Grad Student Submission

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Nov 20, 2020


"I can't believe I'm letting you do this," dave kind of giggled, as Ahmad locked the second handcuff around his left wrist, and then to the bedpost. Now dave was handcuffed to his own bed, as Ahmad, smiling, began opening his shirt. "Yes you can, dave. You know why you're letting me do this?" He continued the unbuttoning, running his soft hand over dave's chest "Because you WANT me to. You want me to take control, just like you want me to do this..." he pinched one of dave's nipples and dave moaned. "Oh, you like that. That's good. I'm a tit man . Actually, I'm an everything man. I like any part of a man's body that responds to me. " He smiled widely? Does this make me a pit man? " He stuck a finger into dave's underarm and dave jumped, he was so ticklish. "ha ha . We're going to have fun tonight, my beautiful dave and I" Ahmad began running his hand all over dave's now exposed torso, occasionally pinching one of dave's nips, as dave closed his eyes and moaned, happily. He felt Ahmad's lips meet his, and his eyes opened, Ahmad was sitting on the edge of the bed, near dave's hip. He had taken off his shirt, and his wiry, muscular body was apparent. Dave felt his cock stir even more. "Know what my favorite dog is, dave?" Ahmad bent down and kisssed dave's nips. "No. Should I guess?" "Ha ha. No. I'll tell you. It's a golden lab. They're beautiful, they're smart, and they're trusting loyal." Ahmad climbed up again and straddled dave, pinching both nips. "You're like a golden lab dave. You're so beautiful, and you're so smart. And I can tell: you're trusting and loyal to a fault." Dave looked at Ahmad. "How do you know that?" And Ahmad smiled. "You haven't pulled at the cuffs since I locked them. If you did, you'd have realized: I didn't lock them. You could've gotten up. You trusted me. You're a big, beautiful trusting guy who just needs love from someone who'll teach you." He gave another kiss to dave. "But now, I AM gonna lock them, ha ha." He saw Ahmad produce a key. "I like that you only wear white shirts and jeans dave king. They work with your eyes and hair. Don't change that. Ever. Makes you so solid, so... OH, I don't know what. I just want to stare into your eyes for about a year, you stud." When he kissed dave this time, his tongue snaked into dave's mouth. "Snaked" was the right word, because everything about Ahmad was curvy, and sinuous, like a great big "S" His tongue moved around dave's mouth and all dave could do is make a sound somewhere between 'yes' and 'MMMMM'. "hee hee. I know what I want to do first. Before I dance for you dave. I want to show you just how securely I've got you." Ahmad had long fingernails, and he traced them back and forth on dave's sides. dave began to comvulse. "HA HA . STOP AHMAD. HA HA HA. THAT'S UNFAIR. STOP. STOP. REALLY.... STOP.." But Ahmad didn't. "Why not dave king? Did you forget to pee before we started? " Dave just kept on laughing. "If you pee, I'm gonna have to use your undies at some point, and it won't be nice." "HA HA HA HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. PLEASE AHMAD. STOP. PLEASE." "Ok. For a little while. But just remember: if you don't do what I want, I'm going right back there. Understand, handsome?" dave caught his breath. "Yes sir." "OOOH. That's right. Military man dave. Sharpshooter dave. Maybe later we'll see if your cock shoots sharply too. But now.... I promised to dance for you, and I will. " He pulled out his iphone and connected it to dave's stereo. "See, while you were working in the army, I was working too. At a profession of ill repute. My name was "Dark Berry." And now, I'm gonna strip dance for you." The music started and Ahmad began. He moved beautifully: like a professional (dave found out later that Ahmad had, indeed, had professional training). His shirt was already off, but little by little, and gracefully as hell , he took off every article of clothing, until he was down to the skinniest thong dave had ever seen - in fact, dave had NEVER seen a thong. It was white silk, and he saw... well, he THOUGHT he saw - a HUGE cock bunched up inside of it. "Keep your eyes opened dave, I'm gonna show you your Christmas present.." Then, as the music changed its beat, Ahmad dropped the thong. His cock, hard and long, popped out. "OH GEEZ Ahmad! How long IS that? " "Ha ha. Ricky likes to take measurements. He said it's 11. Other people have said it's big. Is it as big as yours, dave? " He opened dave's jeans, and slid them down. dave was hard too, and there was a drop of precum on his cock. "OH YES. MUCH bigger than yours. Although yours is pretty too. " Ahmad kissed the head of it. "You know, I think we see Mother Nature and evolution at work here: you're just a big old bottom, so who needs a big cock? I, on the other hand, am a TOP TOP TOP and look at what I got." dave seemed a little distressed. "Ahmad, I'm never gonna be able to take that. It's too big." Ahmad turned off the music, and he climbed up on top of dave. He found his ear. "Listen sweet boy. This isnt a rape. This is a first date. I already know: I want to see you again. I THINK - but I'm not sure - that you're going to become my lover, and if that's gonna happen, you can't be forced. So... sweet boy, this is what we're gonna do. You're gonna take as much of me in your mouth as you can. And when I go into your butt - IF I go there, I'm not sure I am - I won't go beyond that. " dave was beginning to cry. "dave sweetness. Is something wrong? Did I hurt you already?" "No, no. It's just... It's just... I can't figure out why you like me, and why you're being so gentle, and so kind, and... taking care of me. " Ahmad looked down at dave. He seemed genuinely touched, but also a bit confused. "GOOD LORD dave king, what HAS life done to you? Don't tell me. That's for another time. Tonight is for beginnings. " He brushed dave's hair with his hand. "Is that ok babe?" "It's ok. I wish I weren't cuffed so I could hug you Ahmad. " "You'll be able to hug me all night if you want. But trust me. Right now, you're gonna be glad you're cuffed. And so, Dentist Ahmad says "OPEN BIG"

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While dave and Ahmad were at the museum on what they would later call their first "date" , Gabe's plane was landing in St. Louis. He had spent a few days visiting family in Rome, New York, before he caught the flight . He drove to Rome, thinking about dave. On the flight to St. Louis, he thought about dave. He tried to sleep, and his dreams turned erotic, as he recalled their one night. That beautiful, voracious boy. He didn't say "no" to anything, and Gabe couldn't remember having had better sex. He remembered that look on dave's face, like a trapped animal, when he told him that he was on his way to St. Louis that week. Dave put up a good front, but he was hurt, and Gabe had hurt him. That bothered Gabe. He should've said something, or he should've told dave what the story was. But he wanted him so badly, he just pushed all that aside. "He's so hot, he's so pleasant, and he's a bottom. He'll do WAY better than me," Gabe told himself as the plane taxied to a landing. He didn't believe the last part of it - Gabe was justifiably proud of his ability in the sack - but he assumed dave would do just fine.

The apartment he was renting came with furniture, so there was very little that he had had shipped. It would arrive soon, so once he had his carry on, and had picked up his checked bag, Gabe made his way to the apartment that was supposed to be his home through medical school. It was January , and classes wouldn't start until August, so he had lined up a few part time jobs teaching at the local university. The school, a community college, was grateful to get an East Coast PhD to teach their "great books " class, and for the summer, Gabe had a job helping to catalog a new show on ancient jewelry at the local museum. He'd keep busy for those 8 months. And maybe he could squeeze in a trip to NY, and get together with dave? You never knew.

The cab dropped him off at his building. He had the key and let himself in - there was no doorman, but "THANK YOU JESUS" there was an elevator. He took it up to the third floor. The apartment hadn't been occupied in about four months, so it was musty. Gabe left the door opened while he unpacked, so the air could circulate. Still, he was warm, so he stripped down to his t shirt and got to work. "Hey. Sorry to bother you. Just wanted to say 'welcome neighbor. I'm Fred. " Gabe turned around to see a muscular strawberry blond guy with a short beard, offering his hand and a beer. "Oh, thanks man. Gabe here. I just arrived about thirty minutes ago. From NY." "Yeah, you're gonna be the building doctor. At least that's what Mrs. Nagy tells me." "Mrs. Nagy?" Fred laughed. "Yeah, we sometimes call her Mrs. Naugahyde, which you'll understand when you get invited to her apartment for tea. She's kind of the building busy body, but she's harmless. Anyway, she and the landlord are good friends - might have dated in the 19th century - so she knows everything. Anyhow, PROST." "PROST?" You're German?" Fred smiled. "Not native born, but German American. My real name is Fritz. Family name with a long history. You may know part of it: she said you were an ancient historian? " "At one point. I decided to go to med school when I was almost done with my doctorate, so I finished up. Now, here I am" Fred laughed. "Among my people, at some point then, we'd have to call you Doctor doctor. So, did you ever study some guy who went by the name of "Glaucus of Rome?" "Why did that sound vaguely familiar? " Gabe thought, but he couldn't place it. "I'm afraid I can't. Sorry." "Yeah, no one can. I'm just really curious. Our forbearer was supposed to have been his lover, or concubine, or something. Story is the original Fritz was a slave who this guy fancied. He flipped him and.... " Fred laughed. "So the gay gene got turned on for all of eternity. Seems the family is filled with the "gay Fred " curse. You name your son Fred? He'll be gay. And have a thing for build Italian guys." Gabe laughed. "Well, I don't think that's a curse or something. Is there any gay guy who doesn't like a built Italian?" "Point taken. " He took a sip of his beer. "Hey, med school doesn't begin until the end of St. Louis' beastly summer. What're you doing until then?" "Oh, I've got a teaching job as a substitute for one semester, and then I'll be at the museum for the summer. " "Well, I don't know how much free time that's gonna leave you, but there's a bunch of us who go out on the weekends, hit the bars, do some gay stuff, etc. OH, I'm sorry. I just made an assumption because you're good looking. " Gabe laughed. "Assumption justified. No need to apologize." "Great. So, maybe you can join us sometime." "I think I'd like that." "Cool. I'm three doors down in J. Knock any time you need anything. And hey, listen. Moving's warm but St Louis winter isn't. I'd put on more clothes if I were you. Body hair isn't gonna keep you warm." He laughed again. "Let me get back to my shit. Welcome to the building." "Thanks Fred." If you had mentioned dave to Gabe at that point, he would have answered "dave who?"

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Back in NY, Ahmad was pulling his cock out of dave's mouth. He was smiling, but he was still hard. "dave, I know you're new at this , but lesson 1: if you can't take anymore, stop. Don't try to take more. Wait until your gag reflex relaxes because...." he smiled. "When you take in too much, your teeth start operating. No top likes a blowjob with teeth, and if I feel them again..." He ran his nails over dave's sides. "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Point taken. Ok, ok. Can we try again?" "How about this eager beaver? Let's put off blowjob 101 - for which you are NOT getting an A+ - and try something else. " Ahmad slid down to the bottom of the bed. "No. You are definitely NOT ready to take me. BUT... " He put his finger in his mouth. "I'm gonna get this nice and wet, and then... " He slid off dave's jeans. "Hey, Ahmad. Can I wet them? PLEASE?" Ahmad smiled. "Maybe you just got extra credit. Nice and sloooooooooow." He put one finger, then the other into dave's mouth. They were on fingers without nails. his index finger and his pinky. "My dancing fingers would rip you to pieces, but this will do. Just tell me if it's too much. " Slowly, Ahmad began to push his finger into dave's hole, the way the army doctor had given him his exam, only Ahmad was much gentler, and much more good looking. He dropped his voice. "How're you doing handsome? " At that moment, Dave's sphincter relaxed, and it sucked up Ahmad's finger completely. "OH MY. You are an eager boy, aren't you? Now, this one is tiny but... it'll give us some size." He added his pinky. With his free hand, Ahmad began to stroke dave's cock. "OOOH. OOOH. OOOH. Please. OOOH. OOOH. OOOOH. dave saw Ahmad smiling as he moaned. "You like that golden boy? You like how that feels? " "OH YES OH YES. It all feels so good. OH. OH.. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH." Ahmad began to laugh as dave blew a load all over himself. He dropped down and kissed dave. "What a good boy. WHAT A GOOD BOY. Oh, my sweet, sweet puppy. Now it's my turn." Ahmad began stroking his own cock. Dave closed his eyes, and Ahmad smacked his balls. "NOPE. Dream when we're done. For now, pay attention. Watch how I do it. This is how I like it. Because if I want a hand job, you have to do it this way. " dave watched. He licked his lips. He wished he were hard again, so he could cum with Ahmad. He saw Ahmad close his eyes. He heard him whisper "GOD dave. You're even sexier than I thought you'd be. FUCK YES. SO MUCH MORE THAN A WET DREAM. " Then he yelled something in a language dave didn't understand (he later learned it was Farsi), and came all over dave. He scooped up a few drops on his finger, and brought it to dave's mouth. "Taste it love. Eventually, you're gonna be tasting a whole lot more of it. But every man's jizz has its own taste, and I want you to know mine." "You don't want to know mine, Ahmad? " "Hee hee hee. I already do. Look at my lip. When you exploded... you could've taken my eye out." "I'm sorry. I was just so... " "Hey, golden dave. No sorries for making me feel proud of what I did. I LOVE seeing a big boy like you jizz like that. Now..." He reached over and got the handcuff keys. "If I let you go, you promise not to run away?" "I'm not running away. Not unless I have to chase you." More whispering from Ahmad. "You're not gonna have to chase me , dave. Ever. " As dave massaged his wrists, Ahmad got up and came back with a wet towel, and he cleaned them both up. "You wear jammies when you sleep, dave?" "Yes. Why?" "Not tonight. I wanna feel your skin against me." Then he paused. "Oh, I made an assumption. I assumed I could stay. Can I?" "You want to? " "Yes. For as long as I can stare at those beautiful eyes of yours." "Then you can stay as long as you want." "Let's start with one night. How you wanna do this? You want me to hold you, or you want to hold me?" "Ahmad, is it ok if I hold you?" "SURE. I kinda feel like my ass is safe. But can I ask why?" "Because I'm sure not running away from you, so you don't have to hold onto me, but people tend to run away from me." he began to cry. "And I don't want you to." "I'm not. I'm staying right here tonight. Tell you what? How's about this? I usually get up to go to the bathroom during the night . When I do that, we change positions?" "I'm a sound sleeper, so that seems good to me. " Ahmad gently pushed dave back on the bed. "Now hug me sweetpea. Hug me, and let me see how your technique is." Dave put his arms around Ahmad. His bones felt like a bird's, so he didn't pull too tight, until Ahmad started nestling in. "MMMMM. B+ for blow jobs, A for attentiveness to his parnter, A++++ for hugs. Now, one last test: kiss me. Kiss me the way you'd like to be kissed." dave covered Ahmad's lips with his mouth. He wanted to feel that tongue again, and he did. As he kissed him, Ahmad thought. "Stupid boy. DON'T LET THIS ONE GET AWAY." They fell asleep the way they agreed, and they woke up with Dave feeling Ahmad's hard cock against his backside. That night was the start of a five year relationship. But we're getting ahead of our story. And we'll get ahead of our story in St Louis too. Three days after they had met, Gabe knocked on Fred's door and asked if he could take him to dinner: burgers. Fred spent the night. But again, we're getting ahead of ourselves. Intrigued? Stick around.

Next: Chapter 5

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