Grand Father

Published on Oct 11, 2019


Disclaimer: This story is fiction. It deals with interaction between males including oral and anal. Any person under 18, or anyone living in a state or province where reading these stories is illegal should leave this site now. Adult gay content.


Chapter 14

Justice had given me two options in dealing with those 47 violent offenders. I wondered if I could give them a third option. I had some powerful Friends in Washington, could I pull in a marker.

I called the most powerful friend I had. He was Attorney General of the Confederate States of America. Once his secretary knew who I was, I was given an appointment for two days from now.

I informed Allan, Peter and Sam I would be away for three days. I left Koki and Alban with Sam. I took Moro with me. Ordered my Personal Lifter and told the pilot to file a flight plan for Washington.

I packed an overnight bag.

Moro, in just G-string and t-shirt and runners was shivering by the time we walked to the lifter. Inside he cuddled up next to me as the lifter took off. It was a four hour flight to Washington.

"You will have to get used to it Moro. This is all you will wear in Washington. Also no matter who speaks to you, you will always call them Master. You understand boy?"

"Yes Master."

I called the Washington Biltmore Hotel while in flight and booked a suite for two days. I told them I would be arriving by private lifter. Arriving this way I knew I would be treated as a VIP. They assured me everything would be ready for my arrival. The pilot would be given a suite as well and my lifter would be parked in the Hotel garage.

Moro sucked me off once during the flight. He was becoming a good cocksucker. I figured I'd fuck him later.

Landing on the hotel pad was new to me. I'd always flown commercial before. Once down, two nude slaves met us as the lifter door opened. They led us to a short flight of stairs and into an elevator. We dropped three floors and into a carpeted hall. We were led to a double door. One of the slaves opened the door into a very well appointed suite.

The slaves carrying my bag went directly into the adjoining bedroom. The other stood waiting.

"Yes Boy?"

"Master, my name is John. The other is Jonas. WE are assigned to this suite. If there is anything you or your slave requires you only need ask. We are trained in all techniques Master."

"John you can service my Slave. Jonas I need a shower."

Moro was a bit astounded when John led him into the other bedroom.

"Jonas started to undress me. After I was nude he was in awe of my massive cock. He led me to the huge bathroom and quickly turned on the water. Once set he waited for me to enter. Having used the refresher before I left home I entered the shower. He grabbed body wash and started to wash me.

As usual when someone was washing my cock and balls I got hard. He was on his knees and looked up at me.

"May I Master?"

"Of course boy."

He was quick to take my cock into his mouth and right down my throat. No gag, no choking. He was a very good cocksucker and knew everything to do bring me. He seemed to know when I was ready to cumm and then he would back off letting me come down before doing it again. I got a point I just couldn't wait and grabbed his head and rammed my cock into his throat. He gulped down my cumm and the licked my cock clean.

"Soap must taste terrible."

"No Master. Soap has no flavor. Cumm tastes good Master."

After rinsing and drying he handed me a clean pair of boxer briefs. I took his hand and led him out of the bathroom and over and into my bedroom. I went right to the bed and sat down.

"Jonas, I'm going to suck your cock. When I put it in my mouth I want you to fuck my face as hard as you can. Don't hold back boy. When you cumm I want you to push your cock as deep in me as you can."

Jonas said he was very salty and that no Masters ever sucked him.

He did exactly as I asked him and he was very salty almost to the point of being bitter. I'd tasted worse so just swallowed his massive offering. I wonder why as a VIP slave he had not been enhanced to sweeten his cumm.

After he got off I slipped on a pair of Boxer briefs and went out to the living room.

"Moro was sitting with John at his feet.

"Master, John do everything for me."

"That's good Moro. John is your slave while we are here."

"Now I need some food. Jonas what's good on the menu?"

I ordered dinner for all four of us even though Jonas protested that they could eat in the Slaves Mess in the their quarters.

"Not on my dime boys. Everyone eats what I eat."

"Master you so different than other Masters."

The three boys were all smiles eating the Lobster and Steak dinner. I gave all three cokes as well. After another drink, I took Jonas to bed.

I screwed Jonas three times. Once on his back and again on his knees. The third time I spooned against his back and lifted his leg back and slowly entered him. I fucked in slow easy strokes.

"Oh Master. You make me feel so good."

I went to sleep with Jonas draped over my chest with my arm around his smooth bubble butt.

In the morning Jonas was as good as he was the day before. I could tell that something was on his mind as his attentions to me was almost mechanical.

"What's the matter Jonas?"

"It is nothing you can do Master."

"Try me boy. Tell me what's wrong."

"I just wish you were my Master."

"Are you owned by the Hotel?"

"No Master. We are owned by Estay Breeders Master."

"I'll see what I can do boy."

"Master, Many Master ask the same thing. They are always turned down."

I didn't comment. Just got dressed to see the Attorney General. I told Moro he would stay here with Jonas and John. I'd be back in a few hours.

After a two hour meeting with the Attorney General I had a new contract. It was only good for one year, but would be renewed if my experiment worked. It gave me a third option when dealing with the violent offenders.

I had my pilot take me the Headquarters of the Estay Breeding Corporation in Virginia.

When they asked if I had appointment, I said tell him it's Alvin Grand.

I was immediately shown to his office.

Dr. Arthur Estay, Art to his friends, came around his desk and grabbed me in a bear hug.

"God damn Alvin it's good to see you. What's it been? Twenty years. You are looking good."

I'd bought Sam off him at one of his rare auctions some 20 years ago.

"Yeah at least that long."

"So what brings you to Washington?"

I related what I was here for and then asked about buying a couple of his slaves. I had asked Jonas and John what their full names were. Jonas 21 and John 13, they had told me.

"I'll be honest Alvin, we don't as a rule sell slaves. They are leased out."

"Well tell me what it would cost me to buy them."

"What are you going to use them for?"

"Instructors. They are the most perfect slaves I have ever seen. They could train these boys that accept slavery."

"AS well as their other assets. I presume." He laughed.

"Yes as a matter of fact."

"Well for you Alvin I'd need 20k for each. That's approximately what those two boys will earn over the length of their present contract."

Money really didn't mean much to me. I'd spent almost a half million on Chris and then he died on the operating table. 20,000 was a bargain.

"Where do I sign?" I laughed,

"What are their names Alvin?"

"Jonas 21 and John 13."

He sat down and typed a bit on his computer. Then printed off three sheets. Two were transfer orders for Jonas and John. The other was a bill of sale. After signing all three, I used my thumb print on a credit reader and 40k was transferred from my account to his. The deal was done.

After that was done he took me on a tour of the facilities. Estay used exclusively artificial means to impregnate breeders. That way he could manipulate the fertilized eggs to breed exactly what he needed, either boys or girls.

After a breeder was pregnant they were moved to a birthing hospital. After a baby was weaned from its mother the babies were moved to a training center where they learned from birth their position in life.

He walked me out my lifter. We shook hands and I ordered the pilot to take me to Warner Clothing Manufacturers. There I ordered 12000 sets of G-strings in multiple colors. Paid for them and headed back to my hotel with two pairs. The rest would be shipped.

As soon as I walked into the suite and sat down, Jonas brought me a drink.

"Mind reader Jonas?"

"No Master. You looked like you could use one."

"Indeed I do. Now stay here in front of me. John come over too."

I pulled out the two pair of G-strings.

"Try these on boys."

Both put on the G's.

"Master. They are very nice and comfortable too."

"Well from now on those are what you will wear."

"Master. The hotel requires that we be nude all the time."

"Well the Hotel no longer has control of you. I bought both of you today. So what I say goes."

It took perhaps ten seconds for what I said to sink in and I was mobbed by both boys as they cried.

After they got down to sniffles, I told Jonas to pack my bag as we were leaving. I called my pilot and told him to file a flight plan home. Said I'd be up in 30 minutes.

"Do you boys have anything here at the hotel you need to get?"

"No Master."

"Are you two brothers? You look very much like each other."

"No Master. WE have same father but different Breeder."

"Were you born here in Washington?"

"No Master. WE were born in LA. I was only joined with John when we were put here."

Well I'm glad you were paired together. You are both very good looking."

"Thank you Master. You make us very happy."

The flight back was nothing to talk about. I did let John suck me off and he was a carbon copy of Jonas as far as his cock sucking skills were concerned.

It was near 25F when we arrived home. Moro was shaking from the cold just walking to the house. The cold never bothered Jonas and Jack. They carefully wiped their feet when we got inside. Then followed me to the office/den. Moro went right to the fire place to warm up. The boys just stood waiting.

"Doesn't the cold bother you two?"

"Master we have never worn anything since training school."

"Well sit and relax."

I was barely at my desk when Koki ran into the office.

"Oh Master. You are back."

I looked at him. He was almost shaking as he stood looking at me.

"Well come here boy."

He ran to me and jumped into my arms. I grabbed him around his firm buns and held him. I could feel him crying.

"What's the matter Babe? Did someone hurt you?"

"No Master. I'm just soo glad you are back."

"Koki I was only gone two days."

"It seemed like forever Master."

I laughed and set him down.

"Koki, Alban, meet Jonas and Jack. I bought them while I was in Washington. Why don't you take them and give them a tour and entertain them while I catch up."

The four boys left.

"Moro, get me a drink please." I sat down at my desk.

Before I could do anything Allan came in.

"Welcome back Sit."

"So what's been happening while I was away?"

"First, the 132 boys who were being released left yesterday afternoon. The Military picked up those that were being conscripted. That leaves the 47 boys considered Dangerous offenders."

"Okay we can deal with them tomorrow. You can read this new Contract I got from the Attorney General." I handed it to him.

"This is pretty good for you and those boys. I'm pretty sure you'll get more of the boys agreeing to Slavery with this offer."

"Tomorrow, I want 20 security guards at their barracks. The Doctor will be there as well. Those that chose slavery can be examined and collared. They will be moved to the new barracks. That's where all the slaves will go.

"I'll call Yuma and arrange for a prison transfer lifter to be here as well. Those that accept prison can then be moved out immediately."

"What are you going to do with Eddy Samson?"

I hadn't really thought about Eddy Samson.

First off he shouldn't have been sent here. He had been convicted of Aggravated Assault. The man he had beaten up had been on life support for almost 6 months. Eddy got life in Prison. He was 16 at the time of his conviction, a Juvenile. He turned 17 in custody. Now with adulthood changed to 17 he should have been sent to a federal Prison. The man he had assaulted was finally taken off life support and died shortly after. Eddy's sentence was changed from Life in Prison to Death by Strangulation. He had been held in one of the cells in the basement as soon as I was informed of his change in Sentence.

I was loath to use wire to hang anyone, even a convicted killer. Under the contract I had just signed I had to have him strangled.

I knew Allan didn't care one way or the other. If I told him to hang him on wire he'd just do it.

"Get the chair from my basement and put it in the barracks. Cover it with a tarp. After all the boys have been moved we can finish with Eddy."

"Very well Sir."

"Sir the FAA was here just after you left. They think someone sabotaged the lifter between the time I ordered it and the time it arrived here. They've turned the investigation over to the FBI."

"What do you think Allan?"

"Well I have no idea how someone could do it. Those things are controlled by a massive computer. They would have to reprogram that computer and only for that one lifter. That had to be almost impossible."

"Guess we'll hear about it eventually."

"Yes Sir." He turned and left.

I called Yuma Federal Prison and had a Prison transport lifter sent here for tomorrow morning.

Peter came in and we talked most of the afternoon.

He liked the new contract. What we would be for a while was a clearing house. Boys would be sent here, separated into different categories, either slaves or prisoners. The ones choosing prison would end up at Yuma. The Slaves would be trained as domestic/sex slaves. A few I hoped could be integrated into my Slave force. That would save me buying more slaves. The sex slaves would eventually be sold to the Boy Brothels Inc.

I knew the owner and he had promised me 2000 for each trained boy slave I could send him.

"I'd buy them from the State and sell them to him. 1500 profit per boy.

Jonas and John were astounded at the amount of food that they could eat and even more surprised that they ate at my table. Koki made sure all the boys knew he was number one boy.

Knowing I would have a busy night with four boys in my bed and a very busy day tomorrow, I made it an early night.

Koki was always first and was like a boy possessed as he bounced on my cock. After I came up his butt he'd turn to suck my cock clean as I rimmed his butt. Jonas was reluctant to fuck me until Koki told him the swats on his ass and cock really hurt if he refused. Then he fucked me long fast strokes. John was quick to enter me and fucked in several fast strokes followed by a few slow strokes. He was thicker, but not as long as Jonas. It felt real good. Alban was last and he as usual fucked long slow strokes. Koki was in heaven rimming me after each boy fucked me. Sleep was easy.

Only Koki was waiting when I woke up. He quickly dropped and took my morning load of piss. Then waited while I used the refresher. After helping me shower he sucked me off. Handed me a warm towel and helped dry me.

WE went down for breakfast.

In my office I explained to everyone what was happening this morning, Jason, Alex, Jonas and John would be primary instructors in the slave barracks. Moro would be more a councilor, checking the boys for other things they could do. I'd give him a list of possible positions that could be filled by the white slaves.

Sam would pick up Jason and Alex from their barracks and bring them to the new slave's barracks after the boys had been sorted out.

After telling everyone what was happening, I loaded up the five boys in the 4x4 and drove to the Juvenile barracks. The Prison lifter was sitting in the exercise yard. When we walked in the all the boys were sitting in a semi circle in the large area at one end of the barracks. About 20 security guards were spread out around the room. A man in bright orange jump suit stood with two prison guards. The Doctor and his assistant stood to one side.

I walked to the podium.

"When I first signed this contract I was given the task of holding you until you reached your eighteenth birthday, then you would be transferred to a State or Federal Prison to finish your sentence. That has now been changed.

"Each of you was convicted of a crime involving violence of some kind. Each was given a proper sentence depending on that crime. That to has been changed. With the change in the law lowering the age of adulthood to 17 means you are now adults. Each of you now must choose one of three options."

"The first option is Prison for a minimum of ten years before you can apply for parole. That Man in the jump suit will explain what will happen to you if you choose prison as an option."

He walked to the podium.

"I'm a lifer. Meaning I'm in prison for the rest of my life. I killed a family of six, raping all the girls and boys then cutting all their throats. The reason I wasn't executed was there was no death penalty in the state I committed the crime, Now I'm doing 99 years plus life."

As soon as you arrive in prison me or someone like me will pick you as a cells mate. You'll be raped and forced to suck my cock. If you think the guards will stop me you are mistaken. I might sell you or rent you to one of the guards for favors. For as long as i choose I will do anything I want with you."

He stepped down smiling.

"That's option one."

"Your second option is Slavery for a minimum of ten years. After ten years your owner may decide to keep you a slave for the rest of your life or release you, give you your freedom. Of course that will depend solely on you."

I train here several types of slaves. Labor, construction, Domestic and sex slaves."

"You won't have a choice. I'll train what I need not what you might want."

"Option three. If you decided you can't live with yourself as either a toy for a lifer in prison or a slave to me to train you as I see fit then you can choose death by strangulation. I tried to get that changed to just hanged but was over ruled by the Attorney General."

When your name is called come up here and make your decision."

Out of the 47 boys, I was surprised that 12 chose Prison. They were quickly ordered to put on orange jump suits, chained up and moved to the Prison Lifter. The left soon after signing for the 12 boys.

Of the rest I either chose for them or they volunteered. Three boys came up together and asked if they could be my slaves. I had the doctor collar all three and Sam took them to the house. I didn't ask if they were virgins, but knew they wouldn't be before the day was over.

Once everyone had been moved or left only two security Guards, Allan, Wolf and Koki and Alban were left, I had the boy brought up from cells in the basement.

The doctor had given him a shot so he was totally dazed as he was strapped into the chair. He wouldn't feel any pain. As the strap under his chin was tightened his face turned almost blue and his tongue hung from his mouth. He got hard and ejaculated. Allan took pictures the whole time. I took the gun off Allan, placed it close to he left ear and pulled the trigger. The mushroom 22 cal bullet bounced around inside his brain. He jerked once and was still.

I'd never offer the third option again.

The pictures would be sent to Justice. This was strictly for them.

I took a very shaken Koki and Alban back to the house. I gave both a stiff drink.

"You boys will never have to witness something like that again."

I sat on the couch and pulled both boys close. They cuddled up to me and cried.

After they got a hold of themselves I called Sam and told him to bring two bigger boys to the house.

"Koki, go bring those three boys here."

The three boys were not much bigger than Koki. They'd make good fuck toys for the brothel.

"What are your names boys?"

After telling me I asked if any of them were virgins. They said no which was good.

"Any of you boys ever done a nigger, either sucked or fucked or being fucked by one?"

They just shook their heads.

"When I ask a question I expect you to answer me. I'm your Master now and anything I ask or tell you to do, do immediately."

"Yes Master." they mumbled.

Sam came in the two nigger boys.

"Perfect Sam."

"Both were very close to Alban in size and thickness. That's about 7-8 inches and thick.

I had the two boys sit on the couch along with Alban.

"Axel, get on your knees between Alban's legs and suck him off."

I could tell right off that all three boys were interested. All started to plump up.

"Yes Master." Axel said.

"Freddy, Kelly, do the other two boys."

They didn't have a problem sucking the two niggers and I was surprised they took both boys almost completely. This might be easier than I thought.

Axel's cock was almost a carbon copy of Koki. The other two were bit larger.

After they were done sucking off the three niggers, I took Freddy and Kel along with the two nigger boys to a bedroom.

"You four are all slaves. You can use each other in here for the rest of the afternoon. Everyway. Understood?"

The two niggers were smiling, but Freddy and Kel looked sick.

I left them and headed back to my office. The three boys, Axel, Koki and Alban were talking; well Koki was explaining exactly what was in store for Axel. Axel was hard.

"Were you three virgins when you got here?"

"No Master. The guards did us when we were in Juvies Hall."

So this was your first strike. What happened and why the Assault charge. You boys don't look big enough to assault anyone."

"Well it was an accident Master. He slipped when he was chasing us. He hit his head. WE thought we got away, but found our prints in his house. The come and got us from the halfway house we was at."

"So you got a year and were sent here."

"Yes Master."

"So are you a top, bottom or versatile Axel?"

"I guess I'm versatile Master, but I prefer to bottom. I'll fuck if someone asks me Master."

"Freddy and Kel don't like to bottom. They done me lots Master. I like it."

"Okay. Alban you can take Axel to my bedroom. You two can play around until I get back. Koki, G and a t-shirt. Deck shoes. You'll be coming with me."

"Yes Master." I heard from all three.

Koki followed me down to the garage. I jumped into an ATV. Koki jumped in front.

The first stop was the construction area for the new mill extension. I saw they were relocating a couple of the transmitter beacons.

The super walked over to the ATV.

"I messed up on the location of two of the beacons. There was a twenty foot gap. Two niggers were putting in stakes and walked out of the range of a beacon on that side. Bang, two dead niggers." He chuckled.

"I'm relocating two of the beacons to cover the rest of the fence line."

"The Pad for the breeding Center will be poured this week. All the barracks are at least poured. Will be another couple of months before construction is done on them all."

"How long until the spur line is into the training area?"

"It's in. we're waiting on the RR to finish the signals and controls."

"You are doing good."

"Thank you Sir."

I headed over to the loading area. Two of a three car shipment was ready, with last loading.

After checking the mill I headed for the training area. I saw that Gordon had the slaves doing weight training. They were pulling stone boats and hefting huge logs. I left him to it.

"Boy some of those niggers are big Master." Koki said.

"Would you like to try a few Koki?"

"Master I thing they rip me open."

"I think so too. Can't have my best boy hurt."

Koki leaned over and hugged me.

"I love you soo much Master."

"I love you to Koki."

I bypassed the Domestic Training Barracks and drove to the Juvenile Barracks.

When we walked in I saw Moro talking to several boys at one of the tables in the common area. I just ignored them and walked into the cell black area. Most of the cells were open. WE came to one that was closed. When I looked in the cell a young man was pacing up and down the small cell. He looked very mad.

Jonah walked up to me.

"He isn't being punished Master. We locked him in for his own protection. Some of the other boys have been bulling him. He's a fantastic fuck Master and has no problem sucking rimming or anything else he is asked. Problem is he can't get or stay hard whenever he tries to fuck.

"Wow Master. He is huge." Koki said.

WE could see into the cell but he couldn't see out. When I looked at his cock it really was huge, hanging almost halfway to his knees. I estimated he had 7 inches soft.

"Bet I could get him to fuck me Master." Koki said.

"Do you want to try Koki?"

"Yes Master."

I knew Koki was a size queen like me. He had taken my cock the first time like I was just another big cock. He had done both my Son Gordon and Gordon's son Mark, both of which were bigger than I was.

I punched the code for his cell and the door swished open. The young man moved back against the wall looking real scared.

"Relax son. I'm not here to punish you. My Slave Koki wants to suck you off and then fuck him."

"Well he can suck me off Master, but I never stay hard enough to fuck."

"Can you lay on the bed?" Koki asked.

Koki quickly undressed and got on the bed between Gary's legs. He started on his balls and then worked his way up to Gary's cock. He took it all into his mouth and down his throat.

"Oh fuck. No ones ever been able to suck all of me." Gary had near nine inches.

Koki then moved up and sucked and licked Gary's belly button. That caused Gary to giggle.

He went up and licked and sucked on Gary's prominent nipples. Gary moaned. As he was licking his nipples Koki was sliding his ass crack along Gary's hard cock.

I watched as he lifted his butt a bit, pushed Gary's cock almost vertical, Lined up his hole on the tip of Gary's cock and sat down. He yelped as Gary's cock punched through both rings and into Koki's butt hole.

"Oh wow Gary. That feels real good." Koki purred.

Koki bounced on Gary's cock several times and stopped.

"Can you roll me over now Gary. Slowly sit up and I'll hold you in me. Then you can lay me down and fuck me."

Gary did as Koki told him and soon was fucking like rabbit.

"Koki when your done use the refresher and come find me."

"Yes Master."

I left them and Jonah walked with me leaving Koki and Gary alone.

"Any other problems Jonah?"

"Well I think one of the boys is Native. He won't do anything and anyone tries to get close he goes off the handle. He beat one boy up and the others don't go near him now."

"Okay lets go see this boy."

Looking in his cell he really did look native. I always thought Native boys were sent back to their reservation when caught. Natives under the new administration were restricted to their reservations.

He was brown skinned, not nigger brown but lighter. Black hair, brown eyes. He had about a 5.5 inch cut cock.

"We've tried everything Master. HE just won't do anything."

"When we enter the cell, just say Yes Master for what ever I say."

"Okay Master."

When the cell door opened the boy inside jumped and stood with his back to the wall of his cell. His fist clinched at his sides.

"Touch me and I'll kill you."

I just looked at him.

He's not a bad specimen Jonah."

"Yes Master."

"Well have the guards take him to clinic and get him castrated. He can be used when he's healed as a fuck toy in the young mans barracks."

"Yes Master."

At the mention of castration he was on his knees pleading with me.

"Please Master. Don't get me fixed. I'll do anything. Please..."

He sat on the floor crying.

"Anything eh. Well start by sucking my slave Jonah off."

He looked at Jonah's cock and then crawled over and sucked his cock. Jonah was happy with his manipulations of his cock. The boy swallowed Jonah's cumm and sat back.

"Stand up."

It didn't take long to find out why he was uncooperative. He had been raped in the holding center and it hurt now even to use the refresher. I figured the muscles inside his ass had been damaged. I ordered Jonah to take him to the clinic and have the Doctor check him out and fix any problems."

"We'll see then boy what you are good for."

"Yes Master."

I left him and headed up front. Koki was talking to several boys. They seemed happy and even laughed sometimes.

I sat down beside Moro.

"How are you doing Moro?"

"I'm good Master. Master most of these boys don't mind what they are having to do. I mean most have sucked me and a few I fucked. They were really scared we was real big and it would hurt. Now most will do as anyone asks. Master I really like one boy. Is it alright to be with him lots?"

"It's just fine Moro, but you need to remember these boys will end up as boy toys for another Master."

"I know Master. That is what they are worried about Master."

"Well I'll get their soon to be Master up here to talk to them.

Thank you Master."

"Come on Koki. Let's go boy."


Next: Chapter 15

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