Grad Student Submission

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on May 22, 2021


Ahmad has been thinking about what he was about to do, for a while. He tried to recall everything that dave had said to him - not just over the last days, but from the time they were together. Then he thought very, VERY carefully about fred and himself. He tightened his lips: he knew what he was going to have to do. He threw a change of clothes in a bag, because he MIGHT have to stay at the old apartment and if he did, it was the LAST night he would spend there. He tossed in an old, fat book too. Then he went to the corner, called a cab, gave the driver dave's apartment number and got moving. Back in his apartment, dave found himself essentially immobile. He had poured the drink Ahmad had told him to drink, but he didn't touch it. Instead, he sat on the sofa, hands clasped in front of him, his head down, crying and then just shaking his head. He had the potential right now to hurt at least 3 people: Ahmad, Gabe, and himself. He knew from his studies that a common way of Romans killing themselves was to swallow ground glass. He laughed. "I didn't even prepare for that, there's no ground glass." dave's phone had rung at least six times. Each time, it was from Gabe. He knew it. He didn't even have to look at the messages. Then they had stopped. Now, he grimaced and laughed a little. "It's just about time for him to be horny again. Must be nailing that fred guy." Ahmad still had a key to the apartment building, so the first sign dave had that he was there was when he heard the key in the door.

"dave king it looks exactly like it did when I left, only worse." dave looked at Ahmad, and tried to get up. He couldn't. "I fucked things up pretty badly, Ahmad." Ahmad sat down next to him. "Well, yes, dave king, you did. But I think I will be able to fix this." He looked at the glass on the table. "This was the drink I told you to have?" "Yes" "Well, if you're not going to drink it." Ahmad picked up the vodka and slugged it back. dave's eyes got wide. Ahmad never drank. NEVER. THAT was a change. "Ok. I needed some fortitude to start things moving. Now tell me. Tell me the truth dave king. Did you ever submit to Gabe? Did you agree to be his sub?" dave paused for a minute, and in the lightest, possible voice , he answered. "yes sir." "Well, you know, you had no right to do that. You had already accepted ME as your DOM, and I did not release you. Did you explain that to Gabe?" Another pause and a "no sir." "Well, then, dave, you have already violated one VERY sacred rule. Subs do not take on more than one DOM, without the DOM's permission. " He took a hunk of dave's hair and pulled up his head. "Did Gabe know that you were going to sleep with me when you left?" dave winced. "I think he knew, but I didn't tell him. And no, he didn't give me permission." "But you promised him fidelity." "I did, but he didn't reciprocate." Ahmad began to laugh. "dave king, you really don't understand this stuff very well, do you? DOMS do not have to agree to fidelity: they can fuck anyone they want. A sub on the other hand, has given up his rights. You did that. It is no wonder Gabe is angry. You broke a promise to your DOM." "But..." Ahmad interrupted. "dave king, if I have to gag you sooner than I planned, I will, but you WILL be quiet right now. The broken promise is unfortunate, but you had no right to make that promise. I never released you. You still belong to me. " "yes sir." "When I left, I told you that you could be free with your affection: and you were. With Mario, with Gabe. With that strange man Apollo. But I told you, you could. And you did. Good for you. You misled Gabe, however. And on the other hand, he should have asked you. Did he?" "He did. He didn't seem to care." "AH." Ahmad smiled. "dave king, you are about to see your new old DOM in action. I have learned to negotiate. You will have to trust me. Do you trust me." dave looked truly panicked. "yes sir." "And you understand that there is probably going to be punishment for you. Perhaps severe. Are you ready?" Yet another pause was followed by "yes sir." Then Ahmad paused. "I have one last question dave king. This one you don't have to answer, but I really would like you to. Did you ever tell Gabe you loved him? Did he ever tell you he loved you?" It took dave a bit of time to process that question. Ahmad could see he was working through it, and after about five minutes, he answered. "No Sir."

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Gabe wasn't a yeller, so he didn't scream when his phone lit up with dave's phone number. "Where the fuck are you and what the hell did you do, you ungrateful scum bag?" "Relax Dr. Gabe. This is Ahmad speaking. dave is with me. I wonder if the two of us can come over to talk with you and fred. Yes, I know fred is there." Indeed, he was. Gabe had finished fucking him for the second time and he had him bound gagged and naked waiting for when his libido revived. He had put a cage on fred too. "dave can come over. You can go to hell." "Dr. Gabe... you must understand. This is really an all or nothing option. Either the two of us come over, or no one does. dave king will block your phone number, and you will neither hear from him nor see him again. Those are your options. " Gabe began sputtering. He was angry. He didn't think dave was clever enough or sinister enough to outplay him, but this Ahmad: he was GOOD. "I'll expect you hear in half an hour. " "We will be there Dr. Gabe. Thank you for seeing us." Ahmad spoke to a dead line. "He is very angry dave. VERY angry. I cannot blame him. If you did to me what you did to him... I daresay, you'd not have to worry about a cock cage again, because I would remove it in your sleep." "I'm sorry Sir. " "Well, you'll say that to Gabe. At some point. I will let you know when." He sighed. "more cabs. More cabs. "

They got to Gabe's apartment. Ramon was on the door, and he smiled. "He's waiting for you and your friend Mr. dave." "Thank you Ramon. Let me just say, it's been wonderful to know you." Ramon looked confused as Ahmad and dave got on the elevator. "Put your hands behind your back, dave king, I'm going to bind them. And put your head down in submission." "yes sir." dave felt the rope tightening on his wrists. Even given the situation, the pull of the ropes aroused him.

"Well, well, well, it's the missing sheep and the shepherd" Gabe mocked as they walked in. Ahmad ignored the remark and held out his hand. "Dr. Gabe. I do not think I have seen you since that undergrad class. You look well." "I've done well. What do you want? I want my sub back." Ahmad smiled. "Well, Dr. Gabe, see, this is where we have to talk. " He looked at the table. "Perhaps we can all sit down? Please bring fred. He is part of this." Gabe looked disgusted, and got up and dragged fred over. fred blushed red, because he was still naked. Ahmad had certainly seen him naked, but dave hadn't. "By any fairness, Dr. Gabe, dave should be undressed as well. There's an inequality of the subs here. " Gabe smiled. This was going better than he thought it would. "STRIP BITCH" he told dave as Ahmad untied him. dave dropped his clothes. They all saw he wasn't caged and had half a woody. Once he sat down again, Ahmad tied his hands behind him. "Let me try to explain to you how I see this Dr. Gabe. Because I think you will agree with me. You allowed dave to see me, but you did NOT give him permission to sleep with me. " "Damn right I didn't." "And I believe dave told me that he took a vow of fidelity to you, but you did not take one as well." "Also true, and why should I?" "No, I agree with you. You are 100% correct. As the DOM you have rights that the sub does not. In my view, dave was wrong to do what he did." Gabe smiled. "You're a much more reasonable man than I thought you'd be Ahmad." Ahmad put up his hand. "There is more, Dr. Gabe. " He looked at dave. "You told me you surrendered to Dr. Gabe. You accepted him as your DOM." There was a weak "yes sir," in between sobs. "Well, Dr. Gabe, I'm afraid that's more grounds for punishment for dave because, you see, he didn't have the right to take you as a DOM. " "WHAT?" Now Gabe DID raise his voice, while Ahmad rifled through his bag for his book. "Dr. Gabe, all through my time with dave, I kept a diary. I think you'll be able to tell I did not write this yesterday or today. But I have marked the page where I recorded dave accepting ME as his DOM." Gabe began reading the page. The story of what Ahmad had done to dave to get the submission was now arousing HIM. "If he did all that, this guy is GOOD" he thought. " He finished the book and slid it back over. "FUCK . YOU LYING BITCH. YOU TOLD ME YOU SLEPT WITH AHMAD. YOU NEVER TOLD ME YOU HAD TAKEN HIM AS A DOM." "no sir" came from dave, again weakly. "See, Dr. Gabe, I had always planned to come back to NYC as I have. But before I left.... " He turned the pages. "AH. Here they are. First, me recording when I told dave he had permission for dalliances when I was gone, and my reactions when I found out about them." Gabe spoke in slow, bitter tones as he looked at dave. "So you were spoken for, you knew it, and you deceived me." "yes sir." "FUCK!" Then he looked at Ahmad. "But wait... fred here. What...." Ahmad laughed. "Well, that is much simpler than you may think, Dr. Gabe. Yes, he and I are engaged, but that can be ended with the removal of a ring. And if I understand things correctly, when you were in St. Louis, fred accepted you as a DOM." "HE DID . AND THEN HE ACCEPTED YOU?" "That's where things are simpler, Dr. Gabe. fred BOTTOMED for me, he did everything I told him to do, but he never accepted me as his DOM." Gabe looked at fred. "Is that true?" "Yes sir." "So... you were going to marry a man even though you were and are my property, and you didn't even tell me." Now fred looked down. "no sir." Ahmad's smile got wider. "So, you see, I think we have a solution here. dave had no right to surrender himself to you, and fred had no right to become my fiance'. I have a solution." He slid his engagement ring to fred. "The engagement is over. Dr. Gabe did not approve it, and I will not be a part of something like that. That's the easy part. On the issue of the house we bought together." He reached back into his bag. "I will pay you for your half of the house, and you will sign title to me at the bank tomorrow." fred looked dubious. "If you do not, then I WILL hold you responsible for half of the costs as long as we jointly own the house. " "He'll sign the papers. You'll move in here tonight. There's room"

fred began to smile just a bit. "yes sir." dave will move in with me. It is only right. BUT... both of these gentlemen, if we can call them that, need to be punished. He looked around Gabe's apartment. "You have a beautiful home, but I would despair of messing it. On the other hand, the house in the Village has an almost Gothic feel about it, complete with a sinister basement, with overhead beams, and all the accoutrements of a good old dungeon. " He saw Gabe smile. "So you're suggesting..." "Yes, you and I will coordinate schedules, Dr. Gabe. Sometime next week. dave will be there. You bring fred. And then it is time for YOU and I, wronged as we have been, to have our fun." "I like the way you think Ahmad." "Wait. I am not finished. I have one other item. dave is mine, but you used him. fred is yours, but I used him. I would propose that we agree that , sort of like the story of Persephone in Greek mythology, once every month, each of these subs shall be required to spend a night with the other DOM. " Ahmad smiled. "For old time's sake." "For old time's sake." Gabe repeated. He held out his hand to Ahmad. "You're a crafty one, Ahmad. Now get that blond bitch dressed and out of here. I'll have his stuff sent to your house. Leave the address with Ramon."

"Are you doing ok, dave king?" Ahmad asked him in the taxi down to the Village. "I don't know Sir. It all happened so fast, and...." Ahmad smiled. "This is what you need to do my handsome soldier. You are now my sub again. The way you were. I am done with fred, you are done with Gabe - except for one night a month. " He squeezed dave's hand. "I understand what you said about my style of domination not being as severe as you would like. I will change that. " He grinned. "I will start changing it tonight." "Tonight? Sir, aren't you tired? I know I am." "I am more horny than tired, bitch. And I will have your ass. AFTER... well, you'll find out."

Twenty minutes later, dave found himself suspended from one of those ceiling beams that Ahmad had mentioned to Gabe. He had a ball gag in his mouth, and he was caged in AHMAD's cage. His ankles were shackled, and spread far apart. Nipple clamps cut into his tits, as Ahmad began adding fishing weights, one at a time. "MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMPH." dave began to squirm. "Ah. The prisoner enjoys this too much... That is fine. We have more." Ahmad completed putting the twelve weights on dave's nipples. "When we do this next time, dave king, we will use the snake bite set first. Your tits will be pulled out and there will be SO much more to pinch. But as for now.... " Ahmad ran his nails down dave's sides. When dave squirmed to get out of the way, the clamps moved, as did the weights, sending pain through his body. He saw the clips - they looked like the clips dave used to hold his papers together , as Ahmad added them, one at a time, to his sides. How many were there? "That takes care of the first 48, dave king" Ahmad smiled. And now.... the last two. One for each ball." "MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMPH" dave couldn't help squirming even though he knew what this did to his nipples. He felt Ahmad's finger probing his ass. "This has been SO well used since I was the only one entering it. And now.... I will have it again." He stood back and looked at dave. "You a sub, boy?" dave bobbed his head yes, eagerly. "Is this your DOM standing in front of you." More head bobbing. And your DOM is going to FUCK the bejeezus outta you tonight, blondie." dave saw Ahmad go over to a shelf in the basement. He picked up a whip. Ahmad had never used a whip on him. "Time to get those clips off. The fun way. One. Two. THREE."

Ahmad's sure strikes let dave know he had been practicing when he was overseas. dave felt the clips falling away until he didn't. He passed out, probably when the whip hit his balls. When he woke up, he was in Ahmad's bed, restrained, but slightly off the surface. Ahmad had fitted the bedroom with restraints at different places, and the ones he was using not only restrained dave's wrists, but they pulled his ankles up, over his head, in a very uncomfortable position that lifted dave about two inches off the bed. "Now my pretty. The first fuck was a welcome back fuck. THIS one, is about letting you know : I OWN YOU." The fuck that followed was closer to the rough, unpolished once he got from Gabe, than the ones he used to get from Ahmad. The clamps were still on his nipples, but without the weights, and Ahmad twisted them. "You wanted to have your cake and eat it too, dave king. Two DOMS. TWO? " He SLAMMED into dave. "NO ONE GETS THAT. You should consider yourself fortunate to have ONE GOOD DOM, YOU WORTHLESS SLIME." "nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnngggggg" dave was so glad to have Ahmad back, he moaned more out of pleasure than pain. "I should let you know: I have taken some performance enhancing drugs dave king. This is NOT the last time I'm going to fuck you tonight. " And then he shouted, and dave's ass filled with his cum. That's when Ahmad pulled off the clamps and twisted with his fingers, sending more pain through dave. "I would normally release you to shoot, boy, but no. You've been free of a cage too long. Tomorrow, we'll work out the length of time. " Ahmad released the restraints, and he took off the gag. He looked at dave, pushing his sweaty hair out of his face. "Are you ok, dave king?" "Never better Sir." Ahmad smiled, and kissed him. "It's going to be better from now on. I promise. Now let me trundle you off to bed. You'll need to get back to your books after they get delivered tomorrow." "Yes sir." They were. Gabe kept his promise. Boxes came, together with a certified letter, signing title to the house over to Ahmad. "So many boxed, dave king? I didn't know you owned so many things." "I don't Sir. These are things Gabe bought me. Clothes. Lots of clothes. "OH GOOD. I was worried about your wardrobe." "I'm just wondering. " dave began to get weepy. "Gabe had a picture : a professional photograph - of the two of us on his desk. I'm looking for it." It wasn't in the boxes. It stayed on Gabe's desk. Next to the photo of Gabe and fred.

Next: Chapter 29

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