Greg Brady Surfer

By Titan Hoop Club

Published on Oct 1, 2023



This is a work of celebrity gay fiction. Some of the characters are borrowed without permission from the Brady Bunch television series (1969-1974). The gay sexual scenarios existed only in the mind of the author. If you are offended by stories involving gay sex, please stop reading.

(Gay Celebrity)

The story below was encouraged by an email that I received after posting my earlier story, "Peter Brady at the Bicycle Shop" in Nifty's Gay Celebrity section.

18-year-old Greg Brady had recently graduated from Westdale High School. His senior year had been a stressful one for the dark-haired, athletic young man. With senior midterms and finals requiring study, as well as college entrance exams, Greg sought solace in early-morning and afternoon surfing sojourns to the beaches of Southern California.

Greg had carefully saved his nickels and dimes in order to finance a week-long summer surfing trip to Hawaii before starting at UCLA for the fall quarter. His parents, thinking that the trip would be good for Greg, had given him a modest check as a graduation present. After all, they had five more kids who would be graduating in rapid succession.

Greg had gone to Hawaii two years earlier with his entire family, including their housekeeper, Alice. Greg had participated in a small, amateur surfing contest at Honolulu's Waikiki Beach and had initially done well before wiping out and nearly being seriously hurt when crashing into an exposed reef.

Greg was bigger and stronger now, with hours and hours of more experience on the smaller California waves. Greg was determined to ride the big waves of Oahu's North Shore, which contained famous surfing spots like Sunset Beach, Waimea Bay, Makaha, and the Banzai Pipeline.

Equally causing stress for the handsome teenager was his lack of success with girls. Greg had dated half a dozen or more girls while at Westdale, and had never come away with more than a chaste kiss. Other guys were bragging about second base, third base, hand jobs, and there was the occasional BMOC who claimed to have gone all the way.

While Greg was sure that some of the boys were lying, or at least embellishing their locker room tales of sexual conquest, Greg figured that at least some of it must be true. Even more frustrating, Greg had dated several of the girls in question.

Greg was becoming so sexually frustrated that even his physically maturing teenage sisters were beginning to look good to him. He looked forward to a week of surfing in Hawaii to clear up his mixed-up head.

Taking a late-night flight from LAX, Greg landed five hours later. His belongings were stuffed into his old Boy Scout backpack, and with his surfboard under his arm, Greg boarded a bus from the Honolulu Airport to the North Shore.

Walking from the bus stop to the nondescript Kahakai Motor Hotel, Greg checked in for the night and laid in the lumpy bed. Turning out the lights, Greg lowered his hand beneath his boxer shorts as he fantasized about having sex with his two teenage stepsisters. In his imagination, Greg was sucking on Jan's maturing breasts, while Marcia was giving Greg a blowjob and gazing up at him with her big blue eyes.

After cumming into a Kleenex, Greg fell quickly asleep.


Rising with the sun, Greg headed to the warm nearby ocean. There were already several guys lining up for waves when Greg stopped to wax his board.

The waves were not as big as Greg had heard, or was secretly wary of. Greg didn't know that the truly big waves occurred during the winter storms.

Paddling out for the first time, Greg lined up with the others. The spot wasn't crowded. Few intelligent beginners would attempt these waves. Greg was able to hold his own and even managed a couple of impressive runs. Proving himself, he was welcomed into the small group of experienced surfers.

Taking brief breaks on the beach to rest, Greg got to know a few of the other out-of-town surfers. Finding out that Greg was also staying in the Kahakai Motel, three of them, Joe Rosato, Ian Morris, and Sean McBain invited Greg to join them as the fourth person in their motel room. Splitting the room rate four ways would result in a considerable savings for Greg, and he quickly took them up on it.

Walking the short distance to the motel, Greg got to know his new roommates. Joe was also a dark-haired Californian from San Diego. At 19-years-old, he had competed in several surfing contests where he had met 22-year-old, blonde Australian, Sean, who wore the red Speedo swimsuit of the famous Australian Lifeguard Service. Sean was big and beefy, and even Greg couldn't help noticing the large bulge in Sean's tight swimsuit.

Ian was the youngest and smallest of the group. Blonde, like Sean, the 16-year-old had accompanied his family friend from Australia.

The four handsome men all had the same prototypical swimmer build: Muscular and lean. The four took turns showering off the sand and saltwater from their sinewy bodies. By the time that it was Greg's turn there wasn't very much hot water left.

After returning from a local hamburger joint, the four found that an additional cot had been delivered to their room. Sean brought back two six-packs of beer, and the quartet settled down to watch the black & white TV. Greg and Ian would enjoy their first-ever Primo beers.

With two single beds and two cots, the small room was crowded. Greg, having spent the previous years sharing a room with his two siblings, was unfazed by the cramped conditions. Despite the gentle breezes, it was still a hot summer night, and the young men stripped down to their underwear before turning in for the night. Coins were flipped to determine who would get the two beds.

Greg, as the new guy, volunteered to take a cot on his first night. A former Boy Scout, Greg was neither unfamiliar or uncomfortable sleeping on a cot.

Early in the morning, Greg was wakened by a noise. It sounded oddly like kissing, but Greg assumed that it must be the trade winds or the crashing surf. The sound briefly subsided before Greg then heard squeaking sounds coming from the nearby bed. It was a continuous sound, and not the sound of someone simply rolling over in his sleep.

Peering with one eye, Greg observed two men under the covers in one bed. The 6'2" Australian, Sean appeared to be atop the 6' Californian, Joe. Joe was making barely audible sounds of pleasure as he shockingly allowed the bigger, older Australian to sodomize him.

Greg was shocked to his core and closed his eyes tightly, hoping to quickly fall back to sleep. Greg hoped that he had been dreaming.

Waking up the next morning, Sean was back in his cot. Greg, however, knew that it was no dream, and found it difficult to make eye contact with either Joe or Sean.

Greg, to his knowledge, had never met what he termed a "fag," or a "queer." Truthfully, he had suspected his brother, Peter, of flirting with some older boys at the swimming pool, but he certainly had no proof that his younger brother was a "homo."

After gulping down a donut and milk, Greg hit the surf with the other guys. Thoughts of homosexual activity were mostly forgotten in the rolling waves, but Greg did sneak another peek at the apparent python that was stuffed into Sean's tiny red Speedos. Greg also looked curiously at Joe. He was certainly handsome and slim, with chiseled muscles. Joe was wearing American-style swimming trunks like Greg. On some level he could understand their mutual attraction.

Imagining the two attractive men rolling around naked, Greg could feel his own penis rising in his swim trunks. Hiding his burgeoning erection behind his surfboard, Greg dove back into the cool seawater.

A larger group had assembled in the waves. Many of the local guys were familiar with Joe and Sean, who were well-known surfers, and invited them to an after-surf party with some girls back at their apartment.

Greg didn't think he'd see his two room mates for many hours, or if at all, as he and 16-year-old Ian walked back to the weather-worn motel.

Greg announced to the Australian teenager that he was going to take a shower. Joyfully, Greg had plenty of hot water this time as he soaped his lean body to remove the Hawaiian sand and salt water.

With his face under the showerhead, Greg felt two hands rubbing his muscular chest, and heard the words, "Let me help you, mate." Rubbing the soap and water from his eyes, Greg was stunned to see Ian, naked, behind him inside the small shower stall.

Ian was about 5'8" in comparison with Greg's 5'11" frame. Muscular, in a wiry sort of way, with shoulder-length blonde hair, the 16-year-old was busily soaping his hands when he said, "Relax, mate. I promise you'll enjoy it." Ian's lively hands soaped and massaged Greg's back, hairless chest, and flat stomach, stopping at Greg's dark thatch of pubic hair. Turning Greg's hips to face him in the shower, Greg could see Ian's long, flaccid penis hanging beneath his muscular, teenage legs. Ian was golden-tanned, and bore the small tan lines of his black Speedo swimsuit.

Try as he might to stop a hard-on, Greg could feel his penis rising while looking at the beautiful naked body of the teenage Australian boy.

Seeing that Greg was getting turned on, Ian began to gently soap and fondle Greg's erect penis and balls. Eventually working his way around to Greg's firm butt and sinewy legs, Ian continued his sensual massage.

Kneeling in the shower with the water spilling all over their naked bodies, Ian gripped Greg's penis and inserted it into his covetous mouth. Years of sexual frustration seemed to melt away from Greg under the hot shower, as Ian sucked his aching cock. Greg was modestly endowed, but Ian seemed enraptured as Greg's penis rapidly and continuously disappeared in and out of his eager mouth.

Petting Ian's wet, blonde head, Greg shuddered suddenly and announced that he was about to cum. Ian made no efforts to remove Greg's 5" cock from his willing mouth. Clenching the Californian's tight butt cheeks, Ian could feel them spasm as Greg ejaculated with force.

The 16-year-old jacked Greg off until his penis became soft. As the 16-year-old rose from his knees, Greg surprised himself by putting both of his hands on Ian's smooth face, and giving him a passionate kiss. It was a kiss unlike anything he had given or received from any of his Westdale High female dates.

Greg helped to wash the teenage boy, taking time to play with his long, thin penis, before they practically ran out of the shower, still wet, and onto one of the small beds. Greg and Ian's engorged penises swung appetizingly as they rushed to the bed.

Greg laid his lanky naked body on top of the handsome, blonde-haired 16-year-old, and tongue-kissed the pleasing, tan, Australian boy. Greg worked his way down Ian's smooth, glistening-wet torso, stopping to kiss and fondle Ian's athletic pecs, and lick his enticing brown nipples. Greg could feel Ian's impressive penis, and reached beneath him to grip and grope Ian's slender member.

Greg couldn't believe what he was actually doing as he fondled Ian's blonde pubic hair and hairless ball sack before engulfing Ian's throbbing penis in his mouth. Naturally, Greg had never sucked a dick before, but he quickly found that it was not at all unpleasant, as Greg enthusiastically licked Ian's reddish/purple knob like an ice cream cone.

Swallowing Ian's long shaft took some practice, but Greg soon got the hang of it, judging by the smile on the underage Australian's face as he unloaded his wad into Greg's throat. Like Ian had done for him, Greg jacked the teenager's shaft until he was dry, and his slender cock was soft.

Thinking that the two blow jobs would be the end of his unanticipated boy-boy encounter, Greg laid on his back in satisfaction, absently fondling his penis and balls. In the movies he would pull out a cigarette, but he had never acquired the habit.

Ian, however, wasn't satisfied. Leaning into Greg on the small, single bed, he began fondling his suddenly active dick which rose straight up like a flagpole.

What happened next would shock Greg to his core. Ian released his hand from the oldest Brady boy's cock, having already gotten Greg into the proper mood. Laying on his tan back, Ian raised his wiry legs nearly over his head, presenting his penis, balls, and anus for Greg's use.

Greg had heard of anal sex, but really had no idea how to proceed, or even if he should. Ian licked his fingers and gently rubbed the rim of his open anus for lubrication. His eyes gave Greg his full permission.

Greg was puzzled as he approached the blonde teenager on his knees. The contrast between Ian's golden-brown skin and the tan-lines from his tiny Speedos presented a sort of a forbidden-area target between the boy's raised legs.

3,000 miles from home and with no witnesses, Greg took his chance. With one firm stroke he began to plow the submissive teenage boy. Looking beneath him, Greg could see Ian's erect penis and balls flopping madly with each of Greg's energetic thrusts.

Greg had often imagined sticking his cock into the pussy of a girlfriend, or even one of his beautiful stepsisters, but the tightness of Ian's rectum proved to be equally thrilling. As it was Greg's first time, it didn't take a great deal of time before he unloaded a bucketload of cum into the beautiful blonde boy.

Sean and Joe returned to the motel room at around midnight. Greg and Ian were quietly watching TV. Inebriated from cheap wine and pot, the taller and slightly older young men were sloppily pawing at each other and kissing, oblivious to the presence of Greg or Ian.

Greg pretended not to notice the two amorous, muscular surfers. Greg had never been confrontational, and besides, both guys were bigger and stronger than he was. Greg simply kept his mouth shut and continued to look at the TV. Besides, he now had his own secret to keep.

Suddenly, the smaller surfer repositioned himself so that he was sitting on Greg's lap, and squirming to get comfortable on Greg's crotch. Greg was red-faced when Ian leaned into him and attempted to force his tongue between Greg's lips. Ian's hands were stroking Greg's t-shirted, muscular chest.

"Well, I guess we won't have to flip for beds tonight," Joe said with a chuckle. Removing his shorts and tank top, the 6' tall San Diegan squeezed his penis before lowering his boxer shorts and falling into bed.

Sean, the bigger and thicker, 6'2" blonde Australian chucked his younger countryman's chin saying, "Good on ya, Ian. He's a good-lookin' bloke." Removing his jeans, Sean wasn't wearing underwear. He shook his massive penis in Ian's general direction before falling naked on top of Joe.

Greg, naturally, thought the whole situation very weird. Whatever secrets the quartet were holding were now fully out as Joe began to fondle Sean's large penis to penis to life.

Turning out the lights, Greg and Ian removed their clothes and laid naked together in the other bed. The two "couples" would make love throughout the night.

Four weary surfers woke up the next morning. Not a word about the previous night was uttered as the naked young men and boy put on their swimsuits and prepared for another glorious morning in the North Shore waves.

The waves were a little larger that day, and Greg continued to improve and impress, and was now almost comparable in skills to Ian, if not Sean and Joe, who were well-known competitive surfers.

Returning to the motel, Greg and Ian showered together again. There were no longer any secrets, and Greg and Ian openly fondled each other's naked, young body. The pair then walked to find a taco stand that they had heard about.

Taking their food and sitting alone outside on a bench, Greg and Ian talked about their lives. Greg spoke about his three brothers and his father, who had gotten remarried when he was 13. His new mother had brought along her own brood of three blonde-haired daughters. Greg brushed Ian's long blonde hair playfully.

Although he liked his stepmother and all of his siblings and stepsiblings, the house was sometimes oppressively crowded, Greg explained, and this had been his first opportunity to go away by himself. Greg was thrilled with his freedom, but was very surprised and a little concerned where things had turned with the pretty boy before him.

Greg questioned whether he was "gay," confessing that he had been a virgin until yesterday. Since he had now done it with a boy, he wondered if he was still technically a virgin. Greg had recently heard that "gay" was the preferred word for it, and wanted to be polite to Ian as he questioned him about his experience and obvious sexual preference.

Ian explained that he was an only child. His parents had been friends with Sean's parents in Queensland, and he had known Sean most of his life.

Ian confessed that he had always "fancied" Sean since he was little boy. "He was always a strapping bloke," said Ian, who continued: "Two years ago, when I was 14 and he was 20, we had a go at in his apartment." I was sure from that moment on that I fancied blokes."

Ian went on to explain to a curious Greg that there were "givers and takers," among those who engaged in anal sex. Some, however, were willing to do both. Others found the idea repulsive, or feared being penetrated, and just engaged in oral sex.

Greg was fascinated with Ian's tales of the gay culture, and was getting horny looking at the pretty teenage boy and hearing him describe his sexual encounters with other boys and grown men. Ian was apparently pretty free with his young charms.

Ian confessed that he had gone on this little trip to spend some time with Sean, but said disappointedly, that Sean was clearly more enamored with the beefier, more mature, Joe.

Greg wanted to kiss Ian and stroke his shiny, soft hair. Unfortunately, he knew that he couldn't do that here, in public. "Maybe I am gay," Greg thought.

The 16-year-old Australian, and the 18-year-old American from the San Fernando Valley, walked excitedly back to the motel, eager to continue what they had started earlier in the shower.

Opening the door, they were surprised to see the cots lined up against the wall and the two beds pushed together. Sean and Joe were sitting upright, naked on the dual beds, their pec muscles reddened from days in the sun.

Sean was stroking his massive cock when he said cheerfully, "There's our boys. We were beginning to worry about ya." Nodding at the beds that were pushed together, Joe said, "We figured, share and share alike."

That was all of the encouragement that Ian needed. He was naked in a flash, and nearly jumped into Sean's waiting arms, kissing the 22-year-old like a lonesome puppy.

Greg was more hesitant. This was all new to him. Slowly undressing, Joe never took his eyes off of Greg's slender, nearly-hairless young body. At the appearance of Greg's 5" penis, Joe uttered "nice."

Stepping onto the small bed, Joe instantly gripped Greg's penis and began stroking it with a firm grip. Joe's hands were rougher and more callused than Ian's, which Greg imaged felt more like a girls' hand.

Kneeling forward, Joe furiously stroked Greg's cock before he placed it in his mouth, squeezing Greg's young, hairless balls.

Glancing backwards, Greg looked at Sean and Ian. Sean, the Australian lifeguard, was about 6 inches taller than the boy, and outweighed Ian by about 50 lbs. of solid muscle.

Ian was on all fours. Sean was kneeling behind him, steadying himself with one hand on Ian's waist, and one hand jerking Ian's slender cock as his own massive member seemed to easily vanish into the 16-year-old's small anus. Sean's large balls slapped happily into Ian's tan-lined, athletic ass.

Joe's busy hands were passionately stroking and fondling Greg's smooth, youthful body as he continued to perform fellatio on his fellow Southern Californian. Turning Greg on his side, the two performed 69 on each other as Greg looked again at the big Australian who was plowing the teenage boy.

Facing sideways on the bed with a cock in each of their mouths, this would be Greg's introduction to a nearly weeklong gay-sex orgy with the three other willing surfer boys. Surfing by day -- Fucking by night.

Every combination of sexual partnerships would take place in the ensuing days, including a frenzied, tangled orgy among all four on the two small beds. Young Ian was a particular favorite object of affection during their sex-filled evenings.

Greg took more than one turn sucking Sean's enormous 9" cock, and even allowed Ian to briefly penetrate his virgin anus with his finger. Neither liked it. Ian was right. "There are givers and takers."

Greg had plenty of time to reflect during the five-plus hour plane ride back to Los Angeles. He had had the sexcapade of his life, but looking at the pretty bikini girls on the Hawaiian beaches, he was reassured that he was still attracted to girls. Greg assumed that he must be bisexual.

Joe had learned that Greg would be entering UCLA in the fall. He told Greg about some gay bars and discos that he had heard about in the westside of Los Angeles, not far from the UCLA campus. Greg was intrigued, but mentioned that he was only 18. Joe squeezed Greg's crotch and said, "They don't care as long as you're cute."

Greg's parents met him at the Los Angeles Airport. Greg was sunburned but happy to see them as he loaded his backpack and his surfboard in the back of the family station wagon.

All of Greg's siblings were happy to see that he had returned safe and sound. He gave his sexy stepsisters, Jan and Marcia, extra-tight hugs.

Marcia would be a senior at Westdale in the fall, and was beautifully golden-brown from spending her summer at the beach with any number of the horndog boys who were continually chasing the teen beauty.

Squeezing Jan, Greg thought to himself that he was the same age as Ian. Jan's already big boobs were continuing to blossom. "Yep," Greg thought to himself. He wasn't completely gay.

The End.

I hope that you enjoyed the story. I am making plans for a Part 2.

Next: Chapter 2

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