Grad Student Submission

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Apr 23, 2021


dave felt someone playing with his hair. He woke up right away. It was Gabe, which was odd. dave couldn't remember a single time that Gabe had woken before he did since he had moved in. Was something wrong? He opened his eyes and he saw Gabe, smiling at him. He also felt Gabe's body on his right arm, and his hand on dave's left wrist.

"Morning sunshine. You DO look like morning sunshine when you sleep." Gabe smiled. Pinned down, dave couldn't do anything: Gabe was strong. "Sir, did you want me to blow you and I didn't respond? I apologize. Let me up and I'll get to it." "No, no. Nothing like that babe." Gabe bent down and kissed him. "I was just thinking about you. How handsome you are. All the time, and how great last night's sex was. " "OH YES SIR. It was... GOD. I never had such great sex" "Even with me?" "Sir," dave answered, I don't want to lie. Last night was off the charts." "It was dave." Gabe moved his hand and began stroking dave's torso very very gently. "And I think we both said things in the passion of the moment." "How so, Sir?" dave had an idea, and he hoped he was right. He'd be relieved if he were. "I asked you to marry me, and you said yes." "I did Sir. And I meant it." "So did I , dave, but..." Gabe sighed. "I spoke too soon. I want to marry you. Just not yet. You need to finish school. Or get far enough along so that you don't stress about wedding preparation." "I thought we'd just go down to City Hall Sir." Gabe laughed. "Oh, good God, no, davey. You're teasing aren't you?" When dave didn't answer, he went on. "Planning is going to take at least a year, and then there's the attorneys to draw up the pre-nups." "Pre-nups, Sir?" Now Gabe wasn't smiling. He looked serious. "You DO know what a pre-nup is, don't you dave?" "Sure Sir. It's an agreement that controls if the marriage breaks up."

Now Gabe smiled again. "Ok. Think about it for a minute. Can you see why I need one?" dave looked around. That seemed to be the right thing, because he felt the pressure on his left wrist ease up a bit, but not enough for him to get up. "I do Sir. I understand." This was one where dave didn't think it worth arguing about, or getting Gabe pissed off. He had spoken hastily himself, and if they could put this off.... "Thank you for considering my school work in this. I very much appreciate it." Another smile from Gabe, and now his thumb began to lightly play with dave's left nipple. Gabe knew that a lighter touch always got dave more submissive than he already was, and he was using that now. "I love the idea of Dr. davey being my sub. How many men have a PhD sucking them every night?" He continued to play with dave's nipple. "Can I suck you now Sir?" "Hmmmm. It's a fine offer, but... do you have to get to class, you handsome man?" "Not for a while Sir. I was going to go and work out , and do some shopping if we needed it." "davey. That's why the housekeeper comes in. The gym is a good thing , but let her do the shopping. But if you don't have to be someplace... I had something a little different than a blow job in mind." The teasing of dave's nipple had gotten to him and his body was heaving, trying to get more of Gabe's fingers, with Gabe pulling back. He whispered "If I get what I want, you get what you want." "You always get what you want, Sir. You're the DOM. If you want to fuck me, fuck me." "But do you want it davey?" "I always want you in me Sir. ALWAYS." It was like a ritual. dave knew he had to answer this way. He wasn't sure if Gabe remembered that he did this over and over, but he did know: he was hard, and so was Gabe, and... "Hold your ankles, big stud. Dr. Gabe needs to.... examine you with his probe." "yes sir." dave grabbed his legs to make his hole more accessible to Gabe. In turn, Gabe grabbed dave's nipples and squeezed the harder. "OH YEAH. OH YEAH. FUCK ME SIR. FUCK ME HARD." He felt Gabe's thick cock pushing in, taking control of his ass. "GEEZ. I LOVE THIS SIR. I LOVE when you take control. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH. " dave moaned as Gabe's "probe" went deeper. He saw the beads of sweat forming on Gabe's forehead, and as they fell, he tried to catch them on his tongue. That got Gabe even more excited. "Yeah. You want every part of me in that smooth throat of yours don't you davey ?" "YES SIR. YES SIR. I want every drop. EVERY ONE..." "Here comes more than a drop you sexy man." He felt the convulsion, and then the sperm that had built up overnight, begin filling him. Sometimes dave wished, OH, did he wish - that Gabe would do something that he said he had done to his ex fred: he would fuck fred, then "cork " him with a dildo until he was ready again. They had gotten up to fred holding six loads before things had ended. The most dave had ever taken was two loads from Ahmad. He liked the idea of challenging himself: how much jizz could he hold? It was like how long could he go in the cage, before he begged Gabe to let him shoot? He had gotten up to ten days. Now, as he finished, Gabe was running his hand over dave's body . "Looks like it may be shave time, davey." dave tried to suppress a sigh. "Yes sir. Tonight?" "Yes. Probably after bondage play. " He bent down and kissed dave again. "I gotta start getting ready for the office. Are you patrol guard today?" "No Sir. My shift is tomorrow." "Oh yes, of course, I should remember that better. I'd walk by the school and not see you." dave thought "and then you'd beat the crap outta me for not being where I was supposed to, and you'd insist I was in some tearoom blowing someone." "Should I make a list and post it somewhere Sir? I can do that." Gabe laughed. "No need. I'll have my assistant do it. I'm sure she has the records. " He paused. "Why the fuck don't I smell coffee?" "Sir, it's Thursday. It's the housekeeper's day off. " "FUCK! I forgot that too." "Let me up Sir. I'll get you coffee. I'll try to make it the way you like it." "Thank you davey. You're the best." Gabe got up and went off to the bathroom, while dave sighed deeply "Dodged a bullet," he said softly, and then went off to get the machine started .

After Gabe had kissed him goodbye and reminded him that they had a shaving date that night, dave got dressed for the gym. Gabe had thrown out all his old workout clothes and had replaced them with shorts that were more flattering to dave's ass than they were comfortable, and tighter tank tops. "It is what it is," dave thought, "at least I get to go", and he packed a set, before he got dressed in the snug powder blue polo shirt and tan jeans that Gabe had chosen for him that day. Gabe LOVED the way dave looked in pale blue. This was the third iteration of that powder blue polo shirt: no label, but clearly high quality. Gabe had pretty much ripped two of them off of dave during sex play. As he slipped into the shirt, dave felt his dick getting bigger in his cage. Those sex sessions had been mighty fine. Was he a kept man? dave thought about that all the time. Yes, he had his grad school stipend, his own bank account, and he made money from the classes he gave at the gym, but Gabe provided everything. He insisted on it. Once, when dave had seen a shirt he liked and had stopped and bought it, modeling it for Gabe, Gabe had gone into a horrible rage, made dave take off the shirt and then after he had cut it into ribbons in front of him, burned it. "YOU WEAR WHAT I SAY YOU CAN WEAR. GOT IT DAVEY BOY?" dave couldn't do anything but say "yes sir," and wonder what was going on when Gabe came home with the same shirt the next day - except in a size smaller. "FUCK you look good in that," Gabe had purred, as he was tying dave to the bed. "Black and white checks. Who'd have thought?" "I did," dave wanted to say, but Gabe had found a scrap of the shirt he had ripped up and had gagged dave with it. He couldn't say anything. dave's thoughts were confused as he worked out. He didn't know what he felt anymore. He loved his classes, but he wondered about the rest of his life.

"Excuse me Sir, but if you're done with that machine, can I use it?" dave came out of his reverie to see a cute, wiry guy with a big head of curly hair standing at the machine, looking very tentative. "OH, My bad. I'm sorry." dave laughed. "Too lost in my own thoughts. Of course." "Thanks," the guy smiled. "Hey if you don't mind, could you maybe make sure I'm doing this right? You look confident, and I've only been coming to the gym for the last two weeks." "Oh, sure. No problem. " dave looked him over. His hair reminded him of Ahmad, as did his larger than average nose, but this guy was decidedly American. "I'm pete by the way," he said. "Nice to meet you. dave here." They shook hands and pete got on the machine. "Yeah, I do most of my exercising doing cardio. I go long distance, but my husband told me I needed to bulk up a bit." dave laughed. "Yeah, husbands can be like that I guess." He smiled. "I have a lover. I can hear him saying that. A little more evenness when you press, pete. Maybe you're using too much weight? Easy does it. Hang on and I'll adjust the machine." "Yeah thanks. Trying to overachieve I guess. HEY, do I know you, you look familiar." "Well, I feel like I've been a student here forever, so maybe you saw me on campus?" "No... somewhere else. East Side Hospital?" dave laughed. "Geez, good memory. I didn't work there, but my lover did. I used to meet him there. pete put down the weights. "OH. Now I remember! You're Dr. Gabe's lover. " He smiled. "I took over his job when he left the research lab." "Maybe that's it. It's a small world." "This guy is dating an asshole," pete thought. dave came back and helped him bring up the weights. "C'mon now, you can do this.. Two more. Just two more." As pete pressed, dave asked "Do you use a trainer or anyone like that?" "No, I'm just lone wolfing it I guess." "Well, until you get accustomed. I teach here, twice a week. My classes are full, but I can always squeeze in one more. But they're intense. They're bootcamp." "Ha ha. OK, NOW I remember. I saw you guys working out and thought 'not me. These guys are serious." "Yeah, we are. It's a tough class. Think about it." "By the way," pete asked. "What are you studying?" "Oh, Classics. I'm probably going to work on Latin literature and archaeology." "My husband reads Latin. He had to learn it when he was doing medieval literature. Maybe you should meet Doug sometime." "That'd be nice, pete. I have to ask Gabe. " There was an awkward silence. "You know, if you don't want to take a bootcamp class, there's always working out together. I work out myself too. Maybe we could find a time." "That'd be great. Let's see if it can happen. " "Ok, let me head off. I gotta get ready for the booters. Nice to meet you pete. Hard to believe that in all these years here I haven't met many people out of my department."

dave had his paleography class that morning and then it was time to sit down with his advisor to do a semester check in. "Well, dave, " his advisor, who had a fairly obvious crush on dave "by the way, nice shirt. Your wardrobe has taken an upward turn I'd say," he contnued as dave blushed. "The reports are all good. Carmela loves you. She says that she may start an advanced paleography class next semester so she doesn't lose you." "That's really sweet of her." "Greek survey?" "UGH. I just hope I survive that class." His advisor smiled. "You're gonna do fine. Greek's much different from Latin but.. it's necessary." "I understand Professor. " "And the rest... all good. OH, I forgot to tell you something. Marco is going to get in touch with you. They found a second papyrus." dave looked up. "They did?" "Yeah, the excavation is going really, really well. I wish we could find funding to send you this summer. The thing is, you probably found the library, and the one that Urbanus was working on when things just fell apart, but they found what they think was the slave's quarters, and a strange room which may have been where Glaucus had a private sacrificial altar. " dave looked up. "Professor, this is very forward but... are there any documents or drawings or anything to show the lay out?" The professor smiled. "I'm afraid not yet, BUT... there's going to be an advanced architecture and archeology seminar next term. I think you'd qualify. They're going to discuss what they know, there. " "I think it might be very helpful to my thesis, professor." His advisor looked at him. "dave, I think it may be crucial. The initial reports about the second papyrus scroll, are that it dealt with the ramifications of a human sacrifice that didn't happen. Now, I don't have to tell you, human sacrifice was not that common in Rome, and for it to happen in a PRIVATE situation? " He got up and walked around. "This Glaucus guy, whoever he was, must have been EXTREMELY important if he had a private altar that could accommodate human sacrifice." dave began to think back to his dreams. The sacrifice idea, Ahmad... what else? "Thank you Professor. I should go get to the library. I have to finish Aristophanes today, I think it's my turn to recite. " His advisor laughed. "Ah yes. Recitation in Greek survey. Best of luck. Make sure you get the accents. "

dave got home about a half hour before Gabe did. He did text him, like Gabe had told him. Gabe's answer was "Don't change. Sit in the chair after you take out the hitachi and the clamps. PS. Great sex this morning. I want more. 45 minutes later, dave was bound in the chair. Gabe was using a hitachi rod to tease his cock today, and the clamps went on OVER the shirt. Then he went to his study to go over his notes. "Thirty minutes wavey davey. " He laughed. "Too bad you're in the cage. Can't shoot your load. Maybe afterwards." "mmmmmmmmmmmmmph " dave tried to say 'yes sir, thank you sir, but the gag was too tight.

After thirty minutes, Gabe came into the bedroom. "Kept my eye on you. Not bad. I'm gonna play with them anyway." He took off the clamps and began to work dave's nipples. "Let me hear you moan." He pulled off the gag. "Sir, can I say something first, Sir? " "Ok. Let me know what's on your mind." "Sir, I met someone at the gym today who worked with you at the hospital. A guy named pete?" "Ha hahahahahahaha. pete. Oh yeah, poor pete. Had been the lover of a physics professor, blew it by deciding he was straight, fucked his life up a lot, and then wound up with that English professor guy. " He went back to dave's nipples. "He may be a bigger bottom than you are. More of a sub too." dave was wincing from the tit torture. "Sir, would it be ok if I worked out with him? I know you don't want me hanging out with men, but..." "Hmmmm. You know, I don't think pete could find a mouth or an ass with his cock if there were a beacon on them. I think it's ok. Just don't neglect what you have to do here. " "NO SIR. Absolutely not." "And what you have to do now, is get naked. Time for the shaving. " dave had looked at his body in the gym's mirror. He didn't see much hair, but, oh well..." Gabe secured him to the bed, and then took out the razor, the creme, and a towel. "Know what needs the most shaving davey boy? Your pubes. " He unlocked dave's chastity cage. dave's cock exploded out. The hitachi had pushed him as close to the edge as was possible. "Stay calm davey. Stay calm. Even breaths." "Yes sir. " dave closed his eyes and tried to focus on how good Gabe's cock was going to feel when this was done. He felt Gabe's strong, smooth, confident strokes. It seemed Gabe did EVERYTHING with confidence. Was that the difference between a DOM and a sub? He thought about Ahmad, who was the same way. "THERE WE GO. And someone's little baby maker is excited. "Yes sir it is. You're touching it. How could it not be? " "AW, now isn't that sweet of you." He held dave's balls. "You promise me you're not planning to use it on this pete guy? "ME? No sir. I think I'd be as lost as you say pete would be. NO. I just like having someone to talk to when I work out. " "Well, ok. Just don't break your promise. Now let me get this other shaving done.. " Gabe moved the blade carefully over dave's torso. There wasn't much hair to take off, but it had to go, in his view. dave's pits too needed a little cleaning . "THERE's my boy. Nice and smooth. And how about, tonight, instead of me going first, YOU go first?" "Sir, the DOM should always go first but... it's of course your decision." "I wanna see how far you shoot. Want you empty and locked up before dinner tonight. And I wanna be empty too. I am NOT looking forward to this dinner but... Jay contributes big to the charity board I'm on." Then Gabe did something he almost never did: he slid down and kissed the top of dave's cock. "OH MY GOD SIR. OH... " He smiled. "Jay is a pain in the ass, and not in a good way, and you're gonna meet the most pussy whipped lawyer in NY in his husband. I hope we don't turn out that way." "OH SIR. You couldn't do that. I know you couldn't, but... OH, what you're doing to me Sir. OHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" The orgasm happened so fast, dave didn't even know it was. And he barely finished before Gabe was separating his legs and beginning to push in. "DAMN I can't get last night's fuck out of my mind you sexy beast. This won't be as good, but..." "Sir, your fucks are ALWAYS good. This one feels... MMMMMMM" dave trailed off as Gabe started to pump for the second time that day. dave saw the look going over Gabe's face. OH SHIT. He's got something in mind. And he did. After the short orgasm, he reached over for one of the butt plugs. "You're gonna wear this tonight. With your cage. And just bear in mind, studmuffin, brice is wearing a whole lot worse." Gabe shook his head. "Last time I had lunch with them, I thought brice was gonna die when Jay started asking him about how big the black dildo he was wearing was." "please don't ever ask me that in public," dave was thinking. "I think I'd have to kill you." He sort of chuckled to himself. "Go take your scalding shower, davey. I'll pick out something nice for you to wear. Maybe the blue and white stripes that make you look so sexy. It's always fun to see Jay drool." About a half hour after they left, a call came in on dave's phone. "Hello dave king. Do you remember my voice? Yes, it's Ahmad. I'm going to be in New York in three weeks with my partner. I hope we can see you. Let me know. Take care." And then before he got off the phone, he added. "Hearing your message made me hard dave king. I wish you were still single."

Next: Chapter 26

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