Gregors Domination

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Dec 15, 2022


Gregor thought a great deal about what he was planning. There was no question: he was falling for Mac. On some levels, it didn't make sense. On other levels, once you got past his less than stylish dressing, his rough hands, and his rough demeanor, Mac was a total gentleman. No, he wasn't the looker that, say, Chase was, but Gregor had the feeling that Gregor would be as faithful as anyone could imagine. He didn't want to drawer comparisons to pet dogs - because he had a feeling that, if he became Mac's boyfriend, and then his lover or partner, HE'D be the one wearing the leash and collar. "And that's fine with me," he thought. He did, though, have to have one talk before he called Mac about a date. That talk was with Chase.

It went more smoothly than he had imagined it would. Chase was disappointed: he described Gregor as "a helluva good fuck," but he always viewed the two of them as boyfriends, not lovers. "Can I ask who I'm losing you to?" Chase asked. "I'd rather not say that, Chase. You would be surprised, and you wouldn't approve." Chase sighed. "Ok, you're an adult, and it's your apartment, so... I'll get whatever stuff I have here out by the end of the week. " He shook Gregor's hand and then pulled him in for a kiss. He looked directly into Gregor's eyes. "Make sure he knows what a good man he's getting, Gregor. Because if I find out he's treating you bad, I swear, I'll bring anyone who's ever been in the club after him, and I'll hand his skin on a tree." Gregor smiled. "I appreciate that sentiment, Chase. I hope that after we get settled, the four of us can spend some time together. I think you'll like him once you get to know him."

Once that was done, he made the call to Mac.

"GREG! WOW. I thought you had changed your mind." Gregor laughed. "No Mac, not at all. I just had to take care of something before I called you. Hey, about that date. When do you want to have it?" "When can you do it, Greg? GEE, I've been waiting for this for so long that... hold on." Gregor heard the phone drop, and then silence. Then he heard a toilet flush. Gregor had been so nervous that he had to go and pee. Why did he find that so damn, well, charming? "Sorry Greg. I just... oh never mind, you're too classy to hear that stuff. Anyway, I'm serious. When are you available? "Tomorrow Mac? Can you wait that long? " "OH DAMN YES. Of course I can. Shall I meet you at the club.?" "No. Tell you what. I'm gonna text you my address. Can we meet here, and then, well, I want to let you decide, but... if I had my pick, I'd like to watch a movie at your house with you, and stay the night. Maybe eat dinner someplace close to you, talk a bit. That sound good?" "HOLY SHIT GREG. That sounds perfect. What time ?" "Can you come by say 6:30?" "I'll be there." "I'll give you back your sweatshirt." "AWWW No. Keep that. " Gregor teased. "I washed it. You have to wear it again for me. I wore it to sleep in after you left it." "Greg... if you knew what you're doing to me." "Ha ha ha. Good. I want you nice and eager for our date." When they got off the phone, it was Mac's turn to jerk off.


Gregor spent way more time getting ready for the date than he should have, but he was after something: he wanted to be Mac's boyfriend. He knew Mac liked him in the white pants, so he'd wear those. What shirt? He looked through his closet: blue? lavender? autumnal orange?

pink? cream? Then he had an idea. He called Mac. "You're cancelling on me. I knew it." "NO. NO NO NO. Mac, stop being that way! I wanted to ask you something. I'm wearing my white pants tonight. Is that ok?" "Oh, it's more than ok Greg." "Well, what color shirt do you want me to wear? "Do you have to wear a shirt. HAHAHAHAHAHA" "Well, to eat out, yes, but I'll take it off later, or maybe you can take it off for me." "OH SHIT. Greg don't do this to me." "Then tell me what color." "Oh Mac, I don't know. Everything looks good on you. You have a black shirt?" "Very dark blue?" "I'm dying sexy. DYING. Yeah, wear that. I'm gonna go make sure the place I picked for dinner has a reservation open. " "I'm glad I asked" Gregor thought to himself. "That's not one I would've picked." When he finished dressing, though, he felt he DID look good. "I can catch me a man like this" he opened two buttons, threw a light colored sweater over his shoulders, and took Mack's sweatshirt with him. He checked his watch: 6:20. He looked out his window. Is that Mac's van? It was. He smiled. "He wants me as much as I want him." He checked his breath one last time, and then closed the door on the apartment as he went downstairs. Mac was standing outside the building. He had cleaned up well himself: black jeans, a very sharp blue shirt, and he was even wearing a jacket. "Hey sexy" Gregor smiled "OH MAN. You look... You look too good for a guy like me Greg" "Awww, Mac, come here. Gimme a kiss. Let me convince you, you're not." Gregor closed his eyes, murmured "mmmm" and brought his lips to Mac's just enough to make Mac try to push them opened. "Nope. That's later Mac" Gregor teased. "Ok, that's fair, handsome. That's absolutely fair." Gregor nestled his arm under Mac's. "So, big Mac. You gonna see me to your car? "Your chariot awaits Mister." Mac was an excellent driver: all those years of experience showed. He only used one hand, and he held Gregor's with his free one. He squeezed it a little. Gregor wanted very much to put his hand on Mac's crotch, but..." "Greg, you said you wanted to talk about something tonight?" "Let's wait until we're sitting down and having a cocktail or something Mac. Is that ok?" "Sure. I hope it's nothing bad." "I don't think it is. I hope you don't either." Mac parked about two blocks from the restaurant. He had a plan, which Gregor figured out as they walked. Mac got out of the van, came around to Gregor's side, and helped him out of the seat. "You're such a gentleman." Gregor smiled, as he felt Mac's hand first on the small of his back, and then slip down so that his finger could slip through Gregor's belt loop. "There were spaces closer to the restaurant Greg, but... well... I just love being seen with you, and I wanted people to see me and be jealous. Was that ok? " "Of course it was. So is your finger there. I feel like... I feel like I belong to you.. .and I like it." Gregor DID. And he was falling, more and more, for this man. When they got in the restaurant, Mac switched back to putting hand in the small of Gregor's back. His touch, through Gregor's shirt fabric, got Gregor more than a little excited. He had felt those rough fingers on his body, but never there. It was, well, hot. The hostess led them to their table, and Mac pulled out the chair to seat Gregor before he took his. When Mac sat down, Greg smiled and wrapped his foot around Mac's ankle. "I hope you don't mind, that, stud. You're so nice and warm and... " Gregor didn't finish. He saw Mac's face, which was like a kid who had just gotten a bike. "Greg, what did I do to deserve a date with you? Do you know?" "Yes, I do, big Mac. Do you know how few true gentlemen there are in the world? You're one of them." "AWWWW Greg. You're making me mushy again." "Well, get hard before the night's over stud." He saw the shiver go up and down Mac. He loved how he could control this big beast like that. The waiter took their drink orders, and later, their meals. It didn't surprise Gregor that Mac ordered a beer . He nearly laughed when Mac asked if he should drink it in a glass rather than a can. "I'd be surprised if they brought out the can, big Mac." "You're right. I guess you can tell I don't eat out much." They toasted, and then Gregor took a breath. "So, let me tell you what's on my mind, big Mac. I don't know if you know this, but I've had a serious boyfriend for a while." "No, I didn't know. " He saw the look of what he thought was incipient hurt on Mac's face. "Wait. Don't jump to conclusions, ok? You know him. He used to be at the club. The red haired guy, Chase?" "THAT NASTY BITCH? You SLEEP with him?" Gregor grabbed Mac's hand. "SLEPT Mac. SLEPT. I broke up with him. " He moved his chair closer to Mac. "I broke up with him because, well, if you'll have me, I'd like to be your boyfriend." Mac nearly fell over in his chair. "OH , WOW Greg. I thought of different things that you coulda wanted to talk about, but.. I never thought... OH SHIT. Now I have to rethink things. Ok, ok... " Gregor saw Mac trying to catch his breath. He moved his hand to Mac's forearm. "Mac? Is everything ok? Did I upset you?" "No, no... No, Greg. You just surprised me. I have to catch my breath. Can I answer now?"' "Sure. If the answer's no, it's ok. "No, no... Greg, having you as my boyfriend, well, that would put me over the moon. But.... " "You're seeing someone." "Hahahahahaha. Greg that's funny! You're the only one I'm seeing. No, it's something else. Can I?" "Yes, please." Gregor was thinking "why am I breathing a sigh of relief that he's not taken?" "Welllll.." Mac began. "You remember when I said I was an old fashioned kind of guy? " "I do big Mac. Very much." "See, Greg, if we're boyfriends, I'm ok with you working because, well, we're not permanent, yet. But I'm not ok with other men doing things to you . I'd want you to give up escorting." Gregor smiled. "I thought you'd want that Mac. I only do that job for fun. It's my mad money." He ran his foot up and down Mac's shin. "And guys like you gave me so much cash that, well, I saved my money. No, if you accepted me, I wouldn't go back there. I promise." Mac smiled. "I have to ask you another thing, Greg. When we fooled around, I was always, well, the man. I took control. I'm like that. I always want to be in control." "I know Mac. That's why I want to be with you." "Are you sure, Greg? Are you really, really sure?" Gregor smiled. "You want to know the last time I was on top of another man, big Mac? I'll tell you. Fifth grade." "Well that's not that long ago for you, sexy?" Gregor laughed. "Oh yes it is. No Mac, I'm serious. The first time you fucked me, I hurt for days. And the second time too. " "I'm sorry Greg. I didn't mean to hurt you. It's just that... well, I was born with this ... THING." "And now I love that... THING Mac. I want it tonight. Very badly. And tomorrow. And the night after. " Mac took another deep breath. "Can we skip dessert and the movie Greg?" "I was hoping you'd say that."


Mac opened the door of his apartment, and let Gregor in. It was not what Gregor expected: it was immaculate, spacious, airy. "Do you like it ?" Mac whispered as he put his arms around Gregor's middle and squeezed slightly. He was kissing Gregor's ear, something he had never done in the club. "OH... I love it. But I love what you're doing more." Gregor leaned back into Mac's kisses on his ear. "How about that real kiss you promised me, studboi?" he heard the voice he knew and loved so well: Mac's boss voice. "Yes sir. Right away." Gregor squirmed so that he faced Mac and this time, he opened his lips and let in Mac's tongue. Now that Mac wasn't paying, and he didn't feel forced to perform, Gregor just relaxed into this MAN's embrace and kiss. "I wanna just throw you on the floor and fuck you Gregor." "Then do it Topman." "Nah. I got another plan." Gregor felt himself lifted off the ground. He began to laugh, as Mac easily carried him back to the bedroom, also spacious, and bright. He put him on the bed, gently, before he landed on top of him. "GRRRRR. If you knew Greg. If you FUCKING KNEW, how much I fantasized about having you here, in my bed. " "That makes two of us stud.. " Gregor felt something gently going around his wrist. "Hey, Mac, what's that?" "It's what I'm into. You game? " "I don't know. I've never done bondage before." "Heh heh. You're gonna do it with me, handsome. " Gregor didn't think Mac could move that fast, but his wrists were secured. He felt Mac's knee begin to nudge his crotch. "OH GEEZ. That feels good Mac." "In my bed, the name is SIR." A drop of precum stained Gregor's pants. "Yes sir. YES SIR" He saw the look on Mac's eyes as he opened his shirt. If he thought Mac was gonna unwrap him like a truffle, he was wrong. Another growl, and then the nibbling at his left tit. "OH GOD. You remembered. That one's more sensitive." "Damn right I did you hot mother fucker. I remember everything. Like the time I did this... and you made me stop..." Mac ran his rough fingers down Gregor's sides, and Gregor began to laugh. "STOP. STOP! I hate being tickled. Hahahahahahahaha." "I LOVE tickling a guy. Guess who's gonna win this one, you sexy bottom? " "You are Sir. You're gonna win them all. "You learn fast, stud. Handsome AND smart..." Gregor felt Mac's rough beard on his neck. He moaned, and Mac dug deeper. "Fuck. You're gonna mark me Mac." "Heh heh. Not tonight. But soon. You don't belong to me... yet.. When you do... yeah, I'll mark you." Gregor didn't understand that comment, but Mac had just dropped his pants, and Gregor saw the "coke can." He held it in his hand. "You want that handsome? You want that cock, studboi?" "Yes sir. Yes. I do. I want it. I WANT IT.." Gregor fought at the restraints, and he saw the cock get larger. "What do you want me to do with it, you sexy fucker?" "FUCK ME. FUCK MY ASS. FUCK ME HARD. TAKE ME. MAKE ME YOUR MANCUNT. PLEASE.. I WANT IT. I WANT IT SO BAD SIR MAC. " Now, much more gently than he had opened Gregor's shirt, Mac took off Gregor's shoes, then pants. He saw Gregor's raging hard on in his blue speedos. "Oh, that beautiful cock. Why it's not worshipped, I don't know.." He took it in his hands, and he massaged Gregor's balls. Gregor began to whimper. "It's not about my cock Sir. It's about yours. Your cock going inside of me. FUCKING me. Marking me. OWNING ME." Mac was taking all of this in. He knew it was just sex play, but... He lifted Gregor's legs, like he had so many times. "You want lube Greg?" "No Sir. I want you raw. HARD AND RAW. COME ON DON'T MAKE ME WAIT. I'M LIKE A FUCKING CAT IN HEAT. " Then Mac did something he had never done in his sessions with Gregor: he took Gregor's speedo, rolled it into a ball, and stuffed it into his mouth. "Why didn't he use his? " Gregor thought. But then his thoughts were drawn to the huge cock that was entering him. "MMMMPH. MMMMPH. MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMPH. " was as close as he could get to 'yes.' He couldn't spit out the ball of cloth: Mac knew what he was doing. And he was doing it well: he remembered that there was a particular way that Gregor liked to be fucked. A hard push, followed by about a half dozen slow, gentle ones, then his nips toyed, and then repeat . Then hard and fast. Then slow. "This is how I like it. This is how I LOVE it," Gregor was thinking. "Chase was all about Chase. OOOOOOH. Those fingers." It was a bit like sandpaper, but Mac was being as gentle as he could be, stroking Gregor's face. He was sweating and smiling. "Are you ok Greg? Cause if you are, I'm gonna start calling you boy? "MMHMMM MMPHMMM." Gregor shook his head yes. He was MORE than fine with that. Some precum shooting out of him clinched the deal. Mac began pumping, faster and faster. Gregor couldn't remember having been fucked like this by him before. He felt the hard cock in him. But then he felt it come out, and he felt the rough fingers encircle his cock. He had never felt anything like that before. Mac smiled. "My date enters a room before me, and my date cums before I do." Gregor was shaking his head NO, but then he realized: this wasn't an escort date. This was his new boyfriend. Once that sunk in, it happened. He couldn't remember EVER having cum that hard with Chase, or anyone else. When he finished cumming, Mac took the cloth out of his mouth. "Tell me what you feel boi . Let me know." He slid his cock back into Gregor. "DAMN. You're so big. You feel so good. OH SHIT. YES YES YES. I want this every day . EVERY FUCKING DAY." Mac exploded into Gregor. Mac ALWAYS had big orgasms, but this was the biggest one Gregor could recall. Mac was sweating like a bear, and it was falling on Gregor. He licked up any drops that came near his mouth. "My Mac Bear. My big, fucking sweaty, fucking daddy bear TOPMAN." Mac kissed him again. Gregor was still tied up, and Mac went to release him. "NO SIR. NOT YET. PLEASE. NO ONE EVER DID THIS TO ME, AND IT FEELS SO GOOD." Mac lay down next to Gregor, and began stroking his belly. "Did you really like it Greg? Now that you didn't have to? Seriously, did you like it?" "Ok, Mac, untie me now. You need a hug." When Mac did, Greg wrapped his arms around him. "Hot stuff, I liked it EVERY SINGLE TIME with you. EVERY SINGLE TIME.

If you knew how many times I wanted to tell you to keep your money. ALL of it. I just wanted YOU. OH, did I like it. I more than liked it. I want it again. Right now. " Mac laughed. "Well, I'm not the everyready bunny, stud, but maybe after some tv, we can go at it again." "Pick a dirty movie, Sir. Pick something that gets me hot." Mac did. But he fell asleep on the sofa, with Gregor holding him. And Gregor smiled as he kissed him awake. "Take me to bed big Mac. I wanna be in your arms. The whole night."

Next: Chapter 5

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