Green Eyed Boy

By Edem Stories

Published on May 5, 2020


Green eyed Boy Part 10

Copyright to this story remains strictly that of the author. No other publication or use of this story is allowed without the consent of the author.

This story contains male on male sexual content both implied and explicit. If this offends you, please do not continue. All characters and implied situations are strictly those of the author and are not based on any real-life events or characters. If you are under 18 years of age, please exit this story now.

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The day had certainly been a strange one between the bike rides and the bullies at the park it had been an emotional rollercoaster. Then just watching the sunset casting its hues over the mountains and forest that was already showing its famous golds, reds and orange colors with Logan was certainly a treat. But it did remind me of another view I had found last semester. Logan was hesitant but when I took his hand in mine he followed like a pup towards the dorms. "Where are we going Patrick?" Logan was surprisingly wary, and I just smiled as I headed for the stairwell instead of the elevator. "You'll see. Gabriel showed it to me last year and it's still unused this year... ever wondered why our dorms are so weird?" I had but I was nosey that way. It was a good thing we had started walking every morning, the dorms were two buildings on either side of the large parking lot with smaller parking decks on the outside of them. Each dorm was six floors, but the men's dorm only had four occupied and there was no checking in or out on weekends, so we did not have to bother with someone asking where we were going. Even so by the time we reached the sixth floors fire-door we were a little tired from all the activity of the day. Logan looked back down the stairwell and then at me. "I knew it, too good to be true, this is where you hide the bodies right?" "Oh, hush you. Let's see if they ever locked this back" His joking around had me cracking a smile though I really hoped they had not installed cameras up here over summer break. The door was not locked, nor did it go off once it was opened. What greeted us was a hotel hallway with various rooms full of disused furniture and some completely empty. Everything had a good layer of dust on it that clearly said even the cleaning crew never came up here. Logan started poking around a bit and I followed him before he laughed. "A hotel? The showers make sense now. They just knocked a hole in the wall to make their jack baths I suppose. Cheaper than building all new, I guess. What did you want to show me Pat?" "Over here." I could not help it and giggled a bit as I grabbed his hand and hauled him to a corner room furthest from the other buildings. It had a massive bay window with a dusty couch someone had pulled up to it but before I could sit Logan pulled me to his chest and who was I to argue? Leaning there listening to his heartbeat as distant city lights flickered and the darkening trees swayed with the chill breeze. It was a perfect moment and I was very content to have it stay like this forever. Logan's words faint as he whispered. "too bad we can't stay here. It's so peaceful." "I know, but we need a shower and we have classes tomorrow. Hey, only a few more weeks and it'll be fall break, right? Any plans?" I hoped he had some as I knew I did not. My phone chirped but I decided to ignore it for now. Logan nodding into my hair. "I was going to go home and see my dad; I don't like leaving him alone so long and I want to see what your sisters done with my bike. Though I was thinking Patrick? would it be better if I left the chief and used my dad's pickup?" It really was his choice in the end but made me feel good that he was even asking me. "Much as I'd love to tear ass... down the road with you on the bikes." Yes, I had paused on purpose and Logan coughed before I finished. "I think the truck will be better once it starts snowing. Winters are rough around here sometimes." "You are evil Pat." "Why thank you" My phone chirped again, and I tried to ignore it until it pinged a third then fourth time. Logan giving me a bit of an odd look and reaching into my pocket to pull the phone out though he evidently decided to be a brat in the process and rubbed me through the pocket. I moaned at that. "Don't go starting something we can't finish tonight handsome." "Where's the fun in that? Here, you may want to check it. That many messages in a row has to be something." I suppose he was right and unlocked the phone to read the messages. The first from Gabe simply saying to call him, the second from Neil saying to call him. The third was Abs' with a text. "Where R U? Mom's at Campus" My heart dropped and the phone nearly slid out of my fingers. If mom was here then Dad might be too. Logan's arms went around me as he took the phone from my hand. "Pat, it's going to be okay. I'm here and I won't leave unless you tell me to. Does your mom know about us? About You?" "N-no..." I could not get my tongue to work, my throat felt tight and I thought I was going to puke or pass out suddenly. His arms and voice in my ear the only damn things keeping me from tearing off to get away or finding a corner to hide in. "I... I don't think mom would care... its... if... If she's here dad is... I don't want to see him Logan. Please!" My voice cracked, white hot tears formed and fell. Mom had never hit me, or screamed at me, she was just `absent' most of my life and Ab's life too. When Abigail ran away mom blamed herself and suddenly tried to be mother of the year but failed when she discovered alcohol and the neighbor, Harris. Dad on the other hand... While he had rarely physically touched me. He held no problem in lying about me to people, screaming, insulting me and making me feel more worthless than toilet paper. Logan sank to the floor and very easily pulled me with him and into his lap. My head on his chest as he stroked my hair. I felt awful breaking down on him, but I felt safe. It took me a moment to realize he was talking to someone on my phone. "Yea Gab, he's with me. Is she alone? She's not? Then he's not coming back to the dorm room. That's all there is to it. Who is it with her? Pat. Pat, focus, tall guy with blond hair?" I wiped the tears away and offered to take the phone, but Logan shook his head at me until I answered. "I got my hair from dad, black and curly. That's not him." "Okay, Gabe, he says that's not his dad. We'll be there in a few minutes if hes okay with that." I nodded consent over that one and Logan hung up the call and held me close a few moments more. "You sure you are going to be okay Pat?" "Yea. I have to face her and his lies, sometime right? Ab's told me that he told her and mom that I cussed him out and called mom a whore, that I knocked up some girl and thought I was better than the rest of them." Logan smirked a bit at something and cupped my chin in his hand, kissing me on the lips softly. "Hey, at least you can't knock me up no matter how hard you try. Come on. I know the timing on this suck but... I do love you Patrick and I won't let them hurt you. I know it's only been a few weeks, but I know what my heart is telling me." I could only stare at him a moment before kissing him and making myself stand up off the dusty floor. Looking to those dark emerald eyes of his, so full of barely controlled anger scared me a little but at the same time made me feel incredibly safe. "I love you too Logan... let's go before it gets too late for all of this." We headed downstairs together, stopping to dust off a bit and share one more kiss in the stairwell and let me get my nerve. I barely made it into the hall when I heard mothers voice. "Where the hell is he? You said he would be here in a minute." Her words slurred just slightly, telling me that yes, she was drunk again. A male voice I did not recognize answering her. "Take it easy Meredith, you have to give the kid time to get here." "I'm not a kid." I sounded like a petulant child to my own ears as I said it. Stepping into the room where Neil had pulled some chairs from the rec room for my mother and Harris. Soon as I saw him, I recognized him. "Harris? Mom? Why are you here?" "I came looking for my son! That's why. I haven't heard from you in over a month! I didn't know if you are alive or dead and that's how you greet me? How dare you say those things to your father and treat us like this!" "No! How Dare You!" Logan was suddenly between me and her waggling finger as she had stood and started coming at me. Harris just grabbed her shoulder and pulled her back. "Meri has been worried about you Patrick. First you disappear and then there's rumors someone got in an accident heading up here, and now Ab's won't take her calls and your father says you aren't even enrolled here and that you have knocked some girl up and demanded he give you money to pay her off." I was not sure why, but I started laughing at the absurdity of it all. Neil had been quiet so far but let out a choking sound. "You mean your gayer than a six-dollar bill son? Look. Logan you mind if I crash in your room, you folks are going to be up late, and I have a test in a few days to study for." Logan nodded at Neil. "Have at it. I'm staying with Patrick tonight." Gabe just sighed but was eyeing Harris and mother both warily though he said nothing. Mother looked confused. "You aren't gay. You can't be. You hate gays. Daniel said you told him you didn't want the Gail's to come back over again and called them fags." "Believe who you want to believe mother, but I have never called anyone that nor will I ever, Logan's my lover and hes the one who got hit on the road before. Dad is being manipulative as he always is just like when he calls you names and tells your friends that you don't want to talk to them. Don't deny he does that! " "Your father is a good man; he's never hit me or your sister" "I did not say he hit us mom... but there are a lot of ways to be nasty to people and he's that. If you bring him here... I will walk away from you. I don't want to do it mom... but I can't take it anymore." It was a bit weird that I said he was saying things and mom instantly went to him not hitting us. Harris even seemed to throw a look her way as if confused how she made that particular leap. Logan frowned. "Mrs. Aberg... I will do anything to protect Patrick, you are his mother, I know you must feel that way too. And you must know him better than I do, does what Mr. Aberg say happened sound like anything Patrick would really do?" His voice was surprisingly calm even though he had one hand clenched. I reached out and took his hand in mine as Neil gathered his laptop and headed from the room though stopped a moment. "Mrs. Aberg, you need to research gaslighting. Mental tricks that make you feel alone and like you're going crazy. It's enough to drive a person to drink. I'll see you guys in the morning." Neil scooted out and Gabe sat on the edge of Neil's bed with no intention of leaving us alone with these two, something for which I was very grateful. Mom shook her head. "mind your own business. He would never do that to me. My friends don't call anymore because they think they are too good for me is all. Just because I like spending time with Harry doesn't mean anything." Harris frowned and sank down in a crouch next to mom's chair. Taking her hand. "Meredith... I've got something I never wanted you to hear or see. I know you probably won't believe it though. Boys can I have a moment alone with her?" ~~~~Logan~~~~ I was furious, what an understatement there. Mothers are supposed to protect their kids, be there for them like my mom had before she got sick. The only thing stopping me from chewing her out and telling her to wake the hell up was Patricks' hands on mine and his forehead against my side where he was leaning. This guy wanted a moment alone with her, but I did not trust them. Gabe seemed to think it over before shaking his head. "sorry, Logan, Patrick, why don't you two steps outside but as R.A. I'm going to have to ask to remain just so there's no claims of anything not that any of you would, understand?" Harris or Harry or whatever this guy's name was sighed and pulled out his cellphone as I took Patrick's hands and led him out of the room and to the rec center hoping to find it empty. Luckily it was and Patrick all but fell against me as I leaned on the wall. "Hey, maybe this will be the wakeup call she needs to divorce his ass and you can have your family back Pat? You're still spending holidays with mine this year though. I'm not letting you alone with them. Not after what you have told me. Been a hell of a day hasn't it?" He was quiet against my shoulder and I wrapped my arms tighter around him. Rubbing at his back and wishing my dad or mom was here. "Mom passed away two years ago. She was so disappointed I wouldn't give her grandkids but said she would be happiest if I was happy. Dad too though it's taken a bit for him to accept it all. He really wants to meet you, hes just a big teddy bear." "Like you then?" Patricks' voice cracked and it was easy to tell he was trying to `man up' and not cry. I had to chuckle at the quip and flexed an arm. "Oh yea, more like built like a grizzly in my case, right?" That had a grin breaking loose as I was slenderer than built and my muscles were a not as defined as I would have liked. He seemed to like them though so who was I to complain? I ruffled his dark hair and gave him a brief kiss. Last thing we needed on top of everything else today was some jerk spotting us in the rec room and giving us a hard time after all. My phone pinged and a quick check showed it from Gabe. "Come on, let's go see what's been unleashed now. I'm glad we don't have class early tomorrow morning" Patricks' voice was thick, he was terrified, and I just hoped like hell something good would come out of all of this. We headed back to the room where Mrs. Aberg was sitting staring at Harris's phone with a frighteningly blank expression, her eyes red and mascara streaking. I spotted Pats box of tissues on his desk and grabbed them, handing one to her and another to Pat who sat in his chair. Harris spoke up. "I'm sorry all this came crashing down on you Patrick. I'll be helping Meri move out tomorrow while Daniels out of town on business. If you could let your sister know?" "is she moving in with you? You're right next door?" "No, I'm a landlord Patrick, I have seven houses and three condos between Asheville and Charlotte. One vacant here in Torrand if that's alright with you? It's on the other side of town from the college." Patrick thought it over and nodded, having his mother so close could be a bad thing or a good thing. I hoped good. "I can go get my dad's truck tomorrow morning and help if you need it?" I had offered before I even realized and Harris smiled, putting a hand on Meredith's shoulder, and giving it a squeeze though she had yet to say a word. He evidently had this all figured out. "I'd rather you did not thank you. The less people involved the less the other neighbors will notice until hes gone. The only one I'm worried more about than Meri right now is pepper, normally my rentals are no pets allowed but I'll make an exception for that." I must have had a funny look as Meredith finally smiled. "Pepper is my kitten. I found her a few weeks ago on the back porch. Daniel hates animals he said he was allergic to them, so we never had any. But he's not noticed her. I've had to keep her outside though..." Her smile faded as she looked at the phone and Patrick frowned. "Mom?" "Harris caught your father on video running up onto the sidewalk trying to run her over when she was on the lawn. When he missed her, he got out and started throwing rocks at her, I wondered why she was so skittish the other day. Harry went over and confronted him and he said things to Harry... about me... I don't think any lawyer will be willing to take his case when I take him to court. But you have college to worry about Patrick. Let me and Harry deal with this. I'm sorry I ruined your day. You have some good friends here." "Thanks mom, I'm sorry too, get a new cell and call me when your settled in." Evidently, she was finally sobering up and Patrick had such a forgiving heart it melted mine. He went to her and she stood and hugged him tightly. It was all I could do not to cry and I knew if it was not very late, I needed to call dad soon. I had thought my family was dysfunctional more than a few times in high school, but we had nothing on this. It was not much longer when Meredith and Harris left. Gabe stopping at the doorway and clearing his throat. "If you guys like I can arrange it for you to swap rooms with either Neil or Pete. By the way. Pete and I are going out to the movies later next week, want to join us? Neil's going with his girl too." I had a moment of confusion about that and just rubbed my forehead. "we'll think about it Gabe, Thanks. My brains mush right now. Come on pat. Let's get some shuteye." I was glad once the door was shut, helping Patrick change into sleep pants and then climbing up into his loft bunk with him. It was a tight fit but so long as the rail held, we both fit and the thing hardly creaked. "Logan?" "I know Patrick." I did not want him to worry and just held him close, hearing the door crack open as Neil came in, grabbed a few things, and went back through the bathroom. There would be one downside to us living together I realized. We would not spend as much time with our friends as we did now and I did not want to be a `Daniel' in Patricks' life, tearing him away from his friends. For a long moment I just watched him sleep. The moonlight through the window playing across his face and dark hair, the way his breath quickened in a dream and he calmed when my hand cupped his cheek. "I'm here Pat, I won't let him hurt you again." It was a promise I had every intention of keeping. When the sun came up we had to rise and go for the morning walk with everyone else. Then classes came and I knew it had to be damned hard for Patrick to focus, he was moving through the day like a zombie and had hardly spoken to anyone, including me. We had to split up for me to go to the classes we didn't share and soon as I got out I headed back to the dorm only to find Patrick in a panic. Pete calming him. "See, nothing happened to him. easy man. Logan, you gotta do something. Pat's freaking out." "I see this, Hey, sorry I was just a minute late Patrick, just got stuck behind some slow walkers is all. I think we need to take a walk, come on Pat." I reached for his arm and he just looked a bit wide-eyed at me before nodding and taking my hand. I tossed my bag to Pete who just rolled his eyes before heading to our room. Patrick and I could walk the trails around campus without much interruption this time of day as it was just chilly enough in the shadows that most folks opted to stay inside. "Spill it Pat, I know you are worried about your family but there is more to this than that isn't there?"

Next: Chapter 11

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