Grinding College Away

By Nick Anon

Published on Jun 11, 2018


Grinding College Away #3 By: Nick Anon College, m/m

This story involves sexual acts between college aged guys. If this bothers you, get the fuck out and do something else with your day.

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Last time...

"Thanks." I was blushing. I had no clue how to make small talk, especially since the last time I had been rushed out of Steve's room.

"No problem." He ruffled my hair. "You're cute and nice and I'm always happy to help. Although I do have one question."

"What's that?"

"I totally get the nerves of hooking up with guys you don't know, but why haven't you just messed around with your roommate then?"

"My roommate?!"

I bolted up in Steve's bed. "What do you mean messing around with my roommate? He's straight!"

Steve honest to God laughed. "He must have you blocked then."

"Care to elaborate?"

Instead of saying anything, Steve pulled out his phone and opened up Grindr. Right away I saw a profile right next to my own that I hadn't seen before. It had a star on it.

"This is your roommate's profile, dude. You live with Darren right?"


"Then I was right. This is him." He opened up the pictures and swiped to the first. Sure enough, there was a selfie of my roommate that I hardly spoke to.

Ever since I had found out he was my roommate over the summer I had thought he was hot, but he was clearly straight. AND he had a girlfriend. The dude was pretty much the standard definition of hot, straight, jock. 6'4", 200 lbs of muscle. Green eyes and curly ginger hair rounded him off, yeah, he was Irish. I had obviously never seen his dick, but from the pic on Steve's phone, it sure looked like Darren was packing down there.

"What the actual fuck?" I said out loud. "He has a girlfriend!"

"There's a bunch of guys who do," Steve explained. "But they come on here to find some extra fun. Sometimes even their girlfriends know and approve." Steve thought for a moment. "Or she could be a cover up. I mean he LOOKS straight. Who knows."

"Why would he block me, though?" I asked.

Steve shrugged. "I don't know your guys' relationship but if he thinks you think he's straight, he's gonna want to keep it that way. This way he can be in the room and using Grindr while you're there and you'd never know."

"Fuck." I was starting to chub up at the thought of messing around with him.

"Be careful, though."


"Again, I don't know your relationship with him, but roommates typically tend to avoid hooking up. You've got to live together and shit. If you hit on him and he doesn't reciprocate...could end badly." Steve grabbed my dick and poked at my forehead. "Think with your head, not with your dick. Got it?"

I laughed as I got harder in his grasp. "Yes sir." I was getting harder and I could see Steve chubbing up too. "Round two?"

That night Darren got back to the room around 11. I was chilling on my bed wearing just a pair of gym shorts listening to music. I almost didn't even notice him come in.

I was determined to make a move, though.

I pulled out my earbuds. "Hey, you wanna go grab pizza with me?"

Darren turned to look at me really confused. "Uh, we've never gotten pizza...or any meal together. Are you like dying?"

I laughed nervously. "No, I just figured we could get to know each other better. We're living together anyways."

"Uh, sure, why not." He still seemed to be really confused, but he was going along with it anyways.

I slipped on a shirt and shoes and we walked together in silence to the only place on campus that sold pizza at 11 PM. We both got our pizza and hung out in the lounge nearby while we ate. I was the one to break your silence.

"So, how're classes?"

"Eh, good. Different. What about you?" Each sentence came through punctuated by bites of pizza.

"Good, too." I realized then that I completely forgot what his major was. Accounting? Nursing? No idea. "Uh, how's your girlfriend?"

Darren choked on his pizza a little like I caught him off guard. "Oh, um, she's good. We're good."

This was a sore spot that I wanted to explore. "Does she go here? I don't think I ever asked you about her before." I knew I hadn't since him and I never talked. I only knew he had one because his Facebook profile said he was in a relationship with some girl.

"Uh, no, she goes to FSU. She wanted to experience Florida and I wanted to stay up here. We're good though, we talk a lot." He was very clearly uncomfortable talking about this girlfriend. "Do you have a girlfriend?"

"Actually, I'm gay," I said bluntly which caught him off guard.

"Oh...oh! Sorry, didn't know. Do you have a boyfriend?"

I laughed a little. "Uh, no, don't have one. I have been talking to this guy on an app, though."

At that his eyes went wide like a deer caught in the headlights. I admitted to using Grindr to my roommate that also uses Grindr. He looked really nervous, but I went on.

"Did you know that there's actually a couple gay guys that live in our building?" He was nervous and just shook his head. "Well, didn't think you would. You're straight anyways."

I looked down and he still had some pizza that was left cold. I got him shook and I was prepared to go for a home run.

"Well, it's late so we should probably head back."

"Oh, right, yeah." When Darren stood up I glanced over and saw a slight bulge in his shorts.

We walked back to our dorm in silence, but I was on a mission. Once we got back in I stripped my shirt back off since that's what I normally sleep in anyways. Darren usually wore a short and shorts, though I wasn't sure why. He had absolutely nothing to be ashamed of with that body. But back in the dorm, I finally had to make my move.

Except...I didn't get to. Darren did first.

He turned to face me and said, "How'd you know you like guys?"

I laughed a little. "Well, I like dick and not pussy, simple. You know how it is, right?" I ended that with a wink.

His eyes narrowed. "What're you saying?"

"I think you know." I hopped off my bed and walked towards him closing the space between us until I was right in his face.

"Cooper, I-"

"Don't think, just..." I reached down and grabbed his growing bulge through his shorts, "do it."

Darren grabbed my face with both hands and pulled me in for an intense kiss and it was...woah. I hesitated at first but just melted into his kiss and let him take charge. I felt us moving backwards until we hit my bed. In one swoop I was lifted up and thrown onto my back onto the bed, breaking away from our kiss.

I looked at Darren and the nerves had left him. All I saw in his eyes was carnal desire and lust. Steve's warnings from earlier in the day had completely left my mind. I wanted this, there was no going back.

Darren stripped off his shirt revealing chiseled pecs and a six pack I envied. He also ripped off his belt and dropped his shorts leaving him in a pair of black boxer briefs. The bulge in his shorts kept growing leaving me terrified and excited all at the same time.

He climbed onto my bed and I spread my legs allowing him to crawl up and force me into another powerful kiss. I moaned into his mouth, letting him take control of me. I went to grab onto his back but instead Darren got ahold of my wrists and held them above my head. Fuck.

He left my mouth and started kissing down throat. Right at the base of my throat he nipped me causing me to moan out his name louder than intended. He pressed his body down onto mine as he focused on my neck causing me to moan. We had already been a little sweaty, but we were generating more heat and sweat the further we went. I squirmed underneath his power, realizing how much I wanted this.

Darren went further down, sucking on my nipples which was ecstasy. He was going back and forth, softly nibbling on each nipple. It was pain and pleasure wrapped up in one. From there he kissed and nibbled his way down to my belly button. He lifted up there and yanked off my shorts, leaving me in a pair of striped CKs.

Darren start giving my bulge a tongue bath while he played with my nipples. My boxers were leaked with precum that I'm sure Darren was loving. Eventually he had enough and those were gone too, leaving me naked before my roommate. He took my cock in his mouth right away and it was clear that this was not Darren's first blowjob.

Darren was practically worshipping my cock and I was in heaven. I didn't even notice when one of his hands left my nipple and started playing with my hole which caused me to jump but Darren just smiled. He continued his work but the moment his finger slipped into my tight hole I yelled out his name (again, louder than I should've) and tangled my hands in my sheets.

I wasn't even able to warn Darren when I started shooting cum right down his throat. He swallowed though, happily. Once I was spent, he kissed his way back up to my mouth, cum on his breath. While we made out, some of my own cum slipped into my mouth. Our sweaty bodies ended up in a tangle of limbs and that's when I realized that Darren still had his boxer briefs on.

I broke away from the kiss and looked at him. "You still need to be taken care of."

At that I maneuvered our bodies so that I was straddling him, and he was on his back. I leaned down and kissed him on the lips before quickly going down his throat and nipping his neck in return. He moaned and laughed at that. I moved down, my ass now directly straddling his bulge while I kissed and licked his pecs and nipples before licking down his six pack, landing at his boxer briefs.

The bulge scared me still, but I leaned down and licked at the precum leaking through. Eventually, I decided to face it and yanked them off, throwing them next to mine on the ground. Overall Darren seemed to be 7-7.5" and cut, but really fucking thick. Thicker than any I'd seen.

Darren must've seen the look on my face because he immediately said, "You don't have to." I wanted to.

I was able to get the head and an inch or two of his cock in my mouth before it became too much. I would definitely need more practice with this cock. I worked my tongue around the head of his cock causing Darren to moan out. I reached down and played with his balls too which he really liked.

After everything that had already been done between us, Darren didn't last long at all. He tried to warn me that he was about to cum, but it was too late and his cum was filling up my mouth. I did my best to swallow but some ended up coming out of my mouth.

I crawled my way back up to Darren's face where he kissed the leftover cum away before pulling me in for another intense kiss. Eventually he let me go and we both collapsed in a sweaty tangle, my head laying on his chest.

"Woah," Darren said after a few minutes.

"Definitely," was all I could squeak out. I was out of breath and out of words.

"I blocked you."

"Yeah, I know."

Darren seemed to just let the topic go at that. There was no reason to open up that can of worms post sex.

"We both have 8 AMs tomorrow and still need to shower and it's after midnight."

"Fuck," I groaned. But neither of us made an effort to get up.

"Just another couple minutes like this."


I woke up at 7:30 to us wrapped together in my bed, my head on his chest, him drooling onto my pillow.

I guess I finally broke the ice with my roommate. I needed to tell Steve!


Next: Chapter 4

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