Grass Is Blue

By moc.loa@bsissarG

Published on Apr 2, 2005


This is my first story. As always, if you're not supposed to be here, please leave. In other words, if men kissing, fucking, or doing anything remotely sexual offends, disgusts, or angers you then you should get out of here. This story includes sex between two men. But it is at heart, a love story. Plenty of sap, romance, and professions of love. So be warned.

This work is copyrighted and may not be used without explicit permission from the author.

Comments, suggestions, complaints are all much appreciated and welcomed at

Thank you to everyone who has sent encouraging notes and suggestions so far. It means a lot. Keep them coming. I love hearing from all of you.

Also I thought I should mention that while David and Sam do not use protection in this story, you should. This is fiction where most things end happily. Alas life is not always the same. Better be safe than sorry.

The song "The River Unbroken" is copyrighted to Velvet Apple Music. Words and Music by Dolly Parton.

I apologize for taking so long but unfortunately life intervened. Though it helped to write a better story and add a plotline that I didn't think I would. At least I think. Anywho hope you like it. I'm particularly proud of this installment.

Enjoy, Anthony

"Laughter through tears is my favorite emotion." ~ "Steel Magnolias"

Present Day - March 18th, 2005

I was having that dream again. The same one I've had for so many nights. The hospital bed, the beeping of the machines, the smell. I could feel it all as if it were yesterday. But as sad and as depressed it made me, I always looked forward to it every night. I could see things so clearly and so vividly. Those last few months in the hospital were so sad, so draining. But they were so full of love.

"Dad." I felt a finger poke me in my back. I jolted awake now aware of my present surroundings. I yawned sleepily and looked up at my son. I knew why he was there. He missed him. Just as much as I did.

I pulled myself up and rested my head on the headboard. "What's the matter bud?" He just looked down at his feet.

"Mikey..." he glared at me. I forget. No more Mikey. It was Mike now. I smiled. "Mike, you wanna lay with me for awhile. Just till you go back to sleep?" We did this every night. He was always too embarrassed to tell me. When he was small, he had no problem expressing his emotions. But as an eleven year old, my little boy was growing up.

I scooted over and patted the side next to me. "Common kiddo. We'll have a slumber party." That made him smile. I loved it when he smiled. He looked just like Sam.

He snuggled into bed with me and for the millionth time, I wondered how he was becoming a young man right before my very eyes. I closed my eyes and pulled him tighter to me.

"Dad, you up?" He asked me tentatively. He had his head propped up by his arms and was staring intently at me.

"Sure am." I opened my eyes again. "What's the matter?"

"I just wanted to say... well... I wanted to tell you that... I love you and I'm glad you're my dad." He was looking down at his hands.

"Commere champ." I smiled. He never ceases to amaze me. He slid into my arms. "I love you too. More than anything in the whole wide world." I kissed the top of his head. "And I always will. And..." I whispered, "...I'm glad you're my son. Cause you're a pretty damn good one." He laughed at that.

"I never got to tell him I loved him." It was more of a whisper than anything else.

I was surprised. "What?" I asked him.

"I didn't get to tell him I loved him before he died." He was crying now. I pulled him closer to me.

"Oh baby. Don't cry. He knew you loved him. Just because you were there everyday." I was tearing up now.

He looked up at me. "I know but that night. I forgot to tell him. And when I went to call him... well you know."

I knew alright. His poor body had finally given up. I was asleep next to him in my usual chair and the phone scared the shit out of me. I answered it and when I looked over at Sam, I realized he was gone. I dropped the phone to the floor and then the rest was all a blur.

I looked down at him and smiled. "He knew you loved him kiddo. And he loved you just as much back. You meant so much to your Dad."

He sniffled. "Do you miss him Dad?"

"Everyday of my life." I smiled. "But you know where he is now?" I asked him. "He's watching over me and you. Probably right this second." I laughed. "And you know what he's probably thinking?"

Mikey smiled. "He's probably thinking that we're both up late and we both have school tomorrow." He laughed. "Am I right Dad?"

"You're right kiddo." I pulled the blanket over us. "Goodnight son. Love you."

"Goodnight Daddy. I love you." He looked up and whispered. "Goodnight Daddy. I love you too."

Chapter Three - The River Unbroken

"Waitin' for the train to come, I keep awaitin' for the train to come Dreamin' of the river and the risin' sun, I keep thinkin' bout the world to come

My life packed up in a suitcase, old man staring from a doorway

My hope terrors in the distance, love comes on the wheels of my deliverance."

"So you think she'll like me?" He was a ball of nerves fidgeting, playing with his hair, biting his nails. I, of course, thought it was adorable but he didn't see it that way.

We were in the restaurant for twenty minutes waiting for my notoriously late sister. The Blue Water Grill was a nice, I guess you could say trendy, albeit very expensive restaurant in the city. Personally I'd rather go to a diner or someplace like that then go to an expensive restaurant and pay twenty dollars for three shrimps and a wedge of lemon. That of course is because I live on a teacher's salary. My sister, however, is a vice president at Dolce & Gabbana. She can afford as many trendy restaurants as she likes.

"You there?" His eyes were sparkling as they looked at me.

I smiled and touched my finger to his. "Just vegging out. Sorry." I brushed my knee against his leg. "And of course she'll like you. If she doesn't, oh well. I've decided to keep you around for awhile."

His eyes narrowed. "Awhile? Just how long is awhile Mr. Stanton?"

I smiled. "I was thinking somewhere along the lines of forever. Sound good?" I had looked down when I said it fearing maybe I'd scare him off but when I lifted my head up again what I saw warmed my heart.

"Sounds pretty fucking fabulous to me." He glanced around the busy restaurant. "I so wanna kiss you right now."

I laughed. "So do it then." He looked at me like I was crazy. "Hey if there is one thing I learned, it's not to hide. I've done that for too long and I don't plan on going back to that. Plus..." I grinned. "... this ain't the country no more. You live in a blue state now. So..." I puckered my lips and closed my eyes.

"Jesus we can't take you anywhere can we?" And there was Isabel. Always showing up at the most inopportune times.

I looked up. "Do you have ESP or something."

"David, David, David. How many times must I tell you I know all, I see all." She was eyeing Sammy out of the corner of her eye while he turned seven shades of red. Finally she turned to her prey. "And you must be the Sam that he's been yammering about." She held out her hand. "I'm Isabel. It's a pleasure." She could be quite the charmer when she wanted to be.

"Sam Warren. My God you and your brother could be twins." Sammy's face color had died down and he seemed to be relaxing.

She sat down and smiled. "Well we certainly have the same taste in men." She turned to me. "He's gorgeous." The red on my lover's face returned. Is noticed it. "Oh I'm sorry." Did she just apologize? "I have a tendency to be a bit overwhelming. I apologize in advance for that." Alright what the fuck happened to my sister?

Sam placed his hand over mine and smiled. "Quite alright. David has nothing but nice things to say about you."

She smiled. "Well he is a pathological liar." She sighed and looked around. "Who in the hell do you have to fuck to get a drink around here?" There is the Isabel I know and love.

As if on cue, our very nervous waiter appeared. He explained to Sammy and I earlier that it was his first week on the job and he had already had two tables that were being less than cooperative. I assured him we'd be gentle. I just hoped my sister would live up to that promise.

"There you are." She said without looking up from her menu. "I'll have a Manhattan and..." she finally looked up. "... Greggy is that you? Oh my God it is." She jumped up and embraced him. She looked at Sam and me. "This is Greg Thomason. We graduated from Columbia together." She motioned to us. "This is my brother David and..." She grinned like the Cheshire Cat. "... my soon to be brother in law Sam."

I don't know whose mouth opened wider. Poor Greg's, mine or Sam's.

I blushed. "Pay no attention to my blabbermouth sister. She's..."

He interrupted me laughing. "Oh I know what she is. This is the same girl who told the Dean of Admissions to go fuck himself and yet she still got a full scholarship."

She laughed. "So come on Greggy. Sit. Have a drink with us."

He smiled. "Sorry but if you haven't already noticed I'm the waiter and unfortunately I'm not afforded the luxury of kicking back and having a drink."

Isabel looked at him incredulously. "Well where is your manager."

He stared at her nervously. "Why?"

She smiled. "Is that him?" She pointed to a tall, older gentleman who was chatting with a couple just a few tables away from us. "Excuse me a minute."

Sam leaned over and whispered. "What is she going to do?" While he was around the vicinity of my ear he went in for a little nibble which made me shiver.

I regained my composure. "Beats the shit out of me. But it'll sure be fun to watch. Plus if he joins us, it'll take the spotlight off of us and..." I leaned in close to him "... maybe we'll get out of here early and..." I heard a cough and realized that Greg was still standing at the table. I blushed for the first time. "Um... sorry bout that."

He laughed. "Hey no problem. If I had a guy as hot as him, I'd be home already."

He said this just as I took a sip of my drink. "You're umm..."

Greg smiled. "Gay? As a goose." He noticed my arm tighten around Sammy's shoulders. "Easy there. I'm not stupid enough to make a move on someone else's guy. Plus I can tell you two aren't going to be breaking apart anytime soon." He glanced over at my sister who was chatting away with the manager and seemed to be, not surprisingly, winning him over. He shrugged. "What the fuck? Might as well sit down." He looked over at us and smiled. "How long have you two been together?"

Sammy laughed. "Actually this time last night we were meeting for the first time."

"Are you shitting me? I woulda guessed you two were together for at least a year. Hell even more than that." He looked genuinely surprised. "Wow. Well congratulations on your one day anniversary." He raised a water glass.

"What exactly are we celebrating?" Isabel asked as she made her way back to the table. She always hated to be left out of things.

I laughed. "Our anniversary."

She looked at me like I was nuts. "Jesus, you're celebrating already." She turned to Sam. "I must warn you now. My brother is a hopeless romantic sap."

"That's alright. I like him sappy." He leaned over and gave me a sloppy kiss on my cheek. Looks like the vodka tonic was loosening him up a little bit.

Greg laughed and then turned to Is. "So do I still have a job?"

"Oh yeah. Of course you do. I just promised him I'd send his wife some clothes." She took a sip from the Manhattan that our new and not so happy looking waiter placed in front of her. As he walked away, she sighed dramatically in typical Isabel fashion. "Isn't he a happy camper?" She looked over at Greg. "So we know these two are in love. How bout you stud. Anyway been poking around you lately?"

"You always were so classy." Greg was smiling. "Actually no."

"And." Of course he knew she wouldn't just let it rest there. She always needed details.

He smirked. "And what? He decided that I wasn't enough. I came home one night and found him coked out of his mind fucking my neighbor. I honestly wouldn't have cared so much except it was a woman. Said he was just going through a phase with me." He took a sip of water. "Kinda left a bad taste in my mouth you know?"

I nodded sympathetically. "Sorry to hear that. But believe me there are plenty of guys out there who are decent. They're just really, really hard to find."

My sister nodded. "Amen to that." She opened her menu. "I'm famished. What are you guys having?"

Greg threw up his hand. "Whatever you get, do not eat the tuna steak. Don't ask me why but just don't order it."

I was a little frightened by that comment but at the same time quite grateful for the recommendation. I turned to Sammy. "What'cha getting babe?"

He smiled. "I have no idea. I'll just have whatever you're having." He had an odd look on his face that suddenly worried me.

"What's the matter?" I asked concerned that I'd said something that might have upset him. Ah the drama queen in me rears its head yet again. "You're not mad right?"

He shook his head and smiled. "Of course not. I'll um... tell you later."

I was still a little concerned but I didn't want to push it. "Alright. You're sure?"

Isabel of course had to interrupt here. "He's positive. Now where is the..." She signaled over to the waiter who continued to glare at our table as if we were a bunch of lepers or something. "Listen sweetie." Oh God. Not a tirade. I was not in the mood for one of her tirades. "I know you aren't exactly ecstatic at having one extra table. But let's say we pretend that someone at this table is... I don't know loaded. And you see they have so much money, they just love to tip really, really good waiters. Waiters who smile and are attentive and don't sulk like twelve year old boys. If that were the case, and who knows? Maybe it is. I have a feeling you might be in for a mighty large tip." She said all of this never breaking eye contact with him. "Okay?"

He was probably too stunned to even talk. Instead he just nodded and took our orders. And this time when he left, he smiled. My sister, being the uber bitch she can be when she wants, just leaned over and whispered to him. "That's a good boy."

He should have left red faced and with no or little dignity but instead he was smirking. Finally someone who wouldn't give into her.

"You are a bitch. You do know that." Greg was laughing his ass off. "But I love ya for it." He sighed. "God I missed you Is. So VP at Dolce. Some pretty big shit. Who'd you screw to get there?" Now I knew why they seemed to get along so well.

But of course my sister didn't miss a beat. "The question my dear Greggy is who didn't I screw?" She turned to me and Sam. "On the topic of screwing, how is the sex?" Where the fuck does she get the balls to ask these questions?

"Absolutely none of your business." I tried my best to act indignant but it wasn't working. Probably because I knew just how fucking wonderful the sex was.

She smiled and turned to Greg. "You know what that means don't you."

He laughed. "Of course I do. Their fucking like rabbits and enjoying the hell out of it."

"Could we please change the subject to something else?" I pleaded.

Believe or not the evening went quite well. I won't bore you with our conversation because it was mostly just Is and Greg ribbing us about our sex life that they were just dying to hear about.

Dinner finally ended and we were all standing outside the restaurant. I yawned. "Well we're gonna call it a night. I'm bushed."

My sister looked at me like I was nuts. "Already? I figured we could go dancing. Maybe find someone for studly over here." She said motioning to Greg.

I looked at Sammy. He smiled at me. "Whatever you want to do."

I smiled. I knew what he wanted to do. The same thing I'd been thinking about all day today. I looked at my sister. "Nah. Not tonight. I think we're gonna head home."

Greg smiled. "Of course you are." He nudged Is in the shoulder. She was about to open her mouth when Sammy interrupted her.

"And before you ask, we're going to do it. I'm planning on like six times tonight. That enough info?" He had the most self satisfied look on his face.

Greg and I stood there in shock while Isabel just laughed her head off.

"Welcome to the family sweetie." She pulled him into a hug. "You and I will have plenty of fun together."

We both said goodnight to Greg. "Don't be a stranger. You're welcome at our place anytime." Sammy told him. "Now go out and find Mr. Right." My Sammy had just become the life of the party.

"I'm gonna take a shower." He smiled wickedly. "You could join me if you like."

I sighed dramatically. "Well... I guess I could. I mean it would save water wouldn't it? Plus I'd get to see you naked. And that's always a plus."

"You're sassin' me aren't you?" He had a grin on that could light a football field.

I pulled my shirt over my head and laughed. "Damn right I'm sassin' you." I walked over to him and wrapped my arms around his neck. "Plus I do believe you owe me something." I whispered as seductively as I could.

He laughed and pulled my face to his kissing me lightly on the lips. "What would that be?" He pulled me closer and cupped my ass. I groaned. "Oh that's right." He smiled devilishly and brought his mouth to my earlobe nibbling. "You ready for a night of unbridled passion Mr. Stanton?" He was unbuckling my belt as I tried to take his shirt off. Then I remembered something.

"What was up in the restaurant?" I was curious. "You had a weird look on your face when I asked what you were getting."

He looked at me and laughed. "You'll think it's stupid."

I kissed him softly. "No I won't. I promise."

He started to lick my neck. "Well I guess it just finally hit me." He was slowly moving down to my left nipple and talking in a whisper. "I finally realized that we were like a couple." He took my nipple in his mouth. I moaned. "And I loved feeling that way." He licked his way down my stomach and unbuttoning my pants, quickly slid his hands in my briefs and massaged my already achingly erect cock. He slid the briefs down and began to devour it.

It caught me off guard, so much so that I had to grasp his shoulders. He looked up at me and smiled. "I can't get enough of this thing you know."

I laughed. "It likes you too." I looked at him. "So much for a shower."

"Who says we can't take one." He stood up and pulled me towards the bathroom. "Come on. I wanna fuck you while your all slippery and soapy."

He bent over to turn the water on. Now I could have waited but his ass looked just a little too appetizing for me. I knelt down behind him and dug in. He enjoyed it a little too much though because he slipped and fell in the tub. Laughing hysterically, pulled me in with him. It was a tight fit but then again I liked tight, especially with Sammy.

Still laughing he looked up at me. "How bout a bath?"

I smiled. "Sure."

He got up gently placing me on the bottom and straddled my lap switching the faucet and turning the hot water on.

Lifting my legs up and placing them on his shoulders, he placed a finger in me slowly penetrating. "Oh" was my only reply.

He smiled. "That a good oh or a bad one." Another finger.

I sucked in my breath. "A good one. A very good one."

He bent down to meet me in a kiss and this time positioned his cock at my hole. I tried to scream but all I could do was moan into his mouth. He ran his tongue along my gums and I had to use all my strength from shooting right there.

He must have been able to tell because he let up and looked at me. "Not yet. I want this to last."

I was pretty much in ecstasy and couldn't talk so I just smiled and reached up to play with his pecs. "I love your chest. You know that."

He was slowly longdicking me. "Just my chest?" He pushed in hard this time and hit my hot spot. "What else?"

My eyes rolled to the back of my head. "Your eyes, your mouth, your nose." I knew what he wanted me to say. I wanted to tease him a bit.

He pulled out again this time until the head of his cock was barely still in there. "Anything else?" And then he pummeled back into me.

I couldn't take it anymore. I was gonna cum. "Your cock. I love your cock. I worship your cock." And with that I exploded, spewing into the hot water. "Oh my God." was my only intelligible piece of conversation as he continued to pump in and out of me.

He looked down at me. "Want me to cum in you babe?" I nodded. "You want it?" I nodded and glared at him. "Do you fucking want it?"

"Yes. You know I want it. I want you to fucking explode inside of me." I was like a psycho now. And much to my surprise, and Sammy's, I was hard again.

He took hold of my cock. "Well, well, well. My guy has multiple orgasms. Good to know." He slowly stroked me while he continued to pound my ass.

"I'm gonna cum in your ass." He screamed. And boy did he. All the while stroking my cock causing me to cum yet again. Not as explosive as the last time but still he seemed to be impressed.

He collapsed on my chest. We lay there for at least ten minutes just holding each other. Finally he looked up at me and smiled. He snaked his body up mine and kissed me slipping me his tongue.

I looked into his eyes. "You were incredible."

He blushed. "Me? Well you bring out the best in me." He looked down at me. "Plus I love you so that helps."

I kissed him again. "I love you too." I let my hand travel down to his ass and slowly started to penetrate it with my finger.

"Hmmm. You keep that up and this water will be freezing before we get out of here." He practically purred. "Let's wash up and we'll finish this in bed."

And finish it we did. Let's just say he lied to my sister about doing it six times. We made love seven times that night. Each time more earth shattering than before.

Afterwards, we were both laying there, both exhausted. I had my arms wrapped around him, slowly massaging his shoulders.

I whispered. "Tomorrow, we can go to my apartment and figure out what we're gonna bring over here. I want to get it the fuck done."

When I didn't get any response so I assumed he was sleeping. Lightly kissing him on the shoulder, I cuddled closer and drifted off to sleep.

"What about the couch?"

We were standing in my living room trying to decide what needed to be moved and what was going to be given to goodwill. Sammy's apartment was furnished nicely enough and frankly, on a teacher's salary, my furniture wasn't exactly high quality anyway.

I looked over at him. He was wearing a pair of blue track pants and a light blue tee shirt. He hadn't shaved that morning and he looked so incredibly sexy. He was kneeling on the floor removing the books from one of my many bookshelves. I wanted him so badly.

I walked up behind him. He looked up at me and smiled. "Did you really read all these books or are you just one of those people who buy books to look smart?"

I pretended to act indignant. "Are you trying to insinuate that I'm not smart?" I smiled. "I was smart enough to fall in love with you." And then I pounced on him. He obviously didn't expect it because I got good minutes worth of tickling in before he could stop me.

By the time I was done I was straddling him and we were both hysterical with tears in our eyes. "You're a prick you know that?" He looked up at me and laughed. "But you're my prick and I love ya." He pulled my face down to him and we kissed. Something I could not get enough of.

I always worried about kissing. My first one was with Susan York in the seventh grade and the only reason it happened was because she said I paid more attention to her brother than her. This was, as we know, true but I didn't want her to know that. She told me I did it badly. I told her she was a bitch and we never spoke again. My first gay kiss was in a gay bar with this incredibly hot, incredibly drunk guy who kept calling me Howard and cried every time I told him I wasn't Howard. Matt was the only other guy who I was ever intimate with but he was always like a vacuum cleaner. I sometimes felt like he'd suck my tongue right out of my mouth.

I was thinking about all of this while kissing Sammy. We finally broke and he let out a content sigh. Something he did constantly lately and something I found wonderfully adorable. I looked down at his smiling face. "You think I'm a good kisser?"

He looked at me. "What do you think?" And with that he pulled my head down to his and kissed me again this time much more passionately. Like he wanted to become part of me or something. When we finally broke it I was gasping for air and he was laughing. "That answer your question?"

As I leaned in for another one I heard the door open. Assuming it was my sister, I stayed in my position hoping I'd be able to shock her or something. I was in for my own shock though, when it was my mother who walked in.

I guess I shouldn't have been too embarrassed. Well except for the fact that I was straddling my boyfriend's lap or the fact that we both had raging hardons. Or the fact that I looked like I was about to give him mouth to mouth.

I quickly got up and walked over to her. "Mom. What are you um... I thought you were in Connecticut for the week."

I felt a hand on my shoulder and tensed up. I know I said I didn't mind being gay in front of anyone but my mother was a different story.

She just stood there drinking everything in with an odd look on her face that I could not read. "You're Sam?" she finally spoke.

He smiled. "That'd be me. It's a pleasure to finally meet you Mrs. Stanton."

She smiled. Her curt smile. The one she gave everyone. The not so good smile. "So you're the boy who my son has been occupied with for the past few days."

I grimaced. My mother. The woman sure had a way with words. I decided I wasn't gonna play this game this time.

I looked at her. "The man I love Mother. The man who I'm moving in with. The man who I intend to spend the rest of my life with." I looked at Sammy and smiled.

She gave me a patronizing look. "Of course dear. Of course." She looked at her watch and dramatically sighed. Now you see where my sister got it from. "Well I must get going. But you two will come for dinner tonight."

Oh God. Not another dinner. "No Mother, I don't..."

"How about dinner at our place. I'll make all of you a nice southern meal." Sammy had interrupted. What in the hell was he thinking?

My mother was taken off guard. "Well..." She was thinking. "Sure. William and I will be there at..."

"Seven." Sammy said. "We look forward to having you."

She smiled again. "Well see you both then." And she was gone.

I plopped down on the couch and groaned. "You do know what you just did, don't you? You just invited Satan to our home."

He sat down on my lap. "Babe, she can't be that bad. Besides, my cooking heals all." He kissed me. "Ya mad at me?"

I smiled. "No. I'm not mad. Just extremely nervous now." I kissed him again, more passionately this time. He pushed me down on the couch and laid his body on mine. He reached in his back pocket and fished around for something. He had an odd look on his face and just stared at me.

"What?" I asked him getting nervous now.

"If what I say freaks you out, just ignore it." He flashed me a smile. "Okay?"

I nodded suspiciously. "Well what is it you have to say?"

He smiled. "Three days ago I was alone and scared. I didn't know anyone here." His smile got wider. "And then I met some really cute weirdo on the street blabbering to himself." He leaned down and kissed me. We broke the kiss and he kept his face close to mine. So close the tips of our noses touched. "And when he opened his mouth, I knew I'd love him until the day I died. So..." He smiled nervously. "David Andrew Stanton, would you please make an honest man out of me and..." He pulled his hand from behind his back and in it was a gold band. "... be my husband."

I must have sat there for at least a minute not saying anything.

He just looked down at me awaiting my answer, nervously. "Well... say something."

I looked up at this gorgeous man. This gorgeous, kind, caring man wanted to marry me. Me. And here I was sitting here not answering him.

I smiled at him and pulled him down to meet me kissing him. Finally stopping, gasping for air I told him my answer. "Yes." I smiled at him. "Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes."

"I want you so bad right now." I was standing behind him while he fried chicken with my arms wrapped around him.

He held his finger to my mouth. "Taste this." I licked it as seductively as I could. "God that's good. What is it" I asked.

"Mama's gravy recipe. It was passed down in our family for generations." He told me smiling.

"It's fucking delicious." And it was. "God a man who is hot, is incredible in bed, and can cook. No wonder I decided to marry you." I nibbled his earlobe. "Just in case I haven't told you in the last hour or so, I love you."

I could just feel him smile. I didn't even have to see it. "I love you too babe." He turned over a piece of chicken. "Now there are like thirty things we need to do before your parents get here." He turned around and looked at the grimace I made at his mention of my parents coming.

He smiled. "You really are a big baby. You know that don't you." A small grin crossed my face. He obviously saw it. "It's gonna be fine babe. I promise you."

I looked at him and shrugged. "You're right. And if its not, then they can just kiss my ass."

He laughed. "That's my man." He kissed me once more lightly on the lips and then turned me around towards the direction of the dining room, well area. "Now go set the table."

I smiled walking towards the table. "A little bossy ain't you?" I heard him chuckle as I began to set the table. I looked out the window and noticed it had begun to snow. I called over to Sammy. "Look at that. Snow in March."

He walked over to the window, wiping his hands with a dishtowel. "How beautiful. I always wanted to see Central Park covered in snow." He looked over at me. "I'm beginning to sound like a tourist again. Aren't I?"

I walked over to him, smiling. "Yeah you do. But you're a really cute tourist. My tourist. Plus..." I gave him a small peck on the lips. "... We'll make you a bona fide New Yorker in no time." I looked out the window. "Listen, when my parents leave let's say we go for a romantic walk in Central Park. We could even do one of those carriage rides if you want. What do you think?"

He smiled at me. "I think I can't believe how lucky I am to have found you."

I pulled him to me. "Well you did find me and I found you. We found each other. And that's all that matters." Just as we were about to kiss, there was a knock on the door. I groaned. "Showtime."

Sammy smiled. "You ready?"

"Ready as I can be." I walked towards the door and he went to the kitchen to start bringing dinner to the table.

Opening the door, I found my mother and father standing outside. I had to admit to myself that I was a bit excited that they came. Sammy obviously charmed her in some way. She never made an effort to have dinner with Matt and I despite all of my invitations.

I smiled. "Mom, Dad. Come in please."

My mother looked beautiful as always. Even in her fifties, she still took care of herself. Her nails manicured, her hair styled, her make-up applied perfectly. She was wearing a dark red pantsuit that complimented her auburn hair. My father and I are very similar in the looks department. Though his hair is beginning to grey, it actually becomes him.

As I took their coats, Sammy came out of the kitchen ushering them to the table. He stopped in front of my father. "Mr. Stanton. It's a pleasure to finally meet you. I'm Sam." My father smiled. He then moved over to my mother. "You look absolutely beautiful tonight Mrs..." She interrupted him.

"My name is Helen." And she smiled. "Please no more of that Mrs. stuff. It makes me feel old."

"Well Helen, you look beautiful tonight." He smiled. "Now why don't we all sit down. I hope you're hungry."

My father finally piped in. "Starved." They were being civil. Either they were turning over a new leaf or they were both bombed.

We all sat down and began to dig in. The food was absolutely delicious. We all ate in silence. But a rather comfortable silence, believe it or not. Just some quiet conversation about the food and how good it was.

After dinner, my mother volunteered to help Sammy clean up while my father and I sat in the living room. This is the part that made me nervous.

He looked around the apartment. "Well the place is nice."

I shuffled in my seat nervously. Suddenly I felt like I was twelve years old and broke the window with my baseball. "Yep. Sam did it all. He's good with that kind of stuff." I smiled. "I never was."

"I like him." He just threw that out there in such a nonchalant way.

I was hesitant though to fall for it. "Sammy you mean?"

He looked at me and smiled. "Yes. I think he'll be good for you." I guess I must have looked a little skeptical because he continued. "Look son. I know your mother and I haven't been entirely supportive of your lifestyle." He got up and began to pace the room. "And we both want you know we are sorry about that. All we ever wanted was for you to be happy. I guess it never dawned on me that this is who you are and this is what makes you happy." He stopped pacing and stood in front of me. "If he makes you happy, and from the way you look at each other he does, than that is all that matters to us."

I sat there shocked. I had prepared myself for the night from hell. For shouting and slamming doors and name calling. All the stuff that I was used to. So it came as quite a surprise when my father just told me he and my mother supported my lifestyle completely.

I just looked up at him and smiled. "Thank you Dad. You have no idea how much that means to me. Really."

He sat down next to me. "Do you remember your high school graduation?"

Why was he bringing this up now? I nodded.

"Your mother and I were ecstatic that you were graduating." He sighed. "And the day before, you told us..." He paused and looked me in the eyes. "You told us you were gay."

I nodded again speechless, remembering that awful day.

"I felt like someone had taken a knife and plunged it into my heart." See even heteros can be drama queens. "How could my only son be gay? I felt like I had done something wrong. Like I had failed in some way. I told you we weren't coming to your graduation."

I winced thinking he actually said he wasn't coming to some faggot's graduation. "And you didn't come."

He shook his head. "Oh we were there."

I was surprised. "But I scoured that cathedral."

"We were in the back." He smiled. "You gave such a beautiful speech that night."

I laughed. "I was so nervous."

"You couldn't even tell." He put his hand over mine. "When graduation was over, we tried to get out of there as quickly as possible. But not before your English teacher could stop us. What was his name?"

I smiled remembering. "Mr. Davis."

He nodded in remembrance. "Mr. Davis. Yes. He stopped your mother and I. He told us that you were one of the best students that he'd ever had. I just assumed he was being nice and nodded. But he didn't stop. He told us you were one of kindest men he'd ever met in his life. And that we should be proud to call you our son." He squeezed my hand. "I felt like a damn fool." I could see tears forming in his eyes and I knew there were tears in mine. He looked at me again. "What I'm trying to say son is... I... we never stopped loving you. I'm sure it didn't feel that way but just so you know we never stopped loving you."

"And we still do." I turned around to see my mother standing there with Sammy behind her. Both of them were bawling. She walked over to me and sat down on my other side. "And..." she kissed me on the cheek. "... we always will." She looked over at Sam. "And we love you too. You're part of our family now."

My mother and father both pulled me into a hug. I gazed over at my lover, my partner, my husband. Well soon to be anyway. He was pointing towards the ring on his finger. He looked at me and mouthed the word "Forever."

"God I'm so tired." He was standing in front of the mirror in the bathroom washing his face. He was wearing nothing but a pair of black briefs. He walked into our bedroom and over to the dresser pulling out a pair of pajama pants.

I raised my eyebrows. "What exactly do you think you're doing?"

He smiled. "Putting on pajamas. I'm freezing."

I pulled back the covers. "I can keep you warm."

He laughed and stripped off his briefs. "You can, can you? How warm are we talking?" He climbed into bed and placed himself on top of me rubbing his hard cock against mine. I moaned in pleasure.

I looked up at him. "Thought you said you were tired."

He reached over to the nightstand and retrieved a tube of lube, quickly smearing some on my cock. He slowly jerked me off lubricating me for what I knew was to come next.

He grinned wickedly at me. "I was but suddenly I feel so..." He slowly impaled himself on me. "... rejuvenated."

All I could do was moan and he started to slowly ride me. "Slow down. Or this is gonna end a lot quicker than either of us want."

He slowed down and looked down at me. "Don't want that do we?" He smiled. "Thank you for tonight. For today. For just everything. For being you."

I pulled his head down to mine and kissed him. "Your welcome baby."

He picked up his pace and before we both knew it, we were both cumming.

Gasping for breath, he rolled over to my side. "Jesus. It doesn't get any better than this does it."

I smiled. "This is pretty perfect isn't it."

"Tonight was perfect. Thank you for showing me Central Park. And thank you for introducing me to your parents and..."

I stopped him by kissing him. "Shhh. No more thank you's. I did it because I love you. And like you said tonight." I pointed to my ring. "Forever."

He smiled at me. "Forever." He snuggled up to me.

We were both drifting off to sleep when the doorbell rang. Startled I jumped up. "Who fuck is it at this hour?"

He yawned sleepily. "Maybe Is."

I got up pulling on a pair of sweatpants. "Well it better be good."

He pulled the blanket up to his chin and smiled. "Hurry up. I'm cold." I laughed.

Walking to the door, I wondered what the hell my sister would want at this hour. But when I opened the door, I was quite surprised that it wasn't my sister.

Instead I found an older woman, holding a baby in her hands.

"Can I help you?" I asked wondering what she wanted.

"Does Sam Warren live here?" She asked me tentatively.

I nodded. "He does. And you are?"

She looked at me for awhile. "I'm Joanna." Unfortunately that did nothing for me. But then she held the baby up and that's when all hell broke loose. "This is his brother, Michael."

"Sometimes I feel I can't go on, I get so tired all passions gone

My heart, my head, my arms, my legs

Then something breaks inside my soul, my strength is gone

My ears can't hear, my eyes can't see

Those clouds of joy still cover me, cover me.

Oh where is the river unbroken, oh when will the whistle blow"

Well I hope you liked it. Again sorry it took so long. And I love hearing from all of you so don't be shy.

Next: Chapter 4

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