Grad Student Submission

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Jan 20, 2021


"You know I'm not going to be able to close this necktie, Ahmad. You make me wear shirts that are too tight." dave was getting ready for their date at the fancy restaurant near school: June 14. According to Ahmad, two years together. "Two years. " dave smiled. He loved being with Ahmad. He loved how this man, whom no one would think of as a Top, let alone a DOM, totally controlled him sexually. He loved it. "Well, dave king, I think you are going to look totally sexy with an opened necktie, like one of those young businessmen coming home at the end of the day. You've seen them on Broadway? Cocky. Confident. Looking like they're in charge of everything. " He came up to dave, and gently, but firmly, took his wrists and put them behind his back. "And you wonder: how many of them are going to be on their knees , or on their backs, in the next few hours, taking cock from a man in charge of them." dave felt his cock hardening. "I see them, but I usually only think of what you have planned for me, Ahmad. " "AWWWW dave. My soldier, my blond sexy man. " He kissed him and held onto his neck. "Why you put up with me, will always elude my understanding." "Maybe it's because you put up with me" "NAH. You're a lot easier to deal with than you think. " He kissed dave's forehead and whispered "I just wish I knew how to get at that core of sadness. I believe that, at the center of everyone, is a core of some emotion. Yours is sadness dave king. I wish I could change that." "What's yours Ahmad?" He smiled. "I'm not sure. Maybe horniness. Or then again." He pressed his lips to dave's without kissing him. "Maybe the horniness just comes from having you as my lover."

Ahmad wanted to hold hands on the way to the restaurant. He was wearing a cream colored dress shirt and a blue jacket that dave didn't know he owned. "When I was back home, dave king, I had to go to a lot of meetings to help my father. We decided that I should wear Western clothing so no one got too nervous. " "What kind of meetings, babe?" "Oh, there's a company - I think they're in St Louis - they want to buy out my father and take over the company. Since he's, well... terminal." Ahmad gulped when he said that "he's not adverse. But the negotiations to get the right deal... they're delicate. It's not happening overnight. Anyway, I digress. So the first thing Abba did when I got there, was to make sure I had some Western clothes. " He stopped and did a pirouette for dave. "Do you like?" dave smiled. "you could wear a garbage bag and I'd like." "Ha ha, dave king. That's the way I feel about you. Although I'd much rather see you naked than anything else." They were taken to their table, and again, Ahmad wasn't shy about holding dave's hand. "There's a band too, dave. Let's dance when they play." dave blushed. "I'm really not a very good dancer Ahmad. I don't want to embarrass you." "DAVID! don't be silly. First of all, I'll be leading. You follow well, so it'll be fine. And second: NONE of you white boys know how to dance. No one who gets on that floor tonight is going to be any good. " He paused. "And I just told you, you're dancing." "Yes sir." dave wasn't much of a drinker, so Ahmad ordered him something light to start: gin and tonic, and when the menus arrived, dave put his down "It's in French." Ahmad was studying his and didn't look up. "Oui. C'est vrai. OH, I'm sorry, dave. I know French We had to learn it as kids. I had 7 years of it. We can get an English menu, or I can translate it for you. Just tell me what you want to eat " dave gave him a look and Ahmad laughed. "Oh, that's on the PRIVATE menu for later. But let's talk about dinner." While they were waiting, Ahmad looked pensive, and smiled. "Two years dave king. See how time flies?" "I KNOW. I couldn't quite believe it." He sighed. "dave, I'd like to know: what are the two times we spent together, that stick out most in your mind. And why" When dave thought about something, he put his head back. He did here. "It's actually very easy. Our first time. No question. And then... the time in the gym. The wrestling mat. But not for the sex. For the after, when we were in the moonlight. I never felt so loved before. And the first time: you were so kind, so gentle. You paid attention to me." He could feel Ahmad's leg curling around his ankle. "You're so sweet dave king. I too find the night with the wrestling mat memorable. I will not forget that. First time, yes, but... more.... when I came back from overseas. When I got in bed with you, I began thinking 'I'm home.' He leaned over and kissed dave, just as their first courses arrived. "You know, I have a confession to make to you dave: that meeting near Gil's office that time? That coincidental meeting? It wasn't coincidental?" dave smiled. "Really? Did you and Gil have something plotted?" "Oh, NO. dave, I had my eye on your all class long. I was just afraid. I thought you'd never want to deal with a ditzy skinny guy like me. So I did nothing. And then, well, I got word of your night with Gabe and I figured 'oh well, lost another good one.'" Then, I saw Gabe leaving the day he moved out, so... I figured I had a chance. " He paused. "I figured you'd visit Gillian sooner or later, so I'd go by her building when I knew she had office hours, and I'd wait. I'd wait until I saw her leave, until you came in one day. And then..." He smiled. "I guess I was a little obsessed." dave looked incredulous: "about ME? You were obsessed about ME?" Ahmad squeezed his hand harder. "You still can't believe someone would want you? Desire you? Love you? Bluntly dave, get your head out of your ass. No, you're not the usual homosexual, and you're not the usual bottom, and you're not the usual sub, but you're better. Better than ALL of those. " Ahmad's eyes were misting up. "And I'm so honored and so blessed that you picked me." "I think you picked me Ahmad. Did more than that too." Ahmad knew what dave was talking about. "You know, submissions probably have an expiration date, dave king. Perhaps I need to persuade you again. Hmmmmm?" The busboy cleared their plates. "dave king, there's a lull before our mains. C'mon. Let's dance." Ahmad grabbed dave and pulled him onto the floor. "Ok, here's what you do sweetpea. Just feel my body, and move with it. Don't fight it, just go with the flow." Ahmad began leading. "THAT'S IT! See dave, you're a natural. MMMM" He pulled dave closer to him, and dave could feel that huge cock getting harder. But he was also thinking "sweetpea? Who else called me sweetpea? It was Gabe. That's right. " He tried to push that memory out of his head. Dancing with Ahmad was something new, and it was wonderful. At the end of the dance, Ahmad smiled and kissed him. "I love you dave king." xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx It was late when they got back to the apartment, but neither one of them was tired enough for sleep. Instead, Ahmad pinned dave on the bed. He smiled as he moved his arms so that he had one free hand, but dave's were trapped. He unbuttoned dave's shirt, and began stroking his torso. dave began to breathe harder. Ahmad moved his mouth to dave's ear. "So, dave king, if your submission is out of date, we can start again. Is it?" "yes," was dave's answer. "OH GOOD. You were so easy the first time, and now that I know more about your achilles' heels.. hee hee hee." He moved his knee on top of dave's crotch, and just held it there. "Isn't it your left nipple that's more sensitive? " He began squeezing it, and dave began moaning. "OOOOOH. GEEZ. You're not playing fair." "No, I'm not. Because I want this. And I do what I have to to get what I want.." He began squeezing. "Submit?" "NO" Ahmad leaned his knee on dave's crotch a little more firmly. Then he put his mouth on dave's other nipple. dave tried to buck, but Ahmad's knee kept him down. He squirmed, and his moaning became desperate. Ahmad laughed. "This is going to be so easy." "I'm NOT surrendering. OOOOOOOOOOH' Ahmad had just nibbled dave's right nip, as he squeezed the left one. "Sure about that big man?" dave continued to moan, but he didn't yell no." "I think... dave king, that the longer you make me wait, the longer you're going to have to wear the cage." He squeezed dave's nipple. "Submit?" dave let out a big moan, and then... "YES. YES. I SUBMIT. I SURRENDER. I'M YOUR SLAVE. I GIVE I GIVE I GIVE." Ahmad climbed on top of him and kissed him, forcing his tongue into him. "You may think you're my slave, but I'm yours too dave king. Now let's get you rolled over. I want to taste that sweet ass of yours. dave loved it when Ahmad ate his ass, so he didn't waste time. He got on all fours, to make it easier for Ahmad's long tongue to get in, and once it did, his moans, so high pitched before, got darker, and deeper, especially after Ahmad began to stroke his cock from underneath. "MMM. My sweetpea tastes so good tonight. SO GOOD.." He heard Ahmad spit, and then he felt a finger slide in. dave backed up to get more. "OH... You like the bitch fuck. You like being bitch fucked blondie?" "Yes Sir. Yes sir. I do. OOOOOOH." Ahmad had just slipped in a second finger, and dave was feeling so aroused, so boned. "What does the song say, dave: "Ain't nothing like the real thing? Well, here comes the real thing. " dave felt Ahmad's cock slide in to his prepared ass. Again, he tried to back up to get more, and Ahmad teased him. "You want more, dave boi?" "OH GOD YES SIR. YES SIR." "Then tell me: who's your TOPMAN?" "YOU ARE SIR. YOU ARE." "Your DOM?" "OH GOD. You always have been Sir. You always will be." Ahmad leaned into dave's ear and whispered. "From now on, every morning, your first breakfast is going to be Arab sausage and a smoothie. Starting tomorrow. " "OH GOD YES SIR. YES SIR. " He felt Ahmad pull out. "Get on your back dave king. I want you so I can see your face." He pushed dave's legs up in the air and slid right back in, pounding the big blond. dave was thinking "he called me sweetpea again. OH SHIT HE"S BIG" Ahmad was punishing dave's ass. dave reached down to take his cock and Ahmad pushed his hand away. NO. You don't have permission, SUBBOI." dave grinned. "Yes sir. Sorry Sir. " Ahmad let loose and the jizz filled dave. "HAPPY FUCKING SECOND ANNIVERSARY DAVE KING!!!!" He fell on top of dave. He kissed him. "Best choice I ever made was to go after you." He kissed him again. "Let me bring you off, sweetie." Ahmad went to dave's cock, and began to stroke him. He did it slowly, smiling as dave agonized. He'd try to sit up and Ahmad would squeeze him just enough to make him fall back. He couldn't hold it anymore. He shot. He shot big. He knew Ahmad planned to lock him up, but he didn't know when, and for how long. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

When he curled up into Ahmad that night, dave looked at the bracelet that Ahmad had given him: identical to the one Ahmad wore. He smiled, and fell asleep. And then a few hours later, he had "the dream." He had had it more than once, maybe a half dozen times, and he always woke up from it. When it happened, he would tell Ahmad he was just going to the bathroom. But this time... it was so vivid, so strong. In the dream, he was laying on a stone palette - like the kind the Mayans used to sacrifice victims, and he was about to be sacrificed. He was bound at his wrists and ankles, and naked. There was a pendulum blade swinging down toward his gut - in this dream, it was closer than before. There was a man with a deep voice at the side. He could see his body, but not his face. He heard his voice. "Surrender to me dave. Give up Ahmad. Or you will die." In the dream, dave pushed against the bonds, helplessly. "NO. I won't betray him!" "THEN DIE!" As the blade got closer, he saw, on the other side, someone bring in Ahmad, wrists tied behind him. "DAVE! DAVE! LIVE ! LIVE SO I CAN SEE YOU AGAIN. PLEASE. DON'T DIE FOR ME." That's when dave woke up, sweating, scared. He must have yelled because Ahmad was up too. "Hey... what's wrong my love? What happened? Did you have a bad dream?" dave shook the cobwebs out of his head. "Oh, geez. I did. I had the same dream before. It's... it's scary. " "It must have been dave." Ahmad looked at the point on the bed where dave had peed. "Oh, Ahmad, I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. I'll change the linen. Go sit in the living room. I'll take care of this." "No dave. WE will sit in the living room. We'll sleep on the sofa if we have to. Put on some clothes. I'm going to go and make tea."

They were sitting at the table, right after dave had told Ahmad about his dream. He took a sip of the valerian tea Ahmad had made to help him sleep. "Wow dave. That dream is a big one. " He got up and hugged dave's shoulders. "Let me be blunt dave. I love you. I love you SO MUCH, sometimes it hurts. It really does. And I HATE it when someone checks you out. I FUCKING HATE IT. I think I hate YOU sometimes for being so goddamn handsome. But dave... I have to be honest. I would rather see you happy than see you underneath me. And that's the truth. That's the absolute absolute truth." dave began to cry, and Ahmad sat on his lap. They hugged for a long time. Ahmad smiled. "But you know, right now, I see you happy, and I have you under me . And let's live with that. Let's bury that core of sadness dave. " They opened the sofa bed, and slept there that night. And in the morning, dave remembered, and he took Ahmad's cock and brought him off before they got out of bed.

Next: Chapter 14

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