Grad Student Submission

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on May 29, 2021


And so, readers, here we are at the end of our tale. Sort of. You can continue to read about Gabe in my story" jace switches Masters". Meanwhile. Gabe stood there, perhaps more stunned than any of the others in the basement. He wasn't getting dave back, and it seemed he had lost fred too. It took him a minute to gather his poise, and then Gabe became Dr Landsman: "Well, it seems that the sentiment is that these meetings are a bad idea, so we should end them. " He paused. "Ahmad, congratulations. I have just one request I ask that you consider. " "Of course Dr. Gabe. What would that be?" "Your boy - dave - he desperately needs a shave. If you'd give me the honor of doing it." dave looked stunned. His shavings from Gabe had always aroused him, but.. Ahmad smiled. He had always wanted to put a mirror up when he was shaving dave. Now, he wouldn't have to. "Get undressed dave. And move your hands up over the ceiling post." "yes sir," dave tried to hide his excitement. The cage helped. Ahmad cuffed him and then, with his body like a canvas, Gabe got to work. He didn't say anything, but he just let the single edge linger as he liminated what little chest hair dave had . Then he moved to his pits. dave squirmed . This was always the part he liked the least, and he took a fw smacks to his as to calm down before Gabe finished that job. Then, Gabe looked at Ahmad. "Think you could unlock him so I could get the pubes.? Ahmad tossed him the key. dave's cock popped out, and after Gabe had finished, he sighed. "Here's a suggestion to you Sir Ahmad. You gotta get dave's cock down to relock it." He leered at fred, because he KNEW how humilitated he'd be by the suggestion: how about having fred suck him off? I imagine it's been a while since Gabe had a blow job, and fred needs to learn his new role." "GOOD IDEA SIR GABE. " Ahmad looked at fred, tied there in the chair. "You realize you'll be beta if you stay, don't you, blondie?" fred didn't look up. He just muttered "yes sir." "Do you want to stay for this, Sir Gabe?" Gabe smiled. "I think I'll pass. I'd like to just give one more kiss to dave." "Be my guest. You want privacy?" "Not necessary." He walked over to where dave was suspended, and he was smiling. "I'm sorry Sir. " dave hung his head. Gabe laughed, and pushed up his chin. "Regrets are stupid, boy. Don't forget your place. I'm gonna be just fine. And you may hear from me again." He pressed his lips to dave's, and while Gabe never developed finesse in that area, when dave realized it was probably the last kiss that he would get from Dr. Gabe, he didn't want to let him go. Gabe dropped his hand to dave's cock, wet with pre-cum, and smiled. "Shoot deep into his mouth. Remember what I told you." He shook Ahmad's hand, and then said "it's ok. I can let myself out. You have your hands full, stud." After Gabe was gone, Ahmad untied fred. "you know what you need to do curly. Entertain me. Maybe, just MAYBE, you'll get to join us in bed." "Thank you Sir."


So, we're near the end folks. What happened next? Well, here we go. Two weeks after all of this happened, dave was reading the newspaper. "Sir...." he called out to Ahmad. "Gabe put his apartment up for sale. Asking price is 26 million dollars." Ahmad laughed. "Honestly, I thought he'd ask for more. He'd have to if that bed could talk." A week later, someone bought the apartment for 30 million after a bidding war. Our "trupple" settled in as such: Ahmad was clearly the DOM, dave the alpha sub, and fred, beta. During the school year, since both Ahmad and fred worked on their joint business from the brownstone, if Ahmad needed "relief", he took it from fred. And when dave got back from his classes, be they his grad degree or boot camp, he took over as the object of Ahmad's needs. At one point, Ahmad tried to get dave to top fred. That was a fiasco, and it never happened again. After the new academic year, and after dave had worked feverishly to make sense of the scrolls and to translate them, he defended his Masters with distinction, and was accepted into the PhD program. He and Ahmad took a trip back to Italy, leaving fred in charge of the house and business. In Italy, Ahmad met Marco. After their first meeting, he said to dave: "Marco who?" Before long, the three of THEM had set up their own little trupple, only this time, dave was beta, and Marco was alpha. By the time dave had gotten back to the dig, the archaeologists had been able to map out the floor plan of Glaucus' estate, and had even found traces of the pendulum he had used to break Marcellus. When he saw that, dave had one more dream about being on that platform, with the blade coming down. In that last dream, Ahmad stopped the blade, and untied him. When he looked up, Glaucus was gone.

And of Gabe? Well, while the apartment was on the market, he took advantage of the busy "escort" service that was available in NY. He never found a boy who satisfied him the way that "lab rat" jace had. He smiled. The new lab wouldn't need to look for a director, since Dr. Landsman was selling his practice, and moving to that city to direct the lab himself. He found an appropriate house: a big one with 14 rooms. And now, all he needed was.... He called the director of the lab where jace and Matt worked. "Brandon, Gabe here. Listen, I hope you don't mind this. I'm going to need some people to staff the lab, and there's one guy there: big guy, red haired. Matt I think his name is? Yeah, well, I wonder if you could set up and interview between he and I. You don't mind if I poach him? " He laughed. "Yeah, I know. When there's an in the lab romance, it gets messy. Sorry that jace's work has begun to deteriorate. He has real potential." He got off the phone and smiled. "REAL potential. He just needs direction. Ha ha ha ha ha."

And in the Ancient Studies Department, the director opened up an envelope with the bequest from Dr. Landsman of 2 million dollars. First stipend was to go to dave king to continue his studies. The rest of the money was for research into slavery and domination in the ancient world.


And there we are folks, all done. If Gabe intrigues you, move over to my story about jace: he'll be there. And if you want to pick up on an idea, and write a story, please feel free. And if you have ideas for spin offs, let me know. I'll always credit you. Ave et vale, as we used to say when I was young.

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