Guiding Lights

By BSB Lover

Published on Sep 19, 1999


The following story is completely fictional and written for fun. Please do not take offense at anything written, or make any assumptions about the sexuality of the characters, which include the Backstreet Boys. I appreciate any feedback (positive or negative), which can be sent to Thanks and enjoy!

Chapter 4: The Calm Before the Storm...

James followed Atlanta and Zach onto The Backstreet Boys' private jet. This was James' first flight and he was a little nervous about it. It was Fall and there was no telling what kind of weather they were going to run into in Toronto. He had heard on the television this morning that they were experiencing thunder showers. Great. Just great. He had met with Atlanta and Zach this morning over coffee and compared notes on last night's experiences. They had all had a good laugh at the expense of his "puppy love makers." James was a little annoyed that Zach had worked on Nick. He knew the rules, but he was still a little put out that he had not gotten first taste. Atlanta had made great headway with A.J., and they had decided to concentrate their efforts tonight on him. They all agreed that he would submit.

James took his seat in the aisle - he had no interest in looking out the window - next to Atlanta. Zach grabbed the window seat. No one had gotten much sleep last night and they were all showing signs of fatigue. From the look of things, the Boys were rather tired themselves. The ones who could grow stubble (A.J. and Kevin) had it, and they all had heavily lidded eyes. The PR department didn't get the good seats and they were all stuck in the back, but James observed the Boys as they trooped past, heading to the front of the plane. Nick smiled shyly at Zach as he passed and James felt an angry wave of jealousy course through him. Damn Zack. Damn himself for thinking like this. He had to get rid of these thoughts - if Atlanta found out there would be hell to pay.

Zach sat gazing out the window as the plane began to take off. He'd tried to pretend like he hadn't noticed the glorious smile Nick had sent his way, but despite himself his cheeks were burning. He concentrated on the runway speeding past below as the plane went into its ascent. Tonight after they were done with A.J., he hoped to give Nick his first lesson. He felt a little guilty about that - he knew that James was supposed to have had first dibs. Maybe he'd invite him along... Now THAT would be a lesson Nick would never forget. He had spent all of last night dreaming of Nick - not his usual dark fantasies, but different... Him and Nick making love, with candles burning all around, them snuggling and kissing and holding hands... Holding hands! He had to get control of himself. Nick was going to be dominated just like the others, and it wouldn't be all pleasurable for the young man. He had to harden his resolve, he couldn't let the kid get to him!

Atlanta carefully replayed the events of last night in her mind. Everything had gone exactly as planned, better in fact. They were all making surprisingly fast headway. A.J. would become the first to wear a collar, and then the others would follow... She was troubled that they had yet to even get near Kevin, who was so angry with them. He had looked really sour when he'd boarded the plane and had shot a glare in their direction. She had to find out what the story was with him... Atlanta glanced at her two compatriots, both of whom were lost in thought and dozing off. She didn't like the tension between them, not one bit. They really thought she didn't know what was going through their minds. The idiots. She had trained both of them, and she always knew what they were thinking. It was that blasted kid Nick Carter who was coming between them. They had both blushed like little schoolboys when he had walked past. For now she was content to let things play out, she had confidence in James and Zack, and was sure they'd get over it. And if not... well then she would have to take care of it - and none of them, not Zack, not James and especially not Nick would enjoy that much.

A.J. was feeling well rested and happy. After Atlanta had left last night he'd masturbated for a while to get rid of his hard on. He had even made use of the candle again... it had felt so good when Atlanta had fucked him with it. A.J. let out a contented sigh. Last night had been great, Atlanta had fulfilled his desires and needs like no one else had ever done before. He liked extremes, he liked tattoos, piercings - and more than anything else - rough sex. He had passed out soon as he'd shot his load, and slept a deep, pleasurable sleep. He could hardly wait to see what she had in store for him tonight....

Brian snuggled closer against Howie and sighed. He thanked god yet again for the fact that the other guys were comfortable with him and Howie being together. Kevin disapproved, he thought it could put their careers in jeopardy. He thought that they could just get over it and hook up when this was all over. He just didn't understand the love they felt for each other. Howie was his world now. Brian thought Kevin knew this on some level, he had nothing against them being gay - it was just what he saw as part of his responsibility. Poor Kevin, all he ever did was worry about the rest of them. Brian wondered what Kev would have thought about last night...

Not for the first time since last night's events Brian wondered just what had happened. One minute he had Howie were blissfully making out and then the next he was kneeling on a pool table and barking like a dog! A dog! It had been fun though, and Brian couldn't help but smile. He didn't think his and Howie's life was ever going to be the same again now that James was in the picture. In the end though he loved Howie and only Howie, James had just been a diversion. A very fun diversion. He felt a little weird about how easily he had given in to James' orders though, and he vowed that next time (if there was one) he wouldn't be so submissive. And maybe he would make James bark like a dog! Brian was a felt a little weird about how much he liked the thought of that.....

Howie sat listening to Brian's breathing. He loved feeling his warm body up against his. He had almost died when Brian was in the hospital for heart surgery. He had thought his world was coming to an end. But now everything was alright, better than ever. He had his lover back and nothing was going to come between them. He didn't know exactly what to make of James. He and Brian had never even discussed other guys, and yet there they had been, kneeling side by side while James took turns thrusting into them. He still couldn't believe they had barked.

Neither he nor Brian had slept much last night. Howie had pretended to be asleep and listened to Brian's anxious breathing. He'd dreamed a lot last night and woke up several times moaning. Howie had ignored him, and he felt bad about that - but his thoughts last night had been consumed with James. He couldn't get the image of his naked body descending on him and sliding up inside of him out of his head. It had felt so good! Even now it was hard for him to resist looking back to see what James was doing. God, he was such a jerk. How could he do this to Brian? He shouldn't be having these thoughts about another man. He loved Brian and that was that. But he couldn't deny the fact that he was lusting after James....

Kevin sat with his head held in one hand. He hoped no one would come talk to him, more than anything he just wanted to be left alone. God was he hungover. He forgot how much he had drank last night, but it had been a lot. He barely remembered anything about last night. He had finished meeting with their management about tomorrow's concert, and had headed to Atlanta's room. He wanted to apologize for his behavior earlier that day. When he'd come around the corner he had seen her entering A.J.'s bedroom. He had stood there as moments passed, hoping she would come out and he could ask her out to dinner. Finally he gave up. Dejected and bitter he had headed back to his room. He'd ordered a meal and a bottle of whisky - and that's all he remembered. He had woken up this morning passed out on the roof of the hotel, freezing cold. It just wasn't fair. The other guys just took it all for granted - they were out having a good time while he took on all the fucking responsibilities. Sometimes he hated them. All of them. And then he hated himself for hating them. It was like a never ending cycle....

Nick still couldn't believe that he had finally come out of the closet - and to a complete stranger! But Zach had made him feel so desirable, so wanted. Nick knew that he was probably being silly, but he knew that he really wasn't very attractive. He really didn't see what all those girls saw when he looked in the mirror. Hell, he didn't even recognized himself in all those airbrushed magazines he was in. He felt ugly. No matter how much he starved himself, or how much he worked out he just couldn't do it. He wanted to be built like Howie and Kevin. But last night he had forgotten all that. Zach had swept him right off his feet... And then dropped him with a thud. Funny how things turn out. Nick had actually been developing a crush on James, the new PR guy. He hadn't even seen Zach coming. But come he did, and gave Nick the most pleasure he had ever experienced in his young life. But then what had happened? All of a sudden Zach had turned cold, and told Nick he needed `training'. What did that mean? Had he let him down? God he wasn't good at anything! But he had tried so hard to please him. Nick had cried all last night, hurt and humiliated at how he had been left sitting in the hot tub and had to run back to his hotel room stark naked. Why had Zach taken his clothes? Maybe it was all a game to him. Or most probably he'd come to his senses and realized what a mistake he'd made.

But despite all of this, he was not able to contain his smile at the sight of Zach when he'd boarded the plane. He wondered just what the `training' meant. Maybe he was going to make Nick work out and get into shape - even though he had tried that so many times. He wondered what would happen next. God he felt so ugly......

James didn't even bother to unpack, he just left everything in his suitcases. This new life was going to take some getting used to. The flight had actually not been bad at all. He slept most of the way, and the stormy skies over Toronto had almost parted for their jet. It was really dark over head now mind you... but the important thing was that it was calm then. He wondered how the storm would effect the concert tomorrow night. The Boys had all gone by limo to the Skydome for a quick rehearsal. James had sent Atlanta along with them with press kits in hand to deal with some reporters. Atlanta hadn't looked very pleased when he had designated her to go - she hadn't really taken the fact that he was her boss into consideration when they had devised this plan...

Oh well, she could deal with being taken down a notch. She had left orders for him too of course, not to be outdone. He was to prepare A.J.'s room for tonight's "festivities." He hoped everything went as planned, they were all fairly confident that it would. James was amazed at how weak human beings could be - how open they were to the powers of persuasion. That had been one of his first lessons - seduction was for the weak, persuasion was the real key. With a clearly delivered order you could get anyone to do anything. That had been why he had dropped so willingly to his knees that night so long ago... and why Brian and Howie had barked when told to bark last night. It was all to do with confidence, if you delivered your order fully expecting it to be taken seriously, more often than not it would be. James worried that when it came time for them to work on Nick, he would lack that confidence... But that was a matter for another day.

James exited his room carrying his briefcase and headed down the hall to A.J.s bedroom. Atlanta had ordered him to leave it open, and told him not to question why. Apparently Atlanta had been confident because he found the door unlocked. James entered and went to work. First he tied leather straps to the bedposts, making sure to knot them tightly. He then cleared off the bed tables of breakables and placed Atlanta's utensils on one of them. James neatly arranged the whip in a circle, the razor blade was placed to the left, and then two fearsome looking pinchers, perpendicular to that. Atlanta was very picky when it came to her toys, and she liked everything just right. Next came several candles of various sizes. These were knew and she'd told James to pick them up in the gift shop. A.J. had a thing for candles apparently....

When he was done he exited the room, locking it behind him. Zach and he were both invited along for the fun tonight, and their concerted effort should most definitely bring A.J. over. They planned to take care of it early so that they would be free to pursue some other angles. Zach had invited James to join him in his training session with Nick tonight. He'd said he'd think about it. As much as he wanted Nick, he wanted him alone. James knew the rule on that one too. They were supposed to share, matters of personal ego were supposed to be put aside... Still, he was finding it hard - very hard. Damn it! James went back into his room and headed straight to the shower. He intended to take a nice long shower and figure this all out.

Zach sat in his room, holding his large erect cock in his hands. He was thinking of Nick as he rubbed it up and down. Zach tried to think of the other Boys, picturing Howie and Brian the way he had seen them last night when James was banging away.... but his mind kept coming back to Nick. His mind kept picturing him the way he had stood there triumphantly displaying his naked body... the way his ass had jiggled slightly when he ran away.. but most of all the way he had looked up at him while sucking him off in the hot tub. That smile this morning had been beautiful! Zach hoped he had made it back to his room last night without running into anyone. Zach laughed. Well at least Nick clearly wasn't upset about it.. Zach continued to rub himself, and began squeezing his head while rubbing the shaft with the other hand. He exploded out over the sheets and laid back. He might as well take a nap while waiting for A.J. to get back. Zach drifted off to sleep, with thoughts of Nick racing through his mind........

End of Part 4

Next: Chapter 4

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