was gone. Batman was also determined to keep his boy from being Ra's al Ghul's heir, it was an opportunity he'd abdicated and that Damian would as well. He'd never been more aware of Talia's blind ambition then he was now, and it turned his stomach, he grunted his disgust and turned his back on her, then joined his boys, his true family, on the tarmac.

Thomas the bodyguard was witness to the entire exchange between his mistress and the Dark Knight. He rose to his feet and placed his hand on her shoulder, a gesture of comfort that she immediately slapped away.

"Idiot," she hissed, "Get me another plane."

"Yes mistress," he bowed.

Robbie sat anxiously next to Alfred throughout the exchange between Batman and Talia. As promised, he was able to monitor communications but Batman hadn't indicated just how little he and the boys would communicate over their comm links. He paced back and forth and when the Batmobile roared into the cave, he raced to its side. When Nightwing stepped out with Damian unconscious in his arms, Robbie gasped and put his hand up to his mouth.

"It's alright, he's just sleeping," Bruce assured him.

"Oh thank God," said Robbie, breathing a sigh of relief.

Batman took off his cowl and Dick handed him the boy. Bruce held him against his chest and let out his own sigh of relief, gently rocking the boy in his arms, grateful that what had been lost was so quickly found. Superboy flew in and high fived Tim, while the boys congratulated themselves on a job well done, Bruce put his arm under Damian's bottom, to hold him in place, and put his free hand on Robbie's shoulder.

"Help me get him in bed?" said Bruce.

"Yeah, sure," Robbie nodded.

They quietly made their way into Damian's room, where Bruce laid him on the bed. Together, they stripped the boy and though Robbie was content to stop there, he helped Bruce dress his son in his pajamas. That finished, Bruce put Damian under the covers, kissed his forehead and stared at his sleeping face.

"Look after him for me?" asked Bruce, his gaze constant on Damian's face.

"I will," Robbie answered, resolutely, before silence fell back over them.

"Goodnight," said Bruce, when he finally looked up at Robbie.

Robbie said goodnight then stripped off his clothes, he couldn't get into bed fast enough. He scooted close to Damian, put his arms around him and rested his head against the sleeping boys chest. Damian yawned, his eyes fluttered and he flinched at the touch.

"Hi," Robbie smiled.

"Hi," Damian yawned, then smiled back, "where's my mother?"

Robbie was momentarily taken aback, Damian had never called her that before, it was always mommy.

"She's gone, probably in the air now," Robbie informed him.

Damian let out a deep breath, then drew his arms tightly around his petit blond boyfriend.

"Good," said Damian.

"Are you ok?" asked Robbie, absentmindedly stroking Damian's chest.

"I am now," said Damian.

"I love you," Robbie whispered.

"I love you too," Damian replied, for the first time without any hesitation.

Robbie smiled to himself and listened to Damian drift back to sleep. He was carried off to dreamland a few minutes later, lulled into slumber by the gentle rise and fall of Damian's heart beating in his chest.

Down the hall, in Tim's room, Conner sat back and watched Tim pace in front of the windows, while he brought him up to speed on what had happened on that jet.

"Can you believe she used blue powder on him," said Tim, indignantly, "his own mother."

"Yeah, she can kiss mother of the year good bye," Conner chuckled.

"That bitch, yeah it's non-lethal but still, what if there was a complication or something, I mean shit, it's a powerful drug, why not just give him some cocaine while she's at it," Tim ranted.

"Take it easy dude, we got him back. Little punk's probably sound asleep, dreaming about kicking puppies or something," Conner smiled.

"I know, I just, well, Damian's been a real pain in the ass since he got here but you met his mom, it's kind of hard to blame him, you know?" said Tim.

"Yeah, I see you're point, that chick is a piece of work. Being raised by her would totally mess with your head," Conner agreed.

"You think she's a piece of work, you should have met his grandfather," said Tim.

"Ra's al Ghul? I heard of him, what a family, no wonder the kids so fucked up," said Conner.

"Hey, take it easy," said Tim.

"I'm just saying..." Conner began.

"You don't know him, ok?" said Tim defensively, then turned his back on Conner, choosing to look out the window instead.

Conner knew he'd crossed a line. Whatever he thought of Damian, and admittedly, they'd just met, he was Tim's little brother and he had no business talking about him like that, Mama Kent wouldn't have approved. Conner rose from the bed and crossed the room to Tim. He put his arms around Tim's slender waist and hugged him tightly, then nuzzled his neck.

"I'm sorry baby," said Conner, his lips brushing against Tim's earlobe, "you're right, I had no business saying that stuff."

"He's not all bad," said Tim, "we had a breakthrough a few weeks ago and while he hasn't exactly been nice, he's getting better. Tonight doesn't count, he was just reacting to Talia, that woman's poison."

"Why didn't you ever mention him before, I didn't even know you had a little brother," said Conner, still holding Tim's waist.

"It's been rough with him, I didn't want to talk about him before because he wasn't like some kid brother I could introduce my friends to, he was like this mean little Pit Bull that lived in my house. I didn't want him to bite you, you know what I mean?" Tim explained.

"I think I get it," Conner giggled, "I'm glad you two had that breakthrough or whatever."

"Me to, that's why I wanted you to come to dinner tonight, so you guys could meet. It would have been different if SHE wasn't here," said Tim.

"You mean he would have been polite?" asked Conner.

"No, he'd have still said most of the things he said, but it usually sounds funnier," Tim giggled, "I wanted you guys to meet because I think he might be like us."

"Really?" asked Conner.

"Yeah, him and Robbie," Tim explained.

"The sweet little blond kid?" asked Conner, somewhat shocked.

"I know, it sounds funny but I've seen Robbie put Dami in his place more than once," Tim smiled.

"Cool, then maybe there is hope for him," Conner smiled back.

Tim turned to face his boyfriend and kissed him on the lips.

"I'm glad you were here to help tonight," said Tim.

"I didn't do much, got some reading done," Conner blushed.

"Oh, does that mean you don't want your treat?" asked Tim.

"What treat?" asked Conner.

Tim gave him a devilish smile, took his hand and walked towards his bed.

"Oh, that kind of treat," Conner replied happily, as he dropped Tim's hand and scooped him up in his arms instead.

"I love it when you smile like that," said Tim, "you're such a little boy sometimes."

Conner lay Tim on the bed and immediately set about kissing him passionately. If Damian had witnessed the exchange, he would have rolled his eyes and suggested Tim at least make a show of being hard to get.

Next: Chapter 8

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