Gregors Domination

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Dec 28, 2022


"So, here's our love shack for the weekend Greg! Hope you like it." Mac had just closed the door. Gregor was looking at around at a very masculine, sturdy house. There looked to be three rooms - maybe a fourth behind some closed doors: functional, neat, and solid. All wood. The place had the smell of pine, and cedar, and spruce. Gregor thought "it's Mac's house, for sure. It's him. " He smiled. It wasn't hyper masculine, but this was a man's house. He saw the fireplace, and he saw Mac smiling next to it. "Yeah, this is my baby. I call her Florine. She never lets me down. I'm gonna get her stoked up so that the place gets a little warmer. Why don't you look around, take a gander at the place, maybe find yourself a glass of wine or something in the kitchen while I set this up, and then we'll get settled. " Mac smiled and then walked over to Gregor. He embraced him, whispering "I'm so glad you agreed to spend the weekend with me greg. "

"You honored me by asking," greg returned the kiss he had just received. "All the men in the world, and you chose me . " He smiled. "I promise to make this the most fun weekend you've ever had here." Now Mac was blushing. "greg, you're getting me all excited. We only have a couple of days this time, but... gaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa I'm gonna get out of control if I don't put my hands to work."

"Ok, Mac man. Is there anything I can do to help?" "Nah. Just get your bearings, make yourself comfortable, the bathroom's in the bedroom. I should be done in, oh, fifteen minutes. " While Mac got to work setting up the fireplace, Gregor looked around. The bedroom had a huge, four poster bed in the middle of it. He smiled, and got a touch excited when he saw that Mac had attached restraints at each corner. There were end tables at each side of the bed. One was locked - was that the side where Mac slept? - the open one had a few trinkets in it, including a picture of a sweet looking woman with a small boy - Mac and his mom?, some more pictures of who was clearly a younger version of Mac "he's more handsome now," Gregor thought , some of them with pets, and a few with a blond lumberjack with a moustache. In every picture, the blond guy was in front, with Mac behind, usually with his arms wrapped around the hunky lumberjack.

He walked over to the closed door and found it locked. Then he wandered off to the kitchen. He found two glasses and a bottle of red wine. He poured, and was getting ready to bring out glasses for Mac and himself. Then he had an idea, grinned lasciviously, and brought the glasses back to the bedroom. Five minutes later, he appeared in the living room, naked , with the wine.

"Excuse me Sir, but it's REALLY cold. Is there anything you can do to warm me up faster?" Mac looked up and his jaw dropped. Then he smiled. "OH, greg... OH MAN. You really DO want to make this a fun weekend. Let me just ignite this." "Then it won't be the only thing ignited. " Greg was in good form. "Have a seat on the sofa handsome. Let me just wash my hands. " The warmth of the fire began to permeate the room and Mac came back . He had taken off his shirt, but his jeans were still on. "Sorry greg. I couldn't wait." He sat down next to greg , put his arm around him and began massaging his neck. Gregor picked up his wine. "A toast to us." Mac was smiling. Gregor had not seen him this happy. "To us." Mac toasted. Then he put down his wine, and pulled greg to him, kissing him. He kissed him over and over, before he whispered "You have SUCH a damn beautiful body greg. I want to explore it this whole weekend." Gregor put down his wine, and grabbed Mac's hand. "How about starting now, Mac man?" Mac blushed and shook his head. "I'll disappoint you greg. You drained me so well on the trip that... well, I don't think I could get anything up." Gregor smiled. He pointed to his own cock. "Are you going to ignore him all weekend? And there are other things to do besides fucking, Mac Man. I have some ideas. Come on." Mac smiled and got up. He saw that he WAS slightly aroused, physically. Mentally, he was so aroused he could have fucked with greg all night. "Spirit is willing, but..." he thought to himself as he admired greg's fine ass , leading him off to his bedroom. When they got there, greg lay on his back and pulled Mac down on top of him. "OH YES. YES. That's why I"m here. MMMM. Kiss me stud man. Kiss me all over. " He grinned and moved his head so that Mac could get his lips and mouth in. Mac had never really thought of foreplay as anything other than a means to anal sex, so this was new to him. He heard greg's moans underneath him, as he rubbed his beard over greg's neck, gently and then harder. As he increased the pressure, greg's moans got deeper, and his breathing faster. "YES! YES YOU FUCKING STUD. YES!!!!" Mac stopped for a minute. "Are you liking it, greg?" "No Sir. I'M LOVING IT. NOW ARE YOU GONNA PUT ME IN THOSE RESTRAINTS OR AM I GONNA HAVE TO DO IT MYSELF?" "GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRROWL" Mac smiled, and pulled the restraints up. "I was gonna surprise you with them greg." "They were the first things I looked for Sir Mac." Gregor calling him "Sir" was getting them both more aroused. For Gregor, it was almost painful. When Mac began flicking his tongue over his nipples, he began getting more and more verbal. "FUCK YES YOU STUDLY BASTARD. WHY WON'T YOU LET YOUR BOY CUM, SIR? I DID EVERYTHING YOU WANTED. PLEASE SIR. PLEASE. I'LL DO WHAT YOU SAY. JUST LET ME... LET ME RELEASE.." Mac put his hand around greg's balls, and then began sliding up and down his pole. "YES! YES SIR GOD. YOU DO HAND ALMOST AS GOOD AS YOU DO FUCKING. YES.... " In fact, greg was loving what Mac was doing. He always liked it when Chase, or anyone else, jerked him off, but the combination of the restraints, and Mac's weathered hand, was making him wild. He pulled at the restraints. "I WANNA HOLD YOU SIR. PLEASE LET ME GO." Mac laughed. "No chance you sexy bastard. NOW I can do things like this..." He pumped Greg's cock fast. "Or this." He took his hand away, leaving greg to whine and beg for him to go back. "I'm only gonna jerk off my man. I wanna know who that is." "It's me Sir. I'm your man." He put his hand back on greg's cock and began slowly jerking again. "So I'm your man. Are you MY man greg, or am I sharing you?" "NO SIR. NO. NO. I'M BIG MAC'S MAN. MAC MAN. DADDY MAC. ALL NAMES FOR MY LOVER." Then, Mac tried something. He continued to stroke greg's cock, and he lowered his voice. "Are you my BITCH, greg?" The answer came back loud and clear. "YES SIR. YES. . I'M YOUR BITCH. I'M BOY GREG. MAC MAN'S BITCH. TAKE ME TOPMAN. TAKE YOUR BITCH. TAKE MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE" greg pitched his hips up and he shot all over himself. Mac caught some of it, smiled, and rubbed it on his lips. "Damn, you even taste good, greg." He moved to take off the restraints. "No Sir. Please don't. PLEASE. Please leave me tied up. Cuddle me. Cuddle your boy when he's bound the way you like him. " Mac lay on greg and gently pushed his knee between his legs. "OH YES. That's my MAN. that's my STUD. " He whispered into Mac's ear. "If you get horny in the middle of the night, wake me up first. I wanna feel you." "MMMM. That sounds good greg." He smiled at Mac. "Did you mean what you said, greg? Am I your man? Your ONLY one?" Greg smiled. "Yes sir. I didn't lie to you. You're my man. My ONLY one. " "And you're my bitch too?" Again, something was scratching at the back of greg's mind. He didn't want to say the wrong thing. "You'll have to convince me of that big fella. I was your bitch NOW. You wanna make it permanent? You gotta OWN me." "Ha ha. I can work on that." He kissed greg. "You know how glad I am you came into my life gregor?" "Glad enough to spoon me to sleep Mac Man?" "You bet." "Ok. How about releasing me so we can? Tomorrow, can you show me what you got in the locked room?" "Be careful what you ask for greg. I will. Ask me tomorrow." He had taken the restraints off and greg grabbed him, pulling him over. "I hope you get hard enough to fuck me real soon, studman."

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When Gregor woke up, he was in the bed alone , under the huge feather quilt. He could hear noise outside in the living area: Mac refilling the fireplace, or making coffee? He stirred. It was cold, and he had forgotten to bring a bathrobe. From the corner of his eye, he saw one thrown on the bed: dark maroon, heavy, clearly one of Mac's, so he knew it would fit . He didn't want to get up yet, and he rolled into the spot on the bed that his "heat emitting missile," as he teased Mac, had left . It was still warm, and it still carried the musky funk of his lover. Gregor was trying to grope for pieces of the dream he had had. He remembered a conversation with Mac about lovers, and what Mac was looking for. In his sleep, there was something about it that troubled him. What WAS it? He knew Mac had said he was very traditional about relationships, and he had always been the caretaker in his, but none of that was bad and shouldn't have been disturbing Gregor. He smiled a little when he thought about how protective and how, well, "manly," Mac was with him when they went out. He couldn't remember. He should've asked Mac before he said he'd move in with him. He sighed "I guess I'm going to have to ask him what he expects," he said to no one in the room. "Best to avoid misunderstanding."

He got up and walked into the living room. Mac was filling the fireplace, and greg could smell fresh coffee. "HEY SLEEPYHEAD. " He came over and gave greg a hug and then a kiss. Gregor backed off. "Haven't brushed my teeth yet. Morning breath." Mac laughed. "I've smelled every part of you greg, and before that, on the road, you learn what dead skunk smells like , what dead deer smells like, you name it. I don't mind morning breath if those lips come with it." He leaned in again. As he kissed Gregor, gregor thought "This is gonna be a HARD conversation." "So tomorrow, greg, I may drag you up early so you can see the sunrise. It even surprised me this morning it was so beautiful." "You were up at sunrise?" "Always. I watch it, say thank you, and then go back to bed. Oh, except up here, I toss out some bread or something for the birds. " "YOU ARE NOT MAKING THIS EASIER," Gregor was thinking. "Any possibility of coffee Sir?" "A very good one, greg, if you don't mind it black. It was too late to shop last night, and I didn't get to the market. Just brought in the bags. " Gregor saw them piled in a corner of the living room. "MAC! I would've helped you with that." " 'Tweren't nuthin" he smiled at greg. He leered "I want you to save your strength for... other things.." He showed greg the bulge in his jeans. "I've been thinking about last night all morning, sexy. I wanna thank you. I never felt right about making love without having sex. With you, it was so wonderful." "I... I need to run to the bathroom first, Mac Man, ok? This IS at least part piss hard on." Gregor ran off. He didn't want Mac to see tears in his eyes. He HAD to find out what was bothering him, and then maybe, maybe he could get over it." He came back out to the living room and didn't see Mac. Then he smelled him and felt him wrap his arms around him from behind. "Wanted to surprise this beautiful man who seems to be lurking about my house." He nibbled greg's ear. "Maybe I can make him pay for sneaking in. " His hand dropped to greg's butt and squeezed it. " "You want me now, Mac man? " "I want you all the time, sexy." "Morning sex is great sex. Let's do it. OOOF" Mac had just picked greg off the floor and brought him back to the bed. He opened the bathrobe. "I remember that body. It's as sexy as I saw it last night. " He ran his tongue down greg's middle torso. "A little saltier now. That's just fine..." greg felt Mac's denim jeans agains this skin, the chambray shirt against his chest. "I'm sleeping with a real man," he thought. "He takes me because he WANTS me" And indeed, Mac wanted greg badly. He was tearing off his jeans to get his cock out. "greg sweetie, I apologize ahead of time, but sleeping next to you made me so damn horny, that this is gonna be rough and raunchy. I promise to be a better lover later today. "Rough and raunch suits me well Sir. FUCK ME!" The "coke can" rammed in all the way, and greg yelped. "OH SHIT DID I HURT YOU BABE?" "Just in a small, GOOD way. GET TO WORK TOPMAN." Greg closed his eyes, and he drifted, as Mac drilled him. The line "I like being the husband with my man being my wife," went through his head. Where did he hear that? Was that Mac? The man who apologized for fucking him too hard, who made the coffee, who fed birds in the morning? Was he imagining things? No, he had heard it. But where? "DAMN THIS IS GOOD MEGA MAC" greg huffed out, as he continued to take the pounding Mac was administering . His own cock had recovered from the night before, and he was ready to go again. He reached down and Mac batted away his hands. "Me first, stud. That's how my boy behaves." Greg smiled. "OH YEAH. YES SIR." He felt those rough fingers back on his nips. "YEAH. TWIST THEM TWIST THEM HARD. OH FUCK. " Mac had begun chewing one, while he squeezed the other, and he toyed with greg by using his free hand to play with his balls. He snickered. "Shoot, and you'll see the secret room for longer than you want..." NOW greg was intrigued but more than that, he was horny. He knew Mac was close to cumming: the tempo had increased, and he was sore. That always meant an orgasm was in the offing. And it meant he could have one too. "DAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAMN I LOVE YOUR ASS." Mac began shooting hard, and deep. How many pulses was it? Fifteen? Eighteen? Mac smiled and twisted greg's balls, and he yelled something in Spanish as he jizzed too. "OH, Daddy Mac. That was WONDERFUL" greg whispered as Mac fell on his torso. Mac looked up. "I always feel so grateful to have you under me, greg. " He kissed greg's chin, and hugged him. He said nothing. Neither did greg. Finally , greg spoke. "Mega Mac, how about showing me that room?" Mac looked at him, with a half smile. "You sure?" "Yeah, I wanna know as much about you as possible." Mac sighed. "Well, first, let me show you this." He unlocked the side table. It was filled with sex toys. greg recognized most of them: tit clamps, handcuffs, ball stretchers, a "snake bite " kit, a vibrator, a Hitachi rod. "But this... This is for the REALLY serious stuff greg." Mac unlocked the room from a key on his ring of keys. Mac walked in. He saw a flat table. Then he saw hoods, and strait jackets. Leather cat suits. He saw a HUGE jar of lube. "For fist fucking," Mac added sheepishly. The list of things went on. Greg was stunned. "You USE all this on your men, Mac?" Mac blushed. "if they want it, yes. Otherwise, no. I put that behind me some years ago. That's why it's locked up. It doesn't do for me what it used to. " He sighed. "At some point today, or tomorrow, I'll show you some pictures. I WAS quite the looker when I was younger, and I looked DAMN GOOD in leather. Today, not so much." Greg smiled. "Is that a harness over there? " "Yes, it is. It's the one I used to wear." "Will you wear it for me today, Sir? Just so I can see what my man looks like when he's scary?" He got the now familiar blush from Mac. "Really? You wanna see me in leather?" "I DO. Very much. I wanna see what you looked like back then." He leaned up against Mac's chest. "But I really like what you look like now, Big Mac"

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They cleaned up and dressed. Gregor had picked clothes to bring with him that he thought would please Mac. He put on a mustard colored twill shirt and a very pale pair of jeans. "OOOOH. That makes me think of licking a bun before I put in a hot dog," Mac said, and then realized it made no sense. "Ha ha. I could get into you eating my ass before you fuck me Big Mac." "SEE? " Mac smiled. "I waited for someone who could translate for me for years. It was worth it. " When they got in the van, greg asked: "hancuff me Sir?" "DAMN . Sure thing." Mac smiled as he put the key in greg's pocket. "Getting it out is gonna take a kiss." They were going on a sight seeing drive and then stopping for lunch at a local inn. As they drove, greg realized he had never been out in the country since he came to the US. It was BEAUTIFUL. "It's really nice in a few weeks, greg. That's when all the leaves are turning. Maybe we can come up again?" "If you promise to screw me the way you did this morning, stud, we'll come up NEXT week." "OOOOH. I may take you up on that boy. Now, let me show you MY waterfall." "YOUR waterfall? " "Yeah, it's named after me, because I discovered it. It won't be much now, but in the spring, when the snow melts, it's really awesome." Greg saw a geological structure that really didn't look like much of anything. Mac led him out of the van, still cuffed. "Now, see how this stone is slick? Almost wet?" Greg leaned in and smiled when he felt Mac's hand on his ass. "I do. So... OH. When the snow melts, this is all wet, and it never dries?" Mac smiled. "That's right. What happened was, I heard some bleating once when I was out driving, and I found a pair of baby eaglets. Must've fallen out of a nest or something, I don't know. Well, I had to rush to bring them to the game warden, but then I came back to see if I could find out what had happened. That's when I saw the slick." He paused. "I came back in the spring, and there was the falls. It's pretty remote out here, greg, it's why I like it. No one had been by the falls, and it didn't seem to care that I was here." Greg laughed. "I care you're here Mac. Very much." Mac grabbed him by the bicep "BACK IN THE CAR PRISONER. YOU'LL EAT COUNTRY FOOD BEFORE YOU GET FUCKED."

At the inn, handcuffs off, greg raised the question. "Mac, I should've asked you this sooner. " Mac looked up, concerned. "Did I do something wrong, greg?" "No, no no. I just... Well, I'm trying to remember something. I think you said it. Did we have a discussion once about what you were looking for in a partner?" Mac smiled. "Oh yeah, we did. And now I found him." He smiled. Now it was greg's turn to blush. "Well, I hope you did Mac. That's why I'm asking you to tell me again, because I think I didn't remember some parts of it." Mac sat back and told greg again, about how he was very old fashioned, and liked the old traditional roles of man and wife, and didn't understand why more gay guys didn't do that. He expected his partner to be at home, taking care of domestic stuff, and relying on him to be the breadwinner. "And then all that good stuff we saw on TV as kids - I guess they had those shows in Europe too, greg. Just replace wife with 'my man:" I come home, my man has made himself look good for me, has a drink ready, makes himself sexually available if I'm horny - which I always am, ha ha ha . I make the decisions, the rules, etc. And you toss in the sex: lots of bondage, lots of domination etc. " He saw greg's face. "I said something wrong, didn't I?" greg grabbed his hand. "NO, Big Mac. You said nothing wrong. You're such a good person, you deserve what you want. I just... I just... I don't think I could pull that off. I mean, I love being your bottom, and I'd love it if we did more bondage and domination, but... what was that show, "leave it to beaver?" "Yeah, that was one of them." "I don't think I wanna be June Cleaver. " He saw Mac's face. "This is my fault Mac. I should've been clearer. I'm sorry." Mac squeezed his hand back. "Hey, no problem. We can still date, right? We can still be boyfriends?" "We can be lovers Mac. Yeah, we can. I don't wanna see anyone but you." Mac squeezed his hand harder "You promise?" "With ALL of my heart. I may very well have fallen in love with you Big Mac. I don't want anyone else to get their hands on you." Mac looked up. "And you're all I want greg. All I ever dreamed of. " greg smiled. "By the way, the food here is great. I could eat this every day." "Ha ha. Well, maybe we can have them deliver it. I'm not that great a cook. I'm sure I could learn though." "I'm certain you could Mac." There was a pause. "Mac, I still want to move in with you. I want to be your partner. Your one and only. But the wife part.... that's not for me." "Well, I was gonna give you an A+, but I guess an A will have to do." "ha ha. That's fine Mac. So will you still have me." "I sure will, greg. Thank you." "Remember your love making promise, Big Mac." "I didn't forget... A little more sight seeing and then..." Mac's mind began to cycle. He had a feeling things were too good to be true. BUT... they were far enough along. Once he got greg into his apartment, he could do what he needed to do. Meanwhile, this sexy man wife to be was at his house in the country, and he was gonna take every chance he had to enjoy him.

Next: Chapter 7

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