Grass Is Blue

By moc.loa@bsissarG

Published on Jan 25, 2006


This is my first story. As always, if you're not supposed to be here, please leave. In other words, if men kissing, fucking, or doing anything remotely sexual offends, disgusts, or angers you then you should get out of here. This story includes sex between two men. But it is at heart, a love story. Plenty of sap, romance, and professions of love. So be warned. This work is copyrighted and may not be used without explicit permission from the author.

Comments, suggestions, complaints are all much appreciated and welcomed at

Thank you to everyone who has sent encouraging notes and suggestions so far. It means a lot. Keep them coming. I love hearing from all of you.

Also I thought I should mention that while David and Sam do not use protection in this story, you should. This is fiction where most things end happily. Alas life is not always the same. Better be safe than sorry.

And finally, much thanks and gratitude to Ron, who edited and proofread this chapter. He's continues to be a faithful fan and I thank him for his assistance and support.

"The Greatest Gift of All" - Dolly Parton

Enjoy, Anthony

Present Day How hard could it possibly be to dial a number? I sat there with this flimsy little card in my hand and started to dial for what had to be the thirtieth time in an hour. And then of course when I got to the last number I chickened out. Why in the flying fuck was this so hard? I put down the phone and realized that there were so many other urgent things I needed to attend to. Didn't the liner paper in the cabinets have to be replaced? And I really should sort through my Golden Girls memorabilia. "Shit." I whined and threw a pillow across the room. Suddenly my door burst open. My son had a worried look on his face. "Everything okay Dad?" I smiled shyly. "Yeah. Sorry. I'm just frustrated about something kiddo." I patted the bed, motioning for him to sit down. "Whatcha' doing?" He plopped down. "Homework." I raised an eyebrow. "Still?" "Yeah." He looked a bit frustrated himself. "Some math sh..." I glared at him. He'd suddenly discovered cursing. "Stuff." He said correcting himself. I ruffled his hair. Yes, I still did that. "You need help?" He smiled. "No. I can do it." We sat there in silence for awhile. "So did you call him yet?" He said this with a smirk. "Been talking with your Uncle Greggy huh?" And with that I grabbed him and started tickling him silly. "Stop. Dad. Please." He said in between laughs. I stopped. "I love ya kiddo." He smiled at me. "Love you too." And then I was whacked in the head with a pillow. "But you should still call him." He got up smirking. "I'm gonna go finish my homework." And he placed the phone in my hands. I sighed and going for no guts, no glory I dialed the number. Three rings later, a familiar voice came on the line. "This is Jack. Leave a message." "Hey Jack. This is David. We umm... we met at the Grieving..." And suddenly I was interrupted by one of those obnoxiously loud beeps that happen when you answer the phone while the answering machine was still going. "Hello... I'm here." He sounded anxious. He sounded nervous. Finally the machine went off. "David?" I smiled. "I'm here." "So... how are you?" He asked. "Good. You?" "Well my son just decided to use his bedroom wall as a canvas for his latest painting masterpiece..." He laughed. "But other than that, I'm real good." I laughed and nodded. "You have a son?" "Yep. He's six." He hesitated for a second. "He... he's Kayla's twin." Oh God. "I didn't know. I'm..." What do you say. Sorry? He interrupted me. "It's okay." He said genuinely and I was glad I hadn't offended him. "Listen, I gotta get the paint off the wall before it ruins it. But I was thinking if you wanted to go for that coffee, maybe tomorrow night?" He asked. I smiled. "That'd be wonderful." Did I sound too eager? "Let's say sevenish at Starbucks?" I asked. He laughed. "Nah. I hate Starbucks." "Me too." I smiled. "I only suggested it because I thought all New Yorkers had to like Starbucks." He laughed heartily. God how I could learn to love that laugh. "How about we just do dinner then?" I was going to suggest dinner but I was afraid that it'd seem too much like a date. "Sure dinner would be good. Do you like Spanish?" I asked. "Love it." I smiled. "Good. Tio Pepe's. It's on West Fourth." I could hear the smile in his voice. "I'll see you there." And then he hung up. I'll be damned, I thought. I have a date.

Chapter Seven ~ The Greatest Gift of All

Dawn is slowly breaking, our friends have all gone home

You and I are waiting, for Santa Claus to come

There's a present by the tree, stockings on the wall

And knowing you're in love with me, is the greatest gift of all.

"Daddy. Look at that! Isn't that the coolest thing ever?" I can't tell you how many times I heard that phrase during our vacation. Not that I would have had it any other way. He was having a ball. And I'd be lying if I said that Sammy and I weren't either. Disney World is just... addictive. It's corny and sappy but it's so much fun. We were on the Peter Pan ride. I ruffled his hair and laughed. "It is bud." He smiled back at me as the ride was coming to an end. "I'm glad we came here." "Me too." I told him as we waited to get off the ride. I scooped him up in my arms because I didn't want him walking on those motorized moving sidewalk things. We made our way back to the front entrance of the ride where Sammy was sitting on one of the benches. He saw us coming and smiled at me. It was one of those "How lucky are we?" smiles. Mikey ran over to him and by the time I'd gotten there, he'd already filled him in on the wonders of Peter Pan's Flight. "And Captain Hook gets eaten by the croc... croc..." Sammy laughed. "Crocodile?" Mikey looked up at him with that amazed look. "Yep. He was bad so the croc... that thing ate him." And then he buried his face in Sammy's chest. I sat down next to them and put my arm around Sammy. "What'd you say we head back to the hotel so he can take a nap." I whispered. And then I smiled. "And maybe we can... play a little bit too." He laughed. "What kind of playing are we talking about here?" I leaned over and whispered in his ear subtly brushing my tongue against his lobe. "The fun kind." "Can I play too." I looked down to see Mikey smiling. I picked him up and twirled him around while he squealed with delight. "This from the boy with ears like a hawk." I hoisted him up over my head and had him sit on my shoulders. He looked down at me. "You won't drop me. Right?" I smiled up at him. "Nope. We wanna keep you." He looked over at Sammy. "You do?" Sammy stood up smiled. "Yep, buddy we sure do."

"I hate these stupid card thingies." I said as I fumbled with the card key to our room.

Sam had Mikey in his arms. He'd already conked out on the monorail ride back to the hotel. We were originally planning on staying in one of the smaller hotels but when my sister found out we were going she informed us that one of her best clients had an "in" here. So suddenly we were upgraded to a two-bedroom suite at the Grand Floridian. The hotel was hideously expensive but also gorgeous. It did cater mainly to honeymooners and couples but Mikey loved it and the staff was very attentive and very kind. A little too kind. I was beginning to think some of these staff members were on acid, the way they were always telling you to "... have a magical day."

I was still fumbling with the card when I felt a hand pinch my ass.

Sammy smiled devilishly at me. "Would you hurry it up. I'm so horny."

I laughed and finally was able to get the goddamned door open.

I took Mikey from him. "You go get naked and I'll put him down for a nap." And with that I smacked him on his ass as he walked away.

I carried Mikey into the smaller bedroom and laid him down on the bed, taking off his shoes and socks. I covered him with his blanket and kissed his forehead. I stood up and looked at him as he lay there. Smiling, I bent down and kissed his cheek.

"Love ya kiddo." I knew he was sleeping but it didn't hurt to say it again.

I walked into the bedroom connecting to Mikey's and found my other favorite guy sound asleep on the bed.

I smiled.

Slipping off my jeans and shucking my shirt I laid down next to my lover. I kissed his temple. "Love you too babe."

And then out of nowhere I was skillfully rolled over and pinned against the bed with Sammy looking down at me with a Cheshire Cat grin.

"Tricked ya." He said with childlike enthusiasm as he started to nibble at my neck.

I looked at him and smiled.

He looked up at me. "What?"

I shrugged. "Nothing. Just happy I guess." I ran my hands down his back. "In Disney World with my two favorite guys in the whole world." I beamed. "My cup overfloweth."

He laughed. "Don't be feedin me any of that hifalutin' Shakespeare now."

"Shut up." I laughed.

"Make me."

"Hmm. I think I can find something to fill your mouth with."

He busted out laughing. "But that ain't hardly a mouthful."

"You little shit." And with that I set in on tickling the crap out of him. "Give up?" I taunted playfully as I tickled his underarms. And then I stopped.

"What is that?" I asked suddenly worried.

"What's what?" He asked confused.

I held my hand directly under his armpit. "This." And as I pressed on it, he winced. "It hurts?"

He shook his head. "No. I've had that for years."

For some reason I didn't believe him. "Really?" I said as he straddled my waist and was wiggling on my hardening cock. "Stop." I said placing my hands on his hips. "I'm serious. That thing is hard as a rock."

He grinned. "I know. So why won't you let me take care of it."

I wasn't getting anywhere. I glared at him. "We need to get it checked out."

He must have sensed that I wasn't kidding. "Okay. Jeez. You sure know how to ruin the moment." He said a little bitterly. And with that he got up and walked into the bathroom.

Shit! I got up and followed him. He was standing in front of the mirror, his head in hands.

I stood behind him and wrapped my arms around his chest, resting my head on his. I placed a kiss on his neck.

"It's nothing." He said quietly.

"Okay." I said wanting to believe him but still not being able to. "But..."

"I'll get it checked out when we get home." His mood had picked up a little. "I promise." He turned around to face me. "I'm sorry I snapped at you."

I smiled and nuzzled his face. "S'okay." I placed a light kiss on his lips. "I just got nervous." And the truth was I started to get more nervous as I started to remember things. Why was he so tired all of the time? Why'd he look pale all the time? And his appetite had shrunk to practically nothing.

"Stop." He whispered knowing what I was thinking. "I'll make an appointment as soon as we get back home." He smiled and held his hand to his chest. "Cross my heart."

I smiled. I couldn't help it. His smile was so damn infectious. "Okay."

He pulled me in for a kiss. He placed my hands on his ass and started to grind his now hard cock into mine. I got the picture. I slipped my hands down the waistband of his boxers and starting kneading his rock hard ass. He grabbed one of my arms and brought my hand to his mouth and I placed kisses all over his neck. He started to suck greedily on my middle finger and I took his left nipple in my mouth. As he lubed my finger with his spit, I made my way down his stomach, giving his belly a thorough tongue bath.

I was about to dive down on his cock when he pulled me up and shoved his tongue back in his mouth, again leading my hand back to his. Getting the idea, I started to playing with his ass with the finger he'd lubed.

"Just like that." He moaned through the kiss.

"Want to me to fuck you here?" I asked playfully already knowing the answer.

"Oh yeah." He said smiling.

I picked up and placed him on the counter in front of the mirror. Placing his legs on my shoulders, I continued to open him up.

He looked up at me. "It's okay. I'm good. Go for it."

I looked down at him skeptically. "You sure."


I placed my cock at the entrance of his hole and leaned down to kiss him. I eased my way in and before I knew it, my cock had popped in.

"Oh fuck." I hissed. "Your ass feels so good."

He smiled goofily at me. "Why thank you."

I laughed and continued my thrusts slowly longdicking him for about ten minutes.

His hands reached up to play with my chest. "Oh fuck. That feels good babe."

And it sure the fuck did. But I could tell he was getting close and I was ready to cum any second. I looked down at him. "I'm gonna cum first." I told him, my eyes glazed with lust. "Then you're gonna cum in my mouth."

"You won't see me objecting to it." He said panting.

Three fast thrusts later and my cock started shooting deep inside him.

"Oh God yes." He shouted.

Pulling out gently, I took my lover's rock hard cock in my mouth and seconds later he was filling me up. A bit of it leaked out onto my hand. I brought it to my lips and seductively licked the rest away.

I smiled down at Sammy. "Finger licking good."

"Do we have to go home?" Today was our last day in Florida and Mikey was none too happy about it. "We'll be back to see Mickey." Sammy told him as he buckled his seatbelt. He was sitting in between us. I ruffled his hair. "Plus we gotta get back to put up the tree and do Christmas shopping." That seemed to placate him a bit. He yawned. "Daddy I'm tired." I lifted the little arm partition and he laid his head down resting his legs in Sammy's lap. The stewardess passed by and smiled at us. "He's adorable." She said. "How old?" She asked. "Four." Sammy beamed. "He's just coming down from a Disney high." "I can see that." She reached up into the overhead compartment and grabbed a blanket. "Here you go." She smiled and moved on down the aisle. "We've got a ton of Christmas shopping to do." Sammy said yawning. I smiled. "Don't worry about it. We've got two weeks." He laughed. "I don't want to be in the store on Christmas Eve this year." He thought for a minute. "We should do Christmas Day at our place this year." I nodded. "Sounds good to me. I'll check with my mom." I took his hand in mine. "Shouldn't be a problem." He looked tired. "Why don't you close your eyes for awhile." "Wake me up in twenty minutes. I don't wanna leave you up by yourself." He said. I smiled. "Don't worry about it. I got my book to read. And I've gotta grade some papers." I caressed his hand. "Besides. I got my two favorite men right next to me." He closed his eyes and smiled. "I love you David." "Longer than..." "Always." We both said in unison. I tried reading and I tried grading but I couldn't concentrate. Instead I put all of my stuff away and sat there thinking. Have you ever had a horrible feeling? You know you might be overreacting or over exaggerating or being a drama queen or whatever but you still couldn't kick this feeling you have. Every night after I discovered that hard mass or lump or whatever it was under Sammy's underarm, I'd lie awake at night after he fell asleep and feel his entire body gently to see if there were any others. Last night, as he and Mikey raided the gift stores in Downtown Disney one last time, I searched the web on my laptop to see what I could find. Of course they all said that a lump didn't necessarily constitute worry. That didn't make me feel any better. I didn't want to push the issue any farther because I'd seen how upset he'd gotten the other day. I just... I just wanted to make sure that everything was alright. When we got home, I'd make sure he saw the doctor and make sure that everything was okay. It would be alright. I knew it would.

"Oh wow. Look at this Uncle Greg." Mikey said holding up the video game he just opened. "We can play this after I'm done."

Greggy smiled at him. "Sure thing kiddo." He looked over at me. "Thanks for letting me come over." He said sadly.

Sammy got up from his spot on the couch next to me and went to sit with Greg on the love seat. "You're family here. You come and go when you want." He said rubbing his back. "Besides the jackass doesn't know what he's missing."

"I agree with Sammy here." I chimed in.

"Me too." Came the reply from the little boy in flannel pajamas greedily munching on a candy cane.

Greggy laughed. "You do? Well I'm glad kiddo." He reached for the bag next to him. He pulled out three wrapped gifts for Mikey and an envelope for Sammy and me. After sitting down on the floor, he handed Sam the envelope.

"This is for you guys. I didn't know what to get you."

Sammy opened the envelope and in it was a gift certificate to Tavern on the Green. An open ended gift certificate.

I looked at it. "Are you out of your f..." My son's ears perked up. "...freaking mind. You can't afford this."

Greggy laughed. "Don't worry about it." He was helping Mikey open a box he'd given him. "Plus that gift also includes a night of babysitting from yours truly." He said grinning. I was glad he seemed to be getting into a better mood.

"I wanted this movie." Mikey shrieked when he saw Greggy had bought him "Peter Pan." He'd worn out the tape we had because he'd watched it so much.

Greg scooped him up in his arms and blew raspberries on his neck. "I wonder who told me that six thousand times before Christmas."

Sammy laughed. He sat down next to me and cuddled closer. "So um... you didn't get me nothing." He said doing his best to pout.

I pretended to think. "Hmm. I knew I forgot someone." Mikey and I had this all planned out. He smiled at me and ran into his bedroom to get the bag of gifts we'd hid in his closet.

Greggy sat on the floor with his back leaned against the couch. I retrieved a box from the side of the couch and threw it to him.

"This is for you, you big ol' drama queen." I said smiling.

He caught the box and opened it. We'd gotten him tickets to see "Annie Get Your Gun" and "Les Miserables." Those were his two favorite shows. Plus he was a huge Bernadette Peters fan.

His eyes lit up. He got up and squeezed himself in between us on the couch.

"What would I do without you guys?" He asked smiling.

Sammy laughed. "Find another incredibly handsome, smart gay couple..."

"...With the cutest kid in the world." I chimed in.

Greggy laughed. "Thank you." He said genuinely. "Not just for the gifts but for everything. I love you guys." He said as he pulled Sammy and me into a group hug.

I smiled as he got up. "No prob bud. We love ya too."

Just then Mikey came barreling into the living room with two shopping bags. I'd only hid one.

Sammy busted out laughing. "You had the same idea as me?" He asked shocked.

I smiled. "Great minds think alike."

Mikey handed me a bag and then handed one to Sam.

"I got you guys something too." He said happily.

I looked at him. "You did?"

He laughed. "Yep." And with that he handed Sammy and me each a box and then handed one to Greg too.

"You bought me something too kiddo?"Greggy asked, obviously touched.

Mikey hugged him. "I love you Uncle Greg."

I smiled at our son's politeness.

Greggy gave him a hug and pulled him into his lap. "I love you too kiddo." He said kissing his forehead. "Wanna help me open this."

I smiled and looked over at Sammy. "You do this?"

He shrugged. "Not me." He said as he started to undo the wrapping. I did the same with mine but before either of us could open them I heard Greggy shriek.

"Jesus. Are you guys crazy? I can't take this." He asked as he held up the watch. I opened mine and saw that it was no cheap watch either. It was Brietling. Apparently a special edition. My sister. It had to be. I looked over and Sammy had one identical to mine.

Mikey looked hurt and ran to his bedroom. I went to go after him but Greggy stopped me.

"Shit. I'm sorry. I just... this is too much." He said fingering the watch.

Sammy smiled. "That's Isabel for ya. She knew we'd protest if these were from her so she made them from Mikey." He said.

I laughed. "We'll deal with her later."

Greggy grinned shyly. "I'll go get him and apologize." He said turning and making his way to Mikey's bedroom.

I plopped back down on the couch and Sammy sat down next to me. "So you didn't open my gifts." He said.

I sat up and reached for the bag. Inside was a card. I opened it and read it aloud.

"There are so many ways I could show my love for you. These are mere tokens. The most important gift to me this Christmas is that I have you. Love, Sammy." I finished as I felt a tear fall down my cheek.

I pulled his head to me as I kissed him. "I love you too baby. So much."

He pulled back from me and smiled. "Now its time for gifts."

I opened mine first while my guys looked on. Mikey had accepted Greg's apology and they were seated on the floor. Sammy got me three new sweaters and three button down shirts to go under them. And he bought me a new pair of reading glasses. In the third box was a white gold pendant on a chain. I looked at the inscription that read. "Longer than always."

I smiled. "Thanks sweetheart." I kissed him softly. "Open yours now."

The first thing he opened was the new Dolly Parton CD, "Hungry Again." He already had it but I'd won an autographed copy off e-Bay. He grinned at me.

"Keep going." I said smiling.

The next one he opened was the spice rack he'd practically been salivating over at William Sonoma. It was hideously expensive but it was for Sammy. He shrieked with delight over this one.

"There's one more." I taunted.

He smiled as he opened the last box. Inside was one of those cheesy spike studded dog collars.

He looked at me strangely. "Are we trying new things?" He asked smiling confusedly.

I got up and went into the kitchen where Greggy had hid the box he brought this morning. Picking the puppy up I smiled and walked back into the living room where my husband and son both almost had a heart attack.

"A dog?" Sammy laughed. "I knew it."

"Bull." I said smiling. "You pouted all the way home the other day when I said we didn't have room for a dog."

He turned to Mikey. "You know about this you little sneak."

Mikey shook his head wide eyed. "Nope." He walked over and petted the little Dalmatian puppy. "We get to keep him?"

I looked down at him and smiled. "Yep kiddo. We do."

"What are you gonna name him?" My father asked Mikey as he bent down to pet the dog. "He's gotta have a good name." "I don't know Grandpa. I gots to think about it." He said scurrying off with the dog. My dad let out one of those hearty baritone laughs he gave when Mikey amused him. I walked over and gave him a hug. "Merry Christmas Pop." He kissed my cheek and handed me another shopping bag. "Where's Mom?" I asked as I took it from him. He smiled. "With your sister waiting for the elevator." He shook his head. "You live on the third floor. Would it kill them to get some exercise?" He asked. "Yes." They both said in unison as they came up behind him. It still amazed me how much my mother and sister looked alike. Isabel looked beautiful in a pair of black slacks and silk red blouse. My mother had on a beautiful green blouse with a pair of creme pants. "David." She said hugging me tight. "Merry Christmas sweetheart." I smiled. "Merry Christmas Mom." I moved to my sister. "I'm not talking to you." She grabbed me in a hug. "I'm loaded David. I don't have a husband. I don't have a kid. So I get to spoil my three favorite fairies and my favorite little boy." She said smiling. "Merry Christmas little brother." I smiled. "Is. Those watches..." "Cost more than you make in a month. So what?" She said laughing. "You deserve to have nice things." And with that she made her way into the kitchen where Sammy, Greggy and my mother had already began the cooking process. I felt two arms wrap around me and a chin rest on my shoulder. "Thought you were heading the kitchen crew." I asked my lover. He laughed. "I snuck away for a minute." He said. "Just in case I don't get to tell you today, I love you more than life itself. And you're the best present I've ever received." I turned to kiss him quickly on the lips. Then I winked at him and smiled. "Longer than always Sammy." I whispered hugging him to me. "Longer than always."

The fire is slowly fading, chill is in the air

All the gifts are waiting, for children everywhere

Through the window I can see, snow begin to fall

Knowing you're in love with me, is the greatest gift of all.

Well Christmas has been over for some time but oh well. This one was sappier than usual. But I wanted to make this one extra happy as the next one won't be. Should be out soon. Thanks again to all the readers and Ron, thanks again.

Next: Chapter 8

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