Grad Student Submission

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Nov 18, 2020


When Gabe woke up the next morning, he saw Dave beside him, his hand holding up his head, smiling. "Morning gorgeous," Dave said, before leaning down and kissing the very sleepy Gabe. "Oh, hi, morning. Have you been up long?" "About two hours. I don't sleep late. Force of habit I guess." He reached over and traced a circle in Gabe's generous chest hair. "But I was fine. I thought about last night. I thought about you. I thought about how much fun I had. But most of all... " He kissed Gabe again. "I thought about how maybe, just maybe, I could talk you into round 3 before the day gets started." Gabe smiled. Dave wasn't a boy, but his boyishness was so lovely, so , well, stimulating. He rolled Dave onto his back and he smiled down at him. "So you want a third round, huh? " "If you keep me pinned down like that, I may never get up. It feels so good." "Heh heh. You like it when I restrain you Dave?" "I LOVE it. I didn't think I would, but last night, when you did that trick on me, and I couldn't resist... well, I didn't want to resist, but... OH, giving up control. It was AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWESOME" Gabe leaned down and kissed Dave. He kissed him again, and then he whispered "gimme that neck." Dave had never been scruffed before, and the gasp he let out made Gabe stop. "DONT YOU DARE STOP FUTURE MD" Gabe smiled. Oh, it was like playing with a new toy. One that played back. He gently scraped his short little beard back and forth over Dave's neck, before he moved back to more kissing. "How are your nips, Dave? Sensitive?" Dave smiled. "I really don't know. Should they be?" There was a big smile from Gabe as he thought "WOW. He isn't a virgin but he should be. And I'm the first. I'm REALLY the first..." He pinched one of Dave's nips, and Dave's hips convulsed, "OH GOD GABE. If you do that, there's not gonna be any third round because, well... LOOK what you did." Dave's cock was up in the air, hard and full. Seeing it, Gabe's began to grow. He whispered "You really don't wanna change positions? You want me in you again, Dave." "Yes. Very much. Especially if you kiss me the way you did last night." "MMMM. I can do that. " Gabe slipped on a condom, and began to slide into Dave's already lubricated ass. Gabe was the first man in Dave's limited experience who actually kissed him during sex, and he loved it. Gabe could hear his little groans of happiness. He thought for a quick second of giving up medical school, or seeing if Dave would transfer to a school near St Louis with him. "GABE YOU FEEL SO GOOD IN ME. OH WOW. I WISH YOU HAD BEEN FIRST." "Me too," Gave thought. He smiled and said "I'll take the silver medal when I have golden boy underneath me." His excitement at having this prize, the man he had coveted for three months in his bed, was getting to him. There was one last push and... while it was smaller than the one before it, he jizzed enthusiastically into Dave. He looked at Dave's hard cock. "How should we take care of you, cupcake? My lips? My hand? Your hand? "You're in charge Gabe. What would make you happy?" "You being in my bed every night," he thought, and then ... "you ever hear of the term edging?" "You mean like in machinery making?" Gabe laughed. "No silly. If I play with you and take you right to the edge of cumming, but pull you back, that's "edging" "Oh, geez. Do you think I'll survive?" "Hah hah. Many men have. Now, let me get in a good position." He wanted to make sure that he had Dave pinned, so that he couldn't "help." He needn't have worried. Gabe was the first man who actually cared about how his cock felt, and Dave just lay back, closed his eyes, and moaned. "Oh dear. This school's gotta change the policy. I coulda been having this for 3 months, and, and...." "Yeah, I coulda too," was Gabe's thought. And then Dave splooched one as big as the first two. Gabe grabbed him and hugged him. "Where the hell are you getting all that juice man?" Dave laughed. "I guess it's cause I'm not experienced. And you're so good at this Gabe. " He sighed. "Do you have any idea how long it'd take to be recovered for another go?" Gabe made a tight smile. "A couple hours, and unfortunately, I don't have that time. I have to meet with my committee in... 90 minutes. So, please don't think I'm throwing you out. You could stay forever, but..." "Do you want me to wait here until you get back?" Gabe didn't say anything, and then Dave saw the boxes, and the suitcases. "Oh. That's right. Medical School. I forgot. When do you leave , Gabe?" "This week. The day after my defense. " "Wednesday?" Gabe looked down and away. "yeah." He didn't see Dave's face, but he felt his hand on his shoulder "Hey, dude, you have a safe trip. Listen, do you need help with the movers or anything? I'm pretty strong when a handsome guy isn't immobilizing me so he can teach me about sex. Seriously Gabe: can I come and help?" It took Gabe a few minutes to collect himself. "Let me give you a ring if I do, ok? I think they're sending a big enough team, and I really don't have that much." "OK. Do that, please. " Dave wrote down his number. "I'm not even sure you have this. I know Gillian does, but... " He got up and hurriedly began changing into what he had brought in his overnight. "Dave, do you wanna shower or something?" "NAH. I live a few blocks from here, you have your meeting and you know what? Back in the mideast we'd have contests to see who'd not taken a shower the longest. I think mine was 11 days. I'm used to grime." Gabe laughed. "Soldier, you are also a wonderful lover." "Hey thanks. I think you are too, but you probably know that from other guys. Can I get a kiss goodbye?" Gabe couldn't hold it in, and he was sobbing a little . Dave could feel it. "DUDE. If the committee sees you crying, they'll see it as a sign of weakness. PULL IT TOGETHER. Best of luck on the defense." Dave grabbed his bag, didn't look back and left the apartment. It wasn't until he got to the front of the building that he started crying. Gabe defended his dissertation on Tuesday, and left for St. Louis on Wednesday. He didn't call Dave to help with the moving. He didn't think he could handle seeing him, and in any event, in the moving rush, he lost the slip of paper.

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Dave walked through the next few days in a sort of fog. He was going home for Christmas to see his folks, but just for a few days. Then he'd come back from Wisconsin, and settle in for the next semester. All of that time just seemed to have flown by, and before he knew it, he was back. He had spent a lot of time thinking about Gabe while he was in Wisconsin. He laughed: his folks lived right outside of the city of Rome. Kind of ironic, he thought, since he had met Gabe in a Roman history class, and it looked like Roman history was calling him. Life was funny. And now he knew: those desires, those wishes he had thought made him dirty, and wrong, and so many other things: well, they weren't. Gabe had enjoyed sex with him so much, and had laughed and smiled and hugged and kissed him so completely. "DAMN ITS GONE. Why do we never get to keep what's good?"

He was thinking this when he heard a plummy, thick female voice behind him. "DAVE! SOLDIER DAVE! WAIT UP!" He turned around "GILLIAN! OH MY GOODNESS. GOD ITS SO GOOD TO SEE YOU" She threw herself into Dave's arms. "How IS my favorite student?" "Oh, Gillian, a little down in the dumps. I'll be ok, but..." "Now Dave, let's not use the future tense. Let's change that to I AM ok, because.... HEY, you happen to know what day it is today?" "Uh, Thursday?" "NO. It's 'Take a Dyke to Lunch Day' and you have a job to do. Let's go find something to eat. And tell me why your face looks a whole like an upside down banana." When they sat in the restaurant, and made a little small talk, Dave told her what happened. Gillian grabbed his hand "Oh, sweetie. I'm so sorry it happened that way. I really am. " She squeezed his hand. "You know, can someone who has a whole lot more experience with matters of the heart and of the vulva give you some advice." Dave blushed when she said that word. "Oh Dave, stop it. You're going to have to get used to me saying it a lot" "Why is that Gil?" "I'll tell you at the end. But first. I have a diagnosis for your problem, and I have a treatment. Know what the problem is? To be blunt, David King, you are NOT GETTING LAID ENOUGH." She said it loud enough that Dave felt like he was in that movie "When Harry Met Sally." People were staring. "I'm SERIOUS. Look, the only person who's ever told me how good Gabe is in bed, is Gabe himself." "He was great Gil" "Well, how do you know that Sir? Didn't you learn that you need to collect data to draw a conclusion?" He chortled a bit. "Always a teacher. Didn't you tell us in class 'make sure you have at least 3 pieces before you draw a conclusion?" "Yes I did. And we have to find ways for you to collect more data." "Well, do you have a suggestion?" She smiled. "As a matter of fact I do. You know about the monthly dances here don't you?" "I did see them. I just never thought of going because.." "Because you had no one to go with. Well, now you do. Your dyke friend." "But I don't dance, and..." She laughed. "David. NO ONE goes to these things to dance. And if you DO want to dance, you're with a British dyke. I mean, REALLY Dave. You think you're going to look silly? Wait till you see me. Know what size shoe I wear? A 10." "A 10? That's not really big. I wear a 13." "DAVE! Women have smaller feet. Just take a look at mine." Indeed, they were big. "Ok, it sounds good. Can I wear what I'm wearing?" "You could, but.... Dave do you own anything other than jeans and white shirts?" "Gym clothes." "Ok. This Saturday, we're going to do some shopping. Bring your credit card. It's a cliche' that dykes don't know how to shop. As you'll find out. Now... it's holiday time. Share a sundae? OH HELL with sharing, let's both get one." "Wait Gil. You promised to tell me about vulva. " "OH. YES. Are you still thinking of the summer Latin program?" "I am. I haven't spoken to Spelling yet." She folded her arms. "Well, you may know address me as PROFESSOR GILLIAN, because I'm teaching the summer class." Dave's eyes got big. "REALLY? " "Oh yes. Do you think that regular professors bother with the summer classes? They're all like Roman senators - off at the villas or something. It's we peons who get the summer stuff. So I'm teaching both terms. Get into Spelling's office soon. " "Yes ma'am. Oh, I'm sorry. Professor. " She laughed. "I have a feeling you're a strawberry sundae man." He blushed. "Am I that transparent?"

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The lunch with Gillian left him exhilarated. He couldn't wait to go shopping with her. He made an appointment to see Professor Spelling, and he remembered what Greg had told him. When he left the appointment, he had a fellowship check in his hand for the summer Latin program, and he had signed up as a provisional ancient studies major. He was so excited, he almost didn't hear the dark skinned, thin guy "WOOF" him as he came out of the office. But he did , and he turned. The guy smiled. "Hey. I know you. You're Dave. The star of ancient. " He stood up. "We haven't met but we should have. I'm Ahmad. I was in that class." "Nice to meet you Ahmad. You're right. I just had my nose so buried in things that , I didn't really make any friends." "Well, now you have Dave. You know, I should be mad at you because you're the reason I didn't get an A+." "ME? What did I do?" "Haha. I'm joshing you. Grossfeder would only give ONE, and you had higher marks. I did fine." He smiled "But you can make up for it by buying me a drink sometime." Dave blushed. "Oh, sure... " He looked over Ahmad. Very different from Gabe, but cute. In a different kind of way. "Ahmad, why are you studying ancient history? I'm just curious because, well, I don't really know why I am." "I'll tell you more at that drink, but I'm fascinated with a legend in my family. The story is, WAY back - I mean WAY back, our ancestor Ahmad had been taken to Rome as a slave. He was the property, and eventually the partner, of some rich Roman guy named Glaucus. We haven't been able to find out much about the story, and I'm hoping that one day I will. " "Roman men married each other?" Ahmad smiled. "Tell you what Dave? Let's talk about it more at that drink, ok?" "Sounds good. When should we? " "HEY . Sorry to interrupt. AHMAD I've been waiting downstairs for you for close to thirty minutes." A small, red haired guy came up and put his arm through Ahmad's "Hi. I'm Eric. " "It's happening again. FUCK" thought Dave. "How do you do? I'm Dave. Ahmad and I were in the same class last semester." "OH. YES. RIGHT. The smart one. " He turned to Ahmad. "What did you say about him? smart and hot as a pistol? " Eric smiled. "I can vouch for the second part. " "Uh, gee, oh, thank you. Ahmad. I really should be going . You guys have plans. Nice to meet you." "HEY DAVE...." Ahmad called after him as he walked off. "Dave, I think you're assuming things that, well, aren't quite right." "Looks to me like Eric is your boyfriend." "Well he is, but... we're fluid. It's probably better to say we're fuck buddies or something like that?" "Fuck buddies? I don't know what that is." "Look, Dave... not here. I like you. I like you a lot. I want to go out with you, see if we hit it off, and... please don't go off huffy because of what Eric and I do." His eyes were pleading. "I gotta go Ahmad. See ya in class."

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When he met Gillian for their shopping date, he told her about Ahmad. "OH. ANOTHER CUTIE. Big BIG fave of the TAs. Not as big a fave as you were: seems this years group has a thing for blonds, but I heard more than one man, and more than one woman fantasize about those arms and legs. He was a dancer you know." "No, we really didn't talk about that. I left after his boyfriend came by." Gillian looked puzzled. "Ahmad has a boyfriend? How did I miss this?" "Red haired kid. Short." "ERIC????" She began to laugh. "Dave, Eric isn't his boyfriend. Eric desperately wants to get in Ahmad's pants whenever he can. Ahmad is supposedly very, VERY gifted, and Eric has, shall we say, a reputation as being quite, ahem 'receptive?' "But Ahmad said yes when I asked if he was his boyfriend." "That's because Eric was there. He didn't want to scare him off by saying No. Eric THINKS he is, but Ahmad is a bit of a slut. Wait. That's not the word I mean. He's playing the field. You should be too." "He used the word 'fuck buddy' "You don't know what that means?" "Uh, no." "You probably didn't have one in the army. " She shook her head. "You know, if God is watching: do you see how silly this is? A frumpy British dyke - is that redundant? - is teaching a gay guy how to shop for clothes, and about gay sex." She shook her head. "A fuck buddy is someone who's your bed partner for convenience. No strings. You're both free, both horny , fall into bed. Burn off some energy. "I see." Gillian looked down over her glasses. "Dave. I want you to go out with Ahmad. " "I left . I looked like a fool. I didn't even get his number." Gillian pulled out her cell phone. "Momma Gil to the rescue. Get your cell ready. She poked in some numbers. Hey Ahmad. Sorry to be a pest on the weekend, but, you know Dave from class? Well he told me he met you and didn't get your number. Can I give it to him?" Dave heard some talk, Gillian laughed, and then she was repeating a phone number to Dave. "Ok, thanks bunny. OH. Are you taking the summer class? You are? GREAT. Dave is too. I can't wait to see the two of you duke it out for first place."

She got off the phone. . "WELL... she dropped her voice. "LET ME TELL YOU WHAT HE SAID. When I said you hadn't gotten his number, can I give it to him, he told me "tell him it's 11 inches and I'M the one who'll give it to him." "He still wants to go out with me? " "DAVE. Why can't you see how much people want to date you? How about this? Why don't you call him and ask if he's going to the dance on Friday? Meet up there. It'll be fine. Now, let's find you something to wear...." Gillian had decided that Dave could use a tighter pair of jeans, and she found a flannel cord button down shirt, in dark blue. "It'll set off your eyes. Don't tuck it in. It'll look sexier. " Dave had to admit, it did. He called Ahmad that afternoon. First, he apologized. "Hey dude, " Ahmad answered back. "I am really sorry. I sometimes get too subtle for my own good. I really wanna go out with you Dave. The dance is fine, but let's make it a second date, ok? You know , there's an exhibit at the Met. Some dead guy left his collection of Roman artifiacts . I was gonna go and see it tomorrow. Can you join me? " "Uh, sure. What time?" "11?" "Sounds great. Gives me time to get in my workout and then meet you." "Uh, you're up early enough on Sunday to workout, change, and get to the Met by 11?" "It's close. I sleep in until 7 but I'll be fine." Ahmad started laughing. "Oh, wow. We have totally different biological clocks. " He dropped his voice. "And I hope different positions." Dave blushed. "I bottom." He heard Ahmad clapping. "YES SIR. YES WE DO. See you tomorrow." After he got off the phone call, Dave realized he was hard.

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Dave made his way to the museum on Sunday morning. He thought from what Ahmad said he might want some coffee before seeing the show, so he had picked up two cups, figuring he'd drink one while he waited. But Ahmad was there, in a bright yellow turtleneck, and some trousers that Dave had seen at the store with Gillian. He remembered the price. Ahmad's family must have money. Ahmad smiled "Oh, you're a god. But you're probably used to people saying that. " He smiled. "Can I get a cheek peck with my coffee. And thank you. Seriously." Dave leaned in to give the cheek peck, and found Ahmad's lips on his. Ahmad smiled. "I'm sorry, but.. you know, I 've been wanting to do that for about 2 and a half months. That's why I wore this yellow thing too. I didn't want you to miss me. " Dave was smiling. "You're funny Ahmad. How did I miss you in class?" "I really don't know, David. I was cutting up in the back all the time. I guess you were just... focused. What did you do before school? "I was a soldier, Ahmad." "REALLY? What kind?" "Army. I was a sharpshooter. Please don't ask me anymore. " He felt Ahmad's hand on his arm. "I'm sorry. That was rude. I'm just, well, I'm just so nervous about this. I can't believe you're going out with me." "HEY, let's go in, before it gets too crowded." The exhibit WAS crowded, but Ahmad had a way of making an entrance. People gave way. "THIS is the piece that I really wanted to see," he told Dave. They were looking at a gold collar, clearly beaten up and aged. "They say that this was part of the jewelry box of an unknown, wealthy woman. Might be. But I'd like to think that when that rich guy Glaucus picked my ancestor, he gave him something like this to wear, to show he was special." Dave had his hands in his pockets , and he was leaning over the display case, looking at the beautiful golden object. As he did, he felt Ahmad's arm snake through his. He turned around, Ahmad was quiet. "I think you're something special too Dave." "I'm going home with this boy tonight," Dave thought. They went through the exhibit, which took about 3 hours. "Would you like to catch a quick lunch, Dave? Then we can decide what we're doing the rest of the day?" "That sounds good," he answered, although he had a pretty good idea. Finding a decent place in that neck of the woods was a challenge, but they went over to a place a little further uptown. "This is an interesting place Dave. During the week, it's a clothing store. You can see it in the back. On the weekends, the front becomes a gay bar. " "You know, I've never been in a gay bar Ahmad. " "First time for everything. Let's get a snack and a drink." As they were sitting, Ahmad held Dave's hand. "Look, I really need to explain Eric and I. I KNOW that's bothering you, Dave. I'm not cheating on him, I'm really not. We like each other, we don't LOVE each other. We go out together when neither one of us has something to do or someone to date. " He smiled. "I think he has a great ass, and he thinks I have a great dick, so it's perfect. Except it's not. He really likes older men, and me, well.. " He squeezed Dave's hand. "I have a weakness for blonds with blue eyes." Dave blushed. "I... I... live alone if you want to go there." "That'd be great Dave. " "Do you have something to wear if you spend the night, Ahmad? I'm afraid my stuff might be a little big for you. " "Do you mind if we stop at my place first? I'll tell my roommie not to worry about me, and I'll get what I need." xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxx

"That was an interesting exhibit Ahmad. Thank you for inviting me. I wouldn't have known about it." "Oh, sure. I guess you were kinda busy. Hey, if I can ask, you kept on drifting over to the things they used to restrain slaves, or to torture them. Is that an interest? " "Well, I'm not sure. I know that, personally, I'm interested in control issues. Maybe that's why I went into the Army. I gave up all control." "Do you like that Dave? Giving up control?" Dave took a breath. "Yes." Ahmad squeezed his hand. Only asking to see what I put in my bag. Oh, we're here. Just gimme a few minutes. " In ten minutes, Ahmad was back. He had changed his shirt to a more sedate, pale blue one, and he had put on jeans. He had a bag with him. "I brought a few toys, Dave. We don't have to use them, but we might." "Toys?" "Oh, Dave. You are new to this. You'll see." They got to Dave's place. Dave was , not unexpectedly, meticulous about cleaning, and the apartment was immaculate. He had changed the bed linens on Saturday, and now, he was getting nervous. He felt Ahmad's hand on his shoulder. "Now kiss me the way men kiss, Dave. " THAT Dave knew how to do. "If you were Eric, I could do this, but you're not, so I can't carry you to the bed, handsome. So YOU carry me." As Dave picked Ahmad up, his fingers brushed his ribs. "ACCK. ALREADY you know my weakness. I'm horribly ticklish. Are you?" Dave smiled. "OK, my studly blond. Let's find out." Dave WAS incredibly ticklish, and he was no match for Ahmad's lanky body and fast movements. He was underneath him in no time (in truth, he didn't put up much of a struggle." "Dave King... Should I fuck you first, or should we play first?" "You're in charge Ahmad. " "You're right. I am." He pulled out two pair of handcuffs. "Meet some of my toys, dave."

Next: Chapter 4

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