Grand Father

Published on Nov 1, 2019


Disclaimer: This story is fiction. It deals with interaction between males including oral and anal. Any person under 18, or anyone living in a state or province where reading these stories is illegal should leave this site now. Adult gay content.


Chapter 15

When we got back to the house, Koki went directly to the fireplace to warm himself up. I checked the security cams in the three rooms the boys were in. From what I could see all six boys were napping. From their position I'd say they had enjoyed their afternoon.

I sat down at my desk and brought up a list of the boys in the Juvenile training barracks. I divided 20 of them up into two groups of 10 and printed them off.

I was about to call Sam when he walked into my office.

"Ah just the one I'm looking for."

"Yes Master?"

"I have two lists of boys I want moved. One list is for 10 boys I want moved to number 1 nigger barracks and the other is for 10 to number 2 barracks."

"Master, I was just coming to ask you if more boys could be moved to number 1. Danny is completely worn out by them boys. I brought him back here."

"Where is he now?"

"I sent him to use the refresher and shower."

"Koki, go help Danny and then bring him here."

"Yes Master." He practically bounded out of the office.

I gave Sam the lists. He said he get on it right away.

I wasn't sure how happy those boys would be shoved into a barracks of niggers, but I didn't really care.

"Tell Mark I want only young men working number two feeder. Put all the older slaves on number one."

Sam left and I called the Doctor and asked him if he had time to come to my office. He arrived almost immediately.

"Damn you are fast Doc."

"Well I was on my way here when you called."

"What's on your mind?"

"Well Gordon, the Slave you have training the labor slaves have sent almost fifty men to be castrated. They are taking all the bed spaces in the clinic. Could one of the empty barracks be used for these? Also I'd like to bring in another Medical Technician."

"Actually that's a good idea. There is an empty Barracks adjacent to the clinic. I'll have the construction crew build a covered and heated walkway between the clinic and that barracks. As to bringing in another technician is he black or white?"

"White. He has been working for slave selection in SA. I met him at a conference in Pretoria. He has some of the same ideas I have."

"Talk to Allan. He'll set up a visa for him and arrange transportation. Bring him up to see me when he arrives."

"How long does it take to castrate a slave?"

"A week to ten days."

"That fast. Wow."

"Well I use the Elastrator Method. It's quick and almost bloodless."


After explaining how it worked I was fairly impressed at how fast it could be done.

"Very good Doctor."

"Sir the reason I came up to see you was that I want to do a transplant."

"You mean a cock transplant?"

"No, a ball transplant. It's done in SA a lot but black to black. I'd like to try a black to white."

"Your camp here is unique. You have both white and black slaves, so all types of experimenting can be done."

WE sat and talked a while and I went through the pictures of several white slaves. One in particular I thought would work if he could be enhanced as well.

"Timothy Weatherspoon might be perfect. He's 5ft 8 and weighs about 150. He's got a real small cock that I'm sure could be enhanced and grape sized balls. I'm sure he's love to be bigger in both departments."

"Okay, I'll wait until Karl gets here from SA. He's helped on several operations in SA."

"I'll talk to Timmy."

As the Doctor walked out Peter came in and shut the door. He mixed himself a drink and sat down.

"What's up Pete?"

"There was another fight in barracks 4 last night. One dead and three injured. I'm sick and tired of those old niggers in barracks 4. I think it's time we went to phase 2."

Phase 2 was simply reducing the age limit of slaves we had working for us. We'd decided on a mean age of 40 as the upper age limit. All those over forty but not yet 50 would be sold at auction. Fifty and older would be put down.

I brought up the list of slaves in number 4 barracks. There were 162 over fifty and 26 between the age of 40 and 50.

"I think we can transfer all those between 40 and fifty to the training barracks. Gordon can either add them to the niggers being sent to the slave directorate or use them as instructors."

"Now we can't just hang 162 slaves. All hell would break lose and we'd have a rebellion on our hands. Any suggestions?" I said.

"Let's let Allan decide. He's the one that's going to have to deal with any unruly slaves."

"I'll also have to go to Seattle and notify the Slave Directorate."

"So how is Colin working out for you Pete?"

"Alvin he is perfect in so many ways. The kid is real smart and damned good in bed too. He seems to be able to learn things the first time I show him."

"I'm glad Peter. It's too bad we had to put his brother down."

"I'm moving 10 of the new white slave boys to barracks one and two. Give them a taste of what is going to happen to them later on. I've had one white boy in both one and two, but Danny has been overworked satisfying those niggers. Jimmy on the other hand seems to be okay in barracks two."

"I want to start integrating the white boys into the work force. I think I'll put them on clean up detail to start."

"Sounds good Alvin. Well I better get back. The big roller mill arrived today. The construction crew will start installing it tomorrow."

As soon as the door to my office was opened by Peter on his way out Koki and Danny came in.

Koki immediately went under my desk. Danny just stood waiting.

"Come over here Danny."

HE walked over to me with his head down. AS soon as he was close I picked him up and sat him on my lap.

"You Okay Danny?"

"I guess so Master. I'm just tired. Them nigger boys is horney all the time. I never even got time to rest."

"Well I think I'll keep you here in the house for a while. I'm going to team you with another white boy. You can show him the ropes."

"Okay Master. Master I really like niggers. I just wish they was better at letting me rest once in a while."

"Well I'm going to let you rest a few days here."

"Go get yourself something to drink boy and sit down."

He of course grabbed a coke and sat down smiling.

I checked the cameras in the three rooms. Axel was alone in my bedroom. Where the fuck was Alban.

"You boys wait here." I got up and almost ran up to my bedroom. As soon as I walked in Axel started to cry.

"I'm sorry Master."

"What are you sorry about Axel?"

"Master we was fucking and Alban said I would make a good white slave fuck toy. I told him he was a black slave fuck toy and asked what was different. He pulled out of me and slapped me saying he wasn't a fuck toy."

"Master I told him he got fucked by a white man so what was different."

He hit me again and then screamed and ran out."

"You didn't do anything wrong Axel." I pulled him up and wrapped my arms around him.

"Let's get you cleaned out boy."

After he used the refresher and showered I helped him dry off. He had a black eye from where Alban had hit him. I wondered what had come over Alban. It was not like him to fly off the handle. Of course he was a back fuck toy, my black fuck toy, so why had he blown up like that.

I took Axel down to my office and sat him with Danny.

"Danny, this is Axel. You two can stay together for now. You will use my bedroom."

"Yes Master." They both said smiling.

I keyed the house intercom and ordered Alban to my office.

After 10 minutes and no Alban, I called Security and told them to locate him.

Less than a minute later Allan called to say that Alban was in a cell at Security.

"What did he do?"

"Well technically nothing. A guard saw him running toward the main gate and ordered him to stop. He did stop. When the guard asked him what he was doing he just stood not talking. WE brought him here. He does what he is asked except he won't talk."

"Okay. Take him to the clinic and let the Doctor check him out."

"Very well Sir."

"Come and see me when you drop him off. Pick up Weatherspoon from the white slave barracks and bring him to the house. Make sure you tell him he didn't do anything wrong. These boys are always worried when I bring them here."

"Very well Sir."

"Koki has Alban said anything to you about being a fuck and suck toy?"

"Master Alban hardly says anything anytime. I never noticed anything Master."

"What about you Koki? Do you mind when I call you my fuck toy?"

Koki giggled.

"Master I like to be your fuck and suck toy. I love you Master."

"I love you too Koki." That got a toothy grin from Koki.

On a whim I called the Slave Directorate. I asked about putting down my older slaves. They had no problem with what I did to any slave. They were mine so I could anything with my slaves as I wanted.

I also told them they could ship another 1000 slaves to me on March 1.

Then called Justice and told them I could take another 250 boys.

Last call was to Gordon. I asked him to come to my office.

Gordon and Allan came into my office together, with Timothy walking between them. Timothy looked very scared.

"Come over here Son. You have nothing to be scared about. I won't hurt you."

When he got close, I pulled him onto my lap. He leaned into me and sighed. I ran my hand up his back and he snuggled close to me.

Even just lightly running my hands up and down his back I could feel the hard muscle of his back and shoulders. This was one well put together boy.

"Gordon, I'm going to send you all the 40-50 year old boys to you. You can use them as instructors or add them to the trained slaves. How many excluding the castrated boys do you have trained to Date? I know you haven't had a lot of time, but I have ordered another 1000 slaves for delivery March 1."

"Well by March 1 Master, we will have just over 800 including the domestic/sex slaves. About 100 will be castrated."

"Good. I want you to pull all the under 25 slaves and move them to Barrack 3."

"Yes Master."

"Get me some hard figures when you know Gordon."

"Yes Master." He turned and left.

"Allan, I want you to start culling all slaves over 45 in all operations and put them down."

"by March 1 I don't want any slave working to be over 40. You have a problem with that?"

No Sir. We have been prepared for the order since Jan 1. Peter told me we may be going to phase 2."


I knew in the short term production would fall off, but once I had younger male slaves working in all areas production I hoped would increase to higher than using the old slaves. Now all I needed was white slaves to satisfy my younger work force. Boys like Axel and Timothy.

Now alone except for my young slaves I could find out why Timothy was under a death sentence or should say was.

I had a pretty good idea just looking at him, but wanted to hear his version of events.

"Timothy can you tell me why you were convicted of having a banned substance?"

"My Dad was feeding me steroids and other muscle enhancing drugs. I told him if I ever had to take a blood or urine test I'd fail it. He told me the drugs he was giving me were undetectable. I wasn't so sure so stopped taking the drugs about 3 months before the competition. Well I failed the Urine test. They arrested me. Then found Steroids in my locker at the Gym. My Dad said he had no idea I was taking drugs. He even said it in court."

They convicted me of Possession of a banned substance. Coz I was only 16 they couldn't hang me. I knew if I picked Prison, I'd be hanged when I was an adult. So I picked slavery Master."

"Well I'm glad you picked slavery Timmy."

"Why Master? I only got a little dick and real small balls. Nobody wants to suck me or let me fuck them. I like to suck black dicks and even like it when they fuck me."

"Would you like bigger balls and a bigger cock Timothy?"

"Oh yes Master."

"Even if they were nigger balls?"

"Yes Master."

"Danny, you can take Axel to my bedroom for the rest of the afternoon."

"Yes Master, come along Axel. We can have some fun."

"Koki, get some long pants for Timothy and dress boy."

I took both Koki and Timothy out for my afternoon inspection.

Things got pretty much back to normal for next 2 weeks. I hadn't heard from Allan so knew he was carrying out my orders. Timothy kind of grew on me. He was very obedient and never baulked at doing anything I asked.

He screamed his head off the first few times I fucked him, but after a few times he came to enjoy my big cock as much as Koki.

The Doctor told me Alban had gone back to being a regular slave in his mind. He suggested I just put him to work. He was now on the stacking crew and living in barracks 2.

He hadn't received the L injection, that couldn't be used until one was over 25.

The Doctors new assistant, Gerald Van Fleet, was a thirty five year old Doctor. He came well recommended. They were now planning the operation to transplant Timothy's balls. They told me I should let Timothy pick the balls he wanted. His cock enhancement would just be standard except I wanted him enhanced 120%.

I took Timothy to the barracks attached to the clinic. I explained to him what I wanted him to decide.

"Timothy all these niggers in here are going to be castrated. I want you to pick the set of balls you want."

"How come they are being castrated? Did they do something wrong?"

"Some times niggers just don't want to be trained. Some times they won't cooperate. Castrating them makes them more pliable and they learn to accept what they are. After a while they won't even miss them."

There were 25 niggers awaiting the doctor's knife.

Timothy walked down the row of beds. The one he picked were walnut sized and I thought about perfect for him. I called the Doctor down and he said they were perfect too.

"We can get started now."

I was surprised Timothy was so calm. I left him with the Doctors.

Koki followed me out to the ATV and got in. As we were driving back to the house he spoke up.


"Yes Koki."

"Timothy shouldn't be a slave Master."

"Why do you say that boy?"

"Master, his Dad lied when he said he didn't know Timothy was using drugs. He's the one that should be punished."

"You believe Timothy?"

"Yes Master. He said his Dad is a coach of high school wrestlers and body builders. So he is probably doing it to them too."

I pulled into the garage at the house and we went in and up to my office.

"Grab us a beer Koki and sit by the fire."

After checking for messages I sat beside Koki and pulled the comforter over us both.

"Now listen Son. The main reason I accepted Timothy as a slave is that if I had not, he would have been moved to Yuma. There after being interrogated for any information on drug use he would have been hanged. I saved his life."

"I can't change the sentence of the courts. Possession of a banned substance is automatically a Capital offence. He would have been ordered hanged regardless of who put the drugs in his locker."

"Now I didn't know his Dad was a coach and will inform Justice, but I won't change Timothy's status."

"Besides I want to fuck his muscular ass."

Koki giggled.

"Now why don't you go up to my bedroom, get those boys to use the refresher and shower. It's almost dinner time. You can bring them here."

"Yes Master." He downed his beer and bounced out of my office.

I informed the kitchen to set up in the big dinning room and then invited all my senior staff to dinner. I liked to have them all here at least once a month to hash out problems.

After dinner we were all in my office.

"Okay Gordon what are the hard figures on the Slaves in Training?"

"Father there are a total of 892 trained Slaves. That includes 145 domestic/sex slaves. Also out of the total there are 137 castrated slaves. I added 25 of the remaining 108 slaves as instructors. The rest are over 50 Father."

"Allan you can pull those 73 and terminate them. Mark you can move 73 of the under forty to the trained slaves."

Very well Sir."

I have asked the Slave directorate to only ship us forty or under slaves to train. That way we might get more we can add to our slave force."

Also I'm going to start integrating some of the white slave boys into the work force. I have some now in barracks one and two servicing Niggers."

Once the boys are used to having whites mixed with them we can start using them on outside work details."

"Lastly if any of you want a boy to use, pick them from the white slave barracks. Those boys need to learn what is expected of them."

The meeting ended after that. I had Gordon stay as the rest left.

Gordon knew why I wanted him to stay. He was happy I was going to use him and get a chance to screw his father. Koki knew as well and I'm sure was hoping Gordon would screw his Jap ass.

After Gordon abused my mouth and throat with his massive cock he fucked me. Then Koki sat down on his cock as I screwed Danny. After I did Danny, I fucked Axel to his screams. After having my cock, Koki's and Danny's he hardly whimpered when Gordon entered him. He was obviously another boy that was made to be fucked.

Sleep was easy after that session.

When I w2oke up only Koki was in bed with me. I heard the shower in the bathroom. I rubbed Koki's brown bottom and he lifted his head.

"Time to get up boy."

As I rolled to a sitting position Koki went between my knees and took my morning load. Then headed for the refresher. When I got the bathroom Axel and Danny were drying them selves.

"You two go for breakfast and then meet me in my office."

After showering I sent Koki for breakfast and grabbed a coffee and headed for my office. Danny and Axel were sitting waiting. I just sat down and went to work.

When I had made the contract with Justice to incarcerate juvenile boys they only cared that I held then to their release date. What happened to the boys after they had done the time they didn't care. That's why it was easy to gain more slave boys.

They had down loaded to me the complete listing of the boys who would arrive next week.

Out of the 250 boys, 165 were in for a year or less. The other 35 could be either transferred to Yuma or trained as slaves. Two were slated to hang on their 17th birthday if they didn't choose slavery or transfer. I wouldn't be offering them death.

Koki came in and climbed under my desk.

"Listen up you two. If either of you come into my office when I am working the first thing you do is check and see if there is a boy under my desk. If there isn't you crawl in there. Understood?"

"Yes Master."

"Koki, show them where the boots are. You three can come with me on my inspections this morning."

"No pants Master?" Koki asked.

"No pants. You can where G's and t-shirts."

I had the boys jump in the back of the ATV. There was no heat back there and hard plastic seats. Koki looked at me with a big grin. He knew what I was doing.

I drove to the feeder line and got out. I knew the two boys could see that the niggers working the feeder didn't have long pants on either. Both son found out I was treating both just like regular slaves.

As we were watching the sorting line a nigger walked up.

"Do you need water Master?"

I looked at him. Nice bulge in his G-string. I ran my hand over it and saw it get hard.

"Axel come and service this boy."

"Here Master?"

"Yes here. Don't make me tell you again."

Axel was quick to get down and suck the young nigger. After getting him off he stood up smiling.

"You want to fuck me Master."

"I'm not your Master. I'm just like you."

"You are not Master? You are white like Master."

"I'm a slave just like you."

"Come on Axel."

See you later maybe." Axel said as he hurried after me.

After the inspection I took the boys back to the house and into my office.

All three crowded around the fire place.

"Axel, come over here."

"Yes Master."

"Axel one thing you must always remember is that if I give you an order you don't hesitate or argue. You just do it. Now remove your G-string and lean over the edge of the desk."

"No please master." He saw me pick up my strap.

"Never, SLAP, ever, SLAP, Hesitate Again, Slap."

He was bawling his head off after just three swats on his white ass cheeks.

"Turn around boy and put your hands on your head."

He was shaking so bad he could hardly move.

"Koki, hold his hands behind his back."

"Yes Master."

After three swats on his cock he was curled into a ball on the floor.

"Koki, take him and put some salve on those welts."

"Danny come over here and suck me off."

Danny never even thought about it, just unzipped me and pulled out my cock. He was sucking immediately.

Whipping boys always made me horny.

After I got off, Danny moved under my desk.

I printed off the list of juvenile boys I was getting.

They were listed by Last Name, given name, age in years and months, Charge and sentence.

I saw most, all but 23 could be released in less than a year. The 23 could choose prison or slavery. Two were Capital offences.

One boy named Calum Marx was charged with Assault casing bodily harm. The other Olaf Minsk was charged with two counts of manslaughter. He got the death penalty, but was only 16 years and two months old. Had to hold him for 10 months before transferring him to Yuma.

Calum Marx was 16 and one month and had been sentenced to 10 years. I had to hold him for almost a year. Only Calum would be offered Slavery.

They would all arrive in less than a week.

Allan came into my Office.

"All the boys are done except for the crew at the tree line. I have 24 boys in a truck to take them up to replace the ones on the logging."

I called Sam and asked him to come to the office. When he arrived I told him to take Axel and Danny on his rounds until I get back. Then ordered Koki to put on long pants and a parka. WE went out and climbed in the truck with Allan.

So how did you do it Allan?"

"Well this truck is a modified dump truck. The box was built by maintenance. It has a small gasoline powered auxiliary engine mounted. Once all the boys are put in back and doors closed we start the small engine. The exhaust for the small engine is fed into the box. By the time we drive from the camp to Freehold Mine Site they are all dead from carbon monoxide poisoning. We dump them near one of the pits and bull doze the bodies into the pit. There are always one or two that survive the trip up so they are shot in the head before we bull doze the bodies."

"Very efficient."

"Any that survive the last trip, Koki can finish them off. You can show him how."

"Yes Sir."

Up at the logging camp the 24 boys were unloaded. Two of the crew up at the site were just over forty so I appointed one of them lead. The rest of the older Were happy to leave their boots and G strings there and climb into the back of the truck. Allan sealed the door and started the small gas engine. We drove off.

Problem was it was only an hour drive to the mine site and when the bodies were dumped out, there were about six or seven still alive.

Alan showed Koki where and how to shoot the one still alive. I wasn't sure if Koki knew what he was doing, but he came back smiling.

"That was so cool Master."

"Are you okay with what you did Koki?"

"Yes Master. Master they was too old. Allan said they would have been put down soon anyway."

I said nothing more and Allan after bull dozing the bodies into the pit and covering them, drove back to the main camp.


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Next: Chapter 16

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