Green Eyed Boy

By Edem Stories

Published on Aug 18, 2020


Green eyed Boy Part 21

Copyright to this story remains strictly that of the author. No other publication or use of this story is allowed without the consent of the author.

This story contains male on male sexual content both implied and explicit. If this offends you, please do not continue. All characters and implied situations are strictly those of the author and are not based on any real-life events or characters. If you are under 18 years of age, please exit this story now. I apologize for the delay between chapters.

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With all the noise they were making it was little surprise the people swarming in had not noticed Logan hanging from the doorsill. I headed over to be friendly though. Logan however cursed quietly, grabbing my arm to pull me back into the room.


"Remember I told you I dated a girl short term before I met you? Madeline?"

"Yea, what of... wait. Is that her?"

I was concerned a moment as to why he was acting this way until i remembered how controlling she had been according to him. It seemed it was my turn to protect him.

"Yea, shes the shorter brunette, her sister is the blond."

"Stay here until i call for you alright love?"

I kissed him and though nervous as I could be about this I took up a bit of a mantra I had formed in the last several months. 'What would Logan do?' I knew he would normally meet a challenge head on and not let anyone bowl him over so headed out before our other roommate would intervene.

"Hey, Welcome to 4-24, you must be the new roomates. Patrick Divan. Nice to meet you."

I was surprised my voice had not cracked interjecting myself like that. They all looked at me a moment, the blonde girl sporting a wedding band as she held out her hand.

"Susan Valejo, My sister Melinda Suttcliff, Mom and Dad, Nice to meet you too."

"It seems your room is the middle one Miss Valejo, Lucky, I hear those are the ones with the larger bathrooms and a real closet. Our other roommates are Juan and Lisa Gardener. Not sure where they popped off to."

"Did you say Divan? My dear sweeties last name was divan."

Madeline sniffled and her mother handed her a tissue. At which point I noticed Madeline had a ring on a chain at her throat.

"I am so sorry, your sweetie?"

"My fiance Logan, he died last fall coming here. I found the engagement ring in his things when I helped his heartbroken father pack his room up. I miss him soo..."


Logan came fuming out of the room, I barely managed to grab his arm as Susan went wide eyed and Madeline flapped her jaw wordlessly. Her parents just staring before the father all but bellowed.

"You faked being dead?!"

"No! Sir. He did not and his room has not been cleaned up so I don't know who's ring that is."

"Are you calling my daughter a scammer and a liar?"

"Well I suppose I am sir. I dumped her two weeks before I was in a motorcycle accident where I met Pat. There was never a engagement and she hated my animals and has never been in my room or inside my house."

Logan was back to himself thankfully, not taking any bull. Melinda screamed and bolted from the room while surprisingly Susan doubled over against a chair laughing. Her mother glaring at her.

"This is Not funny."

"I have been telling you for months mom, something was odd but no one listened. Oh this is going to be a fun semester."

"What in the world is going on? Melinda just tore off with the car like shes running from the devil?"

The fellow that came in was in his mid twenties at best, putting a box on the bar and kissing Susan who had stopped laughing at that.

"Saul, this is Patrick and Logan Divan, yes That Logan Divan."

Saul smirked, nearly said something but Susan clapped a hand over his mouth with a look towards her parents who were hightailing it from the room. Once her hand was removed he said it anyhow.

"Wow, I knew she was bad but to drive a man gay?"

"Well, I guess you could say more like Patrick did. Nice to meet you Saul. Are Mr, Mrs. Suttcliff stranded now?"


Now that the drama was over, for a few minutes at least, I was concerned about her haring off like that. Her whole scheme for a pity party just came crashing down on her. She was likely to hurt herself plus I did not want her parents stuck here with me. Patricks hand on my arm seemed to calm me a bit though Sauljust shook his head.

"Nah, we brought three cars, she took her own. I was smart."

He motioned to a pair of wagons in the hallway, collapsable canvas ones, both stacked with boxes. Since all their help had fled I headed over and hefted a couple. Patrick right behind me.

"Careful Patty, you're still recovering a bit."

"If I can handle Captain I can handle a box."

Patrick giving me a grin though he did take a lighter box. In short order we had all the boxes inside, wagons folded and brought in as well. Susan then giving me a hug abruptly.

"I'm glad you aren't dead by the way. I guess we know why the R.A. was asking about gay couples now. He's a bit of a asshole isn't he?"

"You can say that."

Juan and Lisa came filing into the living space, shutting the door behind them. Lisa was lovely admittedly. Taller than Juan though not by much. They presented bags of food.

"I see the last pair is here, welcome home. Sorry it took so long, the car ran out of gas."

"Hey good chinese is worth a bit of gas."

I could not resist the quip, Patrick cupping my chin and pulling my head towards him.

"Just No, Loggy, Bad."

"Aw it wasn't that bad."

We settled in to eat, discussing who was taking what classes, Patrick was going for a art degree and small business major, I was working on small business as well while Lisa and Susan were both nursing students. Juan was getting welding and forklift licenses among ither things while Sual was doing web security and programming. It would be a interesting mix of things this semester and I just hoped Melinda was not going to cause too much trouble. By the time we were through the movers arrived with all three of our new mattresses. Susan stepping into her bathroom to take a phone call after announcing it was from her mother.

Next: Chapter 22

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