Guilty as Charged

By tarantau tarantau

Published on Jul 13, 2001


Here is the fourth chapter of the story, hope you all are enjoying it.

E-mail me and let me know what you think.

Happy reading.


Oh, my god, Keith, Todd thought, no it can't be. He didn't know why but at that moment he wanted nothing more then to get out of there. If it was Keith, he didn't know how he could face him, and if it wasn't he wasn't sure he could hide it from him. He was heading towards the door, when he heard a voice yell, "Party foul, time to pull out the Canyon." He turned around and saw Dale pointing at him.

"Come here, bro," Keith yelled, "It's a rule, if you spill a beer you have to face the consequences."

He didn't want to face any consequences, besides he had no idea what the cannon was or what the hell they meant by it. He wanted to get out of there has quick as he possibly could, he knew without a doubt that Keith knew it was him, and before long the whole school would know and his life would be ruined. At that moment all he wanted to do was run way as far away as he could. Before anybody could stop him he was out the door and running down the street, he was running as fast as he could, oblivious to anything around him that he didn't see or hear Keith run up behind him and stop him dead in his tracks.

"What's a matter, Bro," Keith said, "why are you leaving?"

"Leave me alone," Todd said, "I'm not your bro."

Keith stepped back, "of course your my bro. Man, I thought he were friends, so tell me what the hell is going on."

Todd looked up at Keith and simple said, "Blue pullover. Now that you know I'm a freaking faggot, you can go and tell the whole school, and I can expect to be ridiculed and get my ass kicked everyday. Hell, if you wanna kick it right now then go ahead, but I will tell you one thing I'm not just gonna stand here and let you do it, so let's fucking get it on." Todd took a fighting stance, expecting what he knew, or thought he knew, to be coming.

"I should kick your ass," Keith said, "and if you think it's because as you put it your a freaking faggot, then your fucking wrong. Hell did you think I was talking to you all this time, thinking you were gonna move to the same town as me and I was gonna expose you. Hell until a few days ago I didn't even know who the hell you were, so you can get that stupid idea out of your head. I like you a lot, so far it's just as a friend, but who knows maybe we can become more then friends, but first of all you've got to start by trusting me. and for your information, if you didn't already know I am also a freaking faggot. And that is the last time you will hear that ugly word out of my mouth, and I just hope you have enough sense to not say it in front of my face."

Todd started laughing, which in turned cause Keith to also start laughing.

"Okay, bro," he said, "where do we go from here?"

"I don't know about you," Keith said, "but there's beer to still be drank, and I have to still maintain my facade as the world's most hetereosexual boy, and besides you did committ a party foul and still need to face the consequences."

Keith threw his arm around Todd shoulder and together the two of them walked back towards Sinclair's house.

"What happened," Rob said, "walking up towards them."

"Nothing," Keith said, "If your my bro, you will leave it alone, besides it was nothing big anyway."

Rob knew Kieth well enough, to know that when Keith wanted to talk about it, and he knew he would, he would be the first person he would tell it to.

"Time for the Cannon," Dale yelled, pulling a two beer beer bong from behind the couch. Rob tossed him two beers and he poured them into the bong, placed it on the coffee table and by this time everybody had gathered around and was chanting Todd's name, "Todd...Todd..Todd..."

Keith nudged his shoulder, "Bro, you better get up there, your fan club is calling you."

Todd grabbed the bong, lifted it towards his mouth and let the alcohol flow freely down his throat, dropping only a few drops onto his shirt. He set it down and let out a big belch, which caused everyone to start laughing. About an hour an a half later and more beers then he could count, he did the cannon at least two more times on his own free will, and had a couple of shots of Jose Cuervo with Rob, Keith, Wendy, Carrie and even Dale, who for being such a small guy could sure put down the beer. Todd was feeling more then a little drunk, and announced to everyone that he was going to go on home.

"Wait a minute, bro," Keith said, "If I'm any kind of friend, then I shouldn't let you drive home by yourself, give me your keys, I'll drive you home, and hell if it's all right with you I'll just crash at your place and we can talk about that little incident earlier. Rob will take my car to his house, and I'll pick it up tommorrow."

"What about Carrie and Wendy?" Todd said, through his slurred speach, "what are you gonna tell them."

"The truth," Keith said, and then when he noticed the look on Todd's face, he said, "not that truth."

"Hey babe," Keith said, walking up to Carrie, "Todd here is a little drunk, and I don't think I should be letting him drive home, so I'm gonna drive him home and probably just stay at his house, Rob can take you all home in my car. Is that all right with you?"

"Sure baby," she replied, giving him a kiss. "Nice Truck," Keith said, as Todd tossed him the keys. "You must have a little bit of money."

"Oh, let's just say I'm not doing to shabby, and looking from that car you drive to school each day, I would say you ain't doing to bad yourself."

The drive to Todd's house was real quite, well as far as either one of them saying anything. The radio was blarring the latest hit song, a song that Keith actually thought was kinda stupid, and couldn't really understand how it had become so popular, but when it started playing Todd reached over and turned the music up, proclaiming that he loved that song. Keith thought, if he likes it then I'm gonna learn to like it. A million thoughts were going through his mind, he knew without a doubt, nobody had to tell him, he was madly in love with this boy, and wanted nothing more then just to hold him, take care of him, spend every minute he could with him. They turned to corner onto Sycamore Street, and as they approached the gate leading to the sprawling white house set back between a grove of hugh oak trees, Keith was about to tell Todd how he would like to live in a house like that, when Todd motioned for him to turn into the gates.

"You live here?" Keith asked, "what does you dad do, sell drugs."

Todd laughed, "It's not my father's money that's buying the house, it's my mom's. She's some kind of Computer genius, hell she even has Bill Gates number on speed dial, and I'm not taking about his business number but his private home number."

Todd pushed a few numbers on a pad in his glove compartment, and the gates started to swing open. Keith drove the truck in through the gates and watched as they closed behind him. He drove towards the house.

"Take the drive towards the back end of the house, and park in front of the marble fountain."

"Are you sure it will be all right with your rents that I crash here?" Keith asked, as Todd unlocked the private entrance to his room.

"Hell, they probably won't even know your here," Todd said, "they never ask me what I do, or even seem to care one way or the other, as long as I stay out of their hair, then they stay out of mine."

"Hey do you got a couple of blankets and a pillow and I'll just crash out here on the floor," Keith said.

"There's plenty of room on the bed," Todd said, "don't worry I won't try anything, or at least not until we are both ready, and besides I think I'm to drunk to even get it up."

"Keith," Todd said, "can I ask you a question?"

"Anything bro, " Keith said.

"Do your rents know that your gay?"

Keith shook his head. "I'm afraid to tell them, even though I'm pretty sure they would be okay with it. Hell my dad has told me that when he was younger, his best friend was gay, the only thing was at the time neither one of them knew it, or had any idea about what being gay meant. He still comes and stays weeks at a time with us, and he even sometimes brings his boyfriend. They've been together for years, probably for as long as I've been alive. What about you do your rents know about you?"

"Hell no, "Todd said, "and they will never find out if I have anything to say about it. I think my mom will learn to accept it, but my father is one big homophobic asshole. We were watching a movie on Showtime one time and it showed this scene were two guys were kissing, and you should have seen how unglued my father became by this, he started cussing at the tele, hell he even threw his beer at it. He turned off the tele and yelled that if he ever caught me watching anything like that crap, even if by accident, he would beat me to within an inch of his life. He went onto a rant about how all those people who said that being gay wasn't a choice were full of shit. That when they got gay bashed, it was because they had asked for it, and they deserved to get their ass kicked, and then he told me about the time that him and some of his buddies attached his best friend, because he tried to kiss him on the cheek, even though it was only out of friendship and nothing sexual, since his buddy was in no way gay, but according to my father, guys don't kiss or hug each other in any way form or fashion."

"What happened to your dad's so called friend?" Keith asked.

Todd laughed, "He's married with two kids, owns a chain of supermarkets in Louisiana..., I don't mean what is he doing now, but what happened to him after he got beat up."

"When they all realized that it was only out of friendship that he tried to kiss my father, they all turned against my father, even the ones who helped him beat his friend up. Well then my father hadn't told them the true story about what had happened, my father could have appologized to his friend and then things might have been all right, but his stupid pride kept him from doing the right thing, and to this day they have never spoken again."

"So who all knows your gay?" Keith asked.

"All my internet friends, even though I have never met any of them, as far as physical people that I know, your the only one. How about you?"

"You, of course, and one other person," Keith said,

"Rob?" Todd asked.

"No," Keith said, "Carrie."

Next: Chapter 5

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