Grad Student Submission

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Dec 21, 2020


And so readers, if any of you have studied classical Latin, you know of how clear it is when tenses change, and when we move from the future tense to the present tense. And we are doing that now as we jump back to our present tense, and Ahmad and dave. The tryst our heroes had in the wrestling ring of the gym was something they would chat about occasionally for the rest of the time they were together. They only had one class together that semester: intermediate Latin, and Ahmad, who sat next to dave, would occasionally send him vocabulary "quizzes" with words about wrestling, or love making. They were reading the poet Catullus, and Ahmad suggested that they do a joint translation of Catullus' poem 16. Now, again, at the risk of sounding pedantic, Catullus 16 is well known to Latinists as , perhaps, the filthiest piece of writing in all of classical Literature. The first line is accurately translated as "I will fuck you in the ass and then face fuck you." There are reasons that poem does not appear in many anthologies, especially since advanced high school students DO get Catullus assigned to them. It makes no difference: students find it anyway. Their instructor, a graduate student named Tyler Wickersham, rejected the proposal. "There are far too many translations of that work available. You should find something less well known and work on that. Also, I don't encourage team projects. You should each be doing your own translation." dave settled on a poem in Vergil's "Georgics," while Ahmad chose a selection from Horace. They would work along side each other in the classics library. It was the only chance during the day, besides their three hourly meetings in intermediate Latin, when they saw each other. Their home life, however, was another matter. They were inseparable. Both seemed to take the pledge they made after their night in the gym very seriously. They watched after each other's schedules, their meals, their lives in total. And every night, after dave had gone to bed, (he retired earlier), Ahmad would carefully raise the blankes, or not if it was a warm night, wrap his arm around dave, and whisper "Good night my love. Sleep peacefully." dave always did. He looked forward to when Ahmad was aroused enough to want sex - sometimes two or three times a day - and he especially liked it when Ahmad would come up with games. "Hey dave king: how about you play the soldier taken in ambush, tied up, a hood thrown over your head, and then tortured until you submit to me sexually." "Sounds good to me, Sir" was always dave's response, even though he knew: he didn't have any say in the matter. Ahmad was in charge. He was fine with that.

Halfway through the semester, Ahmad became somewhat withdrawn. He wasn't his happy self and, while his horniness and lust for dave didn't diminish, he always seemed to be too busy for any kind of "after glow."

He was troubled. He spent more, and more time on zoom, chatting with his family in the middle east. dave was worried. Finally, at dinner one night, he asked Ahmad what was going on. Ahmad usually spoke in riddles, but this time he was direct.

"dave, my father is dying. They've run out of treatment options. If everything works out for him, he has 2, maybe 3 years left. I'm going to go and visit him at the break. It may be my last chance to see him, because the only thing that's certain is that he's dying." dave had never seen Ahmad cry. He was crying now. "My father is named Ahmad. He encouraged me to study ancient Rome, so I could track down our family. He had very little formal education, dave king , and no Latin of course: it was Qur'an, Qur'an, Qur'an. " He paused. "He was hoping I might be able to shed light on the family's history. And maybe I will be.... but it doesn't look like he'll be around long enough for me to share it. " dave stretched out his hand. "I'm sorry Ahmad. If I could give him my kidney, my lung, my heart, I would. I can't give him my heart, because you have that." That last sentence brought on a new flood of tears from Ahmad. "All I can do is try to make his son's life happier. How can I do that, Ahmad?" Ahmad looked down at his plate. "Can we forget about dinner for now, and can you just hug me while I cry dave king? I'm usually very capable, but this is leaving me helpless. " "I'll hold you as long as you want. I mean that." They cuddled on the sofa, Ahmad occasionally crying, occasionally looking to dave for a kiss, until he fell asleep on dave's shoulder. dave didn't want to disturb him, and fell asleep along side of him.

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If things were going well for Ahmad and dave in NY, they were not in St Louis for Gabe and Fred. Responsibility had to be placed with Gabe: he began becoming obsessed with the Italian guy at the gym: Marco. No one knew if Marco preferred men, or women, but Gabe wanted to find out. So, one night he called Fred and told him that he'd be late with a project at the museum: they had a dating controversy on a new acquisition, and he was part of the team trying to figure it out. In fact, he had invited Marco out for drinks and a bite to eat at a cafe' not far from the museum. When Marco had accepted, he said "I am not sure my English is good enough to say what I mean, Gabe, but... I have wanted to go out with you for a long time." He smiled his white teeth when he said that, and Gabe had nearly melted. Marco was everything that his "type" wasn't: he was dark, he was hairy, and he was thinner, rather than muscular, the way dave and fred were. As they sat at the table, having campari, Marco spoke first. "Are you staring at me Gabe? It feels like you are." "Oh, I apologize Marco. Am I making you uncomfortable?" Marco smiled. "Not at all. I'm not uncomfortable when you stare at me at work either, Gabe." Gabe blushed. "Then you've noticed?" "It was hard not to. " That day, Marco had worn a white shirt with only two buttons opened. Now he moved his hand up and opened a third. "You are handsome Gabe. And smart. But I will not be in this country long. It's an internship for me , and I'll be going back to my institution shortly. I'm the associate director of a dig near Rome. They believe they have found a new estate there, and there is very little known about it. So by mid summer, early fall, at best, I'll be leaving." Gabe sighed. "And I'll be starting medical school in August." Marco smiled again. "Then there is no time to waste, is there? Are you uncomfortable kissing in the cafe'?" "Maybe better at home?" "I live closer Gabe. Would you mind coming home with me?" Gabe did not. They necked, and probed each other. Gabe found that Marco had, what he referred to as "capezzoli morti" (dead nipples),but he made up for it in sensitivity in his ears, his neck, his torso. Gabe used some of the same techniques he had used on dave to essentially immobilize Marco. "Deo mio, Gabe. You could pillage me like the Romans did so many towns." "I'm planning on doing just that Marco." He found that Marco was a very, very receptive partner, who was more than happy to lubricate Gabe's cock before letting Gabe fuck him. Marco was smiling when Gabe said he should go. "You don't have to you know." Gabe smiled. "I should go. I have to change of course, and... I have stuff to do at home." When he got back home , fred was there, in bed. Gabe's motions woke him. "Hey.. How did it go tonight?" "Oh, it was fine. I think we're not done, but we're moving along. " fred noticed that Gabe wasn't hard when he got into bed. That was unusual. "You must be tired, Topman. I guess if I rolled on my back, it wouldn't entice you?" Gabe winced. "It would entice me to fall asleep on your chest. Is that ok?" "MMMM. Just feeling you on me, Sir... Oh yes." Gabe did seem to be exhausted. He also smelled heavily of Marco's cologne. fred tried to let it pass. He couldn't. He and Gabe didn't have an "official" relationship, and if Gabe wanted to sleep with other men, well, fred could live with it. He just didn't want to be lied to. His last lover had lied to him. He had sworn he wouldn't let it happen again.

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Back in NY, dave tried to give Ahmad all the support he could. His happy go lucky, sweet lover, always a pixie out of bed and a demon in it, had become a very serious young man. "Ahmad, would you like me to come home with you? Help as much as I can? I can't speak Arabic,but... I'll try." Ahmad looked at him before he came over and curled up in dave's arm. "dave king that is the sweetest thing any boyfriend has ever said to me. I want you to come with me so badly, but I'm going to say no. You'll be lost, and stuck inside just about all the time, and my sweet boyfriend, what we do here is NOT accepted where I'm going. How hard do you think it'll be for me to see you and know I can't kiss you, I can't tickle you, I can't, well, fuck you?" "Is there something I CAN do? I feel helpless in a BAD way Ahmad." He smiled. "I AM going to ask you to do something while I'm gone dave. Do you remember Eric?" "SURE. That cute little redhead who I thought was your boyfriend? Yeah, how is he?" "Well, he's lonely. He broke up with his REAL boyfriend and given us, well, I told him I wasn't interested in playing. Could I ask you to , well, sleep with him while I'm gone?" dave looked at Ahmad a bit incredulously: "You want me to have sex with someone else while you're gone?" Ahmad laughed. "NO SILLY. GOD. I WOULD pay to see the two of you TRYING to have sex, it'd be like an underwater ballet with both of you doing scissor kicks on your backs. I said SLEEP with him. I don't need to tell you: when you're lonely, nights are the worse. He's lonely. You WILL be lonely. And you're a marvelous cuddler dave king. Probably the best I've known. Take care of that little man. Just make him feel , well, protected and safe." "That I can do Ahmad." "GOOD. Now, I'm going to make you feel helpless in a GOOD WAY." Ahmad smiled, and dove for dave's knees. dave got out of the way, but it let Ahmad get behind him and his arms down on his chest. "NOW I GOT YA, YA BIG SEXY BLOND." dave grunted, but Ahmad was right. The way he worked dave's nipples always made him feel like a weak little boy. Ahmad had dave's hands behind him, and tied up, in no time. "Now, what shall I do to this big handsome wall of blond muscle? Hmmm. " Then he smiled. "I have a new toy. I think we'll use it." dave had seen the new toy before. It reminded him of a white plastic preying mantis. "What's that? What're you gonna do with it?" "It's my hitachi rod, dave. The latest technology in vibrators. " He pulled up a chair , smiling, as he pushed dave's legs apart. "Let's see if I can make you cum. At lowest frequency. How long will it take?" He grinned as he touched the head to dave's crotch. "OH. OH MY GOD. " NNNNGGGGGG" dave began to moan from the almost comfortable vibration. "See, dave king? You can use this while I'm gone. With one of the butt plugs. You won't even miss me." He smiled as he turned up the power on the rod. The first jolt made dave jump, and try to get out of Ahmad's ropes. "HOLY CRAP. How much stronger can that thing get?" "You wanna find out dave king? Hmmm. That was setting 2. It has 10.

Shall I try, oh, 7? "NO. NO DON'T" "Then how about letting me see a stain, studmuffin? Let me see a cum stain in those pants. Within 3 minutes. Because then I'll go to level 3. And run it for four minutes. And so on, and so forth." dave was whining. Ahmad had edged him while he was tied up before, but never with the rod. He bucked, trying to get friction against his jeans, something, to get him harder. Then he heard Ahmad's voice at his ear. "You have the hottest fucking ass on this campus dave king. And it's MINE. ALL MINE." "YES SIR. YES IT IS. I WANT YOU TO TAKE IT. TAKE IT. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGHHHHHH." The jizz began to spill out, and the stain on his jeans was evident. "Ha ha ha ha ha. Easy peasy, dave king. You're such a pussy." "Yes sir. For you." "Well, I want that pussy." He pulled dave out of the chair, leading him like a kitten to the bedroom. "Hmmm. I don't think I've taken you with your hands behind your back. First time for everything." He pushed dave on his belly, and then he opened his pants, pulling them down. His long finger teased dave's ass crack, and dave moved his legs apart, to make entry easier. "DAMN that ass is HOT." He felt Ahmad's cock beginning to enter him. "OH YES STUD. YOU OWN THAT ASS. IT'S YOURS. LONG DISTANCE OR HERE. IT'S YOURS . FUCK ME TOPMAN. FUCK YOUR BLOND BITCH." Ahmad grabbed what he could of dave's short hair, and pulled back his head. His teeth found dave's ear. "You would've been the WORST POW in history if they knew how to handle you." Gasping, dave heaved out "you're the only one who does, Sir. The only one. " He felt one last, hard push from Ahmad, and then the jizz pouring into his ass. As Ahmad finished, dave spoke. "Untie me stud. Untie me so I can hold you the way you should be held." He didn't need to ask twice. Ahmad curled up in his arms, almost in the fetal position. dave thought he heard him say "I love you Daddy" at least twice.

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Back in St. Louis, fred had had enough. It was time to confront Gabe. There had been four times, in the last two weeks, that Gabe had to "work late," and came home coated with the scent of a man's cologne. He thought about how he was going to handle this, and came up with a plan. On the fifth time that Gabe "worked late," he came home to an empty apartment. fred wasn't there. The bed was made, but it hadn't been used. "Where's fred?" he asked to the room at large. When he got no answer, he called fred's apartment. "Yup?" was the answer. "Where the hell are you?" "My apartment." "Why aren't you here?" "So that there'd be room in the bed for your boy toy." "BOY TOY. What the hell are you talking about?" "Gabe, you think I'm some dumb undergrad? You think I haven't had cock before? You're screwing someone else. I KNOW you are. " "Hey, hold on, fredster. We didn't make any promises to each other. " "No, we didn't. But you LIED to me. You told me you were working. " "Well, I was. We just 'relaxed' afterward." fred started laughing. "Hey, come on over fred. Please. Let's just talk. " Against his better judgement, fred did. He spoke first. "Listen Gabe. I'm going to assume that it's someone at work. At the museum. I get it. We're not engaged, we're not married. I THOUGHT we were lovers, but we can have different points of view on what that means. BUT... I thought I was sleeping with you, not with you and someone else. Don't you think I deserve to know these things?" Gabe got defensive. "Well, why?" "Because I stay here, waiting for your cock, and then... I can't have it because you're exhausted. How would you like it if I gave my ass to someone else?" "I'm not gonna stand for that fred." fred started laughing. "You think you have anything to say about it? Maybe you DID, but you fucked... God knows who." "His name is Marco" "I DON'T GIVE A CRAP IF HIS NAME IS POPE FRANCIS. YOU OWED ME HONESTY." Gabe was silent for a minute. "So... let me see if I have this right. You're ok with my sleeping with other people, as long as I'm honest with you." "If I have the same from you." "Well... fred... you don't... I don't want anyone else in that ass of yours but me." "Then you're not gonna be in it anymore. Not if you're gonna be dipping in other asses." He got up to go. "WAIT. Wait fred. Please. Please. I won't. I won't do it anymore. I thought, I think.. I think that we have something really good, and I want to keep it. I promise. I'll stop. I'll be faithful. You won't need to hear me ask because, I'm done. I'm totally done. My cock, your ass. That's how it's gonna be. " Gabe's eyes had the look of a desperate man. For fred, who WAS horny as hell, the look was enough. He grabbed Gabe's hand. "You promise, me?" "I promise. I'll be faithful to you, you be faithful to me." fred dropped his voice. "Was there anyone else since we met?" "No. Just Marco. He reminded me... He reminded me so much of .. of someone from my past. From just before you. Who I treated badly." "Is that your M.O., Gabe ? You treat people badly and move on?" Gabe winced. "I deserved that. I treated you very badly. I'm sorry. I guess, I guess it HAS been my MO. Please. Let me try to fix this." "I'm going to regret this. I KNOW I am" fred thought to himself, but he went up to Gabe and kissed him. "I guess it's ok that one other person has known the sheer glory of getting fucked by you." "It's only gonna be you fred. Only you." "Right now, Sir Gabe. RIGHT NOW." Gabe hadn't been to the gym in a while, but he picked up fred and brought him to the pristine bed. He ran his hands through his tight curls, as he opened fred's shirt. "Hmmm. Growing back. May need to take care of that" he said as he kissed fred's nip, and squeezed the second one. "OH YES . YES SIR. YES. MMMMMM" Gabe started kissing fred along each of his sides. He smiled as his teeth grazed a "spot" he knew just undid fred - the way it undid that beautiful boy dave. After he touched that spot, fred was easy pickings. He got him undressed and, even though he HAD screwed Marco that night, he gave it his best effort and got a three pulse fuck into fred. fred came a whole lot harder. "I'm sorry babe. I'm really sorry. I lost my mind. " Gabe kissed fred. "I don't want to hear anything else about it Gabe. I want you to be my man. My STUD TOP. But I want it ALL" xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxx

Back in NY, the semester moved along, as it does. Ahmad and dave began preparing for exams. dave was going to stick around for the summer again, and take a summer intensive in Greek. He knew his focus was going to be Latin - he just felt more comfortable with the history - but if he did go to grad school, he was going to need both languages. He had been warned: if he thought summer intensive Latin was tough, Greek was twice as bad. Ahmad would be away for the first two weeks of the summer break, so taking a class in the first half of the summer was out of the question. He wasn't really sure how long he'd be at home, so he kept his return ticket open. "You just make sure you let me know. I'll be there to pick you up," dave said to him one day. Something in that just made Ahmad hug him, and not let go. "I knew you would. I knew it didn't have to be said. But you did. My plain spoken dave king. " He whispered to dave. "On your knees. I'm hard from feeling how good you feel." "Yes sir. " dave did what he was told. It was easier to pull Ahmad's pants down than to figure out the complicated button system to put them on and off, so he did that. Ahmad's cock was so hard, it almost took out dave's eye. He smiled as dave put his mouth around it. "You like my cock, don't you dave king? You love how that dark meat tastes?" "SLLLLLLLLLLLLLURP" was all that he heard from dave, as his head bobbed up and down. An "uh huh" got out, and Ahmad smiled. As dave sucked, he closed his eyes and fantasized about kidnapping dave, throwing him onto a plane and taking him to live as his sex slave in the Middle East. A blond boy like dave, with his beautiful body, his improving technique, and the temper he had to constantly keep down... ALL valuable assets to a slave. "How much am I bid for this beauty from the North?" he heard himself say in his head, with dave standing next to him, a yoke around his neck, his ankles and wrists cuffed, and the bids being thrown out getting higher, and higher.... "FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK" Ahmad yelled as his cum spilled into dave's mouth. dave looked up and smiled. "I did good Sir?" "You did REAL good. Hey, know what we're gonna do when I come back? First roleplay is gonna be captured soldiers in a war with the mid east. Maybe you'll know enough Greek to pretend that's all you can speak." As they got their clothes back together, the doorbell to their apartment rang. "ERIC. I'm glad you came over." dave heard a shy voice at the door. "hi ahmad. Thank you for inviting me over. hi dave." There was a big smile from dave. "Come on in, little red. Your brother visiting?" "Yes sir. He took some time away from the bar in Boston." "Your bro's a bartender?" Eric laughed. "Not quite. He's an exotic dancer. He just needed a break, so he came down to visit." "You know, dave king, if you'd rather have two red heads sleeping with you, Eamon could come over too." dave saw Eric's face and read the situation right away: Eric was always the one who got the seconds. "No, I think Eric and I are just gonna hang when I'm not in class. Hey Eric, you ever take a boot camp class?" "Uh, no. I heard about them, but I think I'm just not strong enough." "Oh, that's bullshit. You're coming with me tomorrow. I'll be easy on you. The first time." "Like I was with you dave king?" Ahmad smiled. "When was that?" Eric looked around. "Should I leave you two to whatever..." dave ruffled Eric's hair. "Nah. Stick around. I think there's some beer in the fridge. Have one with us. You move in after finals?" "Just for a little while Sir." "PLEASE. My name is dave." "Ok dave. Yes. Right after finals. My last one is physical chemistry." dave looked at Ahmad. "Physical chemistry? The hard stuff." "Yeah, even harder than me when I see you. Now come on dave king. While this young man has his beer, let's make dinner." He paused and teared up a little. "What's wrong, Ahmad?" dave put his arms around him "God I'm gonna miss our making dinner together." "Ahmad, it's two weeks. Two weeks of not eating my burned beef hash. Bring back recipes. Eric and I will cook together. We'll even go facetime if you like." He raised his thumb and dried Ahmad's tears. "People haven't been nice to you dave king. Why you are nice to them, I don't know." dave smiled. "You've been nice to me. That's all that matters." Eric stayed for dinner, watched TV with them, and then went back to his place. Somehow, studying for finals had become irrelevant. They went to bed in each other's arms. As they say "The shit just got real." Ahmad was leaving in two weeks.

Next: Chapter 10

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