Guitar Concert

By Talin C

Published on Jan 25, 2004



All the usual disclaimers apply and if you don't like these kind of stories of teens having sex than "X" out now.

For those of you who don't know me I'm Talin Corrayo, I'm a 16 year old, junior and I have written another story called "GOAL" in the Athletes and High School sections. Anyways, I go to a magnet school where I do back stage work. There is a kid a year older than me that I've been attracted to pretty much sense I laid eyes on him freshmen year. His name is Donald and he's about 6'2" with brownish hair and eyes you could get lost in forever. For the past year or so we've been flirting online and a little grab ass here and there in an empty hallway, but we haven't had any real time by ourselves to do anything.

One day we were both in the tech room before school just hanging out when the guitar teacher, Mr. Anderson, comes in and begins talking to our tech teacher.

"Hey Alex I know this is short notice, but I need two people tonight for a concert. It's just doing some basic lights and trouble shooting if something goes wrong with the sound board real easy and I'll pay each $20"

Our teacher turns to us and asks if we are up to it. I always end up doing these so of coarse I'm in, but surprising Donald said that he had nothing else to do that night so he would help out as well.

I was excited because I really needed the money, but mostly cause me and Donald would be up in the booth alone for about three hours. The day passed pretty quickly and before you knew it, it was 3 and I was up in the control booth turning on the light board and setting up the three floor microphones. (The concert didn't start until 6, but I like to just get it all out of the way and then relax.) Donald said he had to take a friend home, but would be back by 5 to help me with anything else I needed.

I finished and decided to take a nap on the couch in the control booth (There is a small love seat in the control booth and it has been named "The Sex Couch" and with my friends it has been a running joke to say that my "name" is written all over it, which is just untrue...ok maybe twice I've done stuff on there with someone, but I know other people have done more than that!) I dozed off for a little bit and when I woke up I was staring into those eyes that I would dream about. Donald had been standing over me for I don't know how long, but I will tell you it is a very nice way to wake up.

"Sorry Talin, I didn't want wake you up, you looked so peaceful. I brought you some pizza from the Bruno's. I figured you didn't have a way to get any dinner." He was still looking into my eyes and it was hard for me to talk.

"Thanks Donald, I'm famished." He handed me the pizza, I slid over to let him have some of the couch. We ate and had some usual small talk. We talked about school, and people we didn't really like. I talked to him about what colleges he was applying to for next year. It turned out that he was probably going to go to the same college as my brothers.

"Cool I'll have an excuse to come visit you than."

We talked a little bit more and then Mr. Anderson came into the booth.

"Hey guys are you going to get everything set up soon."

"Everything's already been done for two and a half hours." I said with my usual smirk, I like to be a step a head of everyone else; I get some kind of joy out of it.

"Perfect. You guys just need to sit up here and make sure everything goes all right. We're going to begin in a few minutes."

After he left Donald and I grabbed some chairs and sat at the light board to watch the people coming into the theater. We pointed out some of our classmates and friends. After about 15 minutes Mr. Anderson came onto the stage and that was our cue to take the house lights out and then sit back and enjoy the show. As usual the harps started (no one likes this part it puts us all to sleep)

"I'm gonna go lay back down on the couch wake me up when the real music starts."

"Will do" Donald always liked to say little corny things but it just made him that much cuter.

I lay back down on the couch, but I couldn't fall back to sleep because I couldn't take my eyes off of Donald. Then I got an idea.

"Hey Donald turn the lights off in here please. It's easier to sleep and also so the audience can't look back into here and get distracted" It seemed like the logical thing to do because it's what we always do for shows. Little did Donald know that I had a plan going on in my little mind. About three or four minutes later Donald was still watching the harps performing a piece that felt like it took forty-five minutes. I came up behind him and started licking around his ear lobe. He was surprised and a jumped a little, but he didn't resist it. Then I worked my tongue over to his neck. I turned him around and before he could say anything I planted a kiss on him that I had been waiting for, for almost three years. He started kissing back and that is when I knew this had to be the night. I broke the kiss to throw off his shirt. He had such a nice chest and stomach it drove me even crazier. I started licking his neck again and made my way down to his chest and stopped to tease his nipples with my tongue and maybe nibble on them a little bit. Then I kept working my way down to his belly button. By then I could feel his tent poking me on the chin.

"Donald are you ok with this?" I asked knowing that he was more the take it slow kind of guy and I didn't want to push him too far too fast.

"Yes, please keep going"

His wish was my command as I undid his button and unzipped his pants. He lifted his hips some to make it easier to slide his pants and boxers off. As I did his 6 inches of beautiful meat flung up and hit him in the stomach. It was more gorgeous than I had ever imagined and I had to touch it. As I wrapped my hand around his milky white member I heard a quite groan come from Donald, but no objections so I went on exploring and feeling his great warmth. While one hand was exploring the shaft my other had found it's way to his balls and I had fun rolling them around. I decided that this might be my only chance to see what Donald tastes like so I took the chance and put his cock in my mouth. It was possibly the sweetest thing I had ever tasted in my life. Immediately I took the entire length into my mouth and never wanted it to come out. I began sucking like my life depended on it. It was pretty obvious Donald was getting into it as he began to pump his hips with my bobbing motion.

"Talin if you don't stop soon, I'm going to cum." He whispered. I took that as my cue to start going faster because if I went this far I wanted to taste it all. So I start bobbing my head as fast as possible and around thirty seconds later I felt the first squirt hit the back of my throat and then probably six more shots splashed into my mouth and I loved it all. I didn't stop until he went completely soft and fell out of my mouth. I stood up and took in the first site of his entire body naked. I then kissed him again, but this time he broke it.

"Hmmmmm I hope you aren't the only one who gets some fun" As he points to my crotch which by now is obviously standing at full attention and has a huge spot of pre coming through. He then pulls me close and undoes my belt as my pants fall to my ankles. You can see some pink coming from the slit in my boxers, the only thing holding it back was the button and that looked ready to bust off. Peter teased my cock through the boxers a little bit with his tongue. Then he yanked my boxers down and my 6 and a half cum rocket was already about to explode, but I held it in so he could have some fun. He started playing with it a little and he even licked the precum on my cock! Then he started jerking me a little bit. I knew I wasn't going to be able to hold it too much longer so I told him to stop and lay on the couch. As he did I positioned myself between his legs. I put his legs up and rested them on my shoulders. Then I began to jerk myself as I soaked up this incredible image of peter spread eagle naked in front of me. It didn't take too long until I shot my load right onto Peter's cock and balls. I shot more cum than I think I had for a very long time. When I was done milking myself Donald's cock and balls were now even whiter. So I liked his balls and then his cock clean. When we were done we put our clothes back on and sat at the light board. The guitar part of the concert had already started and we watched the rest holding hands, and every once in a while we'd massage the other's crotch or kiss. It was definitely a turning point in our relationship.

If you have feedback I would love to hear it just email me at

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